
334 lines
16 KiB

Compiling a program
.. _building_compiler:
First, getting a working compiler
Before you can compile Prog8 programs, you'll have to download or build the compiler itself.
First make sure you have installed the :ref:`requirements`.
Then you can choose a few ways to get a compiler:
**Download a precompiled version from github:**
#. download a recent "fat-jar" (called something like "prog8compiler-all.jar") from `the releases on Github <>`_
#. run the compiler with "java -jar prog8compiler.jar" to see how you can use it (use the correct name and version of the jar file you've downloaded).
**Using the Gradle build system to build it yourself:**
The Gradle build system is used to build the compiler.
The most interesting gradle commands to run are probably the ones listed below.
(Note: if you have a recent gradle installed on your system already, you can probably replace the ``./gradlew`` wrapper commands with just the regular ``gradle`` command.)
``./gradlew build``
Builds the compiler code and runs all available checks and unit-tests.
Also automatically runs the installDist and installShadowDist tasks.
Read below at those tasks for where the resulting compiler jar file gets written.
``./gradlew installDist``
Builds the compiler and installs it with scripts to run it, in the directory
``./gradlew installShadowDist``
Creates a 'fat-jar' that contains the compiler and all dependencies, in a single
executable .jar file, and includes few start scripts to run it.
The output can be found in ``.compiler/build/install/compiler-shadow/``
``./gradlew shadowDistZip``
Creates a zipfile with the above in it, for easy distribution.
This file can be found in ``./compiler/build/distributions/``
For normal use, the ``installDist`` task should suffice and after succesful completion, you can start the compiler with:
``./compiler/build/install/p8compile/bin/p8compile <options> <sourcefile>``
(You should probably make an alias or link...)
.. hint::
Development and testing is done on Linux using the IntelliJ IDEA IDE,
but the actual prog8 compiler should run on all operating systems that provide a java runtime (version 11 or newer).
If you do have trouble building or running the compiler on your operating system, please let me know!
To successfully build and debug in IDEA, you have to manually generate the Antlr-parser classes first.
The easiest way to do this is the following:
1. make sure you have the Antlr4 plugin installed in IDEA
2. right click the grammar file Prog8ANTLR.g4 in the parser project, and choose "Generate Antlr Recognizer" from the menu.
3. rebuild the full project.
Alternatively you can also use the Makefile in the antlr directory to generate the parser, but for development the
Antlr4 plugin provides several extremely handy features so you'll probably want to have it installed anyway.
.. image:: _static/antlrparser.png
:alt: Generating the Antlr4 parser files
What is a Prog8 "Program" anyway?
A "complete runnable program" is a compiled, assembled, and linked together single unit.
It contains all of the program's code and data and has a certain file format that
allows it to be loaded directly on the target system. Prog8 currently has no built-in
support for programs that exceed 64 Kb of memory, nor for multi-part loaders.
For the Commodore 64, most programs will have a tiny BASIC launcher that does a SYS into the generated machine code.
This way the user can load it as any other program and simply RUN it to start. (This is a regular ".prg" program).
Prog8 can create those, but it is also possible to output plain binary programs
that can be loaded into memory anywhere.
Running the compiler
Make sure you have installed the :ref:`requirements`.
You run the Prog8 compiler on a main source code module file.
Other modules that this code needs will be loaded and processed via imports from within that file.
The compiler will link everything together into one output program at the end.
If you start the compiler without arguments, it will print a short usage text.
For normal use the compiler can be invoked with the command:
``$ java -jar prog8compiler.jar -target cx16 sourcefile.p8``
(Use the appropriate name and version of the jar file downloaded from one of the Git releases.
Other ways to invoke the compiler are also available: see the introduction page about how
to build and run the compiler yourself. The -target option is required, in this case we
tell it to compile a program for the Commander X16)
By default, assembly code is generated and written to ``sourcefile.asm``.
It is then (automatically) fed to the `64tass <>`_ assembler tool
that creates the final runnable program.
Command line options
One or more .p8 module files
Specify the main module file(s) to compile.
Every file specified is a separate program.
``-help``, ``-h``
Prints short command line usage information.
``-target <compilation target>``
Sets the target output of the compiler. This option is required.
``c64`` = Commodore 64, ``c128`` = Commodore 128, ``cx16`` = Commander X16, ``pet32`` - Commodore PET model 4032,
``atari`` = Atari 800 XL, ``virtual`` = builtin virtual machine.
``-srcdirs <pathlist>``
Specify a list of extra paths (separated with ':'), to search in for imported modules.
Useful if you have library modules somewhere that you want to re-use,
or to switch implementations of certain routines via a command line switch.
``-emu``, ``-emu2``
Auto-starts target system emulator after successful compilation.
emu2 starts the alternative emulator if available.
The compiled program and the symbol and breakpoint lists
(for the machine code monitor) are immediately loaded into the emulator (if it supports them)
``-out <directory>``
sets directory location for output files instead of current directory
Do not create assembly code and output program.
Useful for debugging or doing quick syntax checks.
Don't perform any code optimizations.
Useful for debugging or faster compilation cycles.
Also optimize float expressions if optimizations are enabled.
Warning: can increase program size significantly if a lot of floating point expressions are used.
Enables continuous compilation mode (watches for file changes).
This greatly increases compilation speed on subsequent runs:
almost instant compilation times (less than a second) can be achieved in this mode.
The compiler will compile your program and then instead of exiting, it waits for any changes in the module source files.
As soon as a change happens, the program gets compiled again.
Note that it is possible to use the watch mode with multiple modules as well, but it will
recompile everything in that list even if only one of the files got updated.
Tells the assembler to issue warning messages about symbol shadowing.
These *can* be problematic, but usually aren't because prog8 has different scoping rules
than the assembler has.
You may want to watch out for shadowing of builtin names though. Especially 'a', 'x' and 'y'
as those are the cpu register names and if you shadow those, the assembler might
interpret certain instructions differently and produce unexpected opcodes (like LDA X getting
turned into TXA, or not, depending on the symbol 'x' being defined in your own assembly code or not)
Don't print assembler output results.
Generate an assembler listing file as well.
Use experimental code generation backend (*incomplete*).
Also include the original prog8 source code lines as comments in the generated assembly code file,
mixed in between the actual generated assembly code.
This can be useful for debugging purposes to see what assembly was generated for what prog8 source code.
Treat all word arrays as tagged with @split so they are all lsb/msb split into memory.
This removes the need to add @split yourself but some programs may fail to compile with
this option as not all array operations are implemented yet on split arrays.
load and run a p8-virt or p8-ir listing in the internal VirtualMachine instead of compiling a prog8 program file..
Add this user-defined symbol directly to the beginning of the generated assembly file.
Can be repeated to define multiple symbols.
``-varshigh <rambank>``
Places uninitialized non-zeropage variables in a separate memory area, instead of inside the program itself.
This increases the amount of system ram available for program code.
The size of the increase depends on the program but can be several hundreds of bytes or more.
The location of the memory area for these variables depends on the compilation target machine:
c64: $C000 - $CFFF ; 4 kB, and the specified rambank number is ignored
cx16: $A000 - $BFFF ; 8 kB in the specified HiRAM bank (note: no auto bank switching is done, you must make sure yourself that this HiRAM bank is active when accessing these variables!)
If you use this option, you can no longer use the part of the above memory area that is
alotted to the variables, for your own purposes. The output of the 64tass assembler step at the
end of compilation shows precise details of where and how much memory is used by the variables
(it's called 'BSS' section or Gap at the address mentioned above).
Assembling the program will fail if there are too many variables to fit in a single high ram bank.
Module source code files
A module source file is a text file with the ``.p8`` suffix, containing the program's source code.
It consists of compilation options and other directives, imports of other modules,
and source code for one or more code blocks.
Prog8 has various *LIBRARY* modules that are defined in special internal files provided by the compiler.
You should not overwrite these or reuse their names.
They are embedded into the packaged release version of the compiler so you don't have to worry about
where they are, but their names are still reserved.
Importing other source files and specifying search location(s)
You can create multiple source files yourself to modularize your large programs into
multiple module files. You can also create "library" modules this way with handy routines,
that can be shared among programs. By importing those module files, you can use them in other modules.
It is possible to tell the compiler where it should look for these files, by using
the ``srcdirs`` command line option. This can also be a lo-fi way to use different source files
for different compilation targets if you wish. Which is useful as currently the compiler
doesn't have conditional compilation like #ifdef/#endif in C.
.. _debugging:
Debugging (with VICE or Box16)
There's support for using the monitor and debugging capabilities of the rather excellent
`VICE emulator <>`_.
The ``%breakpoint`` directive (see :ref:`directives`) in the source code instructs the compiler to put
a *breakpoint* at that position. Some systems use a BRK instruction for this, but
this will usually halt the machine altogether instead of just suspending execution.
Prog8 issues a NOP instruction instead and creates a 'virtual' breakpoint at this position.
All breakpoints are then written to a file called "programname.vice-mon-list",
which is meant to be used by the VICE and Box16 emulators.
It contains a series of commands for VICE's monitor, including source labels and the breakpoint settings.
If you use the emulator autostart feature of the compiler, it will take care of this for you.
If you launch VICE manually, you'll have to use a command line option to load this file:
``$ x64 -moncommands programname.vice-mon-list``
VICE will then use the label names in memory disassembly, and will activate any breakpoints as well.
If your running program hits one of the breakpoints, VICE will halt execution and drop you into the monitor.
Box16 is the alternative emulator for the Commander X16 and it also includes debugging facilities
that support these symbol and breakpoint lists.
Compiler doesn't run, complains about "UnsupportedClassVersionError"
You need to install and use JDK version 11 or newer to run the prog8 compiler. Check this with "java -version".
See :ref:`requirements`.
The computer just resets (at the end of the program)
In the default compiler configuration, it is not safely possible to return back to the BASIC prompt when
your program exits. The only reliable thing to do is to reboot the system.
This is due to the fact that in this mode, prog8 will overwrite important BASIC and Kernal variables in zero page memory.
To avoid the reset from happening, use an empty ``repeat`` loop at the end of your program to keep it from exiting.
Alternatively, if you want your program to exit cleanly back to the BASIC prompt,
you have to use ``%zeropage basicsafe``, see :ref:`directives`.
The reason this is not the default is that it is very beneficial to have more zeropage space available to the program,
and programs that have to reaturn cleanly to the BASIC prompt are considered to be the exception.
Odd text and screen colors at start
Prog8 will reset the screen mode and colors to a uniform well-known state. If you don't like the
default text and screen colors, you can simply change them yourself to whatever you want at the
start of your program. It depends on the computer system how you do this but there are some
routines in the textio module to help you with this.
Alternatively you can choose to disable this re-initialization altogether
using ``%option no_sysinit``, see :ref:`directives`.
Floats error
Are you getting an assembler error about undefined symbols such as ``not defined 'floats'``?
This happens when your program uses floating point values, and you forgot to import ``floats`` library.
If you use floating points, the compiler needs routines from that library.
Fix it by adding an ``%import floats``.
Gradle error when building the compiler yourself
If you get a gradle build error containing the line "No matching toolchains found for requested specification"
somewhere, it means that the Gradle build tool can't locate the correct version of the JDK to use.
The file "" contains a line like this: ``javaVersion=11``.
You can do one of two things to fix the build error:
- install a JDK with that version,
- or change the version number to match the JDK version that *is* installed on your system (must be >= 11)
Strange assembler error
If the compilation of your program fails in the assembly step, please check that you have
the required version of the 64tass assembler installed. See :ref:`requirements`.
Also make sure that inside hand-written inlined assembly,
you don't use symbols named just a single letter (especially 'a', 'x' and 'y').
Sometimes these are interpreted as the CPU register of that name. To avoid such confusions,
always use 2 or more letters for symbols in your assembly code.
Most of the development on Prog8 and the use of it is currently centered around
the `Commander X16 <>`_ retro computer.
Their `Discord server <>`_ contains a small channel
dedicated to Prog8. Other than that, use the issue tracker on github.
A couple of example programs can be found in the 'examples' directory of the source tree.
Make sure you have installed the :ref:`requirements`. Then, for instance,
to compile and run the Commodore 64 rasterbars example program, use this command::
$ java -jar prog8compiler.jar -target c64 -emu examples/rasterbars.p8
$ ./ -target c64 -emu examples/rasterbars.p8