.include "memory.inc" ; Must be the same as in math.inc !! .define FAC1 ZERO_7_1 .define FAC2 ZERO_7_2 .export mul8 .CODE ; Short 8bit * 8bit = 16bit multiply ; A small multiplication routine using the ancient egyptian multiplication algorithm. ; Factors should be stored in the FAC1 and FAC2 variables, ; the product can be found in A (high byte) and X (low byte). ; FAC1 will be destroyed. No tables required. ; Source: http://www.codebase64.org/doku.php?id=base:short_8bit_multiplication_16bit_product mul8: ; A:X = FAC1 * FAC2 lda #$00 ldx #$08 clc m0: bcc m1 clc adc FAC2 m1: ror ror FAC1 dex bpl m0 ldx FAC1 rts