; The world contains a Maze, filled with Actors ; Actors can be static, such a a floor or a wall, ; dynamic such as a door ; or alive, such as a monster .define MAXIMUM_WIDTH_MAZE 64 ; must be a power of 2 .define MAXIMUM_HEIGHT_MAZE 64 ; must be a power of 2 .define WIDTH_WORLD 64 .define HEIGHT_WORLD 64 .enum ACTORS PLAYER = 0 FLOOR_1 = 1 FLOOR_2 FLOOR_3 FLOOR_4 WALKABLE = FLOOR_4 ; Player won't be allowed to go on anything > WALKABLE NOT_WALKABLE NOT_TRANSPARENT = NOT_WALKABLE WALL_1 = NOT_WALKABLE WALL_2 UNKNOWN NB_ACTORS .endenum