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Actors can be static or dynamic.
Static actors are immutable while dynamic have a link to their status. Both react to the player's actions. For instance a floor or an opened door will let the player pass, while a table or a monster will block him. Dynamic actors can also have a behavior which can evolute by itself each turn, driven by a finite state machine.

There can be 128 actors of 128 different kinds in a single level. Actor #0 is always the player.

As there are immutable, many instances of a static actor can be represented by a single ID, while each instance of a dynamic actor require a unique ID.

In memory, tiles contain the actor ID, which serves as an offset to render the tile, compute its behavior, and so on.

Level generation

Read this page for a presentation of the general principle concerning the random level generation.

The level configuration is given by the level.conf file.


Description of the levels for the random builder. All values are 8-bit integers.

# level conf * NB_LEVELS
    # number of actors of each types * NB_ACTORS_MAX (128)


State of the levels

NB_LEVELS       1 byte
# level state * NB_LEVELS
    VISITED     1 byte
    PLAYER_TILE 1 byte
    LAYOUT      4096 bytes
# actor state * NB_LEVELS
    STATE       sizeof(actor_t)