Initial code commit

This commit is contained in:
mgcaret 2017-01-03 18:43:31 -08:00
parent b224304dfd
commit 1cf35fd0f8
8 changed files with 375 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

rom4x/B0_C763_switcher.s Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#include "iic.defs"
* = gorst4x
sta rombank ; gorst4x
jmp rst4xrtn ; in other bank jmp reset4x
sta rombank ; gobt4x
jmp bt4xrtn ; in other bank jmp boot4x
sta rombank ; gobanner
jsr banner ; in other bank jmp $c784 for now
sta rombank ; return to other bank
rts ; should never get here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
; patch PWRUP to call boot4x
#include "iic.defs"
* = $fab4
jmp gobt4x

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
; patch RESET.X to call reset4x
#include "iic.defs"
* = $fac8
jmp gorst4x

rom4x/B1_C763_switcher.s Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#include "iic.defs"
* = gorst4x
sta rombank ; gorst4x
jmp reset4x ; in other bank jmp rstxrtn
sta rombank ; gobt4x
jmp boot4x
sta rombank ; gobanner
jmp $c784 ; in other bank jsr appleii
sta rombank
rts ; not in other bank

rom4x/B1_E000_rom4x.s Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
#include "iic.defs"
* = reset4x
stz power2 + rx_mslot ; action = normal boot
asl butn1 ; closed apple
bcs ckdiag
exitrst jmp gorst4x ; return to RESET.X
; check to see if both apples are down
ckdiag bit butn0 ; open apple
bmi exitrst ; return to RESET.X
; present menu because only closed apple is down
menu4x jsr gobanner ; "Apple //c"
ldx #$00 ; menu start
jsr disp ; show it
jsr gtkey
cmp #$b0 ; "0"
bne ckkey1
ldx #$ff ; reset stack
lda #>(monitor-1) ; monitor entry ons tack
lda #<(monitor-1)
jmp swrts2 ; rts to enter monitor
ckkey1 cmp #$b2 ; "2"
beq doconf
cmp #$b4 ; "4"
bne ckkey2
doconf jsr confirm
bne menu4x ; go back to menu4x
ckkey2 sec
sbc #$b0 ; ascii->number
bmi menu4x ; < 0 not valid
cmp #$08
bpl menu4x ; > 7 not valid
sta power2 + rx_mslot ; for boot4x
stz softev + 1 ; deinit coldstart
stz pwerdup ; ditto
bra exitrst
gtkey lda #$60
sta ($0),y ; cursor
sta kbdstrb ; clr keyboard
kbdin lda kbd ; get key
bpl kbdin
sta kbdstrb ; clear keyboard
sta ($0),y ; put it on screen
; display message, input x = message start relative to msg1
disp stz $0 ; load some safe defaults
lda #$40
sta $1
ldy #$0 ; needs to be zero
disp0 lda msg1,x ; get message byte
bne disp1 ; proceed if nonzero
rts ; exit if 0
disp1 inx ; next byte either way
cmp #$20 ; ' '
bcc disp2 ; start of ptr if < 20
eor #$80 ; invert high bit
sta ($0),y ; write to mem
inc $0 ; inc address low byte
bra disp0 ; back to the beginning
disp2 sta $1 ; write address high
lda msg1,x ; get it
sta $0 ; write address low
inx ; set next msg byte
bra disp0 ; back to the beginning
confirm pha
ldx #(msg3-msg1) ; ask confirm
jsr disp
jsr gtkey
ora #$20 ; to lower
cmp #$f9 ; "y"
; msg format
; high bit set indicates high byte of address
; this bit is inverted before use. Next byte must be
; low byte of address. Anything else are characters to
; display and will have their upper bit set before
; being written to the screen.
msg1 = *
.db $05,$06,"0 Monitor"
.db $05,$86,"1 Reboot"
.db $06,$06,"2 Zero RAM Card and Reboot"
.db $06,$86,"3 Diagnostics"
.db $07,$06,"4 RAM Card Diagnostics"
.db $07,$86,"5 Boot SmartPort"
.db $04,$2e,"6 Boot Int. 5.25"
.db $04,$ae,"7 Boot Ext. 5.25"
.db $07,$5f,"By M.G."
msg2 .db $07,$db,"ROM 4X 01/01/17"
.db $05,$ae,$00 ; cursor pos in menu
msg3 .db $05,$b0,"SURE? ",$00
.dsb boot4x - *, 0
* = boot4x
jsr gobanner ; "Apple //c"
lda power2 + rx_mslot ; get action saved by reset4x
beq boot4 ; if zero, continue boot
ldx #(msg2-msg1) ; short banner offset
jsr disp ; display it
jsr rdrecov ; try to recover ramdisk
lda power2 + rx_mslot ; boot selection
btc2 cmp #$02 ; clear ramcard
bne btc3
jsr rdclear ; do clear
bra boot4
btc3 cmp #$03 ; Diags
bne btc4
jmp $c7c4
btc4 cmp #$04 ; RX diags
bne btc5
ldx #$ff
txs ; reset stack
ldy #rx_mslot ; diag routine needs
ldx #rx_devno ; ditto
stx sl_devno ; diags need this
jsr testsize ; compute card size
lda #>(monitor-1) ; load "return" address
pha ; into stack so that we
lda #<(monitor-1) ; exit card test into
pha ; the monitor
lda numbanks,y ; get the card size in banks
bne dordiag ; do diag if memory present
jmp swrts2 ; otherwise jump to monitor
dordiag jmp $db3a ; diags
;bra boot4
btc5 cmp #$05 ; boot smartport
beq boot5
btc6 cmp #$06 ; boot int drive
beq boot6
btc7 cmp #$07 ; boot ext drive
bne boot4 ; none of the above
; copy small routine to $300 to boot
; external 5.25
ldy #(bt4xend-bootext+1)
btc7lp lda bootext,y
sta $300,y
bpl btc7lp
lda #$03 ; copy done
ldx #$00
bra bootadr
boot4 lda #rx_mslot ; boot slot 4
bra bootsl
boot5 lda #$c5 ; boot slot 5
bra bootsl
boot6 lda #$c6 ; boot slot 6
bootsl ldx #$00 ; low byte of slot
bootadr stx $0 ; store address
sta $1 ; return to bank 0 does jmp (0)
endbt4x jmp gobt4x ; continue boot
rdrecov ldy #rx_mslot ; attempt to recover ramdisk
ldx #rx_devno
lda pwrup,y ; get power up flag
cmp #pwrbyte ; already initialized?
bne checkrd ; continue if not initialized
rts ; exit if initialized
checkrd jsr testsize ; does not wreck x or y
lda numbanks,y ; get discovered # banks
bne ckrd1 ; continue if size > 0
rts ; exit if no mem
ckrd1 stz addrl,x ; set slinky address 0
stz addrm,x
stz addrh,x
lda data,x ; start compare to ProDOS boot block
cmp #$01
beq ckrd2
rts ; not ProDOS
ckrd2 lda data,x
cmp #$38
beq ckrd3
rts ; not ProDOS
ckrd3 lda data,x
cmp #$b0
beq dorecov
rts ; not ProDOS
dorecov lda #pwrbyte
sta pwrup,y ; set power byte
lda "R" ; tell user
sta $7d0 ; on screen
; zero ram card space
rdclear ldy #rx_mslot
ldx #rx_devno
jsr testsize ; get size
lda #$c0 ; 'A' - 1
sta $400 ; upper left corner
lda #$00 ; we are going to write this everywhere
sta addrl,x ; slinky address 0
sta addrm,x
sta addrh,x
ldx numbanks,y ; # of 64Ks to write
beq clrdone ; no memory
clbnklp phx ; wish the 65xx had more registers
inc $400 ; poor mans progress meter
ldy #$00
cl64klp ldx #$00 ; loop for all pages in bank
cl256lp phx ; loop for all bytes in page
ldx #rx_devno ; more registers, please!
sta data,x ; write a zero to card
bne cl256lp
bne cl64klp
beq clrdone
bra clbnklp
clrdone ldy #rx_mslot
sta pwrup,y ; zero screen holes
sta numbanks,y
lda #$a0 ; ' '
sta $400 ; clear progress
; next is snippet of code to boot external 5.25
bootext sei
lda #$e0
ldy #$01
ldx #$60
jmp $c60b
bt4xend = *

rom4x/Rakefile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
source_rom = "iic_rom4.bin"
dest_rom = "iic_rom4x.bin"
rom_base = 0xc000
source_files ='*.s')
desc "Default: clean and build it"
task :default => [:clean, :assemble, :build_rom] do
sh "ls -l #{dest_rom}"
desc "Clean object files"
task :clean do
sh "rm -f #{dest_rom}"
sh "rm -f *.o65"
sh "rm -f *.o65.lbl"
desc "Assemble all source files"
task :assemble => source_files.ext('.o65')
rule ".o65" => ".s" do |t|
sh "xa -c -o #{} -l #{}.lbl #{t.source}"
desc "Build ROM"
task :build_rom => [:assemble] do
puts "Building ROM image..."
obj_files ='*.o65')
rom =
obj_files.each do |t|
if t =~ /B(\h)_(\h{4})/
bnum = $1.to_i(16)
badd = $2.to_i(16)
addr = bnum * 16384 + badd - rom_base
puts "Loading #{t} into bank #{bnum} @ #{badd.to_s(16)}, file addr #{addr.to_s(16)}"
fc =
fc.each_byte do |b|
rom.setbyte(addr, b)
addr += 1
puts "I dont know where to load #{t}"
File.write(dest_rom, rom)
puts "ROM image done: #{dest_rom}"

rom4x/iic.defs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
; hardware
rombank = $c028
butn0 = $c061
butn1 = $c062
kbd = $c000
kbdstrb = $c010
addrl = $bff8
addrm = $bff9
addrh = $bffa
data = $bffb
; screen holes
; same as //c firmware listing, need to add $c4 for mem card in slot 4
sl_scrn1 = $478 - $c0
sl_scrn2 = $4f8 - $c0
sl_scrn3 = $578 - $c0
sl_scrn4 = $5f8 - $c0
sl_scrn5 = $678 - $c0
sl_scrn6 = $6f8 - $c0
sl_scrn7 = $778 - $c0
sl_scrn8 = $7f8 - $c0
numbanks = sl_scrn1
pwrup = sl_scrn7
; next loc is commented in firmware listing, but apple engineers
; planned on a more sophisticated power-up check that they didn't do
; we will repurpose this to store selected closed-apple menu item
power2 = sl_scrn8
sl_devno = $778
; locations
softev = $3f2
pwerdup = $3f4
; values
pwrbyte = $a5
rx_slot = $4
rx_mslot = rx_slot + $c0
rx_devno = rx_slot * $10 + $88
; entry points
gorst4x = $c763 ; switch to/from reset4x
gobt4x = gorst4x + 6 ; switch to/from boot4x
gobanner = gobt4x + 6 ; banner from bank 1
rst4xrtn = $facb ; where to return from reset4x
;bt4xrtn = $fb12 ; where to return from boot4x
bt4xrtn = $fb19 ; where to return from boot4x
reset4x = $e000 ; reset routine
boot4x = $e180 ; boot routine
banner = $fb60 ; 'Apple //c'
testsize = $d99f ; test ramdisk size (rom 3 = $d995)
monitor = $ff59 ; monitor
swrts2 = $c784 ; switch firmware and rts