
111 lines
4.7 KiB

.include "iic+.defs"
.org boot5x ; 234 bytes available, code assembles to 220
jsr titl5x ; "Apple IIc +"
jsr rdrecov ; try to recover ramdisk
lda power2 + rx_mslot ; get action saved by reset5x
beq boot4 ; if zero, continue boot
jsr bann5x ; display ROM 5X footer
lda power2 + rx_mslot ; boot selection
btc2: cmp #$02 ; clear ramcard
bne btc3
jsr rdclear ; do clear
bra boot4
btc3: cmp #$03 ; Diags
bne btc4
jmp $c7c4
btc4: cmp #$04 ; RX diags
bne btc5
ldx #$ff
txs ; reset stack
jsr rdinit ; get x and y loaded
stx sl_devno ; diags need this
jsr testsize ; compute card size
lda #>(monitor-1) ; load "return" address
pha ; into stack so that we
lda #<(monitor-1) ; exit card test into
pha ; the monitor
lda numbanks,y ; get the card size in banks
bne dordiag ; do diag if memory present
jmp swrts2 ; otherwise jump to monitor
dordiag: jmp $db3a ; diags
btc5: cmp #$05 ; boot smartport
beq bootcx
cmp #$06 ; boot 5.25
beq bootcx
; fall through to default boot if none of the above
boot4: lda #rx_mslot ; boot slot 4 (should be, anyway)
bootcx: ora #$c0 ; convert to slot addr high byte if needed
ldx #$00 ; low byte of slot
bootadr: stx $0 ; store address
sta $1 ; return to bank 0 does jmp (0)
endbt4x: lda #>(bt5xrtn-1)
lda #<(bt5xrtn-1)
lda $1
jmp swrts2
; try to recover RAM disk
.proc rdrecov
jsr rdinit ; init ramcard
lda pwrup,y ; get power up flag
cmp #pwrbyte ; already initialized?
beq :+ ; exit if initialized
jsr testsize ; does not wreck x or y
lda numbanks,y ; get discovered # banks
beq :+ ; no mem
stz addrl,x ; set slinky address 0
stz addrm,x
stz addrh,x
lda data,x ; start check for bootable ramdisk
cmp #$01
bne :+ ; not bootable
lda data,x ; next byte should be nonzero and not $ff
beq :+ ; not bootable
cmp #$ff
beq :+ ; not bootable
lda #pwrbyte
sta pwrup,y ; set power byte
lda #'R' ; tell user
sta $7d0 ; on screen
: rts
; zero ram card space
.proc rdclear
jsr rdinit ; init ramcard
jsr testsize ; get size
lda numbanks,y ; # of 64Ks to write
beq clrdone ; no memory
lda #$c0 ; 'A' - 1
sta $400 ; upper left corner
stz addrl,x ; slinky address 0
stz addrm,x
stz addrh,x
clbnklp: inc $400 ; poor mans progress meter
ldy #$00
cl64klp: ldx #$00 ; loop for all pages in bank
cl256lp: txa ; loop for all bytes in page
ldx #rx_devno
stz data,x ; write a zero to card
bne cl256lp ; 256 byte loop
bne cl64klp ; 64K loop
ldx #rx_mslot
dec numbanks,x
bne clbnklp ; if more banks
clrdone: ldx #rx_mslot
stz pwrup,x ; zero powerup byte
lda #$a0 ; ' '
sta $400 ; clear progress
.proc rdinit
bit rx_mslot*$100 ; activate registers
ldy #rx_mslot ; slot offset
ldx #rx_devno ; register offset