Michael Guidero 73b2b6f918 initial
2019-02-07 14:26:55 -08:00

133 lines
3.9 KiB

.if no_tape
checkblk = $d8b1
checkatalk = $d8b3
getslotbyte = $d8b5
checkatalk2 = $d8b7 ; not used here
atwait = $d8b9
; above must be defined by including file
.proc pressoa
ldx #msg7-msg0 ; Press open apple
jmp Disp
.proc resete0x
.if ::no_tape
; if we are over tape code, we still have diags so allow access
bit butn0 ; open apple also pressed?
bpl :+ ; nope, just ca/option
jmp $c600 ; do diags
: jsr title
ldx #msg0-msg0 ; basic parts of menu
jsr Disp
; display slots now
stz $00 ; zero low byte of slot ptr
ldx #$07
: phx
jsr dslot
dec cv
jsr vtab ; wrecks y
lda #menucol
sta ch
bne :-
jsr rdkey
cmp #$b0 ; is 0 or less?
bcc :-- ; less than, re-draw
bne :+ ; not zero, skip
jmp monitor ; do not pass go, do not collect $200
: cmp #$b8 ; 8 or higher
bcs :--- ; yep, re-draw
sta $02 ; put in $02
eor #pwrbyte ; make check byte
sta $03 ; put in $03
lda #$80 ; flag to open-apple+reset
jmp $c2c6 ; back to resetx
; entered with slot # in x, and scanslots having been called
.proc dslot
jsr prhex
lda #$a0 ; space
jsr cout
ora #$c0 ; to ref
sta $01 ; high nibble of ptr
jsr checkatalk
bcc :+ ; skip if not
ldx #msg2-msg0
jsr Disp ; print it
: jsr checkblk ; is block device
bcs block
ldy #$0b ; check for Pascal 1.1 FW protocol
jsr getslotbyte ; get byte (cxrom is on!)
dec a
beq pascal
exit: rts
pascal: ldx #msg5-msg0
jsr Disp
ldy #$0c ; Pascal card ID
jsr getslotbyte
jmp prbyte
block: beq smart
ldy #$ff ; last byte of firmware
jsr getslotbyte
beq disk ; $00 = 16-sector
inc a ; is $FF?
beq disk ; yes 13-sector
ldx #msg3-msg0 ; generic block device
.byte $2c ; BIT Absolute opcode
disk: ldx #msg4-msg0
.byte $2c
smart: ldx #msg6-msg0
; fall-through
.proc Disp
lda msg0,x
bne :+
: inx ; set up for next message byte
cmp #$18 ; last line + 1
bcc repos
eor #$80
jsr cout ; not supposed to change any regs
bra Disp
repos: jsr tabv ; destroys a and y, but not x
lda msg0,x ; get horizontal
sta ch ; and write
inx ; next message byte
bra Disp
.if no_tape
msg0: .byte 3,menucol,"0 Mon"
msg0: .byte 3,menucol,"0 Monitor"
.byte 5,menucol,"Slots:"
.byte 22,16,"By M.G."
msg1: .byte 23,13,"ROM eX 02-19A",13,menucol,$00
.if no_tape
msg2: .byte "ATalk ",$00
msg2: .byte "AppleTalk ",$00
msg3: .byte "Block",$00
msg4: .byte "Disk II",$00
.if no_tape
msg5: .byte "Pas $",$00
msg5: .byte "Pascal $",$00
.if no_tape
msg6: .byte "Smart",$00
msg6: .byte "SmartPort",$00
msg7: .byte 3,16,"Press ",$C1,$00