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2000-09-17 05:47:00 +00:00
Some Frequently Asked Questions
Q1.) Why does it give me an SDL display error?
A1). Tom Bombem runs by default in a 320x200x16bpp display. It may
not work if you have an 8, 24, or 32bpp display. This can
be fixed, it just hasn't yet.
2000-09-22 04:38:00 +00:00
Q2.) Why is the default resolution 320x200 anyway?
2000-09-17 05:47:00 +00:00
A2). Tom Bombem is internally rendered at 320x200 and 256colors.
This is because the original game was for dos VGA Bios mode
0x13, which was MCGA 320x200 mode. Why did I use this mode?
Because it was a nice linear 64kB graphics display, and I had
sample code from the PCGPE.
Q3). What are paintpro graphics? Are these any relation to a commercial
graphics package known as PaintPro(TM)?
A3). No. A long time ago I made my own graphics program. I called it
(with much originality) "paintprogram.pas", but because of the wonders
of MS-DOS it was truncated to "paintpro.pas". I still referred to
it as paintprogram, but my friends Jeff and John [who used it to
make graphics for Basic and C respectively] referred to it as paintpro
and the name stuck.
I invented the format myself, originally as a text output and later
as a binary. I "invented" RLE [Run Length Encoding] before I knew
what it was. In the end, it is very [and quite accidentally]
similar to the PCX graphics format. All this because I couldn't
find source code for common file formats. Thank goodness for
the internet and the GPL.
See http://..... for more info.
2000-09-22 04:38:00 +00:00
Q4). The music for TB1 is (great/awful). (Are you/You call yourself)
a musician?
A4). No. I just play around with MOD trackers sometimes. The results
aren't always pretty.
Q5). Can I get TB1 for Windows(tm)?
A5). You can get the old DOS version off my website, it will run on
win31/win95/win98. I don't know about NT.
In theory, since it is in standard C and SDL, this program
can be compiled on a windows machine. I don't have nor want
a windows box to try this on. If someone does happen to
compile up a version, let me know.
2000-10-16 03:18:00 +00:00
Q6). A curses target? Were you insane?
A6). No, just very very tired.
2000-10-28 02:09:00 +00:00
Q7). Your "Tentaclee" aliens look like aliens from Commander Keen. Did
you steal them?
A7). I've been drawing aliens like that from before Commander Keen was
published, and I can produce sketches to show it. It is just some
weird co-incidence.
2000-11-02 06:45:00 +00:00
Q8). Why can't I shoot more than 2 or 3 missiles at a time?
A8). For game balancing issues. [And also because of speed/memory
constraints, but on modern systems that doesn't matter anymore].
Come on, what's the fun if you can pulverize everything with
a volley of 20 missiles?
If you really must have more, then you can probably find the
proper define in the source code and up the limit yourself.