From 2c190bd88c59d508c9bd1e941c9724317455b7ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vince Weaver <>
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2013 00:20:13 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] snes: have opening splash partially implemented

 tb_snes/Makefile         |   7 +-
 tb_snes/     |   4 +-
 tb_snes/opening.s        | 284 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tb_snes/opening_screen.s | 385 ---------------------------------------
 tb_snes/tb1_snes.s       |   3 +
 5 files changed, 294 insertions(+), 389 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tb_snes/opening.s
 delete mode 100644 tb_snes/opening_screen.s

diff --git a/tb_snes/Makefile b/tb_snes/Makefile
index 78091e7..7f19c81 100644
--- a/tb_snes/Makefile
+++ b/tb_snes/Makefile
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ all:
 tb1_snes.sfc:	tb1_snes.o snes-hirom.cfg
 	$(LD) -o tb1_snes.sfc --config snes-hirom.cfg --obj tb1_snes.o
-tb1_snes.o:	tb1_snes.s snes_init.s title_screen.s \
-	tb1_title.tiles tb1_opening.tiles
+tb1_snes.o:	tb1_snes.s snes_init.s opening.s title_screen.s \
+	tb1_title.tiles tb1_opening.tiles
 	$(AS) -t none -o tb1_snes.o -l tb1_snes.lst -c tb1_snes.s
 tb1_opening.tiles:	graphics/vmw_logo.pcx ./tools/pcx_to_tiles_8bpp
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ tb1_title.tiles:	graphics/tb1_title.pcx ./tools/pcx_to_tiles_8bpp	./tools/snes_checksum tb1_snes.sfc
 	./tools/snes_checksum < tb1_snes.sfc >	./tools/tbfont.tb1 ./tools/convert_font_4bpp
+	./tools/convert_font_4bpp < ./tools/tbfont.tb1 >
 	cd tools && make
diff --git a/tb_snes/ b/tb_snes/
index 2ab2113..3cf6e86 100644
--- a/tb_snes/
+++ b/tb_snes/
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-	.word	$cacf		; Complement of checksum
-	.word	$3530		; Unsigned 16-bit sum of ROM
+	.word	$eb68		; Complement of checksum
+	.word	$1497		; Unsigned 16-bit sum of ROM
diff --git a/tb_snes/opening.s b/tb_snes/opening.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6054ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb_snes/opening.s
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+.segment "STARTUP"
+        rep     #$10    ; X/Y = 16 bit
+        sep     #$20    ; mem/A = 8 bit
+	;==========================
+	; Setup Backgrounds
+	;==========================
+	; we want the BG1 Tilemap to start at VRAM $F000 (60k)
+	; Format is
+	; aaaa aass   a is shifted by 10 for address
+	;             ss = size of screen in tiles 00 = 32x32
+	;
+	; 1111 0000
+        lda     #$f0            ; BG1 Tilemap starts at VRAM $F000
+        sta     $2107           ; bg1 src
+	; we want the BG2 Tilemap to start at VRAM $F800
+	; Format is
+	; aaaa aass   a is shifted by 10 for address
+	;             ss = size of screen in tiles 00 = 32x32
+	;
+	; 1111 0000
+;        lda     #$f8            ; BG2 Tilemap starts at VRAM $F800
+ ;       sta     $2108           ; bg1 src
+	; aaaa bbbb  a= BG2 tiles, b= BG1 tiles
+	; bbbb<<13
+	; 0000 0000
+	; our BG1 tiles are stored starting in VRAM $0000
+	; our BG2 tiles are stored starting in VRAM $e000
+;	lda	#$e0
+	lda	#$00
+        sta	$210b           ; bg1 tile data starts at VRAM 0000
+	;==============
+	; Load Palettes
+	;==============
+        stz     $2121           ; CGRAM color-generator read/write address
+        ldy     #$0200          ; we have 256 colors / 512 bytes
+        ldx     #$0000          ; pointer
+        lda     f:vmw_logo_palette, x	; load byte of palette
+        sta     $2122           ; store to color generator
+        inx
+        dey
+        bne     opening_copypal
+	;=====================
+	; Load Tile Data
+	;=====================
+	; replace with DMA!
+	rep     #$20            ; set accumulator/mem to 16bit
+	lda     #$0020          ;
+        sta     $2116           ; set adddress for VRAM read/write
+				; multiply by 2, so 0x0000
+        ldy     #$2580		; Copy 300 tiles, which are 64 bytes each
+				;  8x8 tile with 8bpp (four bits per pixel)
+				; in 2-byte chunks, so
+				; (300*64)/2 = 9600 = 0x2580
+	ldx     #$0000
+	lda     f:vmw_logo_tile_data, x
+	sta     $2118           ; write the data
+	inx                     ; increment by 2 (16-bits)
+	inx
+	dey                     ; decrement counter
+	bne     opening_copy_tile_data
+	;=====================
+	; Load TB_FONT Data
+	;=====================
+	; replace with DMA!
+;	rep	#$20            ; set accumulator/mem to 16bit
+;	lda     #$7000          ;
+;	sta	$2116           ; set adddress for VRAM read/write
+;				; multiply by 2, so 0xe000
+;	ldy	#$0800		; Copy 128 tiles, which are 32 bytes each
+;				;  8x8 tile with 4bpp (four bits per pixel)
+;;;				; in 2-byte chunks, so
+;				; (128*32)/2 = 2048 = 0x0800
+;	ldx	#$0000
+;	lda	f:tb_font, x
+;	sta	$2118		; write the data
+;	inx			; increment by 2 (16-bits)
+;	inx
+;	dey			; decrement counter
+;	bne	opening_copy_font_data
+	;===================================
+	; clear background to linear tilemap
+	;===================================
+	; 6 down, 1 right = (6*32)+1 = 97 = 0xc1
+	lda	#$f0c1		; we set tilemap to be at VRAM 0xf000 earlier
+	sta	$2116
+	ldy     #$0001		; clear counters
+				; store to VRAM
+				; the bottom 8 bits is the tile to use
+				; the top 8 bits is vhopppcc
+				; vert flip, horiz flip o=priority
+				; p = palette, c=top bits of tile#
+	ldx	#$0001
+	; 8-bit color so ppp is 0
+	; and we have a linear tilemap
+	; 0000 0000
+	; vhop ppcc cccc cccc
+	cpx	#31
+	bne	opening_not_thirty
+	stz	$2118
+	stz	$2118
+	ldx	#$0000
+	bra	opening_check_end
+	tya
+        sta     $2118
+	iny
+	inx
+	cpy	#$0140			; (10*32) = 0x140
+	bne     opening_fill_screen_loop
+        ; Write String to Background
+;        lda     #$fd08          ; set VRAM address
+				; f800 = upper left
+				; want 4x20, so (20 * 64) + 4*2 = 1288 = 0x508
+				; fd08
+ ;       sta     $2116           ; set VRAM r/w address
+  ;      ldy     #$000d          ; length of string
+   ;     ldx     #$0000          ; string index
+    ;    lda     #$0200          ; clear A
+     ;   sep     #$20            ; set accumulator to 8 bit
+                                ; as we only want to do an 8-bit load
+  ;      lda     opening_string, x       ; load string character
+                                ; while leaving top 8-bits alone
+   ;     beq     opening_done_copy_string
+    ;    sec
+     ;   sbc     #$20
+      ;  rep     #$20            ; set accumulator back to 16 bit
+     ;   sta     $2118           ; store to VRAM
+                                ; the bottom 8 bits is the tile to use
+                                ; the top 8 bits is vhopppcc
+                                ; vert flip, horiz flip o=priority
+                                ; p = palette, c=top bits of tile#
+     ;   inx                     ; increment string pointer
+     ;   bra     opening_copy_string
+        sep     #$20            ; set accumulator to 8 bit
+                                ; as we only want to do an 8-bit load
+	; Enable sprite
+	; sssnnbbb
+	; ss = size (8x8 in our case)
+	; nn = name
+	; bb = base selection, VRAM >> 14
+;	lda	#%00000010	; point at 0x4000 in VRAM
+;	sta	$2101
+	; 000abcde
+	; a = object, b=BG4 c=BG3 d=BG2 e=BG1
+;	lda	#%00010001	; Enable BG1
+;	lda	#%00000011	; Enable BG1
+	lda	#%00000001	; Enable BG1
+	sta	$212c
+	; disable subscreen
+	stz	$212d
+	; abcd efff
+	; abcd = 8 (0) or 16 width for BG1234
+	; e = priority for BG3
+	; fff = background mode
+	lda	#$03
+	sta	$2105		; set Mode 3
+	; a000 bbbb
+	; a = screen on/off (0=on), ffff = brightness
+	lda	#$0f
+	sta	$2100		; Turn on screen, full Brightness
+;	lda	#$81		; Enable NMI (VBlank Interrupt) and joypads
+;	sta	$4200		;
+	; repeat forever
+	; stp?
+	bra	less
+        .asciiz "A VMW SOFTWARE PRODUCTION"
+.segment "HIGHROM"
+;.include ""
+.include "tb1_opening.tiles"
diff --git a/tb_snes/opening_screen.s b/tb_snes/opening_screen.s
deleted file mode 100644
index aadc1a2..0000000
--- a/tb_snes/opening_screen.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,385 +0,0 @@
-;  tb1_snes.s -- Tom Bombem SNES in 65c816 Assembly v 0.1
-;               by Vince Weaver  <vince _at_>
-; Page zero locations
-.define EQU =
-;LOGOH     EQU $F9
-.setcpu "65816"
-.segment "STARTUP"
-	; Called at Reset (Startup) Time
-	; Run the initialization code
-	; as the hardware state is unknown at reset
-.include "snes_init.s"
-	;================================
-	; Get Ready to Go
-	;================================
-	phk			;make sure Data Bank = Program Bank
-	plb
-	cli			;enable interrupts
-	rep	#$10	; X/Y = 16 bit
-	sep	#$20	; mem/A = 8 bit
-; Display to the screen
-	;==========================
-	; Setup Backgrounds
-	;==========================
-	; we want the BG1 Tilemap to start at VRAM $F000 (60k)
-	; Format is
-	; aaaa aass   a is shifted by 10 for address
-	;             ss = size of screen in tiles 00 = 32x32
-	;
-	; 1111 0000
-        lda     #$f0            ; BG1 Tilemap starts at VRAM $F000
-        sta     $2107           ; bg1 src
-	; we want the BG2 Tilemap to start at VRAM $F800
-	; Format is
-	; aaaa aass   a is shifted by 10 for address
-	;             ss = size of screen in tiles 00 = 32x32
-	;
-	; 1111 0000
-        lda     #$f8            ; BG2 Tilemap starts at VRAM $F800
-        sta     $2108           ; bg1 src
-	; aaaa bbbb  a= BG2 tiles, b= BG1 tiles
-	; bbbb<<13
-	; 0000 0000
-	; our BG1 tiles are stored starting in VRAM $0000
-	; our BG2 tiles are stored starting in VRAM $e000
-	lda	#$e0
-        sta	$210b           ; bg1 tile data starts at VRAM 0000
-	;==============
-	; Load Palettes
-	;==============
-        stz     $2121           ; CGRAM color-generator read/write address
-        ldy     #$0200          ; we have 256 colors / 512 bytes
-        ldx     #$0000          ; pointer
-        lda     f:opening_palette, x	; load byte of palette
-        sta     $2122           ; store to color generator
-        inx
-        dey
-        bne     copypal
-	;=====================
-	; Load Tile Data
-	;=====================
-	; replace with DMA!
-	rep     #$20            ; set accumulator/mem to 16bit
-	lda     #$0020          ;
-        sta     $2116           ; set adddress for VRAM read/write
-				; multiply by 2, so 0x0000
-        ldy     #$2580		; Copy 300 tiles, which are 64 bytes each
-				;  8x8 tile with 8bpp (four bits per pixel)
-				; in 2-byte chunks, so
-				; (300*64)/2 = 9600 = 0x2580
-        ldx     #$0000
-	lda     f:opening_tile_data, x
-	sta     $2118           ; write the data
-	inx                     ; increment by 2 (16-bits)
-	inx
-	dey                     ; decrement counter
-	bne     copy_tile_data
-	;=====================
-	; Load TB_FONT Data
-	;=====================
-	; replace with DMA!
-	rep	#$20            ; set accumulator/mem to 16bit
-	lda     #$7000          ;
-	sta	$2116           ; set adddress for VRAM read/write
-				; multiply by 2, so 0xe000
-	ldy	#$0800		; Copy 128 tiles, which are 32 bytes each
-				;  8x8 tile with 4bpp (four bits per pixel)
-				; in 2-byte chunks, so
-				; (128*32)/2 = 2048 = 0x0800
-	ldx	#$0000
-	lda	f:tb_font, x
-	sta	$2118		; write the data
-	inx			; increment by 2 (16-bits)
-	inx
-	dey			; decrement counter
-	bne	copy_font_data
-	;===================================
-	; clear background to linear tilemap
-	;===================================
-	; 6 down, 1 right = (6*32)+1 = 97 = 0xc1
-	lda	#$f0c1		; we set tilemap to be at VRAM 0xf000 earlier
-	sta	$2116
-        ldy     #$0001          ; clear counters
-				; store to VRAM
-                                ; the bottom 8 bits is the tile to use
-                                ; the top 8 bits is vhopppcc
-                                ; vert flip, horiz flip o=priority
-                                ; p = palette, c=top bits of tile#
-	ldx	#$0001
-	; 8-bit color so ppp is 0
-	; and we have a linear tilemap
-	; 0000 0000
-	; vhop ppcc cccc cccc
-	cpx	#31
-	bne	not_thirty
-	stz	$2118
-	stz	$2118
-	ldx	#$0000
-	bra	check_end
-	tya
-        sta     $2118
-	iny
-	inx
-	cpy	#$0140			; (10*32) = 0x140
-	bne     fill_screen_loop
-        ; Write String to Background
-        lda     #$fd08          ; set VRAM address
-				; f800 = upper left
-				; want 4x20, so (20 * 64) + 4*2 = 1288 = 0x508
-				; fd08
-        sta     $2116           ; set VRAM r/w address
-        ldy     #$000d          ; length of string
-        ldx     #$0000          ; string index
-        lda     #$0200          ; clear A
-        sep     #$20            ; set accumulator to 8 bit
-                                ; as we only want to do an 8-bit load
-        lda     opening_string, x       ; load string character
-                                ; while leaving top 8-bits alone
-        beq     done_copy_string
-        sec
-        sbc     #$20
-        rep     #$20            ; set accumulator back to 16 bit
-        sta     $2118           ; store to VRAM
-                                ; the bottom 8 bits is the tile to use
-                                ; the top 8 bits is vhopppcc
-                                ; vert flip, horiz flip o=priority
-                                ; p = palette, c=top bits of tile#
-        inx                     ; increment string pointer
-        bra     copy_string
-        sep     #$20            ; set accumulator to 8 bit
-                                ; as we only want to do an 8-bit load
-	; Enable sprite
-	; sssnnbbb
-	; ss = size (8x8 in our case)
-	; nn = name
-	; bb = base selection, VRAM >> 14
-;	lda	#%00000010	; point at 0x4000 in VRAM
-;	sta	$2101
-	; 000abcde
-	; a = object, b=BG4 c=BG3 d=BG2 e=BG1
-;	lda	#%00010001	; Enable BG1
-	lda	#%00000011	; Enable BG1
-	sta	$212c
-	; disable subscreen
-	stz	$212d
-	; abcd efff
-	; abcd = 8 (0) or 16 width for BG1234
-	; e = priority for BG3
-	; fff = background mode
-	lda	#$03
-	sta	$2105		; set Mode 3
-	; a000 bbbb
-	; a = screen on/off (0=on), ffff = brightness
-	lda	#$0f
-	sta	$2100		; Turn on screen, full Brightness
-;	lda	#$81		; Enable NMI (VBlank Interrupt) and joypads
-;	sta	$4200		;
-	; repeat forever
-	; stp?
-	bra	overflowing
-.byte $00
-        .asciiz "A VMW SOFTWARE PRODUCTION"
-.segment "HIGHROM"
-.include ""
-.include "tb1_opening.tiles"
-.segment "BSS"
-.res 1
-.res 1
-.res 1
-.res 2
-.res 2
-.res 8*4	; 8 bytes, times four
-.res 4096
-.segment "CARTINFO"
-        .byte   "TOM BOMBEM 1         " ; Game Title (21 bytes)
-        .byte   $21			; ROM Layout
-					;   0x20:LowRom
-					;   0x21:HiRom
-					;   0x30/0x31:FastRom
-	.byte	$00			; Cartridge Type (00 == only ROM)
-        .byte   $09			; ROM Size (2^N KB)
-        .byte   $00			; RAM Size
-        .byte   $01			; Country Code (1=NTSC,2=PAL)
-	.byte	$00			; License Code (0=unassigned)
-        .byte   $00			; Version
-.include ""
-	.word   $0,$0			; unknown?
-	; Interrupt Vectors!
-        .word   $0000	; Native:COP
-        .word   $0000	; Native:BRK
-        .word   $0000	; Native:ABORT
-        .word   $0000	; Native:NMI
-        .word   $0000	;
-        .word   $0000	; Native:IRQ
-        .word   $0000   ;
-        .word   $0000   ;
-        .word   $0000   ; Emulation:COP
-        .word   $0000   ;
-        .word   $0000   ; Emulation:ABORT
-        .word   $0000   ; Emulation:NMI
-        .word   .LOWORD(Reset)   ; Emulation:RESET
-        .word   $0000   ; Emulation:IRQ/BRK
diff --git a/tb_snes/tb1_snes.s b/tb_snes/tb1_snes.s
index f3ad26d..893a29a 100644
--- a/tb_snes/tb1_snes.s
+++ b/tb_snes/tb1_snes.s
@@ -39,10 +39,13 @@ Reset:
+	jsr	display_opening
 	jsr	display_title
 .include "title_screen.s"
+.include "opening.s"