snes: Prints title screen!

This commit is contained in:
Vince Weaver 2013-01-16 16:40:38 -05:00
parent a5e18f88d7
commit 3f8081a6b0
5 changed files with 57 additions and 119 deletions

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@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ tools/pcx_to_tiles_8bpp:
cd tools && make
rm -f *~ *.o *.lst *.sfc
rm -f *~ *.o *.lst *.sfc *.tiles
cd tools && make clean

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

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@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ _Loop09:
ldx #$8008
stx $4300 ;Set DMA mode to fixed source, BYTE to $2180
ldx #wram_fill_byte
ldx #.LOWORD(wram_fill_byte)
stx $4302 ;Set source offset
lda #^wram_fill_byte
sta $4304 ;Set source bank

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@ -46,15 +46,6 @@ start_program:
sep #$20 ; mem/A = 8 bit
rep #$10 ; X/Y = 16 bit
sep #$20 ; mem/A = 8 bit
lda #0 ; set data bank back to 0
pha ;
plb ;
@ -62,24 +53,28 @@ start_program:
; Setup Background
lda #$04 ; BG1 Tilemap starts at VRAM 0400
; 0000 0100
; aaaa aass a=0000 01 << 11 = 0800
; ss = size of screen in tiles 00 = 32x32
; we want the BG1 Tilemap to start at VRAM $F000 (60k)
; Format is
; aaaa aass a is shifted by 10 for address
; ss = size of screen in tiles 00 = 32x32
; 1111 0000
lda #$f0 ; BG1 Tilemap starts at VRAM $F000
sta $2107 ; bg1 src
; 0000 0100
; aaaa bbbb a= BG2 tiles, b= BG1 tiles
; bbbb<<13
; 0000 0000
; our BG1 tiles are stored starting in VRAM $0000
lda #$04
sta $210b ; bg1 tile data starts at VRAM 8000
lda #$00
sta $210b ; bg1 tile data starts at VRAM 0000
; Load Palettes
@ -88,11 +83,11 @@ start_program:
stz $2121 ; CGRAM color-generator read/write address
ldy #$0020 ; we only have 16 colors / 32 bytes
ldy #$0200 ; we have 256 colors / 512 bytes
ldx #$0000 ; pointer
; lda tile_palette, x ; load byte of palette
lda f:tile_palette, x ; load byte of palette
sta $2122 ; store to color generator
@ -109,23 +104,23 @@ copypal:
rep #$20 ; set accumulator/mem to 16bit
lda #$4000 ;
lda #$0000 ;
sta $2116 ; set adddress for VRAM read/write
; multiply by 2, so 0x8000
; multiply by 2, so 0x0000
ldy #$1690 ; Copy 361 tiles, which are 32 bytes each
; 8x8 tile with 4bpp (four bits per pixel)
ldy #$7000 ; Copy 896 tiles, which are 64 bytes each
; 8x8 tile with 8bpp (four bits per pixel)
; in 2-byte chunks, so
; (361*32)/2 = 5776 = 0x1690
; (896*64)/2 = 28672 = 0x7000
ldx #$0000
lda f:tile_data, x
sta $2118 ; write the data
inx ; increment by 2 (16-bits)
dey ; decrement counter
bne copy_tile_data
lda f:tile_data, x
sta $2118 ; write the data
inx ; increment by 2 (16-bits)
dey ; decrement counter
bne copy_tile_data
@ -165,22 +160,20 @@ copy_font_data:
lda #$0400 ; we set tilemap to be at VRAM 0x0400 earlier
lda #$f000 ; we set tilemap to be at VRAM 0xf000 earlier
sta $2116
ldy #$0000 ; clear counters
ldx #$ffff
; store to VRAM
; the bottom 8 bits is the tile to use
; the top 8 bits is vhopppcc
; vert flip, horiz flip o=priority
; p = palette, c=top bits of tile#
; 0001 1000
; vhop ppcc
; so 1800 = v=0 h=0 o=0 ppp = 2
; c=0x0
; 8-bit color so ppp is 0
; and we have a linear tilemap
; 0000 0000
; vhop ppcc cccc cccc
@ -192,20 +185,8 @@ fill_screen_loop:
sta $2118
cpx #30
bne no_skip
lda #$0
sta $2118
sta $2118
ldx #0
cpy #$0169 ; 30x12 = 360 = 0x168
cpy #$0380 ; 32x28 = 896 = 0x380
bne fill_screen_loop
@ -213,53 +194,6 @@ no_skip:
; Write String to Background
lda #$05a9 ; set VRAM address
; 0400 = upper left (0,0)
; 0420 = (0,1)
; 05a0 = (0,13)
; 05a9 = (9,13)
sta $2116 ; set VRAM r/w address
; 2116 = 05
; 2117 = a9
ldy #$000d ; length of string
ldx #$0000 ; string index
lda #$0200 ; clear A
sep #$20 ; set accumulator to 8 bit
; as we only want to do an 8-bit load
lda hello_string, x ; load string character
; while leaving top 8-bits alone
beq done_copy_string
sbc #$20
rep #$20 ; set accumulator back to 16 bit
sta $2118 ; store to VRAM
; the bottom 8 bits is the tile to use
; the top 8 bits is vhopppcc
; vert flip, horiz flip o=priority
; p = palette, c=top bits of tile#
inx ; increment string pointer
bra copy_string
@ -291,8 +225,8 @@ setup_video:
; abcd = 8 (0) or 16 width for BG1234
; e = priority for BG3
; fff = background mode
lda #$01
sta $2105 ; set Mode 1
lda #$04
sta $2105 ; set Mode 4
; a000 bbbb
; a = screen on/off (0=on), ffff = brightness
@ -305,12 +239,12 @@ setup_video:
; sta $4200 ;
; repeat forever
; stp?
bra main_loop
bra overflowing
@ -321,9 +255,13 @@ wram_fill_byte:
.asciiz "HELLO,_WORLD!"
.segment "HIGHROM"
;.include ""
.include "tb1_title.tiles"
.segment "BSS"
@ -340,23 +278,23 @@ logo_pointer:
.res 8*4 ; 8 bytes, times four
.res 32
.res (30*12)*32
.res 4096
.segment "CARTINFO"
.byte "TOM BOMBEM 1 " ; Game Title
.byte $01 ; 0x01:HiRom, 0x30:FastRom(3.57MHz)
.byte $05 ; ROM Size (2KByte * N)
.byte $00 ; RAM Size (8KByte * N)
.word $0001 ; Developper ID ?
.byte $00 ; Version
.byte $7f, $73, $80, $8c ; Security Key ?
.byte $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff ; Security Key ?
.byte "TOM BOMBEM 1 " ; Game Title (21 bytes)
.byte $21 ; ROM Layout
; 0x20:LowRom
; 0x21:HiRom
; 0x30/0x31:FastRom
.byte $00 ; Cartridge Type (00 == only ROM)
.byte $09 ; ROM Size (2^N KB)
.byte $00 ; RAM Size
.byte $01 ; Country Code (1=NTSC,2=PAL)
.byte $00 ; License Code (0=unassigned)
.byte $00 ; Version
.byte $7f, $73, $80, $8c ; Unsigned 16-bit sum of ROM
.byte $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff ; Complement of checksum
; Interrupt Vectors!
@ -374,6 +312,6 @@ output:
.word $0000 ;
.word $0000 ; Emulation:ABORT
.word $0000 ; Emulation:NMI
.word Reset ; Emulation:RESET
.word .LOWORD(Reset) ; Emulation:RESET
.word $0000 ; Emulation:IRQ/BRK