diff --git a/tb1.pas b/tb1.pas new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e752a5d --- /dev/null +++ b/tb1.pas @@ -0,0 +1,1093 @@ +program TOM_BOMB_EM_AND_INVASION_OF_INANIMATE_OBJECTS; + {by Vincent Weaver....21085-4706} + +uses vmwgraph,crt; + +{$I c:\vmw\pascal\programs\tb1ans.pas} +{$M $4000,0,$20000} {16k stack, no heap - adjust as needed } +{$L MOD-obj.OBJ} { Link in Object file } +{$F+} { force calls to be 'far'} +procedure modvolume(v1,v2,v3,v4:integer); external ; {Can do while playing} +procedure moddevice(var device:integer); external ; +procedure modsetup(var status:integer;device,mixspeed,pro,loop:integer;var str:string); external ; +procedure modstop; external ; +procedure modinit; external; +{$F-} + + + + + +type screentype = array [0..3999] of byte; +Type Shipinfo = Record { This is format of of each of our } + x,y:integer; { records for the flying toasters } + speed,frame:integer; + active:boolean; + END; + + + + Virtual = Array [1..64000] of byte; { The size of our Virtual Screen } + VirtPtr = ^Virtual; { Pointer to the virtual screen } + + + +var + dev,mix,stat,pro,loop : integer; + md : string; +VAR Virscr : VirtPtr; { Our first Virtual screen } + VirScr2 : VirtPtr; { Our second Virtual screen } + Vaddr : word; { The segment of our virtual screen} + Vaddr2 : Word; { The segment of our 2nd virt. screen} + ourpal : Array [0..255,1..3] of byte; { A virtual pallette } + shipv : Array [1..1] of shipinfo; { The toaster info } + Sound : Pointer; + Check : BOOLEAN; + frame:array[0..2,0..47,0..29] of byte; + bigflame:array[0..1,0..26,0..18] of byte; + smallflame:array[0..1,0..3,0..4] of byte; + barge:array[0..15,0..18] of byte; + truck:array[0..1,0..5,0..8] of byte; + saucer:array[0..20,0..5] of byte; + shot:array[0..20,0..5] of byte; + hiscore,level,lives,energy:integer; + score:longint; + axel_und_carmen:boolean; + tempi,tempj:integer; + scorest:string[8]; + musicon:boolean; + lowscore:integer; + it,hiname:string[10]; + +var grapherror:byte; + temp:array[1..3] of byte; + palf:text; + i,j:byte; + x,y,barpos:integer; + screen:screentype absolute $B800:0000; + ch:char; + +function menuread:char; +var chtemp,ch2:char; +begin + repeat until keypressed; + ch2:=#0; + chtemp:=readkey; + if chtemp=chr(0) then ch2:=readkey; + chtemp:=upcase(chtemp); + if (ord(chtemp)<10) and (ord(chtemp)<128) then begin + if ch2='H' then chtemp:='ß'; {up} + if ch2='M' then chtemp:='Ž'; {right} + if ch2='P' then chtemp:='Ü'; {down} + if ch2='K' then chtemp:='Ż'; {left} + if ch2=';' then chtemp:='Ø'; {f1} + if ch2='I' then chtemp:='ō'; {pgup} + if ch2='Q' then chtemp:='õ'; {pgdown} + end; + menuread:=chtemp; +end; + +procedure coolbox(x1,y1,x2,y2:integer;fill:boolean;page:word); +begin + for i:=0 to 5 do box(x1+i,y1+i,x2-i,y2-i,31-i,page); + if fill then for i:=y1+5 to y2-5 do line(x1+5,i,x2-5,i,7,page); +end; + +{ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ} +Procedure ShutDown; + { This frees the memory used by the virtual screen } +BEGIN + FreeMem (VirScr,64000); + FreeMem (VirScr2,64000); +END; + + + +procedure QUIT; +label menu2; +begin + coolbox(90,75,230,125,true,vga); + barpos:=0; + outtextxy('QUIT??? ARE YOU',97,82,15,9,7,vga,false); + outtextxy('ABSOLUTELY SURE?',97,90,15,9,7,vga,false); + repeat + if barpos=0 then outtextxy('YES-RIGHT NOW!',97,98,15,150,0,vga,true) + else outtextxy('YES-RIGHT NOW!',97,98,15,150,7,vga,true); + if barpos=1 then outtextxy('NO--NOT YET.',97,106,15,150,0,vga,true) + else outtextxy('NO--NOT YET.',97,106,15,150,7,vga,true); + ch:=menuread; + if (ord(ch)>219) and (ord(ch)<224) then inc(barpos); + if ch='Y' then barpos:=0; + if ch='N' then barpos:=1; + if barpos=2 then barpos:=0; + until ch=#13; + if barpos=1 then goto menu2; + settext; + move(imagedata,screen,4000); + gotoxy(1,23); + halt; + menu2: + barpos:=6; +end; + +Procedure SetUpVirtual; + { This sets up the memory needed for the virtual screen } +BEGIN + GetMem (VirScr,64000); + vaddr := seg (virscr^); + GetMem (VirScr2,64000); + vaddr2 := seg (virscr2^); +END; + +function showhiscore(showchart,savelist:boolean):integer; +var hilist:text; + testr:string[10]; + place,tempi:integer; + names:array[0..9] of string[10]; + scores:array[0..9] of longint; + +begin + assign(hilist,'HISCORE.TB1'); + reset(hilist); + for i:=0 to 9 do readln(hilist,names[i]); + for i:=0 to 9 do readln(hilist,scores[i]); + close(hilist); + lowscore:=scores[9]; + showhiscore:=scores[0]; + if showchart then begin + for i:=40 to 160 do line(45,i,285,i,7,vga); + coolbox(45,40,285,160,false,vga); + for i:=0 to 9 do + outtextxy(names[i],51,46+(i*10),15,9,7,vga,true); + for i:=0 to 9 do begin + str(scores[i],testr); + outtextxy(testr,181,46+(i*10),15,9,7,vga,true); + end; + repeat until keypressed; + ch:=readkey; + end; + if savelist then begin + place:=0; + for tempi:=0 to 9 do if score>scores[tempi] then inc(place); + place:=10-place; + for tempi:=9 downto place do scores[tempi]:=scores[tempi-1]; + for tempi:=9 downto place do names[tempi]:=names[tempi-1]; + scores[place]:=score; + names[place]:=hiname; + assign(hilist,'HISCORE.TB1'); + rewrite(hilist); + for i:=0 to 9 do writeln(hilist,names[i]); + for i:=0 to 9 do writeln(hilist,scores[i]); + close(hilist); + end; +end; + + + + +{ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ} +Procedure drawstars(menu:boolean); + { This procedure sets up the static background to be used in the program } + +CONST circ : Array [1..5,1..5] of byte = + ((00,00,30,00,00), + (00,00,26,00,00), + (30,26,18,26,30), + (00,00,26,00,00), + (00,00,30,00,00)); + +VAR i,x,y:integer; + loop1,loop2,loop3:integer; + tempaddr:word; + +procedure makehole(y:integer); +var i:integer; +begin + for i:=10 to 75 do line(239+i,y,239+i,y+9,0,tempaddr); + line(249,y,314,y,24,tempaddr); + line(249,y+10,313,y+10,18,tempaddr); + line(249,y,249,y+9,24,tempaddr); + line(314,y+1,314,y+10,18,tempaddr); +end; +BEGIN + tempaddr:=vaddr; + + + For loop1:=1 to 200 do BEGIN + x:=random (315); + y:=random (195); + For loop2:=1 to 5 do + For loop3:=1 to 5 do + if circ [loop2,loop3]<>0 then + putpixel (x+loop2,y+loop3,circ [loop2,loop3],tempaddr); + END; + if menu=false then begin + for i:=240 to 319 do line(i,0,i,199,19,tempaddr); + line(240,0,240,199,18,tempaddr); + line(240,0,319,0,18,tempaddr); + line(319,0,319,199,24,tempaddr); + line(241,199,319,199,24,tempaddr); + outtextxy('SCORE',241,1,15,127,0,tempaddr,false); + outtextxy('SCORE',242,2,15,143,0,tempaddr,false); + makehole(10); + outtextxy(' 0',250,12,15,12,0,tempaddr,false); + outtextxy('HI-SCORE',241,21,15,127,0,tempaddr,false); + outtextxy('HI-SCORE',242,22,15,143,0,tempaddr,false); + str(hiscore,it); + outtextxy(it,250,32,15,12,0,tempaddr,false); + makehole(30); + outtextxy(' 0',250,32,15,12,0,tempaddr,false); + outtextxy('LEVEL',241,41,15,127,0,tempaddr,false); + outtextxy('LEVEL',242,42,15,143,0,tempaddr,false); + makehole(50); + outtextxy('12345675',251,52,15,12,0,tempaddr,false); + outtextxy('SHIELDS',241,61,15,127,0,tempaddr,false); + outtextxy('SHIELDS',242,62,15,143,0,tempaddr,false); + makehole(70); + for i:=0 to 63 do line(250+i,71,250+i,79,((i div 4)+32),tempaddr); + + outtextxy('WEAPONS',241,81,15,127,0,tempaddr,false); + outtextxy('WEAPONS',242,82,15,143,0,tempaddr,false); + makehole(90); + for i:=0 to 65 do line(249+i,111,249+i,189,0,tempaddr); + line(249,111,249,189,24,tempaddr); + line(315,111,315,189,18,tempaddr); + line(249,111,315,111,24,tempaddr); + line(249,189,315,189,18,tempaddr); + + outtextxy(' VMW ',251,114,15,15,0,tempaddr,false); + outtextxy('F1-HELP ',251,124,15,15,0,tempaddr,false); + outtextxy('ESC-QUIT',251,135,15,15,0,tempaddr,false); + outtextxy('F2-SAVE ',251,145,15,15,0,tempaddr,false); + end; + if not(menu) then begin + flip (vaddr,vga); { Copy the entire screen at vaddr, our virtual screen } + { on which we have done all our graphics, onto the } + { screen you see, VGA } + flip (vaddr,vaddr2); + end; +END; + +{ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ} +Procedure ScreenTrans (x,y,p1,p2:word); + { This is a small procedure to copy a 30x30 pixel block from coordinates + x,y on the virtual screen to coordinates x,y on the true vga screen } +BEGIN + asm + push ds + push es + mov ax,p1 + mov es,ax + mov ax,p2 + mov ds,ax + mov bx,[X] + mov dx,[Y] + push bx {; and this again for later} + mov bx, dx {; bx = dx} + mov dh, dl {; dx = dx * 256} + xor dl, dl + shl bx, 1 + shl bx, 1 + shl bx, 1 + shl bx, 1 + shl bx, 1 + shl bx, 1 {; bx = bx * 64} + add dx, bx {; dx = dx + bx (ie y*320)} + pop bx {; get back our x} + add bx, dx {; finalise location} + mov di, bx {; es:di = where to go} + mov si, di + mov al,60 + mov bx, 30 { Hight of block to copy } +@@1 : + mov cx, 24 { Width of block to copy divided by 2 } + rep movsw + add di,110h { 320 - 48 = 272 .. or 110 in hex } + add si,110h + dec bx + jnz @@1 + + pop es + pop ds + end; + { I wrote this procedure late last night, so it may not be in it's + most optimised state. Sorry :-)} +END; + + +{ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ} +Procedure newship; + { This adds a new toaster to the screen } +VAR loop1:integer; +BEGIN + loop1:=1; + + + if not (shipv[1].active) then BEGIN + shipv[1].x:=36; + shipv[1].y:=165; + shipv[1].active:=true; + shipv[1].frame:=1; + shipv[1].speed:=5; + loop1:=10; + END; + +END; + + + +procedure putico(x,y,fra:byte;where:word); +var i,j,col:integer; +begin + for i:=0 to 47 do + for j:=0 to 29 do begin + col:=frame[fra,i,j]; + if col<>0 then putpixel(i+x,y+j,col,where); + end; + +end; +procedure putwave(x,y,fra:byte;where:word); {fra 0=saucer, 1=shot} +var i,j,col:integer; +begin + if fra=0 then for i:=0 to 20 do + for j:=0 to 5 do begin + col:=saucer[i,j]; + if col<>0 then putpixel((i+x),y+j,col,where); + end; + if fra=1 then for i:=0 to 20 do + for j:=0 to 5 do begin + col:=shot[i,j]; + if col<>0 then putpixel((i+x),y+j,col,where); + end; + +end; + +procedure changescore; +begin + str(score:8,scorest); + outtextxy(scorest,250,12,15,12,0,vaddr,true); +end; +{ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ} +Procedure shiproutine; +VAR loop1,loop2:integer; + ch,ch2:char; + shieldcol:integer; + shields:integer; + saucersout:integer; + wave1:array[0..5] of boolean; + bulletx,bullety,oldwavex,oldwavey,wavex,wavey,i,waveadd:integer; + bulletout:boolean; + whichone:integer; +BEGIN + score:=0; + pal(254,0,0,0); + shieldcol:=0; + shipv[1].active:=false; + newship; + ch:=#1; ch2:=#1; + wavex:=0; wavey:=0; waveadd:=5; + oldwavex:=0; oldwavey:=0; + bulletout:=false; bulletx:=0; bullety:=0; + for i:=0 to 4 do wave1[i]:=true; + saucersout:=5; + shields:=10; + pal(254,shields*6,0,0); + Repeat + ch2:=#1; + if (bulletout) and (bulletx>wavex) and (bulletxwavey) and (bullety100) or (wavex<5) then begin + inc(wavey,5); + waveadd:=-waveadd; + end; + if saucersout=0 then begin + wavey:=0; + for i:=0 to 5 do if wave1[i]=false then wave1[i]:=true; + saucersout:=5; + end; + if wavey>150 then begin + wavey:=0; + for i:=0 to 5 do if wave1[i]=false then wave1[i]:=true; + saucersout:=5; + for i:=0 to saucersout do dec(shields); + if shields>0 then pal(254,shields*6,0,0); + end; + if keypressed then BEGIN + ch:=readkey; + if ch=chr(0) then ch2:=readkey; + if ch2='M' then inc(shipv[1].x,5); + if ch2='K' then dec(shipv[1].x,5); + if ch=' ' then begin + bulletout:=true; + bulletx:=shipv[1].x+10; + bullety:=shipv[1].y; + putwave(bulletx,bullety,1,vaddr); + end; + + end; + if shipv[1].active then BEGIN + screentrans (shipv[1].x,shipv[1].y,vaddr,vaddr2); + { Restore the backgrond the toaster was over } + + { Move the toaster } + if (shipv[1].x<1) then shipv[1].x:=1; + if (shipv[1].x>255) then shipv[1].x:=255; + { When toaster reaches the edge of the screen, render it inactive + and bring a new one into existance. } + END; + if shipv[1].active then BEGIN + CASE shipv [1].frame of + 1 : putico (shipv[1].x,shipv[1].y,0,vaddr); + 3 : putico (shipv[1].x,shipv[1].y,1,vaddr); + 2,4 : putico (shipv[1].x,shipv[1].y,2,vaddr); + END; + shipv[1].frame:=shipv[1].frame+1; + if shipv[1].frame=5 then shipv[1].frame:=1; + { Draw all the toasters on the VGA screen } + end; + waitretrace; + flip (vaddr,vga); + until (ch=#27) or (shields<0); +END; + +function grinput(xv,yv,howlong,forecol,backcol:integer):string; +var tempx,tempy:integer; + tempst:string; + ch3:char; + label bob; +begin + tempst:=''; + ch3:='Ū'; + tempx:=xv; tempy:=yv; + repeat + bob: + repeat until keypressed; + ch3:=readkey; + if (ch3=#8) and (length(tempst)>0) then begin + dec(tempx,10); + outtextxy(ch3,tempx,tempy,15,backcol,backcol,vga,true); + tempst:=tempst[length(tempst)-1]; + end; + if ch3=#8 then goto bob; + if length(tempst)>howlong then goto bob; + outtextxy(ch3,tempx,tempy,15,forecol,backcol,vga,false); + inc(tempx,10); + if ch3<>#13 then tempst:=concat(tempst,ch3); + until ch3=#13; + grinput:=tempst; +end; + + +procedure playthegame(lev:integer); +{ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ} +var palloop,paldir:integer; +begin + cls(0,vaddr); + grapherror:=loadpicsuperpacked(0,0,vga,'tbma1.tb1'); + outtextxy('MOONBASE ALPHA: EARTH''S LAST CHANCE!',5,5,15,1,0,vga,false); + pal(255,0,0,0); + palloop:=0; + paldir:=1; + hiscore:=showhiscore(false,false); + repeat + pal(255,palloop,0,0); + if paldir=1 then inc(palloop) + else dec(palloop); + if palloop>62 then paldir:=-1; + if palloop<1 then paldir:=1; + delay(50); + + until keypressed; + ch:=readkey; + + drawstars(false); + shiproutine; + hiscore:=showhiscore(false,false); + if score>lowscore then begin + coolbox(10,75,310,125,true,vga); + outtextxy('NEW HIGH SCORE!',90,80,15,12,7,vga,false); + outtextxy('ENTER YOUR NAME (10 Chars)',30,90,15,0,7,vga,false); + hiname:=grinput(110,110,10,11,7); + hiscore:=showhiscore(false,true); + end; + hiscore:=showhiscore(true,false); + fade; +end; + +procedure dographics; + +var i,j:integer; +begin + grapherror:=loadpicsuperpacked(0,0,vaddr,'ships.tb1'); + for i:=0 to 47 do + for j:=0 to 29 do + frame[0,i,j]:=getpixel(i,j,vaddr); + for i:=0 to 47 do + for j:=0 to 29 do + frame[1,i,j]:=getpixel(i,j+32,vaddr); + for i:=0 to 47 do + for j:=0 to 29 do + frame[2,i,j]:=getpixel(i,j+64,vaddr); + grapherror:=loadpicsuperpacked(0,0,vaddr,'tbsauc.tb1'); + for i:=0 to 20 do + for j:=0 to 5 do + saucer[i,j]:=getpixel(i,j,vaddr); + for i:=0 to 20 do + for j:=12 to 17 do + shot[i,(j-12)]:=getpixel(i,j,vaddr); + +end; + + +procedure background; +begin + cls(0,vaddr); + drawstars(true); + coolbox(0,0,319,199,false,vaddr); +end; + +procedure options; +var opbarpos,argh:integer; +begin + background; + flip(vaddr,vga); + outtextxy('ESC QUITS',120,175,15,32,0,vga,true); + opbarpos:=0; + repeat + if musicon then begin + if opbarpos=0 then outtextxy('MUSIC ON ',30,30,15,32,7,vga,true) + else outtextxy('MUSIC ON ',30,30,15,32,0,vga,true); + end; + if not(musicon) then begin + if opbarpos=0 then outtextxy('NO MUSIC',30,30,15,32,7,vga,true) + else outtextxy('NO MUSIC',30,30,15,32,0,vga,true); + end; + if opbarpos=1 then outtextxy('VIEW HIGH SCORES',30,40,15,32,7,vga,true) + else outtextxy('VIEW HIGH SCORES',30,40,15,32,0,vga,true); + ch:=menuread; + if (ord(ch)=222) or (ord(ch)=220) then inc(opbarpos); + if (ord(ch)=223) or (ord(ch)=221) then dec(opbarpos); + if ch='M' then opbarpos:=0; + if ch='V' then opbarpos:=1; + if (ch=#13) and (opbarpos=0) then musicon:=not(musicon); + if (ch=#13) and (opbarpos=1) then begin + ch:=#27; + argh:=4; + end; + if opbarpos=2 then opbarpos:=0; + if opbarpos=-1 then opbarpos:=1; + until ch=#27; + if argh=4 then hiscore:=(showhiscore(true,false)); +end; + +procedure loadgame; +begin + coolbox(90,75,230,125,true,vga); + outtextxy('LOAD WHICH GAME',97,82,15,9,7,vga,false); + outtextxy(' (0-9) ',97,90,15,9,7,vga,false); + repeat until keypressed; + level:=0; +end; + +procedure help; +begin + background; + flip(vaddr,vga); + outtextxy('HELP',10,10,15,9,0,vga,false); + outtextxy('Press ESC to exit most stuff.',10,20,15,9,0,vga,false); + outtextxy('Use the arrows to manuever.',10,30,15,9,0,vga,false); + repeat until keypressed; + ch:=readkey; +end; + +procedure story; +var error:byte; + xtemp,ytemp:integer; + thrustcol:integer; + thrust:real; + tempch:char; +procedure putbigflame(xp,yp,frame:integer); +var xtemp,ytemp:integer; +begin + for xtemp:=0 to 26 do + for ytemp:=0 to 18 do + putpixel(xtemp+xp,ytemp+yp,bigflame[frame,xtemp,ytemp],vaddr); +end; +procedure putsmallflame(xp,yp,frame:integer); +var xtemp,ytemp:integer; +begin + for xtemp:=0 to 3 do + for ytemp:=0 to 4 do + putpixel(xtemp+xp,ytemp+yp,smallflame[frame,xtemp,ytemp],vaddr); +end; + +procedure putbarge(xp,yp:integer;where:word); +var xtemp,ytemp:integer; + col:byte; +begin + for xtemp:=0 to 15 do + for ytemp:=0 to 18 do begin + if (ytemp+yp>=0) then begin + col:=barge[xtemp,ytemp]; + if col<>0 then putpixel(xtemp+xp,ytemp+yp,col,where); + end; + end; +end; +procedure puttruck(xp,yp,frame:integer;where:word); +var xtemp,ytemp:integer; + col:byte; +begin + for xtemp:=0 to 5 do + for ytemp:=0 to 8 do begin + col:=truck[frame,xtemp,ytemp]; + if (ytemp+yp>=173) then begin + if col<>0 then putpixel(xtemp+xp,ytemp+yp,col,where); + end; + end; +end; + +begin + fade; + error:=loadpicsuperpacked(0,0,vaddr,'tbsobj.tb1'); + for xtemp:=0 to 26 do + for ytemp:=0 to 18 do begin + bigflame[0,xtemp,ytemp]:=getpixel(xtemp,ytemp+2,vaddr); + bigflame[1,xtemp,ytemp]:=getpixel(xtemp,ytemp+21,vaddr); + end; + for xtemp:=0 to 3 do + for ytemp:=0 to 4 do begin + smallflame[0,xtemp,ytemp]:=getpixel(xtemp,ytemp+43,vaddr); + smallflame[1,xtemp,ytemp]:=getpixel(xtemp,ytemp+47,vaddr); + end; + for xtemp:=0 to 15 do + for ytemp:=0 to 18 do + barge[xtemp,ytemp]:=getpixel(xtemp+65,ytemp+100,vaddr); + for xtemp:=0 to 5 do + for ytemp:=0 to 8 do begin + truck[0,xtemp,ytemp]:=getpixel(xtemp+85,ytemp+100,vaddr); + truck[1,xtemp,ytemp]:=getpixel(xtemp+95,ytemp+100,vaddr); + end; +{******FIRST MESSAGE*******} + cls(0,vga); + outtextxy('MOON BASE ALPHA:',5,5,15,9,0,vga,false); + outtextxy(' THE FIRST PRIVATELY FINANCED SPACE ',5,15,15,9,0,vga,false); + outtextxy(' VENTURE. FOUNDED IN 2004 BY PIONEER',5,25,15,9,0,vga,false); + outtextxy(' VINCE WEAVER. IN ORDER TO SUPPORT',5,35,15,9,0,vga,false); + outtextxy(' ITSELF, IT DISPOSED OF GARBAGE AND',5,45,15,9,0,vga,false); + outtextxy(' NUCLEAR WASTE FROM EARTH BY LAUNCHING',5,55,15,9,0,vga,false); + outtextxy(' IT INTO DEEP SPACE WITH BARGES. ',5,65,15,9,0,vga,false); + outtextxy('NOW IT IS 2018, AND THE LAST BARGE IS',5,75,15,9,0,vga,false); + outtextxy(' TO BE LAUNCHED. NOW ALL WORK THERE',5,85,15,9,0,vga,false); + outtextxy(' WILL BE CONCENTRATED ON BUILDING A',5,95,15,9,0,vga,false); + outtextxy(' TERRAN SPACE FLEET.',5,105,15,9,0,vga,false); + unfade; + repeat until keypressed; tempch:=readkey; + pal(250,0,0,0); + fade; +{******BARGE TAKING OFF**********} + error:=loadpicsuperpacked(0,0,vaddr2,'tbma1.tb1'); + putbarge(141,157,vaddr2); + flip(vaddr2,vaddr); + flip(vaddr,vga); + unfade; + for ytemp:=191 downto 165 do begin + screentrans(145,ytemp,vaddr,vaddr2); + puttruck(145,ytemp,ytemp mod 2,vaddr); + vdelay(7); + flip(vaddr,vga); + end; + error:=loadpicsuperpacked(0,0,vaddr2,'tbma1.tb1'); + vdelay(20); + flip(vaddr2,vaddr); + putbarge(141,157,vaddr); + thrustcol:=0; + ytemp:=157; + thrust:=0; + while ytemp>-25 do begin + thrust:=thrust+0.05; + if thrustcol<63 then inc(thrustcol); + screentrans(141,ytemp,vaddr,vaddr2); + putbarge(141,ytemp,vaddr); + vdelay(7); + pal(250,thrustcol,0,0); + flip(vaddr,vga); + ytemp:=ytemp-round(thrust); + end; + vdelay(100); + fade; +{******SECOND MESSAGE*******} + cls(0,vga); + outtextxy('5 YEARS LATER, 1 LIGHT YEAR DISTANT',5,5,15,9,0,vga,false); + outtextxy(' CATASTROPHE STRIKES!! ',5,15,15,9,0,vga,false); + unfade; + vdelay(100); + repeat until keypressed; tempch:=readkey; + fade; +{******ALIEN DELEGATION*****} + error:=loadpicsuperpacked(0,0,vaddr2,'tbcrash.tb1'); + flip(vaddr2,vaddr); + unfade; + repeat + putbigflame(213,100,0); + putsmallflame(105,90,1); + putsmallflame(151,71,0); + putsmallflame(218,72,1); + putbarge(160,180,vaddr); + flip(vaddr,vga); + vdelay(5); + putbigflame(213,100,1); + putsmallflame(105,90,0); + putsmallflame(151,71,1); + putsmallflame(218,72,0); + flip(vaddr,vga); + vdelay(5); + until keypressed; + ch:=readkey; +{****ALIEN MESSAGE*****} + fade; + error:=loadpicsuperpacked(0,0,vga,'tbgorg.tb1'); + unfade; + outtextxy('GREETINGS EARTHLINGS.',0,162,15,12,0,vga,false); + outtextxy('I AM GORGONZOLA THE REPULSIVE.',0,171,15,12,0,vga,false); + outtextxy('YOU HAVE MADE A BIG MISTAKE.',0,180,15,12,0,vga,false); + readln; +end; + +procedure credits; +var j:integer; + sp:integer; + procedure rotate(stri:string;col:integer); + var j1:integer; + begin + if sp=1 then begin + for j1:=0 to 7 do begin + outtextxy(stri,0,198,j1,col,0,vga,false); + Move (mem[vga:320],mem[vga:0],63680); + if keypressed then begin inc(sp); cls(0,vga); end; + end; + end; + if sp<>1 then begin + outtextxy(stri,0,180,15,col,0,vga,true); + Move (mem[vga:3200],mem[vga:0],60800); + end; + + end; + procedure skip; begin rotate(' ',0); end; +begin + sp:=1; + cls(0,vaddr); + flip(vaddr,vga); + j:=0; + if keypressed then ch:=readkey; + rotate(' TOM BOMBEM',4); + rotate(' INVASION OF THE INANIMATE OBJECTS',4); + skip; rotate(' PROGRAMMING',9); + skip; rotate(' VINCENT M WEAVER',9); + skip; skip; rotate(' GRAPHICS',10); + skip; rotate(' VINCENT M WEAVER',10); + skip; skip; rotate(' SOUND',11); + skip; rotate(' VINCENT M WEAVER',11); + skip; skip; rotate(' GRAPHICS INSPIRATION',12); + skip; rotate(' JEFF WARWICK',12); + skip; skip; rotate(' UTOPIA BBS 410-557-0868',13); + skip; rotate(' JOHN CLEMENS',13); + skip; rotate(' JASON GRIMM',13); + skip; skip; rotate(' PCGPE AUTHORS, esp',14); + skip; rotate(' GRANT SMITH',14); + skip; skip; rotate(' SOUND BLASTER INFO',15); + skip; rotate(' AXEL STOLZ',15); + skip; skip; rotate(' INSPIRATION',9); + skip; rotate(' DOUGLAS ADAMS',9); + skip; rotate(' GENE RODENBERRY',9); + skip; rotate(' CLIFF STOLL',9); + skip; rotate(' ARTHUR C CLARKE',9); + skip; rotate(' ISAAC ASIMOV',9); + skip; rotate(' GORDON KORMAN',9); + skip; skip; rotate(' THANKS TO ALL THE AGENTS',10); + skip; rotate(' B,D,JL,L,N,P,S,W,PM,E',10); + skip; rotate(' AND ESPECIALLY AGENT G',10); + i:=0; + repeat + move(mem[vaddr2:(i*320)],mem[vga:63680],320); + Move (mem[vga:320],mem[vga:0],63680); + inc(i); + until (keypressed) or (i=299); + if keypressed then ch:=readkey; + end; + +procedure shadowrite(st:string;x5,y5,forecol,backcol:integer); +begin + outtextxy(st,x5+1,y5+1,15,backcol,0,vga,false); + outtextxy(st,x5,y5,15,forecol,0,vga,false); +end; + +procedure register; + +var pagenum,oldpagenum,numpages:integer; + pagest:string; + numst:string[2]; + +procedure page1; +begin + flip(vaddr,vga); + shadowrite(' TO REGISTER',10,10,9,1); + shadowrite('THIS GAME WAS WRITTEN BY A 16 YEAR OLD',10,30,9,1); + shadowrite(' ENTIRELY IN HIS FREE TIME.',10,40,9,1); + shadowrite('HOPEFULLY YOU FEEL HIS FREE TIME IS',10,50,9,1); + shadowrite(' WORTH SOMETHING.',10,60,9,1); + shadowrite('WARNING:',10,80,12,4); + shadowrite(' VMW SOFTWARE IS NOT AN INCORPORATED',10,90,12,4); + shadowrite(' COMPANY, NOR DOES IT HAVE ANY INCOME',10,100,12,4); + shadowrite(' EXCEPT DONATIONS. NONE OF ITS',10,110,12,4); + shadowrite(' SYMBOLS ARE TRADEMARKED EITHER. (BUT',10,120,12,4); + shadowrite(' I DOUBT YOU''LL NAME A COMPANY AFTER',10,130,12,4); + shadowrite(' MY ININTIALS)',10,140,12,4); +end; +procedure page2; +begin + flip(vaddr,vga); + shadowrite('PLEASE SEND ANY DONATIONS TO:',10,10,10,2); + shadowrite(' VINCENT WEAVER',10,20,10,2); + shadowrite(' 326 FOSTER KNOLL DR.',10,30,10,2); + shadowrite(' JOPPA, MD 21085-4706, USA, ETC.',10,40,10,2); + shadowrite('ANY DONATION OF $5 OR MORE GETS THE',10,60,13,5); + shadowrite(' NEWEST VERSION OF THE GAME, PLUS',10,70,13,5); + shadowrite(' ANY OTHER COOL PROGRAMS I HAVE AT',10,80,13,5); + shadowrite(' THE TIME.',10,90,13,5); + shadowrite('ALSO IF YOU SEND ME A SELF ADDRESSED',10,110,11,3); + shadowrite(' STAMPED ENVELOPE WITH SUFFICIENT',10,120,11,3); + shadowrite(' POSTAGE AND A 3 1/2 INCH DISK IN',10,130,11,3); + shadowrite(' IT, I WILL COPY THE NEWEST VERSION',10,140,11,3); + shadowrite(' OF THE GAME ONTO IT.',10,150,11,3); +end; + +procedure page3; +begin + flip(vaddr,vga); + shadowrite('OTHER VMW SOFTWARE PRODUCTIONS:',10,10,15,7); + shadowrite(' PAINTPRO:',10,30,13,5); + shadowrite(' LOAD AND SAVE GRAPHICS PICTURES',10,40,13,5); + shadowrite(' INTO C, PASCAL, BASIC, ETC.',10,50,13,5); + shadowrite(' WITH SCREEN CAPTURE UTILITY.',10,60,13,5); + shadowrite(' SPACEWAR III:',10,70,11,3); + shadowrite(' ALMOST COMPLETE GAME WITH WORKING',10,80,11,3); + shadowrite(' SPACESHIPS. SORT OF COOL.',10,90,11,3); + shadowrite(' AITAS: (ADVENTURES IN TIME AND SPACE)',10,100,12,4); + shadowrite(' THIS GAME WILL BE FINISHED SOMEDAY.',10,110,12,4); + shadowrite(' IT HAS BEEN UNDER WAY FOR 3 YEARS.',10,120,12,4); + shadowrite(' MISC PASCAL/BASIC PROGRAMS:',10,130,9,1); + shadowrite(' OVER 500 PROGRAMS WRITTEN OR TYPED',10,140,9,1); + shadowrite(' IN BY ME....FUN TO LOOK AT.',10,150,9,1); +end; + +procedure page4; +begin + flip(vaddr,vga); + shadowrite('DISCLAIMERS:',10,10,12,14); + shadowrite('** THE ABOVE PROGRAMS HAVE NEVER DONE**',5,30,12,4); + shadowrite('** ANYTHING BAD TO MY COMPUTER THAT **',5,40,12,4); + shadowrite('** CTRL-ALT-DEL WOULDN''T FIX. I AM **',5,50,12,4); + shadowrite('** NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR HARD DISK **',5,60,12,4); + shadowrite('** DISSAPPEARANCES, MISSING MODEMS **',5,70,12,4); + shadowrite('** MOUSE BREAKDOWNS, MELTING MONITORS**',5,80,12,4); + SHADOWRITE('** OR ANYTHING ELSE. **',5,90,12,4); + shadowrite('%% ALL VMW SOFTWARE PRODUCTIONS ARE %%',5,110,11,3); + shadowrite('%% CERTIFIED VIRUS FREE!!!!!!!!!!!! %%',5,120,11,3); +end; + +begin + background; + pagenum:=1; + oldpagenum:=1; + numpages:=4; + page1; + shadowrite('PAGE 1 of 4: ESC QUITS',50,180,15,7); + repeat + ch:=menuread; + if (ch=' ') or (ch=#13) then inc(pagenum); + if (ch='õ') or (ch='Ž') or (ch='Ü') then inc(pagenum); + if (ch='ō') or (ch='Ż') or (ch='ß') then dec(pagenum); + if pagenum>4 then pagenum:=1; + if pagenum<1 then pagenum:=4; + if oldpagenum<>pagenum then begin + if pagenum=1 then page1; + if pagenum=2 then page2; + if pagenum=3 then page3; + if pagenum=4 then page4; + str(pagenum:2,numst); + pagest:=concat('PAGE ',numst); + str(numpages:2,numst); + pagest:=concat(pagest,' of ',numst,': ESC QUITS'); + shadowrite(pagest,50,180,15,7); + oldpagenum:=pagenum; + end; + until ch=#27; +end; + + +label picloader,menu; + +begin + axel_und_carmen:=true; {as_of_9-22-94} {change_back_10-6-94} + musicon:=true; + randomize; + setupvirtual; + fade; + setmcga; + dographics; + energy:=15; + lives:=2; + score:=0; + level:=0; + for x:=0 to 40 do begin + pal(100+x,x+20,0,0); + pal(141+x,0,0,x+20); + pal(182+x,0,x+20,0); + end; + fade; + modinit; + dev:=7; + md:='vmwfan.tb1'; + mix := 10000; {use 10000 normally } + pro := 0; {Leave at 0} + loop :=0; {4 means mod will play forever} + modvolume (255,255,255,255); { Full volume } + modsetup ( stat, dev, mix, pro, loop, md ); + case stat of + 1: writeln('Not a mod'); + 2: writeln('Already playing'); + 4: writeln('Out of memory'); + end; + for x:=0 to 40 do begin + line(x+40,45,x+40,45+(2*x),100+x,vga); + line(x+120,45,x+120,45+(2*x),141+x,vga); + line(x+200,45,x+200,45+(2*x),141+x,vga); + line(x+80,125,x+80,125-(2*x),182+x,vga); + line(x+160,125,x+160,125-(2*x),182+x,vga); + end; + for x:=40 downto 0 do begin + line(x+80,45,x+80,125-(2*x),140-x,vga); + line(x+160,45,x+160,125-(2*x),181-x,vga); + line(x+240,45,x+240,125-(2*x),181-x,vga); + line(x+120,125,x+120,45+(2*x),222-x,vga); + line(x+200,125,x+200,45+(2*x),222-x,vga); + end; + unfade; + + outtextxy('A VMW SOFTWARE PRODUCTION',60,140,15,15,15,VGA,false); + y:=0; + hiscore:=0; + repeat until keypressed; + ch:=readkey; + modstop; + fade; + cls(0,vga); + assign(palf,'pal.tb1'); + reset(palf); + for i:=0 to 255 do begin + for j:=1 to 3 do readln(palf,temp[j]); + pal(i,temp[1],temp[2],temp[3]); + end; + close(palf); + fade; + +PICLOADER: + grapherror:=loadpicsuperpacked(0,0,vaddr2,'tbomb1.tb1'); + if not(axel_und_carmen) then begin + for tempi:=193 to 199 do + for tempj:=290 to 319 do + putpixel(tempj,tempi,0,vaddr2); + end; +MENU: + if musicon then begin + modinit; + dev:=7; + md:='weave1.tb1'; + mix := 10000; {use 10000 normally } + pro := 0; {Leave at 0} + loop :=0; {4 means mod will play forever} + modvolume (255,255,255,255); { Full volume } + modsetup ( stat, dev, mix, pro, loop, md ); + case stat of + 1: writeln('Not a mod'); + 2: writeln('Already playing'); + 4: writeln('Out of memory'); + end; + end; + flip(vaddr2,vga); + unfade; + repeat until keypressed; + ch:=readkey; + barpos:=0; + outtextxy('F1 HELP',0,190,15,9,7,vga,false); + coolbox(117,61,199,140,true,vga); + repeat + if barpos=0 then outtextxy('NEW GAME',123,67,15,32,0,vga,true) + else outtextxy('NEW GAME',123,67,15,32,7,vga,true); + if barpos=1 then outtextxy('OPTIONS',123,77,15,32,0,vga,true) + else outtextxy('OPTIONS',123,77,15,32,7,vga,true); + if barpos=2 then outtextxy('REGISTER',123,87,15,32,0,vga,true) + else outtextxy('REGISTER',123,87,15,32,7,vga,true); + if barpos=3 then outtextxy('LOAD GAME',123,97,15,32,0,vga,true) + else outtextxy('LOAD GAME',123,97,15,32,7,vga,true); + if barpos=4 then outtextxy('STORY',123,107,15,32,0,vga,true) + else outtextxy('STORY',123,107,15,32,7,vga,true); + if barpos=5 then outtextxy('CREDITS',123,117,15,32,0,vga,true) + else outtextxy('CREDITS',123,117,15,32,7,vga,true); + if barpos=6 then outtextxy('QUIT',123,127,15,32,0,vga,true) + else outtextxy('QUIT',123,127,15,32,7,vga,true); + + ch:=menuread; + if (ord(ch)=222) or (ord(ch)=220) then inc(barpos); + if (ord(ch)=223) or (ord(ch)=221) then dec(barpos); + if (ord(ch)=168) then begin barpos:=10; ch:=#13; end; + if ch='N' then barpos:=0; + if ch='O' then barpos:=1; + if ch='R' then barpos:=2; + if ch='L' then barpos:=3; + if ch='S' then barpos:=4; + if ch='C' then barpos:=5; + if ch='Q' then barpos:=6; + if ch='A' then axel_und_carmen:=not(axel_und_carmen); + if ch=#27 then begin + barpos:=6; + ch:=#13; + end; + if barpos=7 then barpos:=0; + if barpos=-1 then barpos:=6; + until ch=#13; + modstop; + if barpos=6 then quit; + if barpos=1 then options; + if barpos=2 then register; + if barpos=3 then loadgame; + if barpos=4 then story; + if barpos=5 then credits; + if barpos=10 then help; + if barpos=0 then playthegame(0); + if barpos=0 then goto picloader; + if barpos=4 then goto picloader; + goto menu; + +end. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tb1ans.pas b/tb1ans.pas new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f3432ef --- /dev/null +++ b/tb1ans.pas @@ -0,0 +1,292 @@ +{ TheDraw Pascal Screen Image. Date: 03/23/95 } +const + IMAGEDATA_WIDTH=80; + IMAGEDATA_DEPTH=25; + IMAGEDATA_LENGTH=4000; + IMAGEDATA : array [1..4000] of Char = ( + '°', #4, '°', #4, '°', #4, '°', #4, '°', #4, ' ', #4, '°', #4, + '°', #4, '°', #4, '°', #4, '°', #4, ' ', #4, '°', #4, ' ', #4, + ' ', #4, ' ', #4, '°', #4, ' ', #15, ' ', #15, ' ', #15, ' ', #15, + ' ', #15, ' ', #15, '°', #4, '°', #4, '°', #4, '°', #4, ' ', #4, + ' ', #4, '°', #4, '°', #4, '°', #4, '°', #4, '°', #4, ' ', #4, + '°', #4, ' ', #4, ' ', #4, ' ', #4, '°', #4, ' ', #4, '°', #4, + '°', #4, '°', #4, '°', #4, ' ', #4, ' ', #4, '°', #4, '°', #4, + '°', #4, '°', #4, '°', #4, ' ', #4, '°', #4, ' ', #4, ' ', #4, + ' ', #4, '°', #4, ' ', #4, ' ', #4, ' ', #4, '°', #2, 'V', #4, + 'e', #4, 'r', #4, 's', #4, 'i', #4, 'o', #4, 'n', #4, ' ', #4, + '1', #4, '.', #4, '0', #4, '1', #4, '!', #4, '!', #4, '°', #2, + '°', #2, '°', #2, '°', #2, ' ', #2, '±', #4, '±', #4, '±', #4, + '±', #4, '±', #4, '°', #4, '±', #4, '±', #4, '±', #4, '±', #4, + '±', #4, 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x,y:integer; { records for the flying toasters } + speed,frame:integer; + active:boolean; + END; + + + + Virtual = Array [1..64000] of byte; { The size of our Virtual Screen } + VirtPtr = ^Virtual; { Pointer to the virtual screen } + + + +var + dev,mix,stat,pro,loop : integer; + md : string; +VAR Virscr : VirtPtr; { Our first Virtual screen } + VirScr2 : VirtPtr; { Our second Virtual screen } + Vaddr : word; { The segment of our virtual screen} + Vaddr2 : Word; { The segment of our 2nd virt. screen} + ourpal : Array [0..255,1..3] of byte; { A virtual pallette } + shipv : Array [1..1] of shipinfo; { The toaster info } + Sound : Pointer; + Check : BOOLEAN; + frame:array[0..2,0..47,0..29] of byte; + bigflame:array[0..1,0..26,0..18] of byte; + smallflame:array[0..1,0..3,0..4] of byte; + barge:array[0..15,0..18] of byte; + truck:array[0..1,0..5,0..8] of byte; + score,level,lives,energy:integer; + axel_und_carmen:boolean; + tempi,tempj:integer; + scorest:string[8]; + +var grapherror:byte; + temp:array[1..3] of byte; + palf:text; + i,j:byte; + x,y,barpos:integer; + screen:screentype absolute $B800:0000; + ch:char; + +function menuread:char; +var chtemp,ch2:char; +begin + repeat until keypressed; + ch2:=#0; + chtemp:=readkey; + if chtemp=chr(0) then ch2:=readkey; + chtemp:=upcase(chtemp); + if (ord(chtemp)<10) and (ord(chtemp)<128) then begin + if ch2='H' then chtemp:='ß'; {up} + if ch2='M' then chtemp:='Ž'; {right} + if ch2='P' then chtemp:='Ü'; {down} + if ch2='K' then chtemp:='Ż'; {left} + if ch2=';' then chtemp:='Ø'; {f1} + if ch2='I' then chtemp:='ō'; {pgup} + if ch2='Q' then chtemp:='õ'; {pgdown} + end; + menuread:=chtemp; +end; + +procedure coolbox(x1,y1,x2,y2:integer;fill:boolean;page:word); +begin + for i:=0 to 5 do box(x1+i,y1+i,x2-i,y2-i,31-i,page); + if fill then for i:=y1+5 to y2-5 do line(x1+5,i,x2-5,i,7,page); +end; + +{ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ} +Procedure ShutDown; + { This frees the memory used by the virtual screen } +BEGIN + FreeMem (VirScr,64000); + FreeMem (VirScr2,64000); +END; + + + +procedure QUIT; +label menu2; +begin + coolbox(90,75,230,125,true,vga); + barpos:=0; + outtextxy('QUIT??? ARE YOU',97,82,15,9,7,vga,false); + outtextxy('ABSOLUTELY SURE?',97,90,15,9,7,vga,false); + repeat + if barpos=0 then outtextxy('YES-RIGHT NOW!',97,98,15,150,0,vga,true) + else outtextxy('YES-RIGHT NOW!',97,98,15,150,7,vga,true); + if barpos=1 then outtextxy('NO--NOT YET.',97,106,15,150,0,vga,true) + else outtextxy('NO--NOT YET.',97,106,15,150,7,vga,true); + ch:=menuread; + if (ord(ch)>219) and (ord(ch)<224) then inc(barpos); + if ch='Y' then barpos:=0; + if ch='N' then barpos:=1; + if barpos=2 then barpos:=0; + until ch=#13; + if barpos=1 then goto menu2; + settext; + move(imagedata,screen,4000); + gotoxy(1,23); + halt; + menu2: + barpos:=6; +end; + +Procedure SetUpVirtual; + { This sets up the memory needed for the virtual screen } +BEGIN + GetMem (VirScr,64000); + vaddr := seg (virscr^); + GetMem (VirScr2,64000); + vaddr2 := seg (virscr2^); +END; + + + + + +{ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ} +Procedure drawstars(menu:boolean); + { This procedure sets up the static background to be used in the program } + +CONST circ : Array [1..5,1..5] of byte = + ((00,00,30,00,00), + (00,00,26,00,00), + (30,26,18,26,30), + (00,00,26,00,00), + (00,00,30,00,00)); + +VAR i,x,y:integer; + loop1,loop2,loop3:integer; + tempaddr:word; + +procedure makehole(y:integer); +var i:integer; +begin + for i:=10 to 75 do line(239+i,y,239+i,y+9,0,tempaddr); + line(249,y,314,y,24,tempaddr); + line(249,y+10,313,y+10,18,tempaddr); + line(249,y,249,y+9,24,tempaddr); + line(314,y+1,314,y+10,18,tempaddr); +end; +BEGIN + tempaddr:=vaddr; + + + For loop1:=1 to 200 do BEGIN + x:=random (315); + y:=random (195); + For loop2:=1 to 5 do + For loop3:=1 to 5 do + if circ [loop2,loop3]<>0 then + putpixel (x+loop2,y+loop3,circ [loop2,loop3],tempaddr); + END; + if menu=false then begin + for i:=240 to 319 do line(i,0,i,199,19,tempaddr); + line(240,0,240,199,18,tempaddr); + line(240,0,319,0,18,tempaddr); + line(319,0,319,199,24,tempaddr); + line(241,199,319,199,24,tempaddr); + outtextxy('SCORE',241,1,15,127,0,tempaddr,false); + outtextxy('SCORE',242,2,15,143,0,tempaddr,false); + makehole(10); + outtextxy(' 0',250,12,15,12,0,tempaddr,false); + outtextxy('HI-SCORE',241,21,15,127,0,tempaddr,false); + outtextxy('HI-SCORE',242,22,15,143,0,tempaddr,false); + makehole(30); + outtextxy(' 0',250,32,15,12,0,tempaddr,false); + outtextxy('LEVEL',241,41,15,127,0,tempaddr,false); + outtextxy('LEVEL',242,42,15,143,0,tempaddr,false); + makehole(50); + outtextxy('12345675',251,52,15,12,0,tempaddr,false); + outtextxy('SHIELDS',241,61,15,127,0,tempaddr,false); + outtextxy('SHIELDS',242,62,15,143,0,tempaddr,false); + makehole(70); + for i:=0 to 63 do line(250+i,71,250+i,79,((i div 4)+32),tempaddr); + + outtextxy('WEAPONS',241,81,15,127,0,tempaddr,false); + outtextxy('WEAPONS',242,82,15,143,0,tempaddr,false); + makehole(90); + for i:=0 to 65 do line(249+i,111,249+i,189,0,tempaddr); + line(249,111,249,189,24,tempaddr); + line(315,111,315,189,18,tempaddr); + line(249,111,315,111,24,tempaddr); + line(249,189,315,189,18,tempaddr); + + outtextxy(' VMW ',251,114,15,15,0,tempaddr,false); + outtextxy('F1-HELP ',251,124,15,15,0,tempaddr,false); + outtextxy('ESC-QUIT',251,135,15,15,0,tempaddr,false); + outtextxy('F2-SAVE ',251,145,15,15,0,tempaddr,false); + end; + if not(menu) then begin + flip (vaddr,vga); { Copy the entire screen at vaddr, our virtual screen } + { on which we have done all our graphics, onto the } + { screen you see, VGA } + flip (vaddr,vaddr2); + end; +END; + +{ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ} +Procedure ScreenTrans (x,y,p1,p2:word); + { This is a small procedure to copy a 30x30 pixel block from coordinates + x,y on the virtual screen to coordinates x,y on the true vga screen } +BEGIN + asm + push ds + push es + mov ax,p1 + mov es,ax + mov ax,p2 + mov ds,ax + mov bx,[X] + mov dx,[Y] + push bx {; and this again for later} + mov bx, dx {; bx = dx} + mov dh, dl {; dx = dx * 256} + xor dl, dl + shl bx, 1 + shl bx, 1 + shl bx, 1 + shl bx, 1 + shl bx, 1 + shl bx, 1 {; bx = bx * 64} + add dx, bx {; dx = dx + bx (ie y*320)} + pop bx {; get back our x} + add bx, dx {; finalise location} + mov di, bx {; es:di = where to go} + mov si, di + mov al,60 + mov bx, 30 { Hight of block to copy } +@@1 : + mov cx, 24 { Width of block to copy divided by 2 } + rep movsw + add di,110h { 320 - 48 = 272 .. or 110 in hex } + add si,110h + dec bx + jnz @@1 + + pop es + pop ds + end; + { I wrote this procedure late last night, so it may not be in it's + most optimised state. Sorry :-)} +END; + + +{ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ} +Procedure newship; + { This adds a new toaster to the screen } +VAR loop1:integer; +BEGIN + loop1:=1; + + + if not (shipv[1].active) then BEGIN + shipv[1].x:=36; + shipv[1].y:=165; + shipv[1].active:=true; + shipv[1].frame:=1; + shipv[1].speed:=5; + loop1:=10; + END; + +END; + +procedure putico(x,y,fra:byte;where:word); +var i,j,col:integer; +begin + for i:=0 to 47 do + for j:=0 to 29 do begin + col:=frame[fra,i,j]; + if col<>0 then putpixel(i+x,y+j,col,where); + end; + +end; +procedure putwave(x,y,fra:byte;where:word); +var i,j,col:integer; +begin + for i:=10 to 30 do + for j:=0 to 5 do begin + col:=frame[fra,i,j]; + if col<>0 then putpixel((i+x)-10,y+j,col,where); + end; + +end; + +procedure changescore; +begin + str(score:8,scorest); + outtextxy(scorest,250,12,15,12,0,vaddr,true); +end; +{ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ} +Procedure shiproutine; +VAR loop1,loop2:integer; + ch,ch2:char; + shieldcol:integer; + wave1:array[0..5] of boolean; + bulletx,bullety,oldwavex,oldwavey,wavex,wavey,i,waveadd:integer; + bulletout:boolean; +BEGIN + pal(254,0,0,0); + shieldcol:=0; + shipv[1].active:=false; + newship; + ch:=#1; ch2:=#1; + wavex:=0; wavey:=0; waveadd:=5; + oldwavex:=0; oldwavey:=0; + bulletout:=false; bulletx:=0; bullety:=0; + for i:=0 to 4 do wave1[i]:=true; + Repeat + ch2:=#1; + if (bulletout) and (bulletx>wavex) and (bulletxwavey) and (bullety100) or (wavex<5) then begin + inc(wavey,5); + waveadd:=-waveadd; + end; + if wavey>150 then begin + wavey:=0; + for i:=0 to 5 do if wave1[i]=false then wave1[i]:=true; + end; + if keypressed then BEGIN + ch:=readkey; + if ch=chr(0) then ch2:=readkey; + if ch2='M' then inc(shipv[1].x,5); + if ch2='K' then dec(shipv[1].x,5); + if ch=' ' then begin + bulletout:=true; + bulletx:=shipv[1].x+10; + bullety:=shipv[1].y; + putwave(bulletx,bullety,1,vaddr); + end; + if ch='+' then begin inc(shieldcol,3); pal(254,shieldcol,0,0); + if shieldcol>58 then shieldcol:=59; + end; + if ch='-' then begin dec(shieldcol,3); pal(254,shieldcol,0,0); + if shieldcol<5 then shieldcol:=3; + end; + + end; + if shipv[1].active then BEGIN + screentrans (shipv[1].x,shipv[1].y,vaddr,vaddr2); + { Restore the backgrond the toaster was over } + + { Move the toaster } + if (shipv[1].x<1) then shipv[1].x:=1; + if (shipv[1].x>255) then shipv[1].x:=255; + { When toaster reaches the edge of the screen, render it inactive + and bring a new one into existance. } + END; + if shipv[1].active then BEGIN + CASE shipv [1].frame of + 1 : putico (shipv[1].x,shipv[1].y,0,vaddr); + 3 : putico (shipv[1].x,shipv[1].y,1,vaddr); + 2,4 : putico (shipv[1].x,shipv[1].y,2,vaddr); + END; + shipv[1].frame:=shipv[1].frame+1; + if shipv[1].frame=5 then shipv[1].frame:=1; + { Draw all the toasters on the VGA screen } + end; + waitretrace; + flip (vaddr,vga); + until ch=#27; + fade +END; + + +procedure playthegame(lev:integer); +{ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ} +var palloop,paldir:integer; +begin + cls(0,vaddr); + grapherror:=loadpicsuperpacked(0,0,vga,'tbma1.tb1'); + outtextxy('MOONBASE ALPHA: EARTH''S LAST CHANCE!',5,5,15,1,0,vga,false); + pal(255,0,0,0); + palloop:=0; + paldir:=1; + repeat + pal(255,palloop,0,0); + if paldir=1 then inc(palloop) + else dec(palloop); + if palloop>62 then paldir:=-1; + if palloop<1 then paldir:=1; + delay(50); + + until keypressed; + ch:=readkey; + + drawstars(false); + shiproutine; +end; + +procedure dographics; + +var i,j:integer; +begin + grapherror:=loadpicsuperpacked(0,0,vaddr,'ships.tb1'); + for i:=0 to 47 do + for j:=0 to 29 do + frame[0,i,j]:=getpixel(i,j,vaddr); + for i:=0 to 47 do + for j:=0 to 29 do + frame[1,i,j]:=getpixel(i,j+32,vaddr); + for i:=0 to 47 do + for j:=0 to 29 do + frame[2,i,j]:=getpixel(i,j+64,vaddr); + +end; + +procedure background; +begin + cls(0,vaddr); + drawstars(true); + coolbox(0,0,319,199,false,vaddr); +end; + +procedure options; +begin + background; + flip(vaddr,vga); + outtextxy('AS OF YET THERE ARE NO OPTIONS!',10,10,15,9,0,vga,false); + repeat until keypressed; + ch:=readkey; +end; + +procedure loadgame; +begin + coolbox(90,75,230,125,true,vga); + outtextxy('LOAD WHICH GAME',97,82,15,9,7,vga,false); + outtextxy(' (0-9) ',97,90,15,9,7,vga,false); + repeat until keypressed; + level:=0; +end; + +procedure help; +begin + background; + flip(vaddr,vga); + outtextxy('HELP',10,10,15,9,0,vga,false); + outtextxy('Press ESC to exit most stuff.',10,20,15,9,0,vga,false); + outtextxy('Use the arrows to manuever.',10,30,15,9,0,vga,false); + repeat until keypressed; + ch:=readkey; +end; + +procedure story; +var error:byte; + xtemp,ytemp:integer; + thrustcol:integer; + thrust:real; + tempch:char; +procedure putbigflame(xp,yp,frame:integer); +var xtemp,ytemp:integer; +begin + for xtemp:=0 to 26 do + for ytemp:=0 to 18 do + putpixel(xtemp+xp,ytemp+yp,bigflame[frame,xtemp,ytemp],vaddr); +end; +procedure putsmallflame(xp,yp,frame:integer); +var xtemp,ytemp:integer; +begin + for xtemp:=0 to 3 do + for ytemp:=0 to 4 do + putpixel(xtemp+xp,ytemp+yp,smallflame[frame,xtemp,ytemp],vaddr); +end; + +procedure putbarge(xp,yp:integer;where:word); +var xtemp,ytemp:integer; + col:byte; +begin + for xtemp:=0 to 15 do + for ytemp:=0 to 18 do begin + if (ytemp+yp>=0) then begin + col:=barge[xtemp,ytemp]; + if col<>0 then putpixel(xtemp+xp,ytemp+yp,col,where); + end; + end; +end; +procedure puttruck(xp,yp,frame:integer;where:word); +var xtemp,ytemp:integer; + col:byte; +begin + for xtemp:=0 to 5 do + for ytemp:=0 to 8 do begin + col:=truck[frame,xtemp,ytemp]; + if (ytemp+yp>=173) then begin + if col<>0 then putpixel(xtemp+xp,ytemp+yp,col,where); + end; + end; +end; + +begin + fade; + error:=loadpicsuperpacked(0,0,vaddr,'tbsobj.tb1'); + for xtemp:=0 to 26 do + for ytemp:=0 to 18 do begin + bigflame[0,xtemp,ytemp]:=getpixel(xtemp,ytemp+2,vaddr); + bigflame[1,xtemp,ytemp]:=getpixel(xtemp,ytemp+21,vaddr); + end; + for xtemp:=0 to 3 do + for ytemp:=0 to 4 do begin + smallflame[0,xtemp,ytemp]:=getpixel(xtemp,ytemp+43,vaddr); + smallflame[1,xtemp,ytemp]:=getpixel(xtemp,ytemp+47,vaddr); + end; + for xtemp:=0 to 15 do + for ytemp:=0 to 18 do + barge[xtemp,ytemp]:=getpixel(xtemp+65,ytemp+100,vaddr); + for xtemp:=0 to 5 do + for ytemp:=0 to 8 do begin + truck[0,xtemp,ytemp]:=getpixel(xtemp+85,ytemp+100,vaddr); + truck[1,xtemp,ytemp]:=getpixel(xtemp+95,ytemp+100,vaddr); + end; +{******FIRST MESSAGE*******} + cls(0,vga); + outtextxy('MOON BASE ALPHA:',5,5,15,9,0,vga,false); + outtextxy(' THE FIRST PRIVATELY FINANCED SPACE ',5,15,15,9,0,vga,false); + outtextxy(' VENTURE. FOUNDED IN 2004 BY PIONEER',5,25,15,9,0,vga,false); + outtextxy(' VINCE WEAVER. IN ORDER TO SUPPORT',5,35,15,9,0,vga,false); + outtextxy(' ITSELF, IT DISPOSED OF GARBAGE AND',5,45,15,9,0,vga,false); + outtextxy(' NUCLEAR WASTE FROM EARTH BY LAUNCHING',5,55,15,9,0,vga,false); + outtextxy(' IT INTO DEEP SPACE WITH BARGES. ',5,65,15,9,0,vga,false); + outtextxy('NOW IT IS 2018, AND THE LAST BARGE IS',5,75,15,9,0,vga,false); + outtextxy(' TO BE LAUNCHED. NOW ALL WORK THERE',5,85,15,9,0,vga,false); + outtextxy(' WILL BE CONCENTRATED ON BUILDING A',5,95,15,9,0,vga,false); + outtextxy(' TERRAN SPACE FLEET.',5,105,15,9,0,vga,false); + unfade; + repeat until keypressed; tempch:=readkey; + pal(250,0,0,0); + fade; +{******BARGE TAKING OFF**********} + error:=loadpicsuperpacked(0,0,vaddr2,'tbma1.tb1'); + putbarge(141,157,vaddr2); + flip(vaddr2,vaddr); + flip(vaddr,vga); + unfade; + for ytemp:=191 downto 165 do begin + screentrans(145,ytemp,vaddr,vaddr2); + puttruck(145,ytemp,ytemp mod 2,vaddr); + vdelay(7); + flip(vaddr,vga); + end; + error:=loadpicsuperpacked(0,0,vaddr2,'tbma1.tb1'); + vdelay(20); + flip(vaddr2,vaddr); + putbarge(141,157,vaddr); + thrustcol:=0; + ytemp:=157; + thrust:=0; + while ytemp>-25 do begin + thrust:=thrust+0.05; + if thrustcol<63 then inc(thrustcol); + screentrans(141,ytemp,vaddr,vaddr2); + putbarge(141,ytemp,vaddr); + vdelay(7); + pal(250,thrustcol,0,0); + flip(vaddr,vga); + ytemp:=ytemp-round(thrust); + end; + vdelay(100); + fade; +{******SECOND MESSAGE*******} + cls(0,vga); + outtextxy('5 YEARS LATER, 1 LIGHT YEAR DISTANT',5,5,15,9,0,vga,false); + outtextxy(' CATASTROPHE STRIKES!! ',5,15,15,9,0,vga,false); + unfade; + vdelay(100); + repeat until keypressed; tempch:=readkey; + fade; +{******ALIEN DELEGATION*****} + error:=loadpicsuperpacked(0,0,vaddr2,'tbcrash.tb1'); + flip(vaddr2,vaddr); + unfade; + repeat + putbigflame(213,100,0); + putsmallflame(105,90,1); + putsmallflame(151,71,0); + putsmallflame(218,72,1); + putbarge(160,180,vaddr); + flip(vaddr,vga); + vdelay(5); + putbigflame(213,100,1); + putsmallflame(105,90,0); + putsmallflame(151,71,1); + putsmallflame(218,72,0); + flip(vaddr,vga); + vdelay(5); + until keypressed; + ch:=readkey; +{****ALIEN MESSAGE*****} + fade; + error:=loadpicsuperpacked(0,0,vga,'tbgorg.tb1'); + unfade; + outtextxy('GREETINGS EARTHLINGS.',0,162,15,12,0,vga,false); + outtextxy('I AM GORGONZOLA THE REPULSIVE.',0,171,15,12,0,vga,false); + outtextxy('YOU HAVE MADE A BIG MISTAKE.',0,180,15,12,0,vga,false); + readln; +end; + +procedure credits; +var j:integer; + sp:integer; + procedure rotate(stri:string;col:integer); + var j1:integer; + begin + if sp=1 then begin + for j1:=0 to 7 do begin + outtextxy(stri,0,198,j1,col,0,vga,false); + Move (mem[vga:320],mem[vga:0],63680); + if keypressed then begin inc(sp); cls(0,vga); end; + end; + end; + if sp<>1 then begin + outtextxy(stri,0,180,15,col,0,vga,true); + Move (mem[vga:3200],mem[vga:0],60800); + end; + + end; + procedure skip; begin rotate(' ',0); end; +begin + sp:=1; + cls(0,vaddr); + flip(vaddr,vga); + j:=0; + if keypressed then ch:=readkey; + rotate(' TOM BOMBEM',4); + rotate(' INVASION OF THE INANIMATE OBJECTS',4); + skip; rotate(' PROGRAMMING',9); + skip; rotate(' VINCENT M WEAVER',9); + skip; skip; rotate(' GRAPHICS',10); + skip; rotate(' VINCENT M WEAVER',10); + skip; skip; rotate(' SOUND',11); + skip; rotate(' VINCENT M WEAVER',11); + skip; skip; rotate(' GRAPHICS INSPIRATION',12); + skip; rotate(' JEFF WARWICK',12); + skip; skip; rotate(' UTOPIA BBS 410-557-0868',13); + skip; rotate(' JOHN CLEMENS',13); + skip; rotate(' JASON GRIMM',13); + skip; skip; rotate(' PCGPE AUTHORS, esp',14); + skip; rotate(' GRANT SMITH',14); + skip; skip; rotate(' SOUND BLASTER INFO',15); + skip; rotate(' AXEL STOLZ',15); + skip; skip; rotate(' INSPIRATION',9); + skip; rotate(' DOUGLAS ADAMS',9); + skip; rotate(' GENE RODENBERRY',9); + skip; rotate(' CLIFF STOLL',9); + skip; rotate(' ARTHUR C CLARKE',9); + skip; rotate(' ISAAC ASIMOV',9); + skip; rotate(' GORDON KORMAN',9); + skip; skip; rotate(' THANKS TO ALL THE AGENTS',10); + skip; rotate(' B,D,JL,L,N,P,S,W,PM,E',10); + skip; rotate(' AND ESPECIALLY AGENT G',10); + i:=0; + repeat + move(mem[vaddr2:(i*320)],mem[vga:63680],320); + Move (mem[vga:320],mem[vga:0],63680); + inc(i); + until (keypressed) or (i=299); + if keypressed then ch:=readkey; + end; + +procedure shadowrite(st:string;x5,y5,forecol,backcol:integer); +begin + outtextxy(st,x5+1,y5+1,15,backcol,0,vga,false); + outtextxy(st,x5,y5,15,forecol,0,vga,false); +end; + +procedure register; + +var pagenum,oldpagenum,numpages:integer; + pagest:string; + numst:string[2]; + +procedure page1; +begin + flip(vaddr,vga); + shadowrite(' TO REGISTER',10,10,9,1); + shadowrite('THIS GAME WAS WRITTEN BY A 16 YEAR OLD',10,30,9,1); + shadowrite(' ENTIRELY IN HIS FREE TIME.',10,40,9,1); + shadowrite('HOPEFULLY YOU FEEL HIS FREE TIME IS',10,50,9,1); + shadowrite(' WORTH SOMETHING.',10,60,9,1); + shadowrite('WARNING:',10,80,12,4); + shadowrite(' VMW SOFTWARE IS NOT AN INCORPORATED',10,90,12,4); + shadowrite(' COMPANY, NOR DOES IT HAVE ANY INCOME',10,100,12,4); + shadowrite(' EXCEPT DONATIONS. NONE OF ITS',10,110,12,4); + shadowrite(' SYMBOLS ARE TRADEMARKED EITHER. (BUT',10,120,12,4); + shadowrite(' I DOUBT YOU''LL NAME A COMPANY AFTER',10,130,12,4); + shadowrite(' MY ININTIALS)',10,140,12,4); +end; +procedure page2; +begin + flip(vaddr,vga); + shadowrite('PLEASE SEND ANY DONATIONS TO:',10,10,10,2); + shadowrite(' VINCENT WEAVER',10,20,10,2); + shadowrite(' 326 FOSTER KNOLL DR.',10,30,10,2); + shadowrite(' JOPPA, MD 21085-4706, USA, ETC.',10,40,10,2); + shadowrite('ANY DONATION OF $5 OR MORE GETS THE',10,60,13,5); + shadowrite(' NEWEST VERSION OF THE GAME, PLUS',10,70,13,5); + shadowrite(' ANY OTHER COOL PROGRAMS I HAVE AT',10,80,13,5); + shadowrite(' THE TIME.',10,90,13,5); + shadowrite('ALSO IF YOU SEND ME A SELF ADDRESSED',10,110,11,3); + shadowrite(' STAMPED ENVELOPE WITH SUFFICIENT',10,120,11,3); + shadowrite(' POSTAGE AND A 3 1/2 INCH DISK IN',10,130,11,3); + shadowrite(' IT, I WILL COPY THE NEWEST VERSION',10,140,11,3); + shadowrite(' OF THE GAME ONTO IT.',10,150,11,3); +end; + +procedure page3; +begin + flip(vaddr,vga); + shadowrite('OTHER VMW SOFTWARE PRODUCTIONS:',10,10,15,7); + shadowrite(' PAINTPRO:',10,30,13,5); + shadowrite(' LOAD AND SAVE GRAPHICS PICTURES',10,40,13,5); + shadowrite(' INTO C, PASCAL, BASIC, ETC.',10,50,13,5); + shadowrite(' WITH SCREEN CAPTURE UTILITY.',10,60,13,5); + shadowrite(' SPACEWAR III:',10,70,11,3); + shadowrite(' ALMOST COMPLETE GAME WITH WORKING',10,80,11,3); + shadowrite(' SPACESHIPS. SORT OF COOL.',10,90,11,3); + shadowrite(' AITAS: (ADVENTURES IN TIME AND SPACE)',10,100,12,4); + shadowrite(' THIS GAME WILL BE FINISHED SOMEDAY.',10,110,12,4); + shadowrite(' IT HAS BEEN UNDER WAY FOR 3 YEARS.',10,120,12,4); + shadowrite(' MISC PASCAL/BASIC PROGRAMS:',10,130,9,1); + shadowrite(' OVER 500 PROGRAMS WRITTEN OR TYPED',10,140,9,1); + shadowrite(' IN BY ME....FUN TO LOOK AT.',10,150,9,1); +end; + +procedure page4; +begin + flip(vaddr,vga); + shadowrite('DISCLAIMERS:',10,10,12,14); + shadowrite('** THE ABOVE PROGRAMS HAVE NEVER DONE**',5,30,12,4); + shadowrite('** ANYTHING BAD TO MY COMPUTER THAT **',5,40,12,4); + shadowrite('** CTRL-ALT-DEL WOULDN''T FIX. I AM **',5,50,12,4); + shadowrite('** NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR HARD DISK **',5,60,12,4); + shadowrite('** DISSAPPEARANCES, MISSING MODEMS **',5,70,12,4); + shadowrite('** MOUSE BREAKDOWNS, MELTING MONITORS**',5,80,12,4); + SHADOWRITE('** OR ANYTHING ELSE. **',5,90,12,4); + shadowrite('%% ALL VMW SOFTWARE PRODUCTIONS ARE %%',5,110,11,3); + shadowrite('%% CERTIFIED VIRUS FREE!!!!!!!!!!!! %%',5,120,11,3); +end; + +begin + background; + pagenum:=1; + oldpagenum:=1; + numpages:=4; + page1; + shadowrite('PAGE 1 of 4: ESC QUITS',50,180,15,7); + repeat + ch:=menuread; + if (ch=' ') or (ch=#13) then inc(pagenum); + if (ch='õ') or (ch='Ž') or (ch='Ü') then inc(pagenum); + if (ch='ō') or (ch='Ż') or (ch='ß') then dec(pagenum); + if pagenum>4 then pagenum:=1; + if pagenum<1 then pagenum:=4; + if oldpagenum<>pagenum then begin + if pagenum=1 then page1; + if pagenum=2 then page2; + if pagenum=3 then page3; + if pagenum=4 then page4; + str(pagenum:2,numst); + pagest:=concat('PAGE ',numst); + str(numpages:2,numst); + pagest:=concat(pagest,' of ',numst,': ESC QUITS'); + shadowrite(pagest,50,180,15,7); + oldpagenum:=pagenum; + end; + until ch=#27; +end; + + +label picloader,menu; + +begin + axel_und_carmen:=true; {as_of_9-22-94} {change_back_10-6-94} + randomize; + setupvirtual; + fade; + setmcga; + dographics; + energy:=15; + lives:=2; + score:=0; + level:=0; + for x:=0 to 40 do begin + pal(100+x,x+20,0,0); + pal(141+x,0,0,x+20); + pal(182+x,0,x+20,0); + end; + fade; + modinit; + dev:=7; + md:='vmwfan.tb1'; + mix := 10000; {use 10000 normally } + pro := 0; {Leave at 0} + loop :=0; {4 means mod will play forever} + modvolume (255,255,255,255); { Full volume } + modsetup ( stat, dev, mix, pro, loop, md ); + case stat of + 1: writeln('Not a mod'); + 2: writeln('Already playing'); + 4: writeln('Out of memory'); + end; + for x:=0 to 40 do begin + line(x+40,45,x+40,45+(2*x),100+x,vga); + line(x+120,45,x+120,45+(2*x),141+x,vga); + line(x+200,45,x+200,45+(2*x),141+x,vga); + line(x+80,125,x+80,125-(2*x),182+x,vga); + line(x+160,125,x+160,125-(2*x),182+x,vga); + end; + for x:=40 downto 0 do begin + line(x+80,45,x+80,125-(2*x),140-x,vga); + line(x+160,45,x+160,125-(2*x),181-x,vga); + line(x+240,45,x+240,125-(2*x),181-x,vga); + line(x+120,125,x+120,45+(2*x),222-x,vga); + line(x+200,125,x+200,45+(2*x),222-x,vga); + end; + unfade; + + outtextxy('A VMW SOFTWARE PRODUCTION',60,140,15,15,15,VGA,false); + y:=0; + repeat until keypressed; + ch:=readkey; + modstop; + fade; + cls(0,vga); + assign(palf,'pal.tb1'); + reset(palf); + for i:=0 to 255 do begin + for j:=1 to 3 do readln(palf,temp[j]); + pal(i,temp[1],temp[2],temp[3]); + end; + close(palf); + fade; + +PICLOADER: + grapherror:=loadpicsuperpacked(0,0,vaddr2,'tbomb1.tb1'); + if not(axel_und_carmen) then begin + for tempi:=193 to 199 do + for tempj:=290 to 319 do + putpixel(tempj,tempi,0,vaddr2); + end; +MENU: + modinit; + dev:=7; + md:='weave1.tb1'; + mix := 10000; {use 10000 normally } + pro := 0; {Leave at 0} + loop :=0; {4 means mod will play forever} + modvolume (255,255,255,255); { Full volume } + modsetup ( stat, dev, mix, pro, loop, md ); + case stat of + 1: writeln('Not a mod'); + 2: writeln('Already playing'); + 4: writeln('Out of memory'); + end; + flip(vaddr2,vga); + unfade; + repeat until keypressed; + ch:=readkey; + barpos:=0; + outtextxy('F1 HELP',0,190,15,9,7,vga,false); + coolbox(117,61,199,140,true,vga); + repeat + if barpos=0 then outtextxy('NEW GAME',123,67,15,32,0,vga,true) + else outtextxy('NEW GAME',123,67,15,32,7,vga,true); + if barpos=1 then outtextxy('OPTIONS',123,77,15,32,0,vga,true) + else outtextxy('OPTIONS',123,77,15,32,7,vga,true); + if barpos=2 then outtextxy('REGISTER',123,87,15,32,0,vga,true) + else outtextxy('REGISTER',123,87,15,32,7,vga,true); + if barpos=3 then outtextxy('LOAD GAME',123,97,15,32,0,vga,true) + else outtextxy('LOAD GAME',123,97,15,32,7,vga,true); + if barpos=4 then outtextxy('STORY',123,107,15,32,0,vga,true) + else outtextxy('STORY',123,107,15,32,7,vga,true); + if barpos=5 then outtextxy('CREDITS',123,117,15,32,0,vga,true) + else outtextxy('CREDITS',123,117,15,32,7,vga,true); + if barpos=6 then outtextxy('QUIT',123,127,15,32,0,vga,true) + else outtextxy('QUIT',123,127,15,32,7,vga,true); + + ch:=menuread; + if (ord(ch)=222) or (ord(ch)=220) then inc(barpos); + if (ord(ch)=223) or (ord(ch)=221) then dec(barpos); + if (ord(ch)=168) then begin barpos:=10; ch:=#13; end; + if ch='N' then barpos:=0; + if ch='O' then barpos:=1; + if ch='R' then barpos:=2; + if ch='L' then barpos:=3; + if ch='S' then barpos:=4; + if ch='C' then barpos:=5; + if ch='Q' then barpos:=6; + if ch='A' then axel_und_carmen:=not(axel_und_carmen); + if ch=#27 then begin + barpos:=6; + ch:=#13; + end; + if barpos=7 then barpos:=0; + if barpos=-1 then barpos:=6; + until ch=#13; + modstop; + if barpos=6 then quit; + if barpos=1 then options; + if barpos=2 then register; + if barpos=3 then loadgame; + if barpos=4 then story; + if barpos=5 then credits; + if barpos=10 then help; + if barpos=0 then playthegame(0); + if barpos=0 then goto picloader; + if barpos=4 then goto picloader; + goto menu; + +end. \ No newline at end of file