/*program TOM_BOMB_EM_AND_INVASION_OF_INANIMATE_OBJECTS; {version 2.4a} {by Vincent Weaver....21085-4706} uses svmwgraph,nvmwgraph,crt,detect,smix,dos; */ #include int NumSounds = 8; /* {Shape Table Values For Story} bargeoff = 0; bigflame1off = 290; bigflame2off = 780; sflame2off = 1270; sflame1off = 1290; truck1off = 1310; truck2off = 1370; explo1off = 1430; explo2off = 1730; rent1off = 2030; {Shape Table Values for Game} shape1off = 8000; shape2off = 8400; shape3off = 8800; shape4off = 9200; shape5off = 9600; shape6off = 10000; shape7off = 10400; shape8off = 10800; shape9off = 11200; shape10off = 11600; shape11off = 12000; shape12off = 12400; shape13off = 12800; shape14off = 13200; shape15off = 13600; shape16off = 14000; shape17off = 14400; shape18off = 14800; shape19off = 15200; shape20off = 15600; bigship1off = 0; bigship2off = 1600; bigship3off = 3200; shapearray : array [1..20] of word =(8000,8400,8800,9200, 9600,10000,10400,10800, 11200,11600,12000,12400, 12800,13200,13600,14000, 14400,14800,15200,15600); shape2array : array [0..39] of word =(8000,8200,8400,8600,8800, 9000,9200,9400,9600,9800, 10000,10200,10400,10600,10800, 11000,11200,11400,11600,11800, 12000,12200,12400,12600,12800, 13000,13200,13400,13600,13800, 14000,14200,14400,14600,14800, 15000,15200,15400,15600,15800); shape3array : array [0..79] of word =(8000,8100,8200,8300,8400, 8500,8600,8700,8800,8900, 9000,9100,9200,9300,9400, 9500,9600,9700,9800,9900, 10000,10100,10200,10300,10400, 10500,10600,10700,10800,10900, 11000,11100,11200,11300,11400, 11500,11600,11700,11800,11900, 12000,12100,12200,12300,12400, 12500,12600,12700,12800,12900, 13000,13100,13200,13300,13400, 13500,13600,13700,13800,13900, 14000,14100,14200,14300,14400, 14500,14600,14700,14800,14900, 15000,15100,15200,15300,15400, 15500,15600,15700,15800,15900); var {Brodsky's Variables} BaseIO: word; IRQ, DMA, DMA16: byte; Sound: array[0..NumSounds-1] of PSound; OldExitProc: pointer; Xsoundeffects,Xsbsound:byte; */ int sbsound,sbeffects; /* XBASEIO,XDMA,XIRQ:word; type ScreenType = array [0..3999] of byte; {For Ansi Loading} EnemyInfo = record x,y:integer; kind:byte; out,exploding,boundarycheck,dead:boolean; explodprogress:byte; minx,maxx,xspeed,yspeed:integer; hitsneeded:integer; end; Obstruction = record x,y:integer; shooting,dead,exploding:boolean; explodeprogress:byte; howmanyhits:integer; kind,lastshot:byte; end; Virtual = Array [1..64000] of byte; { The size of our Virtual Screen } VirtPtr = ^Virtual; { Pointer to the virtual screen } ShapeTable = Array [0..16000] of byte; ShapePtr = ^ShapeTable; */ int ho,mi,se,s100; /* background:array[0..200,0..11] of byte; tempsec:integer; flames:boolean; inte:integer; dev,mix,stat,pro,loop : integer; testr,string_param,md : string; howmuchscroll:byte; filestuff:searchrec; {for load game} savegamef:text; ondisk:string; tempch:char; CDROMmode:boolean; VAR Virscr,VirScr2,VirScr3 : VirtPtr; { Our first Virtual screen } ShapeTable1:ShapePtr; num:byte; Vaddr,Vaddr2,Vaddr3 : Word; { The segment of our 2nd virt. screen} ShapeAddr:word; { The segment of the shape table} ShapeOfs:word; backofs,backseg:word; ourpal : Array [0..255,1..3] of byte; { A virtual pallette } enemy:array[0..5] of enemyinfo; passive:array[0..30] of obstruction; numpassive:integer; Soundp : Pointer; Check : BOOLEAN; hiscore,level,shields:integer; beginscore,beginshields:integer; score:longint; axel_und_carmen:boolean; tempi,tempj:integer; scorest:string[8]; soundeffects:boolean; lowscore:integer; it,hiname:string[10]; shipxadd,shipyadd,shipadd,shipx,shipy,shipspeed,shipframe:integer; var grapherror:byte; temp:array[1..3] of byte; i,j:byte; x,y,barpos:integer; screen:screentype absolute $B800:0000; ch:char; */ void clearkeyboardbuffer() { /* mem[$0040:$001c]:=mem[$0040:$001a];*/ } void fillblock(int xx1,int yy1,int xx2,int yy2,int colo,int where) { } void ReadConfigFile() { FILE *fff; if(1) /*!(CDROMmode)*/{ /*{$I-} assign(ff,'config.tb1'); reset(ff); close(ff); {$I+} if IOresult<>0 then begin textcolor(12); writeln('Warning: Missing or Invalid "config.tb1" file'); writeln; textcolor(3); writeln('If you are running this off of a CD-ROM drive:'); textcolor(7); writeln(' For optimal performance you should copy this game'); writeln(' to a floppy or hard disk. However you can play in'); writeln(' read only mode.'); writeln; textcolor(3); writeln('If you are not running this off of a CD-ROM drive:'); textcolor(7); write(' Please run the "'); textcolor(2); write('tbsetup'); textcolor(7); writeln('" utility included to set'); writeln(' up your computer. Thank You.'); writeln; textcolor(3); writeln('It is possible to play this game in read only mode. There will'); writeln('be no high scores or saved games, but it is playable.'); writeln; textcolor(12); writeln('Press ''R'' to play in read-only mode.'); clearkeyboardbuffer; repeat until keypressed; ch:=readkey; textcolor(7); if upcase(ch)='R' then CDROMmode:=true else halt(5); end; end; if not(CDROMmode) then begin assign(ff,'config.tb1'); reset(ff); readln(ff,Xsoundeffects); readln(ff,Xsbsound); readln(ff,Xbaseio); readln(ff,Xirq); readln(ff,Xdma); close(ff); end else begin writeln; writeln; textcolor(2); writeln('Do you want soundblaster effects? (y/n)'); writeln; textcolor(7); writeln(' (If you encounter problems, be sure the SET BLASTER'); writeln(' environmental variable is set. See your soundcard''s manual).'); clearkeyboardbuffer; repeat until keypressed; ch:=readkey; if upcase(ch)='Y' then begin xsbsound:=1; Xsoundeffects:=1; soundeffects:=true; end else begin xsbsound:=0; Xsoundeffects:=0; soundeffects:=false; end; end; end; */ } } char menuread() { /*var chtemp,ch2:char; begin repeat until keypressed; ch2:=#0; chtemp:=readkey; if chtemp=chr(0) then ch2:=readkey; chtemp:=upcase(chtemp); if (ord(chtemp)<10) and (ord(chtemp)<128) then begin if ch2='H' then chtemp:='ß'; {up} if ch2='M' then chtemp:='Þ'; {right} if ch2='P' then chtemp:='Ü'; {down} if ch2='K' then chtemp:='Ý'; {left} if ch2=';' then chtemp:='¨'; {f1} if ch2='I' then chtemp:='ô'; {pgup} if ch2='Q' then chtemp:='õ'; {pgdown} end; menuread:=chtemp; end; */ } void coolbox(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int fill,int page) { int i; /* for(i=0;i<5;i++) box(x1+i,y1+i,x2-i,y2-i,31-i,page); if(fill) for (i=y1+5;iscores[tempi] then inc(place); place:=10-place; for tempi:=9 downto place do scores[tempi]:=scores[tempi-1]; for tempi:=9 downto place do names[tempi]:=names[tempi-1]; scores[place]:=score; names[place]:=hiname; if not(CDROMmode) then begin assign(hilist,'HISCORE.TB1'); rewrite(hilist); for i:=0 to 9 do writeln(hilist,names[i]); for i:=0 to 9 do writeln(hilist,scores[i]); close(hilist); end; end; */ } /*procedure putshape240over(shapeoffset,towhere,xacross,yacross,xx,yy:word); label bob,bob2,bob3; begin asm {saves registers} push ds mov cx,[yy] {multiplies y value by 320} shl cx,4 mov ax,cx shl cx,1 add ax,cx shl cx,1 add ax,cx shl cx,1 add ax,cx add ax,[xx] {adds the x-value to get offset} mov di,ax mov bx,[yacross] xor dx,dx mov ax,[shapeaddr] {moves segment of array} mov ds,ax mov ax,[shapeoffset] {moves offsett if array} {add ax,[shapeofs]} mov si,ax mov ax,towhere {loads place to move it} mov es,ax xor cx,cx xor dx,dx mov ax,240 sub ax,[xacross] {xacross?} bob: mov cx,[xacross] {how long to loop across (the x-size of array)} rep movsb cmp dx,bx jz bob3 xor cx,cx add di,ax inc dx jmp bob bob3: {restore variables} pop ds end; end; procedure putshape240(shapeoffset,towhere,xacross,yacross,xx,yy:word); label bob,bob4,bob2,bob3; begin asm {saves registers} push ds mov cx,[yy] {multiplies y value by 320} shl cx,4 mov ax,cx shl cx,1 add ax,cx shl cx,1 add ax,cx shl cx,1 add ax,cx add ax,[xx] {adds the x-value to get offset} mov di,ax mov bx,240 sub bx,[xacross] {xacross?} push bx mov bx,[yacross] xor dx,dx mov ax,[shapeaddr] {moves segment of array} mov ds,ax mov ax,[shapeoffset] {moves offsett if array} {add ax,[shapeofs]} mov si,ax mov ax,towhere {loads place to move it} mov es,ax xor ax,ax xor cx,cx xor dx,dx bob: mov cx,[xacross] {how long to loop across (the x-size of array)} bob4: xor ah,ah lodsb cmp ax,0 {If zero skip, if not, store value} jz bob2 stosb dec di bob2: {Adds when x-value must be increased} inc di loop bob4 cmp dx,bx jz bob3 xor cx,cx pop ax add di,ax push ax inc dx jmp bob bob3: pop bx {restore variables} pop ds end; end; procedure putshape(shapeoffset,towhere,xacross,yacross,xx,yy:word); label bob,bob4,bob2,bob3; begin asm {saves registers} push ds mov ax,[yy] {multiplies y value by 320} shl ax,5 mov cx,ax shl ax,1 shl cx,3 add ax,cx add ax,[xx] {adds the x-value to get offset} mov di,ax mov bx,320 sub bx,[xacross] {xacross?} push bx mov bx,[yacross] xor dx,dx mov ax,[shapeaddr] {moves segment of array} mov ds,ax mov ax,[shapeoffset] {moves offsett if array} {add ax,[shapeofs]} mov si,ax mov ax,[towhere] {loads place to move it} mov es,ax xor ax,ax xor cx,cx xor dx,dx bob: mov cx,[xacross] {how long to loop across (the x-size of array)} bob4: xor ah,ah lodsb cmp ax,0 {If zero skip, if not, store value} jz bob2 stosb dec di bob2: {Adds when x-value must be increased} inc di loop bob4 cmp dx,bx jz bob3 xor cx,cx pop ax add di,ax push ax inc dx jmp bob bob3: pop bx {restore variables} pop ds end; end; procedure putshapeline(fromwhereo,towhere,xacross,yacross,xx,yy,line:word); var int,color:integer; {draws just one line of a shape with same syntax as putshape} begin for int:=0 to xacross do begin {does not work. stack overflow} (*asm push ax push bx push cx mov ax,[line] {multiplies y value by 320} mul [xacross] add ax,[int] mov bx,ax mov ax,[ShapeAddr] {moves segment of array} mov ds,ax {mov ax,[ShapeOfs]} {moves offset of array} mov ax,[fromwhereo] add ax,bx mov si,ax xor ax,ax lodsb mov [color],ax pop cx pop bx pop ax end;*) color:=ShapeTable1^[fromwhereo+((xacross*line)+int)]; if color<>0 then putpixel(xx+int,yy+line,color,towhere); end; end; procedure putshapeover(fromwhereo,towhere,xacross,yacross,xx,yy:word); label bbob,bbob4,bbob2,bbob3; begin asm push ax {saves registers} push dx push cx push bx push ds mov ax,[yy] {multiplies y value by 320} shl ax,5 mov cx,ax shl ax,1 shl cx,3 add ax,cx add ax,[xx] {adds the x-value to get offset} mov di,ax mov bx,320 sub bx,[xacross] {xacross?} push bx mov bx,[yacross] xor dx,dx mov ax,[shapeaddr] {moves segment of array} mov ds,ax (*add ax,[shapeofs] *) {moves offsett if array} mov ax,[fromwhereo] mov si,ax mov ax,[towhere] {loads place to move it} mov es,ax xor ax,ax xor cx,cx xor dx,dx bbob: mov cx,[xacross] {how long to loop across (the x-size of array)} bbob4: rep movsb {copies, overwriting} bbob2: {Adds when x-value must be increased} cmp dx,bx jz bbob3 xor cx,cx pop ax add di,ax push ax inc dx jmp bbob bbob3: pop bx {restore variables} pop ds pop bx pop cx pop dx pop ax end; end; */ void help() { /* cls(0,vga); coolbox(0,0,319,199,0,vga); outtextxy("HELP",144,10,4,0,vga,0); outtextxy("--------------------------------------",10,20,12,0,vga,false); outtextxy("IN THE GAME:",10,30,4,0,vga,false); outtextxy(" ARROWS MANUEVER",10,40,4,0,vga,false); outtextxy(" SPACE BAR FIRES MISSILES",10,50,4,0,vga,false); outtextxy(" F2 SAVES GAME",10,60,4,0,vga,false); outtextxy(" P=PAUSE S=TOGGLE SOUND ESC=QUIT",10,70,4,0,vga,false); outtextxy("--------------------------------------",10,80,12,0,vga,false); outtextxy("MISSION: SHOOT THE INANIMATE OBJECTS",10,90,4,0,vga,false); outtextxy(" WHY? WATCH THE STORY!",10,100,4,0,vga,false); outtextxy("--------------------------------------",10,110,12,0,vga,false); outtextxy("THE SPACE BAR SPEEDS UP MOVIE SCENES",10,120,4,0,vga,false); outtextxy("ESC QUITS THEM",10,130,4,0,vga,false); outtextxy("--------------------------------------",10,140,12,0,vga,false); outtextxy(" SEE \"TB1.DOC\" FOR MORE HELP/INFO",10,150,4,0,vga,false); outtextxy("--------------------------------------",10,160,12,0,vga,false); outtextxy("PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE",64,185,4,0,vga,false); repeat until keypressed; ch:=readkey;*/ } void makehole(int y,int tempaddr) { /*fillblock(249,y,314,y+9,0,tempaddr); horizontalline(249,314,y,24,tempaddr); horizontalline(249,313,y+10,18,tempaddr); verticalline(y,y+9,249,24,tempaddr); verticalline(y+1,y+10,314,18,tempaddr);*/ } void setupsidebar() { int i,x,y,loop1,loop2,loop3; int tempaddr; /* tempaddr:=vaddr; fillblock(240,0,320,199,19,tempaddr); verticalline(0,199,240,18,tempaddr); horizontalline(240,319,0,18,tempaddr); verticalline(0,199,399,24,tempaddr); horizontalline(241,319,199,24,tempaddr); outtextxy('SCORE',241,1,127,0,tempaddr,false); outtextxy('SCORE',242,2,143,0,tempaddr,false); makehole(10); str(score,it); outtextxy(it,250+(8*(8-length(it))),11,12,0,tempaddr,true); outtextxy('HI-SCORE',241,21,127,0,tempaddr,false); outtextxy('HI-SCORE',242,22,143,0,tempaddr,false); str(hiscore,it); makehole(30); outtextxy(it,250+(8*(8-length(it))),31,12,0,tempaddr,true); outtextxy('LEVEL',241,41,127,0,tempaddr,false); outtextxy('LEVEL',242,42,143,0,tempaddr,false); makehole(50); outtextxy('SHIELDS',241,61,127,0,tempaddr,false); outtextxy('SHIELDS',242,62,143,0,tempaddr,false); makehole(70); for i:=0 to ((4*shields)-1) do verticalline(71,78,250+i,(47-(i div 4)),tempaddr); outtextxy('WEAPONS',241,81,127,0,tempaddr,false); outtextxy('WEAPONS',242,82,143,0,tempaddr,false); makehole(90); fillblock(249,111,314,189,0,tempaddr); verticalline(111,189,249,24,tempaddr); verticalline(111,189,315,18,tempaddr); horizontalline(249,315,111,24,tempaddr); horizontalline(249,315,189,18,tempaddr); outtextxy(' TB1 ',250,114,2,0,tempaddr,false); outtextxy(' TB1 ',251,115,10,0,tempaddr,false); outtextxy('F1-HELP ',250,124,2,0,tempaddr,false); outtextxy('F1-HELP ',251,125,10,0,tempaddr,false); outtextxy('F2-SAVES',250,134,2,0,tempaddr,false); outtextxy('F2-SAVES',251,135,10,0,tempaddr,false); outtextxy('ESC-QUIT',250,144,2,0,tempaddr,false); outtextxy('ESC-QUIT',251,145,10,0,tempaddr,false); outtextxy('P-PAUSES',250,154,2,0,tempaddr,false); outtextxy('P-PAUSES',251,155,10,0,tempaddr,false); outtextxy('S-SOUND ',250,164,2,0,tempaddr,false); outtextxy('S-SOUND ',251,165,10,0,tempaddr,false); flipd320(vaddr,vaddr2); END;*/ } /*Procedure blockmove(x1,y1,x2,y2,p1,x3,y3,p2:word); { This is a small procedure to copy block x1,y1,x2,y2, from page 1 to x3,y3 on page 2} BEGIN asm push ds push es mov ax,p1 mov ds,ax mov ax,p2 mov es,ax mov bx,[X1] mov dx,[Y1] push bx {; and this again for later} mov bx, dx {; bx = dx} mov dh, dl {; dx = dx * 256} xor dl, dl shl bx, 6 {; bx = bx * 64} add dx, bx {; dx = dx + bx (ie y*320)} pop bx {; get back our x} add bx, dx {; finalise location} mov si, bx {; es:di = where to go} mov bx,[X3] mov dx,[Y3] push bx {; and this again for later} mov bx, dx {; bx = dx} mov dh, dl {; dx = dx * 256} xor dl, dl shl bx, 6 {; bx = bx * 64} add dx, bx {; dx = dx + bx (ie y*320)} pop bx {; get back our x} add bx, dx {; finalise location} mov di, bx {; es:di = where to go} mov ax,[y2] sub ax,[y1] mov dx,[x2] sub dx,[x1] mov bx,320 sub bx,dx @@1 : mov cx, dx { Width of block to copy divided by 2 } shr cx,1 jnc @@2 rep movsw movsb jmp @@3 @@2: rep movsw @@3: add di,bx add si,bx dec ax jnz @@1 pop es pop ds end; END; procedure pauseawhile(howlong:word); var i:word; begin i:=0; repeat waitretrace; inc(i); if i>howlong then exit; until keypressed; end; procedure changescore; var itemp,jtemp:integer; begin str(score:8,scorest); outtextxy(scorest,250,11,12,0,vaddr,true); if (score mod 400 =0) and (shields<16) then begin if sbeffects then startsound(sound[2],0,false); inc(shields); pal(254,shields*4,0,0); for itemp:=0 to shields do for jtemp:=71 to 78 do horizontalline(250+(itemp*4), 254+(itemp*4),jtemp, 47-itemp,vaddr); end; end; function collision(x1,y1,xsize1,ysize1,x2,y2,xsize2,ysize2:integer):boolean; var bob:byte; hit:boolean; label aat1,aat2,aat3,aat4; begin bob:=0; asm mov ax,[x1] mov bx,[x2] mov cx,[xsize1] mov dx,[xsize2] cmp bx,ax jnge aat1 xchg ax,bx xchg cx,dx aat1: add ax,cx add bx,dx sub ax,bx add cx,dx cmp cx,ax jnge aat3 inc [bob] mov ax,[y1] mov bx,[y2] mov cx,[ysize1] mov dx,[ysize2] cmp bx,ax jnge aat2 xchg ax,bx xchg cx,dx aat2: add ax,cx add bx,dx sub ax,bx add cx,dx cmp cx,ax jnge aat3 inc [bob] aat3: mov [hit],0 cmp [bob],2 jnz aat4 mov [hit],1 aat4: end; if hit then collision:=true else collision:=false; end; {%%} procedure clearshape; begin asm push es mov cx,8000 mov es,[shapeaddr] xor di,di mov al,5 mov ah,al rep stosw pop es end; end; {000+} procedure outbackline(line,row:word); label bob,bob2,bob3; var off2,off:word; begin off2:=vaddr3; {not sure why necessary, but keep} off:=backseg; {losing the values of the original} asm {saves registers} push ds push es xor ax,ax {old xx variable (times to repeat)=0} push ax {mov cx,[(4-row)*10)] } {multiplies y value by 2400} {calculates initial offset for y value} mov ax,4 sub ax,row shl ax,5 mov bx,ax shl ax,1 add bx,ax shl ax,2 add bx,ax shl ax,3 add bx,ax {original row offset is in bx} bob2: {get background array} mov ax,[off] mov ds,ax mov dx,[line] shl dx, 2 mov ax,dx shl dx,1 add ax,dx pop cx add ax,cx push cx add ax,[backofs] mov si,ax lodsb xor ah,ah mov cx,ax shl cx,3 {from background number, get actual offset} mov ax,cx shl cx,3 add ax,cx shl cx,1 add ax,cx add ax,8000 mov si,ax mov ax,[shapeaddr] mov ds,ax mov ax,[off2] {loads place to move it} mov es,ax mov di,bx mov ax,220 {what to add to increase one y} xor dx,dx bob: mov cx,20 {how long to loop across (the x-size of array)} rep movsb {move, overwriting} cmp dx,9 {see if longer than y size} jz bob3 {if so, end} add di,ax {if not, increase y by one} inc dx jmp bob bob3: add bx,20 {Increase starting offset value} pop cx {jump if not drawn 12 across} inc cx cmp cx,12 push cx jnz bob2 {restore variables} pop cx pop es pop ds end; end; procedure savegame; begin if CDROMmode then exit; cls(0,vga); coolbox(0,0,319,199,false,vga); outtextxy('SAVE GAME',124,10,4,0,vga,false); outtextxy('THIS WILL ONLY SAVE HOW YOU WERE',10,20,4,0,vga,false); outtextxy('AT THE BEGINNING OF THE LEVEL!!!',10,30,4,0,vga,false); findfirst('SG?.TB1',ANYFILE,filestuff); ondisk:='ALREADY SAVED GAMES:'; while doserror=0 do with filestuff do begin ondisk:=concat(ondisk,name[3]); findnext(filestuff); end; if ondisk='' then ondisk:=concat(ondisk,'NONE'); outtextxy(ondisk,10,50,4,0,vga,false); outtextxy('SAVE WHICH GAME?',10,60,4,0,vga,false); repeat until keypressed; tempch:=readkey; if (tempch>='0') and (tempch<='9') then begin {$I-} ondisk:=concat('SG',tempch,'.TB1'); assign(savegamef,ondisk); rewrite(savegamef); {$I+} If IOResult=0 then begin writeln(savegamef,beginscore); writeln(savegamef,level); writeln(savegamef,beginshields); close(savegamef); outtextxy('GAME SAVED',120,150,15,0,vga,false); end else outtextxy('ERROR! GAME NOT SAVED!',102,150,15,0,vga,false); outtextxy('PRESS ANY KEY...',96,180,4,0,vga,false); repeat; until keypressed; tempch:=readkey; end; end; procedure put10shape240(shapeoffset,towhere,xx,yy:word); label bob,bob4,bob2,bob3; begin asm {saves registers} push ds mov cx,[yy] {multiplies y value by 320} shl cx,4 mov ax,cx shl cx,1 add ax,cx shl cx,1 add ax,cx shl cx,1 add ax,cx add ax,[xx] {adds the x-value to get offset} mov di,ax mov bx,240 sub bx,10 {xacross?} push bx mov bx,9 xor dx,dx mov ax,[shapeaddr] {moves segment of array} mov ds,ax mov ax,[shapeoffset] {moves offsett if array} {add ax,[shapeofs]} mov si,ax mov ax,towhere {loads place to move it} mov es,ax xor ax,ax xor cx,cx xor dx,dx bob: mov cx,10 {how long to loop across (the x-size of array)} bob4: xor ah,ah lodsb cmp ax,0 {If zero skip, if not, store value} jz bob2 stosb dec di bob2: {Adds when x-value must be increased} inc di loop bob4 cmp dx,bx jz bob3 xor cx,cx pop ax add di,ax push ax inc dx jmp bob bob3: pop bx {restore variables} pop ds end; end; function upcollide(x,y,speed:word;add:integer;howfar,where:word):word; var add2,color:word; label mree1,mree2,mree3,mree4,mree5,mree6; begin add2:=y+add; asm {saves registers} push ds mov cx,[add2] {multiplies y value by 320} shl cx,4 mov ax,cx shl cx,1 add ax,cx shl cx,1 add ax,cx shl cx,1 add ax,cx add ax,[x] {adds the x-value to get offset} mov si,ax mov ax,[where] mov ds,ax xor ah,ah mov [color],0 mov dx,[speed] inc dx mree2: dec dx mov cx,[howfar] mree3: lodsb cmp ax,3 je mree1 cmp ax,5 je mree4 jne mree6 mree4: cmp bx,3 je mree6 mree1: mov [color],ax mov bx,ax mree6: loop mree3 add si,240 sub si,[howfar] cmp dx,0 jne mree2 pop ds end; upcollide:=color; end; function leftcollide(x,y,speed:word;add:integer;howfar,where:word):word; var add2,color:word; label mree1,mree2,mree3,mree4,mree5,mree6; begin add2:=x+add; asm {saves registers} push ds mov cx,[y] {multiplies y value by 320} shl cx,4 mov ax,cx shl cx,1 add ax,cx shl cx,1 add ax,cx shl cx,1 add ax,cx add ax,[add2] {adds the x-value to get offset} mov si,ax mov ax,[where] mov ds,ax xor ah,ah mov [color],0 mov dx,[howfar] inc dx mree2: dec dx mov cx,[speed] inc cx mree3: lodsb cmp ax,3 je mree1 cmp ax,5 jne mree6 cmp bx,3 je mree6 mree1: mov [color],ax mov bx,ax mree6: loop mree3 add si,240 sub si,[speed] cmp dx,0 jne mree2 pop ds end; leftcollide:=color; end; procedure loadlevel3shapes; var x,y,i,j,shape:byte; begin clearshape; grapherror:=mode13loadpicpacked(0,0,vaddr,false,true,'tblev3.tb1'); for j:=0 to 3 do for i:=0 to 19 do for x:=0 to 9 do for y:=0 to 9 do ShapeTable1^[shape3array[(j*20)+i]+((y*10)+x)] :=getpixel(1+x+(i*11),1+y+(j*11),vaddr); cls(0,vaddr); end; procedure littleopener3; var star_x:array[0..5]of integer; star_y:array[0..5]of integer; begin loadlevel3shapes; grapherror:=mode13loadpicpacked(0,0,vga,true,false,'tbl2ship.tb1'); fade; cls(0,vga); grapherror:=mode13loadpicpacked(0,0,vaddr,false,true,'tbl3intr.tb1'); blockmove(0,3,171,117,vaddr,10,10,vga); putshape (shape3array[60],vga,10,9,113,52); unfade; outtextxy('Hmmmm... STUPID TRACTOR BEAM.',10,155,10,0,vga,false); outtextxy('I GUESS I''D BETTER GO SHUT IT OFF.',10,165,10,0,vga,false); pauseawhile(700); clearkeyboardbuffer; for i:=24 downto 0 do begin blockmove(0,3,171,117,vaddr,10,10,vga); putshape (shape3array[60+(4*(i mod 4))],vga,10,9,113,28+i); waitretrace; waitretrace; waitretrace; waitretrace; waitretrace; waitretrace; end; putshape (shape3array[60],vga,10,9,113,28); fillblock(10,155,300,185,0,vga); outtextxy('I''M LUCKY I WORE MAGNETIC SHOES.',10,155,12,0,vga,false); outtextxy('Hmmmm. SOMEONE LEFT THE AIR-LOCK',10,165,12,0,vga,false); outtextxy(' UNLOCKED. STRANGE.',10,175,12,0,vga,false); pauseawhile(600); clearkeyboardbuffer; putpixel(110,20,10,vga); putpixel(110,22,10,vga); fillblock(111,14,123,29,0,vga); fillblock(10,155,300,185,0,vga); outtextxy('I HOPE THIS ISN''T A TRAP.',10,155,9,0,vga,false); outtextxy('I WISH I HAD SOME FORM OF ',10,165,9,0,vga,false); outtextxy(' WEAPON.',10,175,9,0,vga,false); pauseawhile(600); clearkeyboardbuffer; fade; cls(0,vga); blockmove(179,41,287,134,vaddr,10,10,vga); for i:=0 to 5 do begin star_x[i]:=37+random(70); star_y[i]:=18+random(56); putpixel(star_x[i],star_y[i],15,vga); end; outtextxy('WOW!! A GLASS-WALLED AIR-LOCK.',10,135,9,0,vga,false); unfade; pauseawhile(500); clearkeyboardbuffer; fillblock(10,135,300,185,0,vga); outtextxy('NOW WHERE ARE WE GOING?',5,125,9,0,vga,false); outtextxy('I GUESS THE PLANET EERM.',5,135,9,0,vga,false); outtextxy('WHAT AN ODD NAME.',5,145,9,0,vga,false); outtextxy('AND WHY AM I TALKING TO MYSELF?',5,155,10,0,vga,false); outtextxy('ANYWAY I JUST WANT TO GO HOME',5,165,9,0,vga,false); outtextxy(' AND SLEEP.',5,175,9,0,vga,false); clearkeyboardbuffer; j:=0; while (j<2400) and (not(keypressed)) do begin inc(j); for i:=0 to 5 do begin putpixel(star_x[i],star_y[i],0,vga); inc(star_x[i]); if star_x[i]>107 then begin star_x[i]:=37; star_y[i]:=18+random(56); end; putpixel(star_x[i],star_y[i],15,vga); end; waitretrace; waitretrace;waitretrace; end; if keypressed then ch:=readkey; fade; cls(0,vga); unfade; end; Procedure levelthree; label newroom; type{ EnemyInfo = record x,y:integer; kind:byte; out,exploding,boundarycheck,dead:boolean; explodprogress:byte; minx,maxx,xspeed,yspeed:integer; hitsneeded:integer; end;} pittype = record px,py:integer; end; kctype = record kcx,kcy:integer; kcout:boolean; end; const framedir:array[0..1,0..3] of integer =((0,1,0,-1),(1,0,-1,0)); VAR loop1,loop2:integer; ch,ch2:char; pits:array[0..4] of pittype; numpits:byte; bullet1x,bullet1y,bullet2x,bullet2y,i:integer; bullet1dir,bullet2dir,collide:byte; bullet1out,bullet2out:boolean; whichone,temp,temp2:integer; tempst:string; what:byte; k:integer; itemp,jtemp:byte; whatdelay:byte; tempilg:byte; xx:integer; ucollide,dcollide,lcollide,rcollide:word; walking,feet:byte; room:byte; backrow,topblocky:integer; levelover,odd,changeroom,havegun:boolean; whichroomnext:array[0..3] of byte; {n,s,e,w} keycards:array[0..3] of boolean; keycard:kctype; shieldup:array[0..11] of boolean; shieldx,shieldy,laserx,lasery:integer; laserup:array[0..11] of boolean; computers:array[0..11] of boolean; computerx,computery:integer; computer_0hits:integer; tempkc:byte; procedure horizwalls(x,y,howfar:word); var i:word; begin for i:=0 to howfar do put10shape240(shape3array[3],vaddr2,x+(i*10),y); end; procedure verticalwalls(x,y,howfar:word); var i:word; begin for i:=0 to howfar do put10shape240(shape3array[2],vaddr2,x,y+(i*10)); end; procedure dopits; var i:word; begin for i:=0 to (numpits-1) do with pits[i] do put10shape240(shape3array[5],vaddr2,px,py); end; procedure clearroom; var i,j:byte; begin for i:=0 to 23 do for j:=0 to 19 do put10shape240(shape3array[0], vaddr2,i*10,j*10); end; procedure doroom(n,s,e,w:boolean); var i:byte; begin for i:=0 to 2 do begin put10shape240(shape3array[18],vaddr2,100+(i*10),0); put10shape240(shape3array[18],vaddr2,100+(i*10),199); put10shape240(shape3array[19],vaddr2,0,90+(i*10)); put10shape240(shape3array[19],vaddr2,239,90+(i*10)); end; if n then begin horizwalls(0,0,10); horizwalls(130,0,10); end else horizwalls(0,0,23); if s then begin horizwalls(0,197,10); horizwalls(130,197,10); end else horizwalls(0,197,23); if e then begin verticalwalls(237,0,8); verticalwalls(237,110,8); end else for i:=0 to 20 do put10shape240(shape3array[2],vaddr2,237,i*10); if w then begin verticalwalls(0,0,8); verticalwalls(0,110,8); end else for i:=0 to 20 do put10shape240(shape3array[2],vaddr2,0,i*10); end; BEGIN {loadlevel3shapes;} computer_0hits:=0; whatdelay:=1; havegun:=true; for i:=0 to 3 do keycards[i]:=false; for i:=0 to 11 do begin shieldup[i]:=false; laserup[i]:=false; computers[i]:=false; end; shieldup[0]:=true; laserup[0]:=true; computers[0]:=true; shipx:=115; shipy:=180; odd:=false; shipxadd:=0; room:=0; shipyadd:=0; shipframe:=1; shipspeed:=5; ch:=#1; ch2:=#1; bullet1out:=false; bullet2out:=false; bullet1x:=0; bullet1y:=0; bullet2x:=0; bullet2y:=0; flipd320(vaddr2,vaddr); str(level,tempst); fillblock(251,52,314,59,0,vaddr); outtextxy(tempst,307,51,12,0,vaddr,false); cls(0,vaddr2); pal(250,0,0,63); pal(251,63,0,0); pal(254,shields*4,0,0); howmuchscroll:=50; cls(0,vga); coolbox(70,85,240,120,true,vga); outtextxy(' LEVEL THREE:',84,95,4,7,vga,false); outtextxy(' THE ALIEN SHIP',84,105,4,7,vga,false); clearkeyboardbuffer; pauseawhile(300); numpassive:=0; levelover:=false; newroom: numpits:=0; changeroom:=false; if room=254 then room:=0; clearroom; if shipframe=1 then shipy:=188 else if shipframe=3 then shipy:=3 else if shipframe=2 then shipx:=3 else if shipframe=4 then shipx:=228; keycard.kcout:=false; if room=0 then begin whichroomnext[0]:=1; whichroomnext[1]:=255; clearroom; verticalwalls(30,0,16); verticalwalls(207,0,16); verticalwalls(57,30,16); verticalwalls(180,30,16); with pits[0] do begin px:=95; py:=80; end; with pits[1] do begin px:=135; py:=80; end; numpits:=2; { actual} dopits; for i:=0 to 10 do for j:=0 to 2 do begin put10shape240(shape3array[4],vaddr2,60+(j*10),80+(i*10)); put10shape240(shape3array[4],vaddr2,150+(j*10),80+(i*10)); end; {walkway} for i:=0 to 15 do for j:=0 to 1 do put10shape240(shape3array[1],vaddr2,110+(j*10),40+(i*10)); put10shape240(shape3array[6],vaddr2,110,30); put10shape240(shape3array[6],vaddr2,120,30); computerx:=110; computery:=30; if shieldup[0] then begin shieldx:=10; shieldy:=10; put10shape240(shape3array[8],vaddr2,10,10); end; if laserup[0] then begin laserx:=220; lasery:=10; put10shape240(shape3array[7],vaddr2,220,10); end; {badguys} {put10shape240(shape3array[32],vaddr2,40,180); put10shape240(shape3array[32],vaddr2,190,180);} doroom(true,true,false,false); end; if room=1 then begin whichroomnext[0]:=2; whichroomnext[1]:=0; doroom(true,true,false,false); end; if room=2 then begin whichroomnext[1]:=1; whichroomnext[2]:=6; whichroomnext[3]:=4; with pits[0] do begin px:=95; py:=80; end; with pits[1] do begin px:=135; py:=80; end; numpits:=2; dopits; doroom(false,true,true,true); end; if room=3 then begin whichroomnext[0]:=4; if not(keycards[3]) then begin keycard.kcout:=true; keycard.kcx:=100; keycard.kcy:=100; put10shape240(shape3array[12],vaddr2,100,100); end; doroom(true,false,false,false); end; if room=4 then begin whichroomnext[0]:=7; whichroomnext[1]:=3; whichroomnext[2]:=2; doroom(true,true,true,false); end; if room=5 then begin whichroomnext[0]:=6; doroom(true,false,false,false); if not(keycards[2]) then begin keycard.kcout:=true; keycard.kcx:=100; keycard.kcy:=100; put10shape240(shape3array[11],vaddr2,100,100); end; end; if room=6 then begin whichroomnext[0]:=11; whichroomnext[1]:=5; whichroomnext[3]:=2; doroom(true,true,false,true); end; if room=7 then begin whichroomnext[0]:=8; whichroomnext[1]:=4; doroom(true,true,false,false); end; if room=8 then begin whichroomnext[1]:=7; whichroomnext[2]:=9; if not(keycards[0]) then begin keycard.kcout:=true; keycard.kcx:=100; keycard.kcy:=100; put10shape240(shape3array[9],vaddr2,100,100); end; doroom(false,true,true,false); end; if room=9 then begin whichroomnext[2]:=10; whichroomnext[3]:=8; doroom(false,false,true,true); end; if room=10 then begin whichroomnext[1]:=11; whichroomnext[3]:=9; if not(keycards[1]) then begin keycard.kcout:=true; keycard.kcx:=100; keycard.kcy:=100; put10shape240(shape3array[10],vaddr2,100,100); end; doroom(false,true,false,true); end; if room=11 then begin whichroomnext[0]:=10; whichroomnext[1]:=6; doroom(true,true,false,false); end; if room=255 then begin if keycards[0] and keycards[1] and keycards[2] and keycards[3] then begin levelover:=true; cls(0,vga); outtextxy('You Have won!',5,5,9,7,vga,false); outtextxy('But as you can see this level is not done yet.',5,15,9,7,vga,false); {outtextxy('Anyway');} readln; inc(level); end else begin cls(0,vga); outtextxy('You Cannot Leave Yet',5,5,9,7,vga,true); repeat until keypressed; tempch:=readkey; levelover:=false; shipframe:=1; room:=254; end; end; if (room=254) and not(levelover) then goto newroom; {**** GAME LOOP ****} {*******************} Repeat ch2:=#1; ch:=#1; flipd240(0,vaddr,vaddr2); {***Collision Check***} if numpits>0 then for i:=0 to (numpits-1) do with pits[i] do if collision(shipx,shipy,5,4,px,py,4,4) then begin levelover:=true; cls(0,vga); grapherror:=mode13loadpicpacked(0,0,vga,false,true,'tbpit.tb1'); if sbeffects then StartSound(Sound[7], 0, false); {outtextxy('You Fell In A Pit!',5,5,9,2,vga,false);} clearkeyboardbuffer; repeat until keypressed; tempch:=readkey; end; if keycard.kcout then if collision(shipx,shipy,5,4,keycard.kcx,keycard.kcy,5,5) then begin keycard.kcout:=false; case room of 3: keycards[3]:=true; 5: keycards[2]:=true; 8: keycards[0]:=true; 10:keycards[1]:=true; end; put10shape240(shape3array[0],vaddr2,keycard.kcx,keycard.kcy); end; if shieldup[room] then if collision(shipx,shipy,5,4,shieldx,shieldy,5,5) then begin shieldup[room]:=false; put10shape240(shape3array[0],vaddr2,shieldx,shieldy); inc(shields); pal(254,shields*4,0,0); for itemp:=0 to shields do for jtemp:=71 to 78 do horizontalline(250+(itemp*4), 254+(itemp*4),jtemp, 47-itemp,vaddr); end; if laserup[room] then if collision(shipx,shipy,5,4,laserx,lasery,5,5) then begin laserup[room]:=false; put10shape240(shape3array[0],vaddr2,laserx,lasery); end; if computers[room] then if collision(shipx,shipy,5,4,computerx,computery,10,5) then begin cls(0,vga); grapherror:=mode13loadpicpacked(0,0,vga,false,true,'tbconsol.tb1'); tempkc:=0; if keycards[0] then begin inc(tempkc); putpixel(147,132,0,vga); end; if keycards[1] then begin inc(tempkc); putpixel(179,132,0,vga); end; if keycards[2] then begin inc(tempkc); putpixel(179,160,0,vga); end; if keycards[3] then begin inc(tempkc); putpixel(147,160,0,vga); end; case room of 0: begin inc(computer_0hits); if computer_0hits=1 then begin outtextxy('COMPUTER ACTIVATED:',47,30,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy(' HUMAN YOU HAVE COME TOO SOON. LEVELS 3',47,40,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy(' AND 4 ARE INCOMPLETE.',47,48,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy(' ANYWAY I CAN SEE YOU ARE NOT THE',47,58,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy(' TENTACLEE COMMANDER. YOU ARE IN',47,66,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy(' GRAVE DANGER. LUCKILY THE MAIN',47,74,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy(' COMPUTER SYSTEM DOES NOT APPROVE',47,82,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy(' OF THE TENTACLEE''S POLICIES.',47,90,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy(' I PERSONALLY CANNOT SHUT OFF THE TRACTOR',47,100,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy(' BEAM. YOU MUST RETRIEVE FOUR KEYCARDS',47,108,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy(' SCATTERED AROUND THE FLIGHT DECK.',47,116,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy(' THE MAP BELOW WILL AID YOU.',47,124,2,0,vga,true); end; if computer_0hits=2 then begin outtextxy('COMPUTER ACTIVATED:',47,30,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy(' HUMAN I HAVE ALREADY TOLD YOU MUCH.',47,40,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy(' COLLECT THE 4 KEYCARDS, MADE OF',47,48,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy(' RUBY, GOLD, EMERALD, AND ALUMINUM.',47,56,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy(' WATCH OUT FOR ENEMIES NOT UNDER MY',47,66,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy(' CONTROL, RADIOACTIVE FLOORS, AND',47,74,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy(' EXTREMELY DEEP PITS.',47,82,2,0,vga,true); end; if computer_0hits>2 then begin outtextxy('COMPUTER ACTIVATED:',47,30,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy(' HUMAN, GO AWAY. YOU ANNOY ME.',47,40,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy(' I HAVE TOLD YOU EVERYTHING.',47,48,2,0,vga,true); end; end; end; clearkeyboardbuffer; repeat until keypressed; tempch:=readkey; shipx:=shipx+(4*framedir[1,shipframe]); shipy:=shipy+(4*framedir[0,shipframe]); end; {***DO EXPLOSIONS***} { for i:=0 to 30 do if passive[i].exploding then with passive[i] do begin inc(explodeprogress); putshape240(shape2array[35+explodeprogress],vaddr2, 20,9,x,y+howmuchscroll); if explodeprogress>4 then begin dead:=true; exploding:=false; putshape240over(14800(*shape2array[34]*),vaddr2, 20,9,x,y+howmuchscroll); end; end; } {***MOVE BULLET***} if bullet1out then begin case bullet1dir of 1:begin dec(bullet1y,5); collide:=upcollide(bullet1x,bullet1y,5,-5,3,vaddr2); end; 2:begin inc(bullet1x,5); collide:=leftcollide(bullet1x,bullet1y,5,10,3,vaddr2); end; 3:begin inc(bullet1y,5); collide:=upcollide(bullet1x,bullet1y,5,10,3,vaddr2); end; 4:begin dec(bullet1x,5); collide:=leftcollide(bullet1x,bullet1y,5,-5,3,vaddr2); end; end; if collide<>0 then bullet1out:=false; if bullet1out then putshape(shape3array[76],vaddr,10,9,bullet1x,bullet1y); end; if bullet2out then begin dec(bullet2y,5); if bullet2y<5 then bullet2out:=false; if bullet2out then putshape(shape3array[76],vaddr,10,9,bullet2x,bullet2y); end; {***MOVE ENEMIES***} { for j:=0 to 30 do begin if passive[j].dead=false then begin inc(passive[j].y); if(passive[j].y)>190 then passive[j].dead:=true; end; end; for j:=0 to 30 do begin if passive[j].lastshot>0 then dec(passive[j].lastshot); if (passive[j].dead=false) and (passive[j].shooting) and (passive[j].lastshot=0) and (passive[j].y>0) then begin tempilg:=7; for i:=0 to 5 do if enemy[i].out=false then tempilg:=i; if tempilg<>7 then begin passive[j].lastshot:=30; enemy[tempilg].out:=true; enemy[tempilg].y:=passive[j].y; enemy[tempilg].x:=passive[j].x+5; enemy[tempilg].yspeed:=5; enemy[tempilg].kind:=25; if passive[j].kind=11 then enemy[tempilg].kind:=26; end; end; end; for j:=0 to 5 do begin if enemy[j].out then begin putshape(shape2array[enemy[j].kind],vaddr, 20,9,enemy[j].x,enemy[j].y); enemy[j].y:=enemy[j].y+enemy[j].yspeed; if enemy[j].y>189 then enemy[j].out:=false; end; end; } {***READ KEYBOARD***} if keypressed then BEGIN ch:=readkey; if ch=chr(0) then ch2:=readkey; if ch=#27 then levelover:=true; clearkeyboardbuffer; if ch2='M' then begin if (shipframe=2) and (shipxadd=0) then shipxadd:=2 else if (shipframe<>2) then shipframe:=2 else inc(shipxadd); end; if ch2='K' then begin if (shipframe=4) and (shipxadd=0) then shipxadd:=-2 else if (shipframe<>4) then shipframe:=4 else dec(shipxadd); end; if ch2='H' then begin if (shipframe=1) and (shipyadd=0) then shipyadd:=-2 else if (shipframe<>1) then shipframe:=1 else dec(shipyadd); end; if ch2='P' then begin if (shipframe=3) and (shipyadd=0) then shipyadd:=2 else if (shipframe<>3) then shipframe:=3 else inc(shipyadd); end; if ch2=';' then help; if ch='+' then begin inc(whatdelay); if whatdelay>25 then whatdelay:=25; end; if (ch='P') or (ch='p') then begin coolbox(65,85,175,110,true,vga); outtextxy('GAME PAUSED',79,95,4,7,vga,false); clearkeyboardbuffer; repeat until keypressed; tempch:=readkey; end; if ch='-' then begin dec(whatdelay); if whatdelay<1 then whatdelay:=1; end; if (ch='S') or (ch='s') then sbeffects:=not(sbeffects); if ch2='<' then savegame; end; if (ch=' ') and havegun then begin if (bullet1out=false) then begin if sbeffects then StartSound(Sound[4], 0, false); bullet1out:=true; bullet1x:=shipx+3; bullet1y:=shipy+4; bullet1dir:=shipframe; putshape(shape3array[76],vaddr,10,9,bullet1x,bullet1y); end else if (bullet2out=false) then begin if sbeffects then StartSound(Sound[4], 0, false); bullet2out:=true; bullet2x:=shipx; bullet2y:=shipy; bullet2dir:=shipframe; putshape(shape3array[76],vaddr,10,9,bullet2x,bullet2y); end; end; {***MOVE SHIP***} ucollide:=upcollide(shipx,shipy,abs(shipyadd),-abs(shipyadd),10,vaddr2); dcollide:=upcollide(shipx,shipy,abs(shipyadd),8,10,vaddr2); lcollide:=leftcollide(shipx,shipy,abs(shipxadd),-abs(shipxadd),8,vaddr2); rcollide:=leftcollide(shipx,shipy,abs(shipxadd),0,8,vaddr2); if (shipframe=1) and (ucollide<>0) then shipyadd:=0; if (shipframe=3) and (dcollide<>0) then shipyadd:=0; if (shipframe=2) and (rcollide<>0) then shipxadd:=0; if (shipframe=4) and (lcollide<>0) then shipxadd:=0; shipy:=shipy+shipyadd; shipyadd:=shipyadd-sgn(shipyadd); shipx:=shipx+shipxadd; shipxadd:=shipxadd-sgn(shipxadd); case ucollide of 5: begin changeroom:=true; room:=whichroomnext[0]; end; end; case dcollide of 5: begin changeroom:=true; room:=whichroomnext[1]; end; end; case rcollide of 5: begin changeroom:=true; room:=whichroomnext[2]; end; end; case lcollide of 5: begin changeroom:=true; room:=whichroomnext[3]; end; end; if (shipyadd<>0) or (shipxadd<>0) then inc(walking,4) else walking:=0; if walking>12 then walking:=0; CASE shipframe of 1 : putshape (shape3array[60+walking],vaddr,10,9,shipx,shipy); 2 : putshape (shape3array[61+walking],vaddr,10,9,shipx,shipy); 3 : putshape (shape3array[62+walking],vaddr,10,9,shipx,shipy); 4 : putshape (shape3array[63+walking],vaddr,10,9,shipx,shipy); END; waitretrace; flipd320 (vaddr,vga); if odd then begin pal(250,0,0,63); pal(251,63,0,0); odd:=not(odd); end else begin pal(251,0,0,63); pal(250,63,0,0); odd:=not(odd); end; for i:=0 to whatdelay do waitretrace; if changeroom then goto newroom; until levelover; END; Procedure leveltwoengine(l_level:byte); VAR loop1,loop2:integer; ch,ch2:char; saucersout:integer; bullet1x,bullet1y,bullet2x,bullet2y,i:integer; bullet1out,bullet2out:boolean; whichone,temp,temp2:integer; tempst:string; what:byte; k:integer; itemp,jtemp:byte; whatdelay:byte; tempilg:byte; xx:integer; backrow,topblocky:integer; f:text; levelover:boolean; procedure loadlevel2shapes; var x,y,i,j,shape:byte; begin clearshape; grapherror:=mode13loadpicpacked(0,0,vaddr,false,true,'ships.tb1'); for i:=0 to 42 do for j:=0 to 30 do begin ShapeTable1^[bigship1off+((j*43)+i)]:=getpixel(i,j,vaddr); ShapeTable1^[bigship2off+((j*43)+i)]:=getpixel(i,j+32,vaddr); ShapeTable1^[bigship3off+((j*43)+i)]:=getpixel(i,j+64,vaddr); end; if l_level=2 then grapherror:=mode13loadpicpacked(0,0,vaddr,false,true,'tbaship.tb1'); if l_level=4 then grapherror:=mode13loadpicpacked(0,0,vaddr,false,true,'tbeerm.tb1'); for j:=0 to 3 do for i:=0 to 9 do for x:=0 to 19 do for y:=0 to 9 do ShapeTable1^[shape2array[(j*10)+i]+((y*20)+x)] :=getpixel(1+x+(i*21),1+y+(j*11),vaddr); cls(0,vaddr); end; BEGIN level:=l_level; loadlevel2shapes; if l_level=2 then assign(f,'level2.tb1'); if l_level=4 then assign(f,'level4.tb1'); reset(f); for j:=0 to 200 do for i:=0 to 11 do read(f,background[j,i]); close(f); for i:=0 to 30 do begin passive[i].dead:=true; passive[i].exploding:=false; end; for i:=0 to 5 do begin enemy[i].out:=false; end; backrow:=0; whatdelay:=1; shipx:=36; shipadd:=0; shipframe:=1; shipspeed:=5; ch:=#1; ch2:=#1; bullet1out:=false; bullet2out:=false; bullet1x:=0; bullet1y:=0; bullet2x:=0; bullet2y:=0; flipd320(vaddr2,vaddr); str(level,tempst); fillblock(251,52,314,59,0,vaddr); outtextxy(tempst,307,51,12,0,vaddr,false); cls(0,vaddr2); for i:=0 to 100 do begin putshape240(14400{32}, vaddr2,20,9,random(237),random(227)); putshape240(14400{shape2array[32]}, vaddr2,20,9,random(237),random(227)); end; pal(254,shields*4,0,0); howmuchscroll:=50; cls(0,vga); coolbox(70,85,240,120,true,vga); if l_level=2 then begin outtextxy(' LEVEL TWO:',84,95,4,7,vga,false); outtextxy('THE "PEACE ENVOY"',84,105,4,7,vga,false); end; if l_level=4 then begin outtextxy(' LEVEL FOUR:',84,95,4,7,vga,false); outtextxy(' THE PLANET EERM',84,105,4,7,vga,false); end; clearkeyboardbuffer; pauseawhile(300); numpassive:=0; levelover:=false; {**** GAME LOOP ****} {*******************} Repeat ch2:=#1; ch:=#1; dec(howmuchscroll); if howmuchscroll<1 then begin flipd50(vaddr2,2250,vaddr2,3000); flipd50(vaddr2,1500,vaddr2,2250); flipd50(vaddr2,750,vaddr2,1500); flipd50(vaddr2,0,vaddr2,750); for i:=0 to 4 do begin outbackline(backrow,i); for xx:=0 to 11 do begin if (background[backrow,xx]>9) and (background[backrow,xx]<20) then begin k:=-1; for j:=0 to numpassive do if passive[j].dead=true then k:=j; if k=-1 then begin inc(numpassive); k:=numpassive; end; with passive[k] do begin dead:=false; kind:=background[backrow,xx]; if (kind>10) and (kind<15) then shooting:=true else shooting:=false; exploding:=false; x:=xx*20; y:=-(((i+1)*10)); howmanyhits:=1; lastshot:=0; end; end; end; inc(backrow); end; flipd50(vaddr3,0,vaddr2,0); howmuchscroll:=50; end; flipd240(howmuchscroll,vaddr,vaddr2); topblocky:=backrow-(howmuchscroll div 10)-1; { str(passive[1].y,it); outtextxy(it,10,10,12,0,vaddr,true); str(passive[1].x,it); outtextxy(it,10,20,12,0,vaddr,true); } {***Collision Check***} for i:=0 to 30 do if (passive[i].dead=false) and (passive[i].exploding=false) then with passive[i] do begin if (bullet1out) and collision(bullet1x,bullet1y,3,4,x,y,10,5) then begin if kind<>10 then begin if sbeffects then StartSound(Sound[3], 0, false); exploding:=true; explodeprogress:=0; bullet1out:=false; inc(score,10); changescore; end else begin bullet1out:=false; tempilg:=7; for i:=0 to 5 do if enemy[i].out=false then tempilg:=i; if tempilg<>7 then begin enemy[tempilg].out:=true; enemy[tempilg].y:=bullet1y; enemy[tempilg].x:=bullet1x; enemy[tempilg].yspeed:=7; enemy[tempilg].kind:=21; end; end; end; if (bullet2out) and collision(bullet2x,bullet2y,3,4,x,y,10,5) then begin if kind<>10 then begin if sbeffects then StartSound(Sound[3], 0, false); exploding:=true; explodeprogress:=0; bullet2out:=false; inc(score,10); changescore; end else begin bullet2out:=false; tempilg:=7; for i:=0 to 5 do if enemy[i].out=false then tempilg:=i; if tempilg<>7 then begin enemy[tempilg].out:=true; enemy[tempilg].y:=bullet2y; enemy[tempilg].x:=bullet2x; enemy[tempilg].yspeed:=7; enemy[tempilg].kind:=21; end; end; end; if (y>155) and (kind<>10) then begin if collision(x,y,10,5,shipx+16,165,5,5) or collision(x,y,10,5,shipx+6,175,18,8) then begin if sbeffects then startsound(Sound[5],0,false); {exploding:=true; explodeprogress:=2;} dead:=true; dec(shields); if shields<0 then levelover:=true; putshape240over(14800{shape2array[34]},vaddr2, 20,9,x,y+howmuchscroll); fillblock(250,71,314,79,0,vaddr); if shields>0 then begin pal(254,shields*4,0,0); for itemp:=0 to shields do for jtemp:=71 to 78 do horizontalline(250+(itemp*4), 254+(itemp*4),jtemp, 47-itemp,vaddr); end; end; end; end; for i:=0 to 5 do if (enemy[i].out) then if collision(enemy[i].x,enemy[i].y,2,5,shipx+16,165,5,5) or collision(enemy[i].x,enemy[i].y,2,5,shipx+6,175,18,8) then begin if sbeffects then startsound(Sound[5],0,false); enemy[i].out:=false; dec(shields); if shields<0 then levelover:=true; {putshape240over(shape2array[34],vaddr2, 20,9,passive[i].x,passive[i].y+howmuchscroll);} fillblock(250,71,314,79,0,vaddr); if shields>0 then begin pal(254,shields*4,0,0); for itemp:=0 to shields do for jtemp:=71 to 78 do horizontalline(250+(itemp*4), 254+(itemp*4),jtemp, 47-itemp,vaddr); end; end; { for i:=0 to 30 do if (passive[i].dead=false) and (passive[i].y>-1) then putshape(shape2array[16], vaddr,20,9,passive[i].x,passive[i].y);} {***DO EXPLOSIONS***} for i:=0 to 30 do if passive[i].exploding then with passive[i] do begin inc(explodeprogress); putshape240(shape2array[35+explodeprogress],vaddr2, 20,9,x,y+howmuchscroll); if explodeprogress>4 then begin dead:=true; exploding:=false; putshape240over(14800{shape2array[34]},vaddr2, 20,9,x,y+howmuchscroll); end; end; {***MOVE BULLET***} if bullet1out then begin dec(bullet1y,5); if bullet1y<5 then bullet1out:=false; if bullet1out then putshape(12000,vaddr,20,9,bullet1x,bullet1y); end; if bullet2out then begin dec(bullet2y,5); if bullet2y<5 then bullet2out:=false; if bullet2out then putshape(12000,vaddr,20,9,bullet2x,bullet2y); end; {***MOVE ENEMIES***} for j:=0 to 30 do begin if passive[j].dead=false then begin inc(passive[j].y); if(passive[j].y)>190 then passive[j].dead:=true; end; end; for j:=0 to 30 do begin if passive[j].lastshot>0 then dec(passive[j].lastshot); if (passive[j].dead=false) and (passive[j].shooting) and (passive[j].lastshot=0) and (passive[j].y>0) then begin tempilg:=7; for i:=0 to 5 do if enemy[i].out=false then tempilg:=i; if tempilg<>7 then begin passive[j].lastshot:=30; enemy[tempilg].out:=true; enemy[tempilg].y:=passive[j].y; enemy[tempilg].x:=passive[j].x+5; enemy[tempilg].yspeed:=5; enemy[tempilg].kind:=25; if passive[j].kind=11 then enemy[tempilg].kind:=26; end; end; end; for j:=0 to 5 do begin if enemy[j].out then begin putshape(shape2array[enemy[j].kind],vaddr, 20,9,enemy[j].x,enemy[j].y); enemy[j].y:=enemy[j].y+enemy[j].yspeed; if enemy[j].y>189 then enemy[j].out:=false; end; end; {***READ KEYBOARD***} if keypressed then BEGIN ch:=readkey; if ch=chr(0) then ch2:=readkey; if ch=#27 then levelover:=true; if ch2='M' then if shipadd>=0 then inc(shipadd,3) else shipadd:=0; if ch2='K' then if shipadd<=0 then dec(shipadd,3) else shipadd:=0; if ch2=';' then help; if ch='+' then begin inc(whatdelay); if whatdelay>25 then whatdelay:=25; end; if (ch='P') or (ch='p') then begin coolbox(65,85,175,110,true,vga); outtextxy('GAME PAUSED',79,95,4,7,vga,false); clearkeyboardbuffer; repeat until keypressed; tempch:=readkey; end; if ch='-' then begin dec(whatdelay); if whatdelay<1 then whatdelay:=1; end; if (ch='S') or (ch='s') then sbeffects:=not(sbeffects); if ch2='<' then savegame; end; if (ch=' ') then begin if (bullet1out=false) then begin if sbeffects then StartSound(Sound[4], 0, false); bullet1out:=true; bullet1x:=shipx+21; bullet1y:=165; putshape(12000,vaddr,20,9,bullet1x,bullet1y); end else if (bullet2out=false) then begin if sbeffects then StartSound(Sound[4], 0, false); bullet2out:=true; bullet2x:=shipx+21; bullet2y:=165; putshape(12000,vaddr,20,9,bullet2x,bullet2y); end; end; {***MOVE SHIP***} shipx:=shipx+shipadd; if (shipx<1) then shipx:=1; if (shipx>190) then shipx:=190; CASE shipframe of 1 : putshape (bigship1off,vaddr,43,30,shipx,165); 3 : putshape (bigship3off,vaddr,43,30,shipx,165); 2,4 : putshape (bigship2off,vaddr,43,30,shipx,165); END; inc(shipframe); if shipframe=5 then shipframe:=1; waitretrace; flipd320 (vaddr,vga); for i:=0 to whatdelay do waitretrace; {str(backrow,testr); outtextxy(testr,20,20,9,7,vga,true);} if backrow>=200 then begin clearkeyboardbuffer; pauseawhile(200); fade; grapherror:=Mode13LoadPicPacked(0,0,vaddr,false,true,'viewscr.tb1'); cls(0,vga); blockmove(0,79,58,116,vaddr,10,10,vga); clearkeyboardbuffer; outsmalltextxy('UNIDENTIFIED SPACECRAFT!',70,10,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('DO YOU WISH TO DEACTIVATE ',70,20,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('THIS SHIP''S SECURITY SYSTEMS? (Y/N)',70,30,2,0,vga,true); unfade; clearkeyboardbuffer; ch:='!'; repeat if keypressed then ch:=readkey; until (upcase(ch)='Y') or (upcase(ch)='N'); if upcase(ch)='N' then begin blockmove(0,79,58,116,vaddr,10,50,vga); outsmalltextxy('NO? AFFIRMATIVE. ',70,50,9,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('ARMING REMOTE DESTRUCTION RAY.',70,60,9,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('GOOD-BYE.',70,70,9,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(400); fade; end; if upcase(ch)='Y' then begin blockmove(0,79,58,116,vaddr,10,50,vga); outsmalltextxy('"Y"=CORRECT PASSWORD. ',70,50,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('WELCOME SUPREME TENTACLEE COMMANDER.',70,60,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('INITIATING TRACTOR BEAM AND AUTOMATIC',70,70,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('LANDING PROCEDURE.',70,80,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('WE WILL BE DEPARTING FOR THE PLANET',70,90,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('EERM IN THREE MICROCYCLE UNITS.',70,100,2,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(550); level:=3; clearkeyboardbuffer; blockmove(0,42,58,79,vaddr,10,110,vga); outsmalltextxy('Wha? Wait!',70,110,9,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('What''s happening?',70,120,9,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(550); fade; end; grapherror:=Mode13LoadPicPacked(0,0,vaddr,false,true,'tbtract.tb1'); for i:=0 to 239 do for j:=0 to 49 do putpixel240(i,j,getpixel(i,j,vaddr),vaddr2); cls(0,vga); unfade; for howmuchscroll:=50 downto 1 do begin flipd240(howmuchscroll,vaddr,vaddr2); putshape (bigship3off,vaddr,43,30,shipx,165); waitretrace; flipd320(vaddr,vga); end; if upcase(ch)='N' then begin clearkeyboardbuffer; line(7,6,shipx+10,180,4,vga); line(shipx+37,180,231,6,4,vga); pauseawhile(50); clearkeyboardbuffer; for i:=shipx to shipx+48 do verticalline(165,195,i,4,vga); pauseawhile(200); flipd240(howmuchscroll,vaddr,vaddr2); flipd320(vaddr,vga); pauseawhile(150); end; if upcase(ch)='Y' then begin; shipadd:=sgn(shipx-95); shipy:=165; repeat if shipx<>95 then shipx:=shipx-shipadd; if shipy>9 then dec(shipy); flipd240(howmuchscroll,vaddr,vaddr2); line(7,6,shipx+10,shipy+15,2,vaddr); line(shipx+37,shipy+15,231,6,2,vaddr); putshape (bigship3off,vaddr,43,30,shipx,shipy); waitretrace; flipd320(vaddr,vga); until (shipx=95) and (shipy=9); clearkeyboardbuffer; pauseawhile(850); fade; cls(0,vga); while keypressed do ch:=readkey; if level=4 then begin outsmalltextxy('THE PLANET EERM?',20,20,10,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('XENOCIDE FLEET?',20,30,10,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('WHAT''S GOING ON?',20,40,10,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('A MAJOR GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY? MASS HALUCINATIONS?',20,50,10,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('WATCH FOR TOM BOMBEM LEVEL 3 (CURRENTLY IN THE DESIGN PHASE).',10,70,12,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('ALL THESE QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED!',10,80,12,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('ALSO MORE FEATURES WILL BE ADDED:',10,90,12,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy(' BETTER GRAPHICS, SOUND AND SPEED.',10,100,12,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('TO HASTEN COMPLETION, SEND QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/DONATIONS TO ',9,120,9,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('THE AUTHOR (SEE THE REGISTER MESSAGE FOR RELEVANT ADDRESSES).',9,130,9,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('THANK YOU FOR PLAYING TOM BOMBEM',80,150,14,0,vga,true); unfade; pauseawhile(1800); end; levelover:=true; unfade; end; end; until levelover; END; Procedure levelone; VAR loop1,loop2:integer; ch,ch2:char; saucersout:integer; bullet1x,bullet1y,bullet2x,bullet2y,i,wave:integer; bullet1out,bullet2out:boolean; whichone,temp,temp2,whichwave:integer; tempst:string; what:byte; itemp,jtemp:byte; whatdelay:byte; levelover:boolean; procedure waveincrease; begin inc(wave); dec(saucersout); if saucersout<0 then saucersout:=0; if saucersout>5 then saucersout:=5; if wave<6 then whichwave:=0; if (wave>=6) and (wave<=12) then whichwave:=1; {1} if (wave>12) and (wave<=20) then whichwave:=2; {2} if (wave>20) and (wave<=30) then whichwave:=3; {3} if (wave>30) and (wave<=36) then whichwave:=2; {2} if (wave>36) and (wave<=46) then whichwave:=3; if (wave>46) and (wave<=50) then whichwave:=1; if (wave>50) and (wave<=60) then whichwave:=3; if (wave>60) and (wave<=76) then whichwave:=2; if (wave>76) and (wave<=82) then whichwave:=1; if (wave>82) and (wave<=85) then whichwave:=3; if (wave>85) and (wave<=96) then whichwave:=2; if (wave>96) and (wave<=100) then whichwave:=1; if (wave>100) then whichwave:=4; end; procedure BeforeBoss; begin fade; grapherror:=Mode13LoadPicPacked(0,0,vaddr,false,true,'viewscr.tb1'); cls(0,vga); blockmove(0,5,58,42,vaddr,10,10,vga); clearkeyboardbuffer; outsmalltextxy('HUMAN!',70,10,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!',70,20,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('YOUR SPECIES MUST BE TERMINATED!',70,30,2,0,vga,true); unfade; pauseawhile(350); clearkeyboardbuffer; blockmove(0,42,58,79,vaddr,10,50,vga); outsmalltextxy('I''M SORRY.',70,50,9,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('WE DIDN''T MEAN TO DESTROY YOUR ENVOY.',70,60,9,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('WILL YOU FORGIVE US AND TRY PEACE?',70,70,9,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(400); clearkeyboardbuffer; blockmove(0,5,58,42,vaddr,10,90,vga); outsmalltextxy('NO! YOU MUST BE DESTROYED!',70,90,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('OUR FUNDING ... OUR ENVOY WAS DAMAGED BY',70,100,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('YOU! VENGEANCE WILL BE OURS! YOUR PUNY',70,110,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('PRIMITIVE SPACECRAFT WITH ITS INFERIOR',70,120,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('WEAPONS WOULD HAVE TO SCORE 9 DIRECT HITS',70,130,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('TO DESTROY MY SHIP! DIE EARTH SCUM!!!!',70,140,2,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(800); flipd240(howmuchscroll,vaddr,vaddr2); end; procedure AfterBoss; begin level:=2; fade; clearkeyboardbuffer; grapherror:=Mode13LoadPicPacked(0,0,vaddr,false,true,'viewscr.tb1'); cls(0,vga); blockmove(0,42,58,79,vaddr,10,10,vga); outsmalltextxy('HMM.. THEY DON''T BUILD SUPERIOR',70,10,9,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('TECHNOLOGY LIKE THEY USED TO.',70,20,9,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('I GUESS I CAN GO HOME NOW.',70,30,9,0,vga,true); unfade; pauseawhile(400); clearkeyboardbuffer; blockmove(0,5,58,42,vaddr,10,50,vga); outsmalltextxy('NOT SO FAST! YOU JUST DESTROYED AN ANTIQUATED',70,50,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('DEFENSE SYSTEM THAT WAS PROGRAMMED BY A 16',70,60,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('YEAR OLD! OUR MAIN DEFENSE PROGRAMMER HAS ',70,70,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('MUCH MORE SKILL NOW! UNLESS YOU DESTROY OUR',70,80,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('ENTIRE XENOCIDE... I MEAN PEACE... ENVOY',70,90,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('WE WILL STILL DESTROY YOUR HOME PLANET.',70,100,2,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('NICE TRY PUNY EARTHLING!',70,110,2,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(1200); clearkeyboardbuffer; blockmove(0,42,58,79,vaddr,10,130,vga); outsmalltextxy('HMM.. I GUESS I BETTER SAVE THE EARTH.',70,130,9,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('I''D BETTER SAVE MY GAME TOO.',70,140,9,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('D''OH! I''M OUT OF BIG MISSILES! ',70,150,9,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('WELL AT LEAST I HAVE SOME SMALLER SPARES.',70,160,9,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(500); clearkeyboardbuffer; fade; cls(0,vga); flipd240(howmuchscroll,vaddr,vaddr2); unfade; {outsmalltextxy('YOU''VE BEATEN LEVEL ONE!!!',70,60,12,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('NO, THIS IS NOT ONE OF THOSE ANNOYING',70,70,12,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('"REGISTER NOW!" MESSAGES. ACTUALLY ',70,80,12,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('THIS IS AS FAR AS THE GAME IS WRITTEN.',70,90,12,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('OF COURSE, TO HASTEN ITS COMPLETION YOU',70,110,11,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('COULD SEND A CONTRIBUTION TO THE AUTHOR.',70,120,11,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy(' ',70,130,11,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('IN ANY CASE WATCH SOON FOR THE FURTHER ',70,150,14,0,vga,true); outsmalltextxy('ADVENTURES OF TOM BOMBEM!!!',70,160,14,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(1800); flipd240(howmuchscroll,vaddr,vaddr2);} end; BEGIN wave:=0; whichwave:=0; whatdelay:=1; shipx:=36; shipadd:=0; shipframe:=1; shipspeed:=5; levelover:=false; ch:=#1; ch2:=#1; for i:=0 to 4 do begin enemy[i].exploding:=false; enemy[i].out:=false; enemy[i].dead:=false; end; bullet1out:=false; bullet2out:=false; bullet1x:=0; bullet1y:=0; bullet2x:=0; bullet2y:=0; saucersout:=0; flipd320(vaddr2,vaddr); str(level,tempst); fillblock(251,52,314,59,0,vaddr); outtextxy(tempst,307,51,12,0,vaddr,false); cls(0,vaddr2); for i:=0 to 50 do putshape240(shapearray[12], vaddr2,18,17,random(238),random(260)); for i:=0 to 50 do putshape240(shapearray[13], vaddr2,18,17,random(238),random(260)); {for i:=0 to 10 do putshape240(shapearray[11], vaddr2,18,17,i*20,i*20);} pal(254,shields*4,0,0); howmuchscroll:=50; cls(0,vga); coolbox(70,85,240,120,true,vga); outtextxy(' LEVEL ONE:',84,95,4,7,vga,false); outtextxy('INANIMATE OBJECTS',84,105,4,7,vga,false); clearkeyboardbuffer; pauseawhile(300); {**** GAME LOOP ****} {*******************} Repeat ch2:=#1; ch:=#1; dec(howmuchscroll); if howmuchscroll<1 then begin flipd50(vaddr2,3000,vaddr3,0); flipd50(vaddr2,2250,vaddr2,3000); flipd50(vaddr2,1500,vaddr2,2250); flipd50(vaddr2,750,vaddr2,1500); flipd50(vaddr2,0,vaddr2,750); flipd50(vaddr3,0,vaddr2,0); howmuchscroll:=50; end; flipd240(howmuchscroll,vaddr,vaddr2); {***Collsion Check***} for i:=0 to 4 do begin if (enemy[i].dead=false) then begin if (bullet1out) then begin if collision(bullet1x,bullet1y,10,10, enemy[i].x,enemy[i].y,9,9) then begin if sbeffects then StartSound(Sound[3], 0, false); dec(enemy[i].hitsneeded); if enemy[i].hitsneeded<1 then enemy[i].dead:=true else enemy[i].dead:=false; enemy[i].exploding:=true; enemy[i].explodprogress:=0; bullet1out:=false; inc(score,10); changescore; end; end; if (bullet2out) then begin if collision(bullet2x,bullet2y,10,10, enemy[i].x,enemy[i].y,9,9) then begin if sbeffects then StartSound(Sound[3], 0, false); dec(enemy[i].hitsneeded); if enemy[i].hitsneeded<1 then enemy[i].dead:=true else enemy[i].dead:=false; enemy[i].exploding:=true; enemy[i].explodprogress:=0; bullet2out:=false; inc(score,10); changescore; end; end; end; end; {***DO EXPLOSIONS***} for i:=0 to 4 do begin if enemy[i].exploding=true then begin inc(enemy[i].explodprogress); if enemy[i].explodprogress<=5 then putshape(shapearray[enemy[i].explodprogress+15], vaddr,18,17,enemy[i].x,enemy[i].y) else if enemy[i].dead then begin enemy[i].out:=false; enemy[i].exploding:=false; waveincrease; end else enemy[i].exploding:=false; end; end; {***MOVE BULLET***} if bullet1out then begin dec(bullet1y,5); if bullet1y<5 then bullet1out:=false; if bullet1out then putshape(shape1off,vaddr,18,17,bullet1x,bullet1y); end; if bullet2out then begin dec(bullet2y,5); if bullet2y<5 then bullet2out:=false; if bullet2out then putshape(shape1off,vaddr,18,17,bullet2x,bullet2y); end; {***MOVE ENEMIES***} for i:=0 to 4 do begin if (enemy[i].out=true) and (enemy[i].dead=false) then begin putshape(shapearray[enemy[i].kind],vaddr,18,17,enemy[i].x,enemy[i].y); enemy[i].x:=enemy[i].x+enemy[i].xspeed; {*Check Position*} if enemy[i].boundarycheck=false then inc(enemy[i].y,enemy[i].yspeed); if (enemy[i].x<=enemy[i].minx) or (enemy[i].x>=enemy[i].maxx) then begin enemy[i].xspeed:=-enemy[i].xspeed; enemy[i].x:=enemy[i].x+enemy[i].xspeed; inc(enemy[i].y,enemy[i].yspeed); end; {*Too Low*} if enemy[i].y>179 then begin enemy[i].out:=false; dec(saucersout); end; if enemy[i].y>140 then begin if collision(shipx,165, 24,15, enemy[i].x,enemy[i].y, 9,9) then begin if sbeffects then startsound(Sound[5],0,false); dec(enemy[i].hitsneeded); if enemy[i].hitsneeded=0 then enemy[i].dead:=true else enemy[i].dead:=false; enemy[i].exploding:=true; enemy[i].explodprogress:=0; dec(shields); if shields<0 then levelover:=true; fillblock(250,71,314,79,0,vaddr); if shields>0 then begin pal(254,shields*4,0,0); for itemp:=0 to shields do for jtemp:=71 to 78 do horizontalline(250+(itemp*4), 254+(itemp*4),jtemp, 47-itemp,vaddr); end; end; end; end; end; {***START NEW WAVE***} {**STANDARD**} if (saucersout=0) and (whichwave=0) then begin saucersout:=5; what:=random(8)+3; for temp:=0 to 4 do begin with enemy[temp] do begin kind:=what; x:=0; y:=0; xspeed:=5; x:=temp*20; minx:=(temp*20); maxx:=(temp*20)+120; boundarycheck:=true; yspeed:=10; out:=true; exploding:=false; hitsneeded:=1; dead:=false; end; end; end; {**FALLING STRAIGHT**} if whichwave=3 then begin for temp:=0 to 4 do if enemy[temp].out=false then begin with enemy[temp] do begin kind:=random(8)+3; x:=random(200)+1; y:=0; xspeed:=0; minx:=enemy[temp].x; maxx:=enemy[temp].x; boundarycheck:=true; yspeed:=5+(wave div 40); out:=true; exploding:=false; hitsneeded:=1; dead:=false; inc(saucersout); end; end; end; {**FALLING GRADUALLY SIDEWAYS**} if whichwave=2 then begin for temp:=0 to 4 do if enemy[temp].out=false then begin with enemy[temp] do begin kind:=random(8)+3; y:=0; xspeed:=5; minx:=random(100); maxx:=random(100)+120; x:=enemy[temp].minx; boundarycheck:=false; yspeed:=1; out:=true; exploding:=false; hitsneeded:=1; dead:=false; inc(saucersout); end; end; end; {**ZIG-ZAG**} if (whichwave=1) and (saucersout=0) then begin saucersout:=5; whichone:=random(8)+3; for temp:=0 to 4 do if enemy[temp].out=false then begin with enemy[temp] do begin kind:=whichone; y:=temp*10; xspeed:=5; minx:=0; maxx:=220; x:=temp*20; boundarycheck:=false; yspeed:=1; out:=true; exploding:=false; hitsneeded:=1; dead:=false; end; end; end; if (whichwave=4) then begin if saucersout=0 then begin beforeboss; enemy[0].kind:=15; enemy[1].kind:=15; enemy[2].kind:=14; for temp:=0 to 2 do begin with enemy[temp] do begin x:=temp*20; y:=0; xspeed:=5; minx:=0; maxx:=220; boundarycheck:=true; yspeed:=0; out:=true; exploding:=false; hitsneeded:=3; dead:=false; inc(Saucersout); end; end; end; if enemy[1].kind=15 then for temp:=3 to 4 do begin inc(saucersout); if (enemy[temp].out=false) and (enemy[temp-3].out=true) then begin with enemy[temp] do begin kind:=random(8)+3; x:=enemy[temp-3].x; y:=20; xspeed:=0; minx:=x; maxx:=x; boundarycheck:=false; yspeed:=5; out:=true; exploding:=false; hitsneeded:=1; dead:=false; end; end; end; end; if (whichwave=4) and (enemy[0].dead=true) and (enemy[1].dead=true) and (enemy[2].dead=true) and (wave>109) then begin AfterBoss; levelover:=true; end; {***READ KEYBOARD***} if keypressed then BEGIN ch:=readkey; if ch=chr(0) then ch2:=readkey; if ch=#27 then levelover:=true; if ch2='M' then if shipadd>=0 then inc(shipadd,3) else shipadd:=0; if ch2='K' then if shipadd<=0 then dec(shipadd,3) else shipadd:=0; if ch2=';' then help; if ch='+' then begin inc(whatdelay); if whatdelay>25 then whatdelay:=25; end; if (ch='P') or (ch='p') then begin coolbox(65,85,175,110,true,vga); outtextxy('GAME PAUSED',79,95,4,7,vga,false); clearkeyboardbuffer; repeat until keypressed; tempch:=readkey; end; if ch='-' then begin dec(whatdelay); if whatdelay<1 then whatdelay:=1; end; if (ch='S') or (ch='s') then sbeffects:=not(sbeffects); if ch2='<' then savegame; end; if (ch=' ') then begin if (bullet1out=false) then begin if sbeffects then StartSound(Sound[4], 0, false); bullet1out:=true; bullet1x:=shipx+15; bullet1y:=165; putshape(shape1off,vaddr,18,17,bullet1x,bullet1y); end else if (bullet2out=false) then begin if sbeffects then StartSound(Sound[4], 0, false); bullet2out:=true; bullet2x:=shipx+15; bullet2y:=165; putshape(shape1off,vaddr,18,17,bullet2x,bullet2y); end; end; {***MOVE SHIP***} shipx:=shipx+shipadd; if (shipx<1) then shipx:=1; if (shipx>190) then shipx:=190; CASE shipframe of 1 : putshape (bigship1off,vaddr,48,29,shipx,165); 3 : putshape (bigship3off,vaddr,48,29,shipx,165); 2,4 : putshape (bigship2off,vaddr,48,29,shipx,165); END; inc(shipframe);; if shipframe=5 then shipframe:=1; waitretrace; flipd320 (vaddr,vga); for i:=0 to whatdelay do waitretrace; until levelover; END; function grinput(xv,yv,howlong,forecol,backcol:integer):string; var tempst:string; ch3:char; label bob; begin tempst:=''; ch3:='Û'; repeat repeat until keypressed; ch3:=readkey; if (ch3=#8) and (ord(tempst[0])>0) then begin fillblock(xv,yv,ord(tempst[0])*8+xv,yv+8,backcol,vga); dec(tempst[0]); end; if length(tempst)>=howlong then goto bob; if ch3>#20 then tempst:=concat(tempst,ch3); if tempst[0]>#0 then outtextxy(tempst,xv,yv,forecol,backcol,vga,true); bob: until ch3=#13; grinput:=tempst; end; procedure loadshapes; var x,y,i,j,shape:byte; begin grapherror:=Mode13LoadPicpacked(0,0,vaddr,false,true,'ships.tb1'); for i:=0 to 47 do for j:=0 to 29 do begin ShapeTable1^[bigship1off+((j*48)+i)]:=getpixel(i,j,vaddr); ShapeTable1^[bigship2off+((j*48)+i)]:=getpixel(i,j+32,vaddr); ShapeTable1^[bigship3off+((j*48)+i)]:=getpixel(i,j+64,vaddr); end; grapherror:=Mode13LoadPicpacked(0,0,vaddr,false,true,'tbshapes.tb1'); for j:=0 to 1 do for i:=0 to 9 do for x:=0 to 17 do for y:=0 to 17 do ShapeTable1^[shapearray[(((j*10)+1)+i)]+((y*18)+x)] :=getpixel(1+x+(i*19),1+y+(j*19),vaddr); cls(0,vaddr); end; procedure littleopener; begin grapherror:=Mode13LoadPicpacked(0,0,vga,true,false,'moon2.tb1'); fade; cls(0,vga); grapherror:=Mode13LoadPicpacked(0,0,vga,false,true,'moon2.tb1'); for i:=0 to 15 do for j:=0 to 18 do begin ShapeTable1^[6000+((j*16)+i)]:=getpixel(i+9,j+178,vga); ShapeTable1^[6400+((j*16)+i)]:=getpixel(i+30,j+178,vga); end; fillblock(0,178,319,199,0,vga); unfade; flipd320(vga,vaddr); flipd320(vaddr,vaddr2); for i:=100 downto 0 do begin flipd320(vaddr2,vaddr); putshape(6400,vaddr,16,18,i,100); waitretrace; if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; flipd320(vaddr,vga); end; flipd320(vaddr2,vga); outtextxy('>KCHK< TOM! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?',5,180,15,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(500); if keypressed then ch:=readkey; waitretrace; fillblock(0,178,319,199,0,vga); outtextxy('Ooops. ',5,180,24,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(500); if keypressed then ch:=readkey; for inte:=0 to 151 do begin flipd320(vaddr2,vaddr); putshape(6000,vaddr,16,18,inte*2,100); waitretrace; flipd320(vaddr,vga); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; end; flipd320(vaddr2,vga); pauseawhile(5); fade; cls(0,vga); unfade; end; procedure littleopener2; begin cls(0,vga); grapherror:=Mode13LoadPicpacked(0,0,vga,true,false,'tbl2ship.tb1'); fade; grapherror:=Mode13LoadPicpacked(0,0,vga,false,true,'tbl2ship.tb1'); unfade; outtextxy('Hmmmm... ',10,10,4,0,vga,false); outtextxy('This Might Be Harder Than I Thought.',10,20,4,0,vga,false); pauseawhile(500); if keypressed then ch:=readkey; fade; cls(0,vga); unfade; end; procedure playthegame(lev:integer); begin fade; cls(0,vga); unfade; cls(0,vaddr); level:=lev; if level=0 then begin littleopener; shields:=10; score:=0; inc(level); end; beginscore:=score; beginshields:=shields; loadshapes; grapherror:=Mode13LoadPicpacked(0,0,vga,true,false,'tbsobj.tb1'); hiscore:=showhiscore(false,false); if level=1 then begin setupsidebar; y:=0; levelone; if level=2 then littleopener2; end; if level=2 then begin setupsidebar; beginscore:=score; beginshields:=shields; leveltwoengine(2); end; if level=3 then begin setupsidebar; beginscore:=score; beginshields:=shields; littleopener3; levelthree; end; if level=4 then begin setupsidebar; beginscore:=score; beginshields:=shields; leveltwoengine(4); end; clearkeyboardbuffer; coolbox(70,85,170,110,true,vga); outtextxy('GAME OVER',84,95,4,7,vga,false); for inte:=0 to 100 do waitretrace; repeat until keypressed; tempch:=readkey; clearkeyboardbuffer; hiscore:=showhiscore(false,false); if score>lowscore then begin coolbox(10,75,310,125,true,vga); outtextxy('NEW HIGH SCORE!',90,80,12,7,vga,false); outtextxy('ENTER YOUR NAME (10 Chars)',30,90,0,7,vga,false); hiname:=grinput(110,110,10,11,7); hiscore:=showhiscore(false,true); end; hiscore:=showhiscore(true,false); fade; cls(0,vga); end; procedure shadowrite(st:string;x5,y5,forecol,backcol:integer); begin outtextxy(st,x5+1,y5+1,backcol,0,vga,false); outtextxy(st,x5,y5,forecol,0,vga,false); end; function HexW(W: word): string; {Word} const HexChars: array [0..$F] of Char = '0123456789ABCDEF'; begin HexW := HexChars[(W and $F000) shr 12] + HexChars[(W and $0F00) shr 8] + HexChars[(W and $00F0) shr 4] + HexChars[(W and $000F)]; end; procedure OurExitProc; far; {If the program terminates with a runtime error before the extended memory} {is deallocated, then the memory will still be allocated, and will be lost} {until the next reboot. This exit procedure is ALWAYS called upon program} {termination and will deallocate extended memory if necessary. } var i: byte; begin for i := 0 to NumSounds-1 do if Sound[i] <> nil then FreeSound(Sound[i]); if SharedEMB then ShutdownSharing; ExitProc := OldExitProc; {Chain to next exit procedure} end; procedure Init; begin if not(GetSettings(BaseIO, IRQ, DMA, DMA16)) then begin baseio:=xbaseio; irq:=xirq; dma:=xdma; dma16:=0; end; if not(InitSB(BaseIO, IRQ, DMA, DMA16)) then begin settext; writeln('Error initializing sound card'); writeln('Incorrect base IO address, sound card not installed, or broken'); writeln('Check your BLASTER= environmental value or re-run TBSETUP.'); Halt(2); {Sound card could not be initialized} end; if not(InitXMS) then begin writeln('Error initializing extended memory'); writeln('HIMEM.SYS must be installed'); writeln('You might be better off by choosing no sound effects'); writeln('In the TBSETUP program'); Halt(3); {XMS driver not installed} end else begin if GetFreeXMS < XMSRequired then begin writeln('Insufficient free XMS'); writeln('You might be better off by choosing no sound effects'); writeln('In the TBSETUP program.'); Halt(4); {Insufficient XMS memory} end else begin if SharedEMB then InitSharing; OpenSoundResourceFile('SOUNDS.TB1'); LoadSound(Sound[0], 'CLICK'); LoadSound(Sound[1], 'AHH'); LoadSound(Sound[2], 'ZOOP'); LoadSound(Sound[3], 'KAPOW'); LoadSound(Sound[4], 'CC'); LoadSound(Sound[5],'BONK'); LoadSound(Sound[6],'OW'); LoadSound(Sound[7],'SCREAM'); CloseSoundResourceFile; OldExitProc := ExitProc; ExitProc := @OurExitProc; end end; InitMixing; end; procedure Shutdownsb1; begin ShutdownMixing; ShutdownSB5; for i := 0 to NumSounds-1 do FreeSound(Sound[i]); if SharedEMB then ShutdownSharing; writeln; end; procedure QUIT; label menu2; begin coolbox(90,75,230,125,true,vga); barpos:=0; outtextxy('QUIT??? ARE YOU',97,82,9,7,vga,false); outtextxy('ABSOLUTELY SURE?',97,90,9,7,vga,false); repeat if barpos=0 then outtextxy('YES-RIGHT NOW!',97,98,150,0,vga,true) else outtextxy('YES-RIGHT NOW!',97,98,150,7,vga,true); if barpos=1 then outtextxy('NO--NOT YET.',97,106,150,0,vga,true) else outtextxy('NO--NOT YET.',97,106,150,7,vga,true); ch:=menuread; if (ord(ch)>219) and (ord(ch)<224) then inc(barpos); if ch='Y' then barpos:=0; if ch='N' then barpos:=1; if barpos=2 then barpos:=0; until ch=#13; if barpos=1 then goto menu2; settext; gotoxy(1,23); move(imagedata,screen,4000); textcolor(7); if sbsound then shutdownsb1; shutdown; halt; menu2: barpos:=6; end; procedure options; var opbarpos,argh:integer; begin cls(0,vaddr); coolbox(0,0,319,199,false,vaddr); flipd320(vaddr,vga); outtextxy('ESC QUITS',120,175,32,0,vga,true); opbarpos:=0; repeat if sbeffects then begin if opbarpos=0 then outtextxy('SOUND ON ',30,30,32,7,vga,true) else outtextxy('SOUND ON ',30,30,32,0,vga,true); end; if not(sbeffects) then begin if opbarpos=0 then outtextxy('NO SOUND ',30,30,32,7,vga,true) else outtextxy('NO SOUND ',30,30,32,0,vga,true); end; if opbarpos=1 then outtextxy('VIEW HIGH SCORES',30,40,32,7,vga,true) else outtextxy('VIEW HIGH SCORES',30,40,32,0,vga,true); ch:=menuread; if (ord(ch)=222) or (ord(ch)=220) then inc(opbarpos); if (ord(ch)=223) or (ord(ch)=221) then dec(opbarpos); if ch='M' then opbarpos:=0; if ch='V' then opbarpos:=1; if (ch=#13) and (opbarpos=0) then sbeffects:=not(sbeffects); if (ch=#13) and (opbarpos=1) then begin ch:=#27; argh:=4; end; if opbarpos=2 then opbarpos:=0; if opbarpos=-1 then opbarpos:=1; until ch=#27; if argh=4 then hiscore:=(showhiscore(true,false)); end; procedure loadgame; begin ondisk:=''; coolbox(90,75,230,125,true,vga); outtextxy('LOAD WHICH GAME',97,82,9,7,vga,false); findfirst('SG?.TB1',ANYFILE,filestuff); while doserror=0 do with filestuff do begin ondisk:=concat(ondisk,name[3]); findnext(filestuff); end; if ondisk='' then ondisk:='NO GAMES SAVED'; outtextxy(ondisk,97,92,4,7,vga,false); repeat until keypressed; ch:=readkey; if (ch>='0') and (ch<='9') then begin {$I-} ondisk:=concat('SG',ch,'.TB1'); assign(savegamef,ondisk); reset(savegamef); {$I+} If IOResult=0 then begin readln(savegamef,score); readln(savegamef,level); readln(savegamef,shields); close(savegamef); playthegame(level); end; end; end; {************ ************* ************ ************} procedure story; var error:byte; xtemp,ytemp:integer; thrustcol:integer; thrust:real; tempch:char; alienchar:byte; cycles:byte; procedure doflames; begin if flames=true then begin putshape(bigflame1off,vaddr,27,17,213,100); putshapeover(sflame2off,vaddr,4,4,105,90); putshapeover(sflame1off,vaddr,4,4,151,71); putshapeover(sflame2off,vaddr,4,4,218,72); end else begin putshape(bigflame2off,vaddr,27,17,213,100); putshapeover(sflame1off,vaddr,4,4,105,90); putshapeover(sflame2off,vaddr,4,4,151,71); putshapeover(sflame1off,vaddr,4,4,218,72); outtextxy(chr(alienchar),10,10,12,0,vaddr,true); inc(alienchar); if alienchar>44 then alienchar:=34; end; flipd320(vaddr,vga); vdelay(5); flames:=not(flames); end; procedure puttruck(xp,yp,frame:integer;where:word); var xtemp,into,ytemp:integer; col:byte; begin for into:=0 to 7 do begin if(into+yp>=172) then if frame=0 then putshapeline(truck1off,where,6,8,xp,yp,into) else putshapeline(truck2off,where,6,8,xp,yp,into); end; end; procedure pauseawhile(howlong:word); var i:word; begin i:=0; repeat waitretrace; inc(i); if i>howlong then exit; until keypressed; end; begin fade; error:=Mode13LoadPicpacked(0,0,vaddr,false,true,'tbsobj.tb1'); for ytemp:=0 to 18 do for xtemp:=0 to 26 do begin ShapeTable1^[((ytemp*27)+xtemp)+bigflame1off]:=getpixel(xtemp,ytemp+2,vaddr); ShapeTable1^[((ytemp*27)+xtemp)+bigflame2off]:=getpixel(xtemp,ytemp+21,vaddr); end; for ytemp:=0 to 18 do for xtemp:=0 to 15 do begin ShapeTable1^[((ytemp*16)+xtemp)+explo1off]:=getpixel(127+xtemp,ytemp+100,vaddr); ShapeTable1^[((ytemp*16)+xtemp)+explo2off]:=getpixel(148+xtemp,ytemp+100,vaddr); end; for ytemp:=0 to 6 do for xtemp:=0 to 15 do ShapeTable1^[((ytemp*16)+xtemp)+rent1off]:=getpixel(168+xtemp,ytemp+100,vaddr); for ytemp:=0 to 4 do for xtemp:=0 to 3 do begin ShapeTable1^[((ytemp*4)+xtemp)+sflame1off]:=getpixel(xtemp,ytemp+43,vaddr); ShapeTable1^[((ytemp*4)+xtemp)+sflame2off]:=getpixel(xtemp,ytemp+47,vaddr); end; for ytemp:=0 to 18 do for xtemp:=0 to 15 do ShapeTable1^[((ytemp*16)+xtemp)+bargeoff]:=getpixel(xtemp+65,ytemp+100,vaddr); for ytemp:=0 to 8 do for xtemp:=0 to 5 do begin ShapeTable1^[((ytemp*6)+xtemp)+truck1off]:=getpixel(xtemp+85,ytemp+100,vaddr); ShapeTable1^[((ytemp*6)+xtemp)+truck2off]:=getpixel(xtemp+95,ytemp+100,vaddr); end; {******FIRST MESSAGE*******} cls(0,vga); outtextxy('THE STORY SO FAR...',20,20,4,0,vga,false); unfade; pauseawhile(300); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; fade; cls(0,vga); error:=Mode13LoadPicpacked(0,0,vaddr2,false,true,'tbcobj.tb1'); blockmove(129,56,178,188,vaddr2,10,10,vga); outtextxy('YOU ARE TOM BOMBEM, A STRANGE',80,10,1,0,vga,false); outtextxy(' BUT EFFICIENT MEMBER OF',80,20,1,0,vga,false); outtextxy(' THE LUNAR SPACE FORCE.',80,30,1,0,vga,false); outtextxy('YOU NEVER SAY MUCH AND YOU ARE',80,50,4,0,vga,false); outtextxy(' RARELY SEEN OUTSIDE OF ',80,60,4,0,vga,false); outtextxy(' YOUR BLUE SPACESUIT.',80,70,4,0,vga,false); outtextxy('YOU OFTEN GET YOURSELF IN ',80,90,2,0,vga,false); outtextxy(' TROUBLE BY SCRATCHING',80,100,2,0,vga,false); outtextxy(' YOUR HEAD AT INAPPROPRIATE',80,110,2,0,vga,false); outtextxy(' TIMES.',80,120,2,0,vga,false); outtextxy('PRESS ANY KEY....',96,185,15,0,vga,false); unfade; pauseawhile(900); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; fade; cls(0,vga); blockmove(129,56,178,188,vaddr2,260,10,vga); blockmove(99,104,128,185,vaddr2,287,13,vga); outtextxy('IT IS THE YEAR 2028.',10,10,1,0,vga,false); outtextxy('YOU HAVE BEEN SUMMONED BY',10,30,3,0,vga,false); outtextxy(' LUNAR DICTATOR-IN-CHIEF',10,40,3,0,vga,false); outtextxy(' VINCENT WEAVER ABOUT A',10,50,3,0,vga,false); outtextxy(' TOP SECRET THREAT TO ',10,60,3,0,vga,false); outtextxy(' INTERPLANETARY SECURITY.',10,70,3,0,vga,false); outtextxy('YOU ATTEND THE BRIEFING WITH',10,90,5,0,vga,false); outtextxy(' YOUR USUAL CONFUSED',10,100,5,0,vga,false); outtextxy(' QUIETNESS. YOU STILL DO',10,110,5,0,vga,false); outtextxy(' NOT UNDERSTAND YOUR OWN',10,120,5,0,vga,false); outtextxy(' SUCCESSFULNESS.',10,130,5,0,vga,false); outtextxy('PRESS ANY KEY....',96,185,15,0,vga,false); unfade; pauseawhile(900); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; fade; error:=Mode13LoadPicpacked(0,0,vga,false,true,'tbchief.tb1'); unfade; blockmove(115,55,206,114,vga,115,55,vaddr); {pauseawhile(600); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit;} outtextxy('Ahhh.... Mr. Bombem.... ',1,1,15,0,vga,true); if sbeffects then startsound(sound[1],0,false); pauseawhile(200); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; if sbeffects then startsound(sound[3],0,false); blockmove(188,14,279,73,vaddr2,115,55,vga); pauseawhile(500); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; blockmove(115,55,206,114,vaddr,115,55,vga); outtextxy('I''ll be brief. ',1,1,15,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(400); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; outtextxy('Do you know how this base was founded?',1,1,15,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(600); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; outtextxy('No? Well watch the screen. ',1,1,15,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(400); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; blockmove(210,75,295,134,vaddr2,210,136,vga); pauseawhile(300); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; pal(250,0,0,0); fade; {******BARGE TAKING OFF**********} error:=Mode13LoadPIcpacked(0,0,vaddr2,false,true,'tbma1.tb1'); { outsmalltextxy('MY WIFE AND I FOUNDED',212,3,14,0,vaddr2,false); outsmalltextxy('THIS BASE IN 2008.',212,9,14,0,vaddr2,false); outsmalltextxy('THE ONLY WAY TO ',212,16,13,0,vaddr2,false); outsmalltextxy('FINANCE IT WAS TO',212,22,13,0,vaddr2,false); outsmalltextxy('ENGAGE IN A DUBIOUS',212,28,13,0,vaddr2,false); outsmalltextxy('BUSINESS.',212,34,13,0,vaddr2,false); outsmalltextxy('WE LAUNCHED EARTH''S',212,41,12,0,vaddr2,false); outsmalltextxy('TRASH INTO SPACE',212,47,12,0,vaddr2,false); outsmalltextxy('FOR A PROFIT.',212,53,12,0,vaddr2,false); outsmalltextxy('HERE IS FOOTAGE FROM',212,60,11,0,vaddr2,false); outsmalltextxy('THE LAST LAUNCH EIGHT',212,66,11,0,vaddr2,false); outsmalltextxy('YEARS AGO.',212,72,11,0,vaddr2,false);} flipd320(vaddr2,vaddr); putshape(bargeoff,vaddr,16,18,141,157); flipd320(vaddr,vga); unfade; pauseawhile(700); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; for ytemp:=191 downto 164 do begin if ytemp>=172 then blockmove(145,ytemp,152,ytemp+10,vaddr2,145,ytemp,vaddr) else blockmove(145,172,152,182,vaddr2,145,172,vaddr); puttruck(145,ytemp,ytemp mod 2,vaddr); pauseawhile(7); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; flipd320(vaddr,vga); end; pauseawhile(20); flipd320(vaddr2,vaddr); putshape(bargeoff,vaddr,16,18,141,157); thrustcol:=0; ytemp:=157; thrust:=0; while ytemp>-25 do begin thrust:=thrust+0.05; if thrustcol<63 then inc(thrustcol); blockmove(141,ytemp,171,ytemp+30,vaddr2,141,ytemp,vaddr); for i:=1 to 17 do if ytemp+i>=0 then putshapeline(bargeoff,vaddr,16,18,141,ytemp,i); pauseawhile(5); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; pal(250,thrustcol,0,0); flipd320(vaddr,vga); ytemp:=ytemp-round(thrust); end; pauseawhile(100); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; fade; {****SECOND CHIEF*******} error:=Mode13LoadPicpacked(0,0,vaddr2,false,true,'tbcobj.tb1'); error:=Mode13LoadPicpacked(0,0,vga,false,true,'tbchief.tb1'); blockmove(7,104,97,125,vaddr2,6,174,vga); unfade; outtextxy('You might wonder why this is important.',1,1,15,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(600); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; outtextxy('Last week we received a message. ',1,1,15,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(600); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; outtextxy('It is of extra-terrestrial origin. ',1,1,15,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(600); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; outtextxy('Watch the screen. ',1,1,15,0,vga,true); blockmove(210,136,295,195,vaddr2,210,136,vga); pauseawhile(300); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; fade; {******ALIEN DELEGATION*****} error:=Mode13LoadPicpacked(0,0,vaddr2,false,true,'tbcrash.tb1'); alienchar:=34; flipd320(vaddr2,vaddr); flipd320(vaddr,vga); putshape(bargeoff,vaddr,16,18,97,180); unfade; xtemp:=97; ytemp:=181; flames:=true; while ytemp>118 do begin blockmove(xtemp,ytemp,xtemp+20,ytemp+20,vaddr2,xtemp,ytemp,vaddr); putshape(bargeoff,vaddr,16,18,xtemp,ytemp); doflames; dec(ytemp); inc(xtemp); pauseawhile(1); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; end; blockmove(xtemp,ytemp,xtemp+30,ytemp+30,vaddr2,xtemp,ytemp,vaddr); pal(0,63,63,63); putshape(explo1off,vga,16,18,160,118); pauseawhile(5); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; pal(0,0,0,0); if sbeffects then startsound(sound[3],0,false); for xtemp:=0 to 10 do begin putshapeover(explo2off,vaddr,16,18,160,118); doflames; putshapeover(explo1off,vaddr,16,18,160,118); doflames; end; blockmove(159,114,189,144,vaddr2,159,114,vaddr); putshapeover(rent1off,vaddr,16,6,160,115); flipd320(vaddr,vga); cycles:=0; repeat doflames; inc(cycles); until ((keypressed) or (cycles>60)); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; {****ALIEN MESSAGE*****} fade; error:=Mode13LoadPicpacked(0,0,vga,false,true,'tbgorg.tb1'); unfade; outtextxy('GREETINGS EARTHLINGS.',0,162,12,0,vga,false); outtextxy('I AM GORGONZOLA THE REPULSIVE.',0,171,12,0,vga,false); outtextxy('YOU HAVE MADE A BIG MISTAKE.',0,180,12,0,vga,false); pauseawhile(600); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; outtextxy('YOUR SHIP FULL OF REFUSE HAS',0,162,12,0,vga,true); outtextxy('DAMAGED OUR OFFICIAL PEACE ',0,171,12,0,vga,true); outtextxy('ENVOY. IT WAS ON ITS WAY TO ',0,180,12,0,vga,true); outtextxy('YOUR PLANET. ',0,189,12,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(600); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; outtextxy('IN AN IRONIC FORM OF RETALLIATION',0,162,12,0,vga,true); outtextxy('WE HAVE MADE YOUR TRASH EVIL AND',0,171,12,0,vga,true); outtextxy('TURNED IT AGAINST YOU. ',0,180,12,0,vga,true); outtextxy(' DIE EARTH SCUM! ',0,189,12,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(600); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; fade; {****** THIRD CHIEF *******} error:=Mode13LoadPicpacked(0,0,vaddr2,false,true,'tbcobj.tb1'); error:=Mode13LoadPicpacked(0,0,vga,false,true,'tbchief.tb1'); blockmove(7,127,97,148,vaddr2,6,174,vga); unfade; outtextxy('Tom, our radar detects approaching ',1,1,15,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(500); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; outtextxy('objects. They are inside the ',1,1,15,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(500); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; outtextxy('orbit of Jupiter. ',1,1,15,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(500); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; outtextxy('You are our only hope! ',1,1,15,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(500); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; outtextxy('Will you fly our only spaceship ',1,1,15,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(500); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; outtextxy('and save the human race? ',1,1,15,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(500); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; blockmove(5,16,44,98,vaddr2,146,59,vga); pauseawhile(10); blockmove(46,16,85,98,vaddr2,146,59,vga); pauseawhile(10); blockmove(87,16,126,98,vaddr2,146,59,vga); outtextxy('Scratch. Scratch. ',1,1,9,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(300); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; outtextxy('I knew you''d do it. Good Luck! ',1,1,15,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(600); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; outtextxy(' ',1,1,9,0,vga,true); pauseawhile(600); if keypressed then if readkey=#27 then exit; end; procedure credits; var j:integer; sp:boolean; ky:word; procedure rotate(stri:string;col:integer); var j1,k1:integer; begin if not(sp) then begin for j1:=0 to 7 do begin outtextline(stri,0,198,col,0,j1,vga); {move(mem vga:320 vga:0 63680} asm push ds; push es; mov ax,vga mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov cx,31840 mov si,320 mov di,0 rep movsw pop es; pop ds; end; if keypressed then begin sp:=true; ch:=readkey; end; end; end; end; procedure skip; begin rotate(' ',0); end; label ender; begin sp:=false; cls(0,vaddr); flipd320(vaddr,vga); j:=0; if keypressed then ch:=readkey; rotate(' TOM BOMBEM',4); rotate(' INVASION OF THE INANIMATE OBJECTS',4); skip; rotate(' PROGRAMMING',9); skip; rotate(' VINCENT M WEAVER',9); skip; skip; rotate(' GRAPHICS',10); if sp then goto ender; skip; rotate(' VINCENT M WEAVER',10); skip; skip; rotate(' SOUND EFFECTS',11); if sp then goto ender; skip; rotate(' VINCENT M WEAVER',11); skip; skip; rotate(' GRAPHICS INSPIRATION',12); if sp then goto ender; skip; rotate(' JEFF WARWICK',12); skip; skip; rotate(' GENERAL HELP',13); if sp then goto ender; skip; rotate(' JOHN CLEMENS',13); skip; rotate(' JASON GRIMM',13); skip; skip; rotate(' PCGPE AUTHORS, esp',14); if sp then goto ender; skip; rotate(' GRANT SMITH',14); skip; skip; rotate(' SOUND BLASTER CODE',15); if sp then goto ender; skip; rotate(' ETHAN BRODSKY',15); skip; skip; rotate(' INSPIRATION',9); if sp then goto ender; skip; rotate(' DOUGLAS ADAMS',9); skip; rotate(' CLIFF STOLL',9); skip; rotate(' ARTHUR C CLARKE',9); skip; rotate(' ISAAC ASIMOV',9); skip; rotate(' GORDON KORMAN',9); skip; skip; rotate(' THANKS TO ALL THE AGENTS',10); if sp then goto ender; skip; rotate(' B,D,JL,L,N,P,S,W,PM,E,G,TK',10); skip; rotate(' AND ESPECIALLY MP',10); ender: ky:=0; repeat asm push ds; push es; mov ax,vaddr2 mov ds,ax mov ax,vga mov es,ax mov ax,ky shl ax,5 mov cx,ax shl ax,1 shl cx,3 add ax,cx mov si,ax mov di,63680 mov cx,160 rep movsw pop es; pop ds; end; {move(mem[vaddr2:(ky*320)],mem[vga:(32000)],320);} asm push ax; push ds; push es; push cx; push si; push di; mov ax,vga mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov cx,31840 mov si,320 mov di,0 rep movsw pop di; pop si; pop cx; pop es; pop ds; pop ax; end;{ Move (mem[vga:320],mem[vga:0],63680); } inc(ky); until (keypressed) or (ky=199); if keypressed then ch:=readkey; end; procedure register; var pagenum,oldpagenum,numpages:integer; pagest:string; numst:string[2]; procedure page1; begin flipd320(vaddr,vga); shadowrite(' TO REGISTER',10,10,9,1); shadowrite('I STARTED THIS GAME IN LATE',70,30,9,1); shadowrite(' 1994, WHEN I WAS 16.',70,40,9,1); shadowrite('I WROTE THIS GAME ENTIRELY IN',75,50,9,1); shadowrite(' MY FREE TIME.',74,60,9,1); shadowrite(' ^(AUTHOR AT AGE 17)',10,70,10,2); shadowrite('HOPEFULLY YOU FEEL MY FREE TIME IS',10,90,12,4); shadowrite(' WORTH SOMETHING. YOU DO NOT NEED',10,100,12,4); shadowrite(' TO SEND MONEY, BUT ANY GIFT WOULD',10,110,12,4); shadowrite(' BE APPRECIATED. ALSO I WOULD BE',10,120,12,4); shadowrite(' GLAD TO HEAR ANY COMMENTS AND ',10,130,12,4); shadowrite(' ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS.',10,140,12,4); end; procedure page2; begin flipd320(vaddr2,vga); shadowrite('I CAN BE REACHED AS:',10,10,10,2); shadowrite(' VINCENT WEAVER',10,20,10,2); shadowrite(' 326 FOSTER KNOLL DR.',10,30,10,2); shadowrite(' JOPPA, MD 21085-4706, USA, ETC.',10,40,10,2); shadowrite('AFTER THE SUMMER OF 1996 I WILL BE',10,60,13,5); shadowrite(' AWAY AT COLLEGE, AT THE UNIVERSITY',10,70,13,5); shadowrite(' OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK.',10,80,13,5); shadowrite('GET THE NEWEST VERSION OF TB1 AT',10,100,11,3); shadowrite(' THE OFFICIAL TB1 WEB SITE:',10,110,11,3); shadowrite(' http://www.wam.umd.edu/~vmweaver/tb1/',10,120,11,3); shadowrite('I CAN BE CONTACTED VIA E-MAIL AT:',10,140,12,4); shadowrite(' VMWEAVER@WAM.UMD.EDU',10,150,9,1); shadowrite('FEEL FREE TO SEND COMMENTS/MONEY.',10,160,12,4); end; procedure page3; begin flipd320(vaddr2,vga); shadowrite('OTHER VMW SOFTWARE PRODUCTIONS:',10,10,15,7); shadowrite(' PAINTPRO:',10,30,13,5); shadowrite(' LOAD AND SAVE GRAPHICS PICTURES',10,40,13,5); shadowrite(' INTO C, PASCAL, BASIC, ETC.',10,50,13,5); shadowrite(' WITH SCREEN CAPTURE UTILITY.',10,60,13,5); shadowrite(' SPACEWAR III:',10,70,11,3); shadowrite(' NEVER COMPLETED GAME WITH WORKING',10,80,11,3); shadowrite(' SPACESHIPS. SORT OF COOL.',10,90,11,3); shadowrite(' AITAS: (ADVENTURES IN TIME AND SPACE)',10,100,12,4); shadowrite(' THIS GAME WILL BE FINISHED SOMEDAY.',10,110,12,4); shadowrite(' IT HAS BEEN UNDER WAY FOR 5 YEARS.',10,120,12,4); { shadowrite(' MISC PASCAL/BASIC PROGRAMS:',10,130,9,1); shadowrite(' OVER 500 PROGRAMS WRITTEN OR TYPED',10,140,9,1); shadowrite(' IN BY ME....FUN TO LOOK AT.',10,150,9,1);} end; procedure page4; begin flipd320(vaddr2,vga); shadowrite('DISCLAIMERS:',10,10,12,14); shadowrite('* THE ABOVE PROGRAMS HAVE NEVER DONE *',8,30,12,4); shadowrite('* ANYTHING BAD TO MY COMPUTER THAT *',8,40,12,4); shadowrite('* CTRL-ALT-DEL WOULDN''T FIX. I AM *',8,50,12,4); shadowrite('* NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR HARD DISK *',8,60,12,4); shadowrite('* DISSAPPEARANCES, MISSING MODEMS *',8,70,12,4); shadowrite('* MOUSE BREAKDOWNS, MELTING MONITORS *',8,80,12,4); SHADOWRITE('* OR ANYTHING ELSE. *',8,90,12,4); shadowrite('% ALL VMW SOFTWARE PRODUCTIONS ARE %',8,110,11,3); shadowrite('% RELEASED VIRUS FREE !!!!!!!!!!!! %',8,120,11,3); end; /fade(); cls(0,vga); unfade; cls(0,vaddr); grapherror:=Mode13LoadPIcpacked(0,0,vaddr,true,true,'register.tb1'); coolbox(0,0,319,199,false,vaddr); cls(0,vaddr2); coolbox(0,0,319,199,false,vaddr2); pagenum:=1; oldpagenum:=1; numpages:=4; page1; shadowrite('PAGE 1 of 4: ESC QUITS',50,180,15,7); repeat ch:=menuread; if (ch=' ') or (ch=#13) then inc(pagenum); if (ch='õ') or (ch='Þ') or (ch='Ü') then inc(pagenum); if (ch='ô') or (ch='Ý') or (ch='ß') then dec(pagenum); if pagenum>4 then pagenum:=1; if pagenum<1 then pagenum:=4; if oldpagenum<>pagenum then begin if pagenum=1 then page1; if pagenum=2 then page2; if pagenum=3 then page3; if pagenum=4 then page4; str(pagenum:2,numst); pagest:=concat('PAGE ',numst); str(numpages:2,numst); pagest:=concat(pagest,' of ',numst,': ESC QUITS'); shadowrite(pagest,50,180,15,7); oldpagenum:=pagenum; end; until ch=#27; fade; cls(0,vga); unfade; grapherror:=Mode13LoadPIcpacked(0,0,vaddr2,true,true,'tbomb1.tb1'); fade; end; */ int main(int argc,char **argv) { int i,j,cdrom_mode; char tempst[100]; cdrom_mode=0; if (argc>1){ for (i=1;i