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TOM BOMBEM: Merciless Marauding Malicious Marketers 6502 Apple IIe Edition ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.deater.net/weave/vmwprod/tb1/tb_6502.html by Vince Weaver <vince@deater.net> version 1.1 -- 24 July 2004 Quotes about tb_6502: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "The graphics are crude and blocky." -- random Atari 2600 developer System Requirements: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Apple ][ Computer At least 32kB of RAM Disk drive, or Super Serial Card to load game Background: ~~~~~~~~~~~ You are Tom Bombem, a shy new intern on Moonbase Alpha. Somewhat against your will it has become your job to defend Earth! See the "Story" option in the game for the rest of the story. tb_6502 comes before "tb1: Invasion of the Inanimate Objects" chronologically, for those who might care. Keybindings: ~~~~~~~~~~~ Use arrow keys, or i,j,k,m to manuever and navigate menus. ' ' shoots and selects. 'h' displays help. 's' toggles sound 'p' pauses Options/Hiscore File: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ not implemented yet Game Play: ~~~~~~~~~~ Manuever your ship avoiding the falling objects. Shoot them. Only 2 missiles can be in the air at the time [this is _not_ a bug. it's a limit of your ship's missile guidance system]. Every 100 points your shields will increase. There are special bonuses you can earn at the end of each level. + No Shields Hit : going through an entire level without having an enemy hit your ship + All Enemies Destroyed : all enemies were destroyed before scrolling off the screen. [Note, ramming an enemy with your ship _DOES_ count as destroying it. Just don't let them get by you] + Perfect Shot: Every missile fired hits an enemy. At the end each level you fight the boss. Then the game starts over with the enemies moving faster! Compiling / Running: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RUNNING: Just obtain an apple emulator. Point it to the tb_6502.dsk image. Upon booting it should run! Also, you can get a real Apple II computer and download the disk image to a real floppy. That is a bit more complicated. COMPILING: The following compile instructions assume you are using Linux. * first you need the c65 package from: http://www.cc65.org/ To install cc65 you need to unpack, and do a "make -f make/gcc.mak" from the cc65/src directory. The utils we need are ca65 and ld65. Copy them somewhere in your path (ie /usr/local/bin). * To make the disk image you will need the dos33fsprogs package of mine, available from: http://www.deater.net/weave/vmwprod/apple/dos33fs.html Unpack and instal. "make; make install" * Now hopefully just type "make" in the tb_6502 directory and the program should be assembled. "make disk" should copy the new version to the disk image, assuming all the tools are installed properly. About: ~~~~~~ When I was much younger, I would type in BASIC games on the Apple II. I always wanted to write games myself, but the ones I wrote in BASIC were too slow. I was just starting to learn assembly when we got a 386 and I moved on to other things. But now, only 25 years too late, I finally wrote a playable game! The hope is maybe eventually using this as a stepping-board to creating a Game Boy Advance TomBombem game. This game was originally written for the 4k mini-game competition. It finished embarassingly low in the standings. I've added some more features now so it is well over the 4k mark. Author: ~~~~~~~ Vince Weaver <vince@deater.net> http://www.deater.net/weave/ Special Thanks to KRG 24 July 2004