2020-12-23 08:57:58 -08:00

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# (Unofficial) Nox Archaist Utilities
# Table of Contents
* [Introduction](#introduction)
* [Built-in Fonts](#built-in-fonts)
* [Before you change the font](#before-you-change-the-font)
* [Changing Fonts](#changing-fonts)
* [CiderPress](#ciderpress)
* [Copy \]\[+](#copy-)
* [Command Line](#command-line)
* [Example Fonts](#example-fonts)
* [Font: Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego](#font-where-in-the-world-is-carmen-sandiego)
* [Font Gothic](#font-gothic)
* [Font Byte](#font-byte)
* [Font Editor](#font-editor)
* [Select Mode Keys](#select-mode-keys)
* [Edit Mode Keys](#edit-mode-keys)
# Introduction
_Context:_ I was one of the programmers on _Nox Archaist._ I asked Mark if I could share the Font Editor
we used for the game that I wrote and Mark said _"Sure!"_
Here are my unofficial collection of utilities that I think all Nox Archaist fans will be interested in.
**DISCLAIMER:** This project is NOT affiliated with 6502workshop in any way, shape or fashion. This is an UNOFFICIAL mod and UNSUPPORTED software by fan who also helped worked on the game and toolchain.
# Built-in Fonts
Nox Archaist comes with 2 great fonts out-of-the-box:
* `FONT1` -- A "Runic-inspired" Nox Archaist font
* ![Font 1](pics/font_1.png)
* `FONT2` -- A traditional Apple 2 "thin" font
* ![Font 2](pics/font_2.png)
Would you prefer a different font that _you_ might find more readable or stylistic?
/Oblg. _"Have I got a deal for you!"_
* Carmen ![Carmen](pics/font_carmen.png)
* Gothic ![Gothic](pics/font_gothic.png)
* Byte ![Future](pics/font_byte.png)
As shown above I've included a few different fonts to pick from.
Now there are a couple different ways to replace the font used in Nox Archaist depending
on if you are more comfortable with utilities or the command line. I'll go over
both methods.
I will eventually be writing a utility to streamline all of this but for right
now be patient with the extra verbose description. It looks more complicated
then it really is -- due to showing pictures for _every_ step of the way.
# Before you change the font
**NOTE:** You need to start/continue a Nox Archaist game before you can switch the font! At this time you _CAN NOT_ change the font from the Main Menu -- only in-game.
1. Start Nox Archaist
2. Either continue or make a new game.
3. When you see your avatar in game:
* Press `TAB` to show the party summary
![Party Summary](pics/nox_archaist_1_party_summary.png)
* Press `TAB` again to show the character summary
![Character Summary](pics/nox_archaist_2_character_summary.png)
* Press `6` to switch to the in-game options panel
* Press `UP ARROW` to select `Toggle Font`
![Select Font](pics/nox_archaist_4_select_font.png)
* Press `RETURN` to toggle the font. You will see a message that you need to save your game and reboot before the new font takes effect
![Save font](pics/nox_archaist_5_save_font.png)
* Press `ESC` to quit the options dialog
* Press `Q` to save the game
![Save game](pics/nox_archaist_7_save_font_config.png)
* Wait for saving to finish
![Save done](pics/nox_archaist_8_save_done.png)
Before you re-boot Nox Archat let's install a new, second font.
# Changing Fonts
There are many different ways to replace the fonts in _Nox Archaist._
The easiest way is probably to use [CiderPress]( but using _Copy \]\[+_ or
even the command line aren't hard.
Let's walk through and example using the font from _Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego_ showing
3 common ways.
## CiderPress
1. Stop any emulator(s) that have the Nox Archaist HDV image mounted, or "unplug" the hard drive.
2. Start CiderPress
3. File > Open > `NA.GRAPHICS.dsk`
5. Edit > Copy
6. File > Open > `Nox Archaist HDV (v1001).HDV`
7. Select directory `NA`
8. Edit > Paste
9. Rename the old `NA:FONT2` to `FONT2.BACKUP` via Actions > Rename
10. Rename `NA:CARMEN.FONT` to 'FONT2` via Actions > Rename
11. Close CiderPress and fire up Nox Archaist in your favorite emulator!
## Copy ][+
If you wist to use Copy \]\[+ to copy the font you will need to use a
latter version that supports ProDOS such as 8.4.
1. Start your emulator
2. Mount the floppy disk/hard drive with Copy \]\[+ and start it
3. Mount the `NA.GRAPHICS.dsk` floppy disk -- (Slot 6, Drive 1 for me)
4. Mount the `Nox Archaist HDV (v1001).HDV)` hard disk drive image -- (Slot 7, Drive 1 for me)
5. Copy 2 files from the `NA.GRAPHICS` disk: `FONT.EDIT` and `CARMEN.FONT` to the Nox Archaist Hard Drive. Specifically:
* Copy
* ![Copy](pics/copy2plus_5a_copy.png)
* Files
* ![Files](pics/copy2plus_5b_files.png)
* Select Slot 6, Drive 1 -- the `NA.GRAPHICS` floppy source
* ![Source](pics/copy2plus_5c_source.png)
* Select Slot 7, Drive 1 -- the _Nox Archaist_ hard drive destination
* ![Destination](pics/copy2plus_5d_destination_drive.png)
* Select the source `FONTS` sub-directory on `NA.GRAPHICS`
* ![Source Directory](pics/copy2plus_5e_source_dir.png)
* Select `FONT.EDIT`
* ![Select Font Edit](pics/copy2plus_5f_select_font_edit.png)
* Select `CARMEN.FONT`
* ![Select Carmen](pics/copy2plus_5g_select_carmen.png)
* Press `G` to copy
* Select the `NA` sub-directory destination
* ![Directory](pics/copy2plus_5h_destination_directory.png)
* Copying ...
* ![Copying](pics/copy2plus_5i_copying.png)
* ... and this step is done.
6. Rename the Nox Archaist `FONT2` to `FONT9` to back it up.
* Rename
* ![Rename](pics/copy2plus_6a_rename.png)
* Files
* ![Files](pics/copy2plus_6b_files.png)
* Select _Nox Archaist_ hard drive
* ![Hard Drive](pics/copy2plus_6c_drive.png)
* Select destination `NA` sub-directory
* ![Destination](pics/copy2plus_6d_select_directory.png)
* Select `FONT2` file
* ![FONT2](pics/copy2plus_6e_select_font2.png)
* Press `RETURN` to rename it to `FONT9`
* ![FONT9](pics/copy2plus_6f_name_font9.png)
* Press `G` to execute...
* ![Go](pics/copy2plus_6g_go.png)
* .. and this step is done.
7. Rename the `CARMEN.FONT` to `FONT2`
8. Reboot _Nox Archaist_
## Command Line
To manually replace the font:
1. Start your emulator
2. Mount the `NA.GRAPHICS.dsk` disk in your emulator in Slot 6, Drive 1.
3. _Unmount_ any hard drive images in your emulator
4. Re-boot. (In _AppleWin_ this is `F2`. In other emulators you may need to press **Ctrl-Reset** in your emulator and type `PR#6`)
5. Mount the `Nox Archaist HDV (v1001).HDV)` hard drive image in your emulator in Slot 7, Drive 1.
6. Press `DOWN ARROW` to navigate down to `BASIC.SYSTEM`
7. Press `RETURN` to start BASIC
8. Copy the font you wish to use over
9. Reboot Nox, Continue, and enjoy!
* ![Manual Carmen](pics/manual_installation_carmen.png)
# Example Fonts
## Font: Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego
## Font: Gothic
Same instructions as above but the TL:DR; version is:
## Font: Byte
Same instructions as above but the TL:DR; version is:
# Font Editor
The font editor used on Nox Archaist is included!
* ![Nox Font 1](pics/font1_font_edit.png)
* ![Nox Font 2](pics/font2_font_edit.png)
You can either:
* Boot the `NA.GRAPHICS` disk
* Use arrow keys to select `FONTS`
* Press `RETURN`
* Select`FONT.EDIT`
* Press `RETURN`
* From the command line:
From the Font Editor, press `ESC` to quit.
It has two modes:
* SELECT character mode, and
* EDIT characater mode
## Select Mode Keys
It defaults to `SELECT` character mode. The keys available in this mode are:
RET Edit glyph
ESC Quit
I Select Prev Row
J Select Prev Char
K Select Next Row
L Select Next Char
i Select Prev Row
j Select Prev Char
k Select Next Row
l Select Next Char
^ Select Prev Row
<-- Select Prev Char
v Select Next Row
--> Select Next Char
1 Load FONT1
2 Load FONT2
3 Load FONT3
4 Load FONT4
5 Load FONT5
6 Load FONT6
7 Load FONT7
7 Load FONT8
7 Load FONT9
Shift-0 Save NOX.FONT
Shift-1 Save Font 1
Shift-2 Save Font 2
Shift-3 Save Font 3
Shift-4 Save Font 4
Shift-5 Save Font 5
Shift-6 Save Font 6
Shift-7 Save Font 7
Shift-8 Save Font 8
Shift-9 Save Font 9
## Edit Mode Keys
The keys in `EDIT` character mode are:
RET Update glyph, return to select mod
ESC Cancel glyph, return to select mod
I Move Up
J Move Left
K Move Down
L Move Right
i Move Up
j Move Left
k Move Down
l Move Right
^ Select Prev Row
<- Select Prev Char
v Select Next Row
-> Select Next Char
SPC Toggle pixel on/off
# Themes / Skins / Alternate Tile-sets
## Ultima 4
In progress ...
# Floppy Disk Verifier
In progress ...
# Updated
Version 1
Last Updated Dec 22, 2020