
161 lines
5.4 KiB
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2018-11-10 13:36:36 +00:00
sta $C00E ; 40-column
sta $C00C
sta $C004
sta $C002
sta $C000
jsr $FB2F
jsr $FC58
jsr Has64K ; check for 64K (required)
bcs @no64K
jsr DisableAccelerator ; set to 1 MHz
jsr Has128K ; check for 128K (absence is OK, we just filter out some games)
ror MachineStatus
jsr HasJoystick ; check for joystick (absence is OK, we just filter out some games)
ror MachineStatus ; now bit 6 = 1 if 128K
; bit 7 = 1 if joystick
jsr init ; initialize ProRWTS2 (bye bye ProDOS)
ldx #$00 ; relocate rest of program to RAM bank 1 in language card
@FM lda FirstMover,x
sta $D000,x
bne @FM
lda @FM+2
cmp #>LastMover
bcs +
inc @FM+2
inc @FM+5
bne @FM
jmp OneTimeSetup
ldy #@no64Klen
- lda @s_no64K,y
sta $6B6,y
bpl -
@hang bmi @hang
@s_no64K !raw "REQUIRES 64K"
; ProRWTS2 has its own function to relocate itself
!source "src/prorwts2.a"
2018-11-10 13:36:36 +00:00
; these routines will only be called once, from main memory, before relocating to language card
!source "src/hw.memcheck.a"
!source "src/hw.joystick.a"
!source "src/hw.normfast.a"
*=ProRWTSBuffer+512 ; ProRWTS needs a 512-byte buffer for its init function
; so we reuse as much of the 1-time code as possible
; and fill the rest with zeros
lda hddopendir+1 ; save current directory as 'root'
ldy hddopendir+3
+STAY gRootDirectory
2018-11-10 15:08:14 +00:00
jsr LoadFile ; load preferences file
!word kGlobalPrefsFilename
jsr ParseKeyValueList ; parse contents into global prefs store
2018-11-10 15:08:14 +00:00
!word gGlobalPrefsStore
!word ldrlo2 ; (ldrlo2) points to last load address
!byte 16
+STAY gGamesListStore ; save pointer to free space for next store
jsr LoadFile ; load games list
!word kGameListConfFile
jsr ParseGamesList ; parse games list
!word gGamesListStore
2018-11-10 15:08:14 +00:00
!word ldrlo2 ; (ldrlo2) points to last load address
+STAY gFXStore ; save pointer to free space for next store
jsr LoadFile ; load HGR transition effects list
!word kFXConfFile
jsr ParseKeyValueList ; parse HGR transition effects list
!word gFXStore
2018-11-10 15:08:14 +00:00
!word ldrlo2 ; (ldrlo2) points to last load address
!byte 0
+STAY gDFXStore ; save pointer to free space for next store
jsr LoadFile ; load DHGR transition effects list
!word kDFXConfFile
jsr ParseKeyValueList ; parse DHGR transition effects list
!word gDFXStore
2018-11-10 15:08:14 +00:00
!word ldrlo2 ; (ldrlo2) points to last load address
!byte 0
+STAY gAttractModeStore ; save pointer to free space for next store
jsr LoadFile ; load attract-mode configuration
!word kAttractModeConfFile
jsr ParseKeyValueList ; parse attract-mode configuration
!word gAttractModeStore
2018-11-10 15:08:14 +00:00
!word ldrlo2 ; (ldrlo2) points to last load address
!byte 0
+STAY gSlideshowStore ; save pointer to free space for next store
2018-11-17 14:54:55 +00:00
jsr okvs_get ; get next attract-mode module from prefs
!word gGlobalPrefsStore
!word kNextAttract
bcs @noattract
+STAY @attract
jsr okvs_get
!word gAttractModeStore
@attract !word $FDFD ; SMC
bcc +
ldx #0
+ stx gAttractIndex
jsr okvs_get ; get next HGR transition effect from prefs
!word gGlobalPrefsStore
!word kNextFX
bcs @nofx
+STAY @fx
jsr okvs_get
!word gFXStore
@fx !word $FDFD ; SMC
bcc +
@nofx ldx #0
+ stx gFXIndex
jsr okvs_get ; get next DHGR transition effect from prefs
!word gGlobalPrefsStore
!word kNextDFX
bcs @nodfx
+STAY @dfx
jsr okvs_get
!word gDFXStore
@dfx !word $FDFD ; SMC
bcc +
@nodfx ldx #0
+ stx gDFXIndex
jmp Main
!byte @kGameListConfFile_e-@kGameListConfFile_b
!text "GAMES.CONF"
!byte @kFXConfFile_e-@kFXConfFile_b
!text "FX.CONF"
!byte @kDFXConfFile_e-@kDFXConfFile_b
!text "DFX.CONF"
!byte @kAttractModeConfFile_e-@kAttractModeConfFile_b