mini attract mode

This commit is contained in:
4am 2019-06-26 22:51:34 -04:00
parent 6da3cba47a
commit 23844487b8
12 changed files with 146 additions and 28 deletions

View File

@ -107,6 +107,9 @@ dsk: md asm
rsync -aP res/artwork.shr/* build/ARTWORK.SHR >>build/log
bin/ build/ARTWORK.SHR "C1" "2000" >>build/log
$(CADIUS) ADDFOLDER build/"$(DISK)" "/${VOLUME}/ARTWORK.SHR" "build/ARTWORK.SHR" >>build/log
rsync -aP res/attract/* build/ATTRACT >>build/log
bin/ build/ATTRACT "04" "8000" >>build/log
$(CADIUS) ADDFOLDER build/"$(DISK)" "/${VOLUME}/ATTRACT" "build/ATTRACT" >>build/log
rsync -aP res/ss/* build/SS >>build/log
bin/ build/SS "04" "4000" >>build/log
$(CADIUS) ADDFOLDER build/"$(DISK)" "/${VOLUME}/SS" "build/SS" >>build/log
@ -135,6 +138,7 @@ md:
mkdir -p build/ACTION.HGR
mkdir -p build/ACTION.DHGR
mkdir -p build/ARTWORK.SHR
mkdir -p build/ATTRACT
mkdir -p build/SS
mkdir -p build/DEMO
mkdir -p build/FX

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
# # transition effects for DHGR slideshows # # Each Mega-Attract Module that is a DHGR slideshow (see attract.conf) # will use a single transition effect for the length of the module. # Transition effects are loaded in the order listed in this file. Each line # of this file is a filename (not including comments, like this one). The # name of the next transition effect is stored in the global prefs, so this # file should not contain duplicates. # # Transition effects are binary files loaded at $6000 and called with DHGR # page 1 showing and the next DHGR graphic already loaded at $4000/main and # $4000/aux. A transition effect has full use of main and auxiliary memory, # including zero pages and text pages if needed. LC RAM banks 1 and 2 are # reserved for the launcher. # # Important: LC RAM bank 1 will be read/write on entry and must be read/write # on exit. If you need ROM routines, you are responsible for switching to ROM # then switching back to RAM bank 1 (read/write) before returning. # DHGR.RIPPLE DHGR.FIZZLE DHGR.RADIAL DHGR.STAR DHGR.RADIAL3 DHGR.IRIS DHGR.RADIAL2 DHGR.RADIAL4 DHGR.RADIAL5 DHGR.RIPPLEWH DHGR.FIZZLEWH DHGR.RADIALWH DHGR.STARWH DHGR.RADIAL3WH DHGR.IRISWH DHGR.RADIAL2WH DHGR.RADIAL4WH DHGR.RADIAL5WH [eof]
# # transition effects for DHGR slideshows # # Each Mega-Attract Module that is a DHGR slideshow (see attract.conf) # will use a single transition effect for the length of the module. # Transition effects are loaded in the order listed in this file. Each line # of this file is a filename (not including comments, like this one). The # name of the next transition effect is stored in the global prefs, so this # file should not contain duplicates. # # Transition effects are binary files loaded at $6000 and called with DHGR # page 1 showing and the next DHGR graphic already loaded at $4000/main and # $4000/aux. A transition effect has full use of main and auxiliary memory, # including zero pages and text pages if needed. LC RAM banks 1 and 2 are # reserved for the launcher. # # Important: LC RAM bank 1 will be read/write on entry and must be read/write # on exit. If you need ROM routines, you are responsible for switching to ROM # then switching back to RAM bank 1 (read/write) before returning. # DHGR.FIZZLE DHGR.RIPPLE DHGR.RADIAL DHGR.STAR DHGR.RADIAL3 DHGR.IRIS DHGR.RADIAL2 DHGR.RADIAL4 DHGR.RADIAL5 DHGR.RIPPLEWH DHGR.FIZZLEWH DHGR.RADIALWH DHGR.STARWH DHGR.RADIAL3WH DHGR.IRISWH DHGR.RADIAL2WH DHGR.RADIAL4WH DHGR.RADIAL5WH [eof]

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
; - Launch
; Public variables
; - SelectedIndex ; [byte] numeric index in gGamesStore of currently selected game in search mode
; - gCurrentAttractIndex ; [byte] numeric index in gAttractModeStore of current Mega-Attract Module
; - gCurrentlyVisibleSlideshowIndex ; [byte] numeric index in gSlideshowStore of currently visible slideshow picture
; (only valid during slideshows, not updated once a key is pressed)
@ -18,9 +17,10 @@
!zone {
stx @gameIndex
jsr okvs_nth
!word gGamesListStore
!byte $FD ; SMC
jmp .Go

View File

@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ kSHRArtworkDirectory
!byte 12
!byte 8
!raw "ATTRACT/"
!byte 3
!raw "SS/"

View File

@ -4,14 +4,16 @@
; text rank - an implementation of the Quicksilver search rank algorithm
; Public functions
; - ResetTextRank
; - TextRankCallback (as okvs_iter_values callback)
; Public variables
; - InputLength
; - InputBuffer
; - MatchCount
; - BestMatchScore
; - BestMatchIndex
; - InputLength ; [byte] number of characters typed in search mode
; - InputBuffer ; [25 bytes] characters typed in search mode
; - SelectedIndex ; [byte] index in gGamesListStore of currently selected game in search mode
; - MatchCount ; [byte] number of games that match InputBuffer
; - BestMatchScore ; [byte] raw ranking score (0-100) of current best match (updated during TextRankCallback)
; - BestMatchIndex ; [byte] index in gGamesListStore of current best match (updated during TextRankCallback)
zpword = $F0 ; word
zpstring = $F2 ; word
@ -27,6 +29,8 @@ InputLength
!byte 0
!text " "
!byte $FF
!byte 0

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
!zone {
bit MachineStatus ; only run DHGR slideshow if we have 128K
bit oldstatus ; only run DHGR slideshow if we have 128K
bvs +
+ jsr .LoadDHGRTransition ; load transition effect code at $6000
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ DHGRTitleSlideshow
jmp BlankHGR ; switch back to HGR mode with initial blank screen on exit
bit MachineStatus ; only run DHGR slideshow if we have 128K
bit oldstatus ; only run DHGR slideshow if we have 128K
bvs +
+ jsr .LoadDHGRTransition ; load transition effect code at $6000
@ -34,8 +34,16 @@ DHGRActionSlideshow
jmp BlankHGR ; switch back to HGR mode with initial blank screen on exit
bit oldstatus ; only show DHGR screenshots if we have 128K
bvs +
+ jsr SetPath ; A/Y point to path
jsr BlankDHGR ; switch to DHGR mode with initial blank screen
jsr LoadDHRFile ; load DHGR file at $4000/main and $4000/aux
+ jsr .LoadDHGRTransition ; load transition effect code at $6000
+LDADDR $6000
jsr ExecuteTransitionAndWait
jmp BlankHGR ; switch back to HGR mode with initial blank screen on exit
; .LoadDHGRTransition [private]

View File

@ -26,8 +26,11 @@ HGRActionSlideshow
rts ; exit with last picture still visible
jsr SetPath
jsr LoadFile ; load HGR screenshot at $4000
jsr .LoadHGRTransition ; load transition effect code at $6000
+LDADDR $6000
jmp ExecuteTransitionAndWait
; .HGRTitleCallback [private]
@ -149,8 +152,7 @@ HGRSingle
; looks up name of next HGR transition effect in FX.CONF and loads that file
; at $6000
; in: gFXStore has been initialized
; gGlobalPrefsStore has been initialized
; in: gGlobalPrefsStore has been initialized
; out: all registers and flags clobbered
; $6000..$BFFF contains transition effect code

View File

@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
; MegaAttractMode
; main entry point for Mega Attract Mode, which cycles through modules listed
; in ATTRACT.CONF to provide pretty visual effects and snippets of self-running
; self-terminating game demos
; main entry point for Mega Attract Mode, which endlessly cycles through
; modules listed in ATTRACT.CONF to display title pages, action screenshots,
; super hi-res box art (on supporting platforms), and self-running game demos
; in: gGlobalPrefsStore must be initialized
; out: never returns to caller (may JMP to other major modes)
@ -90,6 +90,70 @@ MegaAttractMode
jmp SearchMode
; MiniAttractMode
; run attract modules related to one game
; in: X = index in gGamesStore of game
; gGlobalPrefsStore must be initialized
; out: all flags and registers clobbered
; assume all of main memory has been clobbered
stx +
jsr BlankHGR
jsr okvs_nth
!word gGamesListStore
+ !byte $FD ; SMC
+STAY @MiniAttractGame
lda #0
sta @MiniAttractIndex
; load mini attract mode configuration file at $8000
+LOAD_FILE kMiniAttractDirectory, @MiniAttractGame
jsr ParseKeyValueList ; parse configuration into OKVS data structure at $6000
!word gAttractModeStore
!word ldrlo2 ; (ldrlo2) points to last load address, so $8000
!byte 0
jsr okvs_len
!word gAttractModeStore
cmp @MiniAttractIndex
beq @exit ; we've run through all modules, so exit to caller
lda @MiniAttractIndex
sta +
jsr okvs_nth ; get the next module on the list
!word gAttractModeStore
+ !byte $FD ; SMC
+STAY @key
jsr okvs_get ; get module type
!word gAttractModeStore
@key !word $FDFD ; SMC
ldy #1
lda (PTR),y
and #$0F ; convert ASCII digit to integer
tax ; X = module type
+LDAY @key ; A/Y = address of module name
jsr RunAttractModule ; execute the module
inc @MiniAttractIndex
lda $C000
bpl @loop
@exit rts
!byte $FD
!word $FDFD
; RunAttractModule
; run a single attract module of any type and return to caller

View File

@ -11,22 +11,34 @@
!zone {
lda MachineStatus ; only run SHR slideshow on IIgs or if we have a VidHD card
lda oldstatus ; only show SHR on IIgs or if we have a VidHD card
bne +
+ jsr LoadSHRTransition
+ jsr .LoadSHRTransition
jsr okvs_iter
!word gSlideshowStore
!word SHRArtworkCallback
jmp BlankHGR
lda oldstatus ; only show SHR on IIgs or if we have a VidHD card
bne +
jsr SetPath
jsr .BlankSHR
jsr LoadFile
jsr .LoadSHRTransition
jsr ExecuteTransitionAndWait
jmp BlankHGR
; .LoadSHGRTransition
; .LoadSHGRTransition [private]
; [TODO] for now there is only 1 SHR transition so this always load the same file
; [TODO] but eventually it should look up name of next SHR transition effect in
; [TODO] SFX.CONF or something and loads that file at $A000
@ -36,7 +48,7 @@ SHRSingle
; out: all registers and flags clobbered
; $A000..$BFFF/main contains transition effect code
+LDADDR kSFXFizzleFile
+STAY @file
+LOAD_FILE kFXDirectory, @file

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ SoftBell
; out: $0106..$011F clobbered
lda MachineStatus
lda oldstatus
beq @noSHR
lda $C035

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ _SearchModeInputLoop
jsr _ResetInputTimeout
cmp #$9B ; Esc clears the input buffer (if any)
bne + ; or switches to attract mode
bne + ; or switches to mega attract mode
ldx #kInputClear
bne InputDispatch ; always branches
@ -68,6 +68,11 @@ _SearchModeInputLoop
+ cmp #$88 ; left arrow = delete
beq -
cmp #$89 ; TAB switches to mini attract mode
bne + ; if there is a game selected
ldx #kInputTab
bne InputDispatch ; always branches
and #$7F ; strip high bit for search characters
cmp #$30 ; control keys and punctuation ignored
bcc @badkey
@ -102,8 +107,9 @@ InputDispatch
sta @j+2
pla ; restore key pressed
@j jsr $FDFD ; SMC
bcc _SearchModeInputLoop
jmp SearchMode ; if carry is set, force full redraw
bcs +
jmp _SearchModeInputLoop ; if carry is clear, continue
+ jmp SearchMode ; if carry is set, force full redraw
ldx InputLength
@ -122,6 +128,18 @@ OnBack
+ dec InputLength
jmp OnInputChanged
ldx SelectedIndex
cpx #$FF
beq +
jsr MiniAttractMode
cmp #$8D
beq OnLaunch
sec ; tell caller to redraw UI
+ clc
ldx SelectedIndex
cpx #$FF
@ -368,10 +386,12 @@ OffscreenPage
kInputSearch = 0
kInputClear = 1
kInputBack = 2
kInputLaunch = 3
kInputTab = 3
kInputLaunch = 4
!word OnSearch
!word OnClear
!word OnBack
!word OnTab
!word OnLaunch