;license:MIT ;(c) 2021-2022 by Frank M., qkumba !cpu 6502 !to "build/DEMO/BORG#060310",plain *=$310 !source "src/constants.a" ; no code in these !source "src/macros.a" +READ_RAM2_WRITE_RAM2 ;jsr EnableAccelerator ; can't because of animation +LOAD_FILE_KEEP_DIR borg, borg_dir_e-borg_dir_b +READ_ROM_NO_WRITE lda #$60 sta $609E jsr $6000 ; decompress and show animation ldx #3-1 - lda patch2,x sta $8C27,x ; exit after 1 cycle sta $ECA,x ; exit on keypress 1 (joysticks not polled) dex bpl - sta $99 ldx #7-1 - lda patch, x sta $8C2D, x dex bpl - ; exit on keypress 2 inc $C9 ; must be non-zero jmp $EB0 patch !byte $30,$F8,$EA,$20,$00,$0F,$60 patch2 !byte $4C,$00,$01 borg !byte borg_e-borg_b borg_b borg_dir_b !text "X" borg_dir_e !text "/BORG" borg_e !if * > $3F0 { !error "code is too large, ends at ", * }