; Circuitous pixel font ; (c) 2018-2023 by 4am ; license:Open Font License 1.1, see OFL.txt ; This file is automatically generated FontDataRow0 !byte %10000000 ; $00 full horizontal circuit path !byte %10000000 ; $01 horizontal circuit path endpoint with rounded left side !byte %10000000 ; $02 horizontal circuit path endpoint with rounded right side !byte %10011100 ; $03 full vertical circuit path !byte %10000000 ; $04 vertical circuit path endpoint with rounded top !byte %10011100 ; $05 vertical circuit path endpoint with rounded bottom !byte %10000000 ; $06 rounded top-left quadrant circuit path !byte %10000000 ; $07 rounded top-right quadrant circuit path !byte %10000000 ; $08 left arrow !byte %10011100 ; $09 rounded bottom-right quadrant circuit path !byte %10000000 ; $0A !byte %10000000 ; $0B up arrow !byte %10011100 ; $0C rounded bottom-left quadrant circuit path !byte %11100000 ; $0D carriage return symbol !byte %10110000 ; $0E open apple !byte %10110000 ; $0F closed apple !byte %10000000 ; $10 dot, small !byte %10000000 ; $11 dot, medium !byte %10000000 ; $12 dot, large !byte %10000000 ; $13 dot, extra large !byte %10110110 ; $14 heart !byte %10000000 ; $15 right arrow !byte %10011100 ; $16 open padlock !byte %10000000 ; $17 times !byte %10000000 ; $18 !byte %10000000 ; $19 !byte %10000000 ; $1A down arrow !byte %11101100 ; $1B lowercase a with umlaut !byte %10110000 ; $1C lowercase e with accent !byte %10110000 ; $1D lowercase i with accent !byte %10001100 ; $1E lowercase o with backtick accent !byte %10011000 ; $1F uppercase A with accent !byte %10000000 ; $20 space !byte %10011000 ; $21 ! !byte %10110110 ; $22 " !byte %10110110 ; $23 # !byte %10011000 ; $24 $ !byte %11100111 ; $25 % !byte %10111110 ; $26 & !byte %10011000 ; $27 ' !byte %10011000 ; $28 ( !byte %10001100 ; $29 ) !byte %11100011 ; $2A * !byte %10000000 ; $2B + !byte %10000000 ; $2C , !byte %10000000 ; $2D - !byte %10000000 ; $2E . !byte %11100000 ; $2F / !byte %10111100 ; $30 0 !byte %10011000 ; $31 1 !byte %10111110 ; $32 2 !byte %10111110 ; $33 3 !byte %11100110 ; $34 4 !byte %11111110 ; $35 5 !byte %10111100 ; $36 6 !byte %11111110 ; $37 7 !byte %10111100 ; $38 8 !byte %10111100 ; $39 9 !byte %10000000 ; $3A : !byte %10000000 ; $3B ; !byte %11110000 ; $3C < !byte %10000000 ; $3D = !byte %10001110 ; $3E > !byte %10111100 ; $3F ? !byte %10111110 ; $40 @ !byte %10111110 ; $41 A !byte %10111111 ; $42 B !byte %11111110 ; $43 C !byte %10111111 ; $44 D !byte %11111111 ; $45 E !byte %11111111 ; $46 F !byte %11111110 ; $47 G !byte %11100011 ; $48 H !byte %10111110 ; $49 I !byte %11110000 ; $4A J !byte %11100011 ; $4B K !byte %10000011 ; $4C L !byte %11100011 ; $4D M !byte %11100011 ; $4E N !byte %10111110 ; $4F O !byte %10111111 ; $50 P !byte %10111110 ; $51 Q !byte %10111111 ; $52 R !byte %11111110 ; $53 S !byte %11111111 ; $54 T !byte %11100011 ; $55 U !byte %11100011 ; $56 V !byte %11100011 ; $57 W !byte %11000001 ; $58 X !byte %11100011 ; $59 Y !byte %11111111 ; $5A Z !byte %10011100 ; $5B [ !byte %10000011 ; $5C \ !byte %10011100 ; $5D ] !byte %10011000 ; $5E ^ !byte %10000000 ; $5F _ !byte %10001110 ; $60 ` !byte %10000000 ; $61 a !byte %10000110 ; $62 b !byte %10000000 ; $63 c !byte %11100000 ; $64 d !byte %10000000 ; $65 e !byte %11111000 ; $66 f !byte %10000000 ; $67 g !byte %10000110 ; $68 h !byte %10011000 ; $69 i !byte %10000000 ; $6A j !byte %10000110 ; $6B k !byte %10011100 ; $6C l !byte %10000000 ; $6D m !byte %10000000 ; $6E n !byte %10000000 ; $6F o !byte %10000000 ; $70 p !byte %10000000 ; $71 q !byte %10000000 ; $72 r !byte %10000000 ; $73 s !byte %10001100 ; $74 t !byte %10000000 ; $75 u !byte %10000000 ; $76 v !byte %10000000 ; $77 w !byte %10000000 ; $78 x !byte %10000000 ; $79 y !byte %10000000 ; $7A z !byte %10110000 ; $7B { !byte %10011100 ; $7C | !byte %10000110 ; $7D } !byte %10000000 ; $7E ~ !byte %11111110 ; $7F full block (solid cursor) FontDataRow1 !byte %10000000 ; $00 full horizontal circuit path !byte %10011100 ; $01 horizontal circuit path endpoint with rounded left side !byte %10011100 ; $02 horizontal circuit path endpoint with rounded right side !byte %10011100 ; $03 full vertical circuit path !byte %10011100 ; $04 vertical circuit path endpoint with rounded top !byte %10011100 ; $05 vertical circuit path endpoint with rounded bottom !byte %10000000 ; $06 rounded top-left quadrant circuit path !byte %10000000 ; $07 rounded top-right quadrant circuit path !byte %10001100 ; $08 left arrow !byte %10011110 ; $09 rounded bottom-right quadrant circuit path !byte %10000000 ; $0A !byte %10011000 ; $0B up arrow !byte %10111100 ; $0C rounded bottom-left quadrant circuit path !byte %11100000 ; $0D carriage return symbol !byte %10011000 ; $0E open apple !byte %10011000 ; $0F closed apple !byte %10000000 ; $10 dot, small !byte %10000000 ; $11 dot, medium !byte %10000000 ; $12 dot, large !byte %10011100 ; $13 dot, extra large !byte %11111111 ; $14 heart !byte %10011000 ; $15 right arrow !byte %10110110 ; $16 open padlock !byte %11100110 ; $17 times !byte %10000000 ; $18 !byte %10000000 ; $19 !byte %10011000 ; $1A down arrow !byte %10000000 ; $1B lowercase a with umlaut !byte %10011000 ; $1C lowercase e with accent !byte %10011000 ; $1D lowercase i with accent !byte %10011000 ; $1E lowercase o with backtick accent !byte %10001100 ; $1F uppercase A with accent !byte %10000000 ; $20 space !byte %10111100 ; $21 ! !byte %10110110 ; $22 " !byte %11111111 ; $23 # !byte %11111110 ; $24 $ !byte %11110011 ; $25 % !byte %11100011 ; $26 & !byte %10011000 ; $27 ' !byte %10001100 ; $28 ( !byte %10011000 ; $29 ) !byte %10110110 ; $2A * !byte %10011000 ; $2B + !byte %10000000 ; $2C , !byte %10000000 ; $2D - !byte %10000000 ; $2E . !byte %11110000 ; $2F / !byte %11100110 ; $30 0 !byte %10011100 ; $31 1 !byte %11100000 ; $32 2 !byte %11100000 ; $33 3 !byte %11100110 ; $34 4 !byte %10000110 ; $35 5 !byte %10000110 ; $36 6 !byte %11100000 ; $37 7 !byte %11100110 ; $38 8 !byte %11100110 ; $39 9 !byte %10011000 ; $3A : !byte %10011000 ; $3B ; !byte %10111000 ; $3C < !byte %10111110 ; $3D = !byte %10011100 ; $3E > !byte %11100110 ; $3F ? !byte %11100011 ; $40 @ !byte %11111111 ; $41 A !byte %11111111 ; $42 B !byte %11111111 ; $43 C !byte %11111111 ; $44 D !byte %11111111 ; $45 E !byte %11111111 ; $46 F !byte %11111111 ; $47 G !byte %11100011 ; $48 H !byte %10111110 ; $49 I !byte %11110000 ; $4A J !byte %11110011 ; $4B K !byte %10000011 ; $4C L !byte %11110111 ; $4D M !byte %11100111 ; $4E N !byte %11111111 ; $4F O !byte %11111111 ; $50 P !byte %11111111 ; $51 Q !byte %11111111 ; $52 R !byte %11111111 ; $53 S !byte %11111111 ; $54 T !byte %11100011 ; $55 U !byte %11100011 ; $56 V !byte %11100011 ; $57 W !byte %11100011 ; $58 X !byte %11100011 ; $59 Y !byte %11111111 ; $5A Z !byte %10001100 ; $5B [ !byte %10000111 ; $5C \ !byte %10011000 ; $5D ] !byte %10111100 ; $5E ^ !byte %10000000 ; $5F _ !byte %10011011 ; $60 ` !byte %10000000 ; $61 a !byte %10000110 ; $62 b !byte %10000000 ; $63 c !byte %11100000 ; $64 d !byte %10000000 ; $65 e !byte %10001100 ; $66 f !byte %10000000 ; $67 g !byte %10000110 ; $68 h !byte %10011000 ; $69 i !byte %10110000 ; $6A j !byte %10000110 ; $6B k !byte %10011000 ; $6C l !byte %10000000 ; $6D m !byte %10000000 ; $6E n !byte %10000000 ; $6F o !byte %10000000 ; $70 p !byte %10000000 ; $71 q !byte %10000000 ; $72 r !byte %10000000 ; $73 s !byte %10001100 ; $74 t !byte %10000000 ; $75 u !byte %10000000 ; $76 v !byte %10000000 ; $77 w !byte %10000000 ; $78 x !byte %10000000 ; $79 y !byte %10000000 ; $7A z !byte %10011000 ; $7B { !byte %10011100 ; $7C | !byte %10001100 ; $7D } !byte %10000000 ; $7E ~ !byte %11111110 ; $7F full block (solid cursor) FontDataRow2 !byte %11111111 ; $00 full horizontal circuit path !byte %11111110 ; $01 horizontal circuit path endpoint with rounded left side !byte %10111111 ; $02 horizontal circuit path endpoint with rounded right side !byte %10011100 ; $03 full vertical circuit path !byte %10111110 ; $04 vertical circuit path endpoint with rounded top !byte %10011100 ; $05 vertical circuit path endpoint with rounded bottom !byte %11110000 ; $06 rounded top-left quadrant circuit path !byte %10000111 ; $07 rounded top-right quadrant circuit path !byte %10000110 ; $08 left arrow !byte %10011111 ; $09 rounded bottom-right quadrant circuit path !byte %10000000 ; $0A !byte %10111100 ; $0B up arrow !byte %11111100 ; $0C rounded bottom-left quadrant circuit path !byte %11101100 ; $0D carriage return symbol !byte %10110110 ; $0E open apple !byte %10111110 ; $0F closed apple !byte %10000000 ; $10 dot, small !byte %10001000 ; $11 dot, medium !byte %10011100 ; $12 dot, large !byte %10111110 ; $13 dot, extra large !byte %11111111 ; $14 heart !byte %10110000 ; $15 right arrow !byte %10000110 ; $16 open padlock !byte %10111100 ; $17 times !byte %10000000 ; $18 !byte %10000000 ; $19 !byte %10011000 ; $1A down arrow !byte %11111100 ; $1B lowercase a with umlaut !byte %10111100 ; $1C lowercase e with accent !byte %10000000 ; $1D lowercase i with accent !byte %10111100 ; $1E lowercase o with backtick accent !byte %10111110 ; $1F uppercase A with accent !byte %10000000 ; $20 space !byte %10111100 ; $21 ! !byte %10100100 ; $22 " !byte %11111111 ; $23 # !byte %10011011 ; $24 $ !byte %11111000 ; $25 % !byte %10000111 ; $26 & !byte %10001000 ; $27 ' !byte %10001100 ; $28 ( !byte %10011000 ; $29 ) !byte %10011100 ; $2A * !byte %10011000 ; $2B + !byte %10000000 ; $2C , !byte %10000000 ; $2D - !byte %10000000 ; $2E . !byte %10111000 ; $2F / !byte %11110110 ; $30 0 !byte %10011100 ; $31 1 !byte %11111100 ; $32 2 !byte %11111100 ; $33 3 !byte %11100110 ; $34 4 !byte %10111110 ; $35 5 !byte %10111110 ; $36 6 !byte %10110000 ; $37 7 !byte %11111110 ; $38 8 !byte %11111110 ; $39 9 !byte %10011000 ; $3A : !byte %10011000 ; $3B ; !byte %10011100 ; $3C < !byte %10111110 ; $3D = !byte %10111000 ; $3E > !byte %11100000 ; $3F ? !byte %11111011 ; $40 @ !byte %11100011 ; $41 A !byte %11100011 ; $42 B !byte %10000011 ; $43 C !byte %11100011 ; $44 D !byte %10000011 ; $45 E !byte %10000011 ; $46 F !byte %10000011 ; $47 G !byte %11100011 ; $48 H !byte %10011100 ; $49 I !byte %11100000 ; $4A J !byte %10110011 ; $4B K !byte %10000011 ; $4C L !byte %11111111 ; $4D M !byte %11101111 ; $4E N !byte %11100011 ; $4F O !byte %11100011 ; $50 P !byte %11100011 ; $51 Q !byte %11100011 ; $52 R !byte %10000011 ; $53 S !byte %10011100 ; $54 T !byte %11100011 ; $55 U !byte %11100011 ; $56 V !byte %11100011 ; $57 W !byte %11100111 ; $58 X !byte %11100011 ; $59 Y !byte %11110000 ; $5A Z !byte %10001100 ; $5B [ !byte %10001110 ; $5C \ !byte %10011000 ; $5D ] !byte %11100110 ; $5E ^ !byte %10000000 ; $5F _ !byte %10111000 ; $60 ` !byte %11111100 ; $61 a !byte %10110110 ; $62 b !byte %10111100 ; $63 c !byte %11101100 ; $64 d !byte %10111100 ; $65 e !byte %10111110 ; $66 f !byte %11111100 ; $67 g !byte %10110110 ; $68 h !byte %10000000 ; $69 i !byte %10110000 ; $6A j !byte %11100110 ; $6B k !byte %10011000 ; $6C l !byte %11100110 ; $6D m !byte %10111110 ; $6E n !byte %10111100 ; $6F o !byte %10111110 ; $70 p !byte %11111100 ; $71 q !byte %10111100 ; $72 r !byte %11111000 ; $73 s !byte %11111110 ; $74 t !byte %11100110 ; $75 u !byte %11100110 ; $76 v !byte %11100110 ; $77 w !byte %11100110 ; $78 x !byte %11100110 ; $79 y !byte %11111110 ; $7A z !byte %10011000 ; $7B { !byte %10011100 ; $7C | !byte %10001100 ; $7D } !byte %11101100 ; $7E ~ !byte %11111110 ; $7F full block (solid cursor) FontDataRow3 !byte %11111111 ; $00 full horizontal circuit path !byte %11111110 ; $01 horizontal circuit path endpoint with rounded left side !byte %10111111 ; $02 horizontal circuit path endpoint with rounded right side !byte %10011100 ; $03 full vertical circuit path !byte %10111110 ; $04 vertical circuit path endpoint with rounded top !byte %10111110 ; $05 vertical circuit path endpoint with rounded bottom !byte %11111000 ; $06 rounded top-left quadrant circuit path !byte %10001111 ; $07 rounded top-right quadrant circuit path !byte %11111111 ; $08 left arrow !byte %10001111 ; $09 rounded bottom-right quadrant circuit path !byte %10000000 ; $0A !byte %11111110 ; $0B up arrow !byte %11111000 ; $0C rounded bottom-left quadrant circuit path !byte %11100110 ; $0D carriage return symbol !byte %11000011 ; $0E open apple !byte %11111111 ; $0F closed apple !byte %10001000 ; $10 dot, small !byte %10011100 ; $11 dot, medium !byte %10111110 ; $12 dot, large !byte %10111110 ; $13 dot, extra large !byte %11111111 ; $14 heart !byte %11111111 ; $15 right arrow !byte %10111110 ; $16 open padlock !byte %10011000 ; $17 times !byte %10000000 ; $18 !byte %10000000 ; $19 !byte %10011000 ; $1A down arrow !byte %11100110 ; $1B lowercase a with umlaut !byte %11100110 ; $1C lowercase e with accent !byte %10011100 ; $1D lowercase i with accent !byte %11100000 ; $1E lowercase o with backtick accent !byte %11111111 ; $1F uppercase A with accent !byte %10000000 ; $20 space !byte %10011000 ; $21 ! !byte %10000000 ; $22 " !byte %10110110 ; $23 # !byte %10111110 ; $24 $ !byte %10111100 ; $25 % !byte %11110110 ; $26 & !byte %10000000 ; $27 ' !byte %10001100 ; $28 ( !byte %10011000 ; $29 ) !byte %11111100 ; $2A * !byte %11111110 ; $2B + !byte %10000000 ; $2C , !byte %10111110 ; $2D - !byte %10000000 ; $2E . !byte %10011100 ; $2F / !byte %11101110 ; $30 0 !byte %10011000 ; $31 1 !byte %10111110 ; $32 2 !byte %10111100 ; $33 3 !byte %11111110 ; $34 4 !byte %11111110 ; $35 5 !byte %11111110 ; $36 6 !byte %10011000 ; $37 7 !byte %10111100 ; $38 8 !byte %11111100 ; $39 9 !byte %10000000 ; $3A : !byte %10000000 ; $3B ; !byte %10001110 ; $3C < !byte %10000000 ; $3D = !byte %11110000 ; $3E > !byte %11111000 ; $3F ? !byte %11111011 ; $40 @ !byte %11100011 ; $41 A !byte %10111011 ; $42 B !byte %10000011 ; $43 C !byte %11100011 ; $44 D !byte %10111011 ; $45 E !byte %10111011 ; $46 F !byte %11111011 ; $47 G !byte %11111011 ; $48 H !byte %10011100 ; $49 I !byte %11100000 ; $4A J !byte %10011011 ; $4B K !byte %10000011 ; $4C L !byte %11111111 ; $4D M !byte %11111111 ; $4E N !byte %11100011 ; $4F O !byte %11100011 ; $50 P !byte %11100011 ; $51 Q !byte %11100011 ; $52 R !byte %10111111 ; $53 S !byte %10011100 ; $54 T !byte %11100011 ; $55 U !byte %11100011 ; $56 V !byte %11100011 ; $57 W !byte %10111110 ; $58 X !byte %10110110 ; $59 Y !byte %10111000 ; $5A Z !byte %10001100 ; $5B [ !byte %10011100 ; $5C \ !byte %10011000 ; $5D ] !byte %10000000 ; $5E ^ !byte %10000000 ; $5F _ !byte %10000000 ; $60 ` !byte %11100110 ; $61 a !byte %11100110 ; $62 b !byte %10000110 ; $63 c !byte %11100110 ; $64 d !byte %11100110 ; $65 e !byte %10001100 ; $66 f !byte %11100110 ; $67 g !byte %11100110 ; $68 h !byte %10011100 ; $69 i !byte %10000000 ; $6A j !byte %10110110 ; $6B k !byte %10011000 ; $6C l !byte %11111110 ; $6D m !byte %11100110 ; $6E n !byte %11100110 ; $6F o !byte %11100110 ; $70 p !byte %11100110 ; $71 q !byte %10000110 ; $72 r !byte %10011100 ; $73 s !byte %10001100 ; $74 t !byte %11100110 ; $75 u !byte %11100110 ; $76 v !byte %11100110 ; $77 w !byte %10111100 ; $78 x !byte %11100110 ; $79 y !byte %10110000 ; $7A z !byte %10001110 ; $7B { !byte %10011100 ; $7C | !byte %10111000 ; $7D } !byte %11111110 ; $7E ~ !byte %11111110 ; $7F full block (solid cursor) FontDataRow4 !byte %11111111 ; $00 full horizontal circuit path !byte %11111110 ; $01 horizontal circuit path endpoint with rounded left side !byte %10111111 ; $02 horizontal circuit path endpoint with rounded right side !byte %10011100 ; $03 full vertical circuit path !byte %10111110 ; $04 vertical circuit path endpoint with rounded top !byte %10111110 ; $05 vertical circuit path endpoint with rounded bottom !byte %11111100 ; $06 rounded top-left quadrant circuit path !byte %10011111 ; $07 rounded top-right quadrant circuit path !byte %11111111 ; $08 left arrow !byte %10000111 ; $09 rounded bottom-right quadrant circuit path !byte %10000000 ; $0A !byte %10011000 ; $0B up arrow !byte %11110000 ; $0C rounded bottom-left quadrant circuit path !byte %11111111 ; $0D carriage return symbol !byte %10100011 ; $0E open apple !byte %10111111 ; $0F closed apple !byte %10000000 ; $10 dot, small !byte %10011100 ; $11 dot, medium !byte %10111110 ; $12 dot, large !byte %10111110 ; $13 dot, extra large !byte %10111110 ; $14 heart !byte %11111111 ; $15 right arrow !byte %11111111 ; $16 open padlock !byte %10111100 ; $17 times !byte %10000000 ; $18 !byte %10000000 ; $19 !byte %11111110 ; $1A down arrow !byte %11100110 ; $1B lowercase a with umlaut !byte %10110110 ; $1C lowercase e with accent !byte %10011000 ; $1D lowercase i with accent !byte %11100110 ; $1E lowercase o with backtick accent !byte %11100011 ; $1F uppercase A with accent !byte %10000000 ; $20 space !byte %10011000 ; $21 ! !byte %10000000 ; $22 " !byte %11111111 ; $23 # !byte %11111000 ; $24 $ !byte %10011110 ; $25 % !byte %11100011 ; $26 & !byte %10000000 ; $27 ' !byte %10001100 ; $28 ( !byte %10011000 ; $29 ) !byte %10011111 ; $2A * !byte %11111110 ; $2B + !byte %10000000 ; $2C , !byte %10111110 ; $2D - !byte %10000000 ; $2E . !byte %10001110 ; $2F / !byte %11100110 ; $30 0 !byte %10011000 ; $31 1 !byte %10000110 ; $32 2 !byte %11100000 ; $33 3 !byte %11111100 ; $34 4 !byte %11100000 ; $35 5 !byte %11100110 ; $36 6 !byte %10011100 ; $37 7 !byte %11100110 ; $38 8 !byte %11100000 ; $39 9 !byte %10011000 ; $3A : !byte %10011000 ; $3B ; !byte %10011100 ; $3C < !byte %10111110 ; $3D = !byte %10111000 ; $3E > !byte %10111100 ; $3F ? !byte %10111011 ; $40 @ !byte %11111011 ; $41 A !byte %10111011 ; $42 B !byte %10000011 ; $43 C !byte %11100011 ; $44 D !byte %10111011 ; $45 E !byte %10111011 ; $46 F !byte %11111011 ; $47 G !byte %11111011 ; $48 H !byte %10011100 ; $49 I !byte %11100000 ; $4A J !byte %10011011 ; $4B K !byte %10000011 ; $4C L !byte %11101011 ; $4D M !byte %11111011 ; $4E N !byte %11100011 ; $4F O !byte %11111011 ; $50 P !byte %11100011 ; $51 Q !byte %10111011 ; $52 R !byte %10111110 ; $53 S !byte %10011100 ; $54 T !byte %11100011 ; $55 U !byte %11110111 ; $56 V !byte %11101011 ; $57 W !byte %10011100 ; $58 X !byte %10111110 ; $59 Y !byte %10011100 ; $5A Z !byte %10001100 ; $5B [ !byte %10111000 ; $5C \ !byte %10011000 ; $5D ] !byte %10000000 ; $5E ^ !byte %10000000 ; $5F _ !byte %10000000 ; $60 ` !byte %11100110 ; $61 a !byte %11100110 ; $62 b !byte %10000110 ; $63 c !byte %11100110 ; $64 d !byte %10110110 ; $65 e !byte %10001100 ; $66 f !byte %11111100 ; $67 g !byte %11100110 ; $68 h !byte %10011000 ; $69 i !byte %10110000 ; $6A j !byte %10011110 ; $6B k !byte %10011000 ; $6C l !byte %11111110 ; $6D m !byte %11100110 ; $6E n !byte %11100110 ; $6F o !byte %11100110 ; $70 p !byte %11100110 ; $71 q !byte %10000110 ; $72 r !byte %10110000 ; $73 s !byte %10001100 ; $74 t !byte %11100110 ; $75 u !byte %10111100 ; $76 v !byte %11111110 ; $77 w !byte %10011000 ; $78 x !byte %11101100 ; $79 y !byte %10001100 ; $7A z !byte %10001110 ; $7B { !byte %10011100 ; $7C | !byte %10111000 ; $7D } !byte %10110110 ; $7E ~ !byte %11111110 ; $7F full block (solid cursor) FontDataRow5 !byte %10000000 ; $00 full horizontal circuit path !byte %10011100 ; $01 horizontal circuit path endpoint with rounded left side !byte %10011100 ; $02 horizontal circuit path endpoint with rounded right side !byte %10011100 ; $03 full vertical circuit path !byte %10011100 ; $04 vertical circuit path endpoint with rounded top !byte %10111110 ; $05 vertical circuit path endpoint with rounded bottom !byte %10111100 ; $06 rounded top-left quadrant circuit path !byte %10011110 ; $07 rounded top-right quadrant circuit path !byte %10000110 ; $08 left arrow !byte %10000000 ; $09 rounded bottom-right quadrant circuit path !byte %10000000 ; $0A !byte %10011000 ; $0B up arrow !byte %10000000 ; $0C rounded bottom-left quadrant circuit path !byte %10111111 ; $0D carriage return symbol !byte %10100011 ; $0E open apple !byte %10111111 ; $0F closed apple !byte %10000000 ; $10 dot, small !byte %10001000 ; $11 dot, medium !byte %10011100 ; $12 dot, large !byte %10111110 ; $13 dot, extra large !byte %10011100 ; $14 heart !byte %10110000 ; $15 right arrow !byte %11110111 ; $16 open padlock !byte %11100110 ; $17 times !byte %10000000 ; $18 !byte %10000000 ; $19 !byte %10111100 ; $1A down arrow !byte %11101110 ; $1B lowercase a with umlaut !byte %10011110 ; $1C lowercase e with accent !byte %10111000 ; $1D lowercase i with accent !byte %11111110 ; $1E lowercase o with backtick accent !byte %11111011 ; $1F uppercase A with accent !byte %10000000 ; $20 space !byte %10000000 ; $21 ! !byte %10000000 ; $22 " !byte %11111111 ; $23 # !byte %11111111 ; $24 $ !byte %10001111 ; $25 % !byte %11100011 ; $26 & !byte %10000000 ; $27 ' !byte %10001100 ; $28 ( !byte %10011000 ; $29 ) !byte %10011100 ; $2A * !byte %10011000 ; $2B + !byte %10011000 ; $2C , !byte %10000000 ; $2D - !byte %10011000 ; $2E . !byte %10000111 ; $2F / !byte %11111110 ; $30 0 !byte %10011000 ; $31 1 !byte %11111110 ; $32 2 !byte %11111110 ; $33 3 !byte %11100000 ; $34 4 !byte %11111110 ; $35 5 !byte %11111110 ; $36 6 !byte %10011100 ; $37 7 !byte %11111110 ; $38 8 !byte %11111110 ; $39 9 !byte %10011000 ; $3A : !byte %10011000 ; $3B ; !byte %10111000 ; $3C < !byte %10111110 ; $3D = !byte %10011100 ; $3E > !byte %10000000 ; $3F ? !byte %10000011 ; $40 @ !byte %11111011 ; $41 A !byte %11100011 ; $42 B !byte %10000011 ; $43 C !byte %11100011 ; $44 D !byte %10000011 ; $45 E !byte %10000011 ; $46 F !byte %11100011 ; $47 G !byte %11100011 ; $48 H !byte %10011100 ; $49 I !byte %11100011 ; $4A J !byte %10110011 ; $4B K !byte %10000011 ; $4C L !byte %11100011 ; $4D M !byte %11110011 ; $4E N !byte %11100011 ; $4F O !byte %10111011 ; $50 P !byte %11111111 ; $51 Q !byte %10111011 ; $52 R !byte %11100000 ; $53 S !byte %10011100 ; $54 T !byte %11100011 ; $55 U !byte %10111110 ; $56 V !byte %11111111 ; $57 W !byte %10111110 ; $58 X !byte %10011100 ; $59 Y !byte %10001110 ; $5A Z !byte %10001100 ; $5B [ !byte %11110000 ; $5C \ !byte %10011000 ; $5D ] !byte %10000000 ; $5E ^ !byte %10000000 ; $5F _ !byte %10000000 ; $60 ` !byte %11101110 ; $61 a !byte %11111110 ; $62 b !byte %11111110 ; $63 c !byte %11111110 ; $64 d !byte %10011110 ; $65 e !byte %10001100 ; $66 f !byte %11100000 ; $67 g !byte %11100110 ; $68 h !byte %10111000 ; $69 i !byte %10110000 ; $6A j !byte %10111110 ; $6B k !byte %10111000 ; $6C l !byte %11100110 ; $6D m !byte %11100110 ; $6E n !byte %11111110 ; $6F o !byte %11111110 ; $70 p !byte %11101110 ; $71 q !byte %10000110 ; $72 r !byte %11111110 ; $73 s !byte %11111100 ; $74 t !byte %11101110 ; $75 u !byte %10111100 ; $76 v !byte %11111110 ; $77 w !byte %10111100 ; $78 x !byte %11100000 ; $79 y !byte %11111110 ; $7A z !byte %10011000 ; $7B { !byte %10011100 ; $7C | !byte %10001100 ; $7D } !byte %10000000 ; $7E ~ !byte %11111110 ; $7F full block (solid cursor) FontDataRow6 !byte %10000000 ; $00 full horizontal circuit path !byte %10000000 ; $01 horizontal circuit path endpoint with rounded left side !byte %10000000 ; $02 horizontal circuit path endpoint with rounded right side !byte %10011100 ; $03 full vertical circuit path !byte %10011100 ; $04 vertical circuit path endpoint with rounded top !byte %10011100 ; $05 vertical circuit path endpoint with rounded bottom !byte %10011100 ; $06 rounded top-left quadrant circuit path !byte %10011100 ; $07 rounded top-right quadrant circuit path !byte %10001100 ; $08 left arrow !byte %10000000 ; $09 rounded bottom-right quadrant circuit path !byte %10000000 ; $0A !byte %10011000 ; $0B up arrow !byte %10000000 ; $0C rounded bottom-left quadrant circuit path !byte %10000110 ; $0D carriage return symbol !byte %11001010 ; $0E open apple !byte %11111111 ; $0F closed apple !byte %10000000 ; $10 dot, small !byte %10000000 ; $11 dot, medium !byte %10000000 ; $12 dot, large !byte %10011100 ; $13 dot, extra large !byte %10001000 ; $14 heart !byte %10011000 ; $15 right arrow !byte %11110111 ; $16 open padlock !byte %10000000 ; $17 times !byte %10000000 ; $18 !byte %10000000 ; $19 !byte %10011000 ; $1A down arrow !byte %11101100 ; $1B lowercase a with umlaut !byte %11111100 ; $1C lowercase e with accent !byte %10111000 ; $1D lowercase i with accent !byte %10111100 ; $1E lowercase o with backtick accent !byte %11111011 ; $1F uppercase A with accent !byte %10000000 ; $20 space !byte %10011000 ; $21 ! !byte %10000000 ; $22 " !byte %10110110 ; $23 # !byte %10111110 ; $24 $ !byte %11100111 ; $25 % !byte %11111111 ; $26 & !byte %10000000 ; $27 ' !byte %10001100 ; $28 ( !byte %10011000 ; $29 ) !byte %10110110 ; $2A * !byte %10011000 ; $2B + !byte %10011000 ; $2C , !byte %10000000 ; $2D - !byte %10011000 ; $2E . !byte %10000011 ; $2F / !byte %10111100 ; $30 0 !byte %10011000 ; $31 1 !byte %11111110 ; $32 2 !byte %10111110 ; $33 3 !byte %11100000 ; $34 4 !byte %10111110 ; $35 5 !byte %10111100 ; $36 6 !byte %10011100 ; $37 7 !byte %10111100 ; $38 8 !byte %10111110 ; $39 9 !byte %10000000 ; $3A : !byte %10001100 ; $3B ; !byte %11110000 ; $3C < !byte %10000000 ; $3D = !byte %10001110 ; $3E > !byte %10011000 ; $3F ? 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!byte %10111110 ; $40 @ !byte %11100011 ; $41 A !byte %10111111 ; $42 B !byte %11111110 ; $43 C !byte %10111011 ; $44 D !byte %11111111 ; $45 E !byte %10000011 ; $46 F !byte %10111110 ; $47 G !byte %11100011 ; $48 H !byte %10111110 ; $49 I !byte %10111110 ; $4A J !byte %11100011 ; $4B K !byte %11111111 ; $4C L !byte %11100011 ; $4D M !byte %11100011 ; $4E N !byte %10111110 ; $4F O !byte %10000011 ; $50 P !byte %11110000 ; $51 Q !byte %11100011 ; $52 R !byte %10111111 ; $53 S !byte %10011100 ; $54 T !byte %10111110 ; $55 U !byte %10001000 ; $56 V !byte %11100011 ; $57 W !byte %11100011 ; $58 X !byte %10011100 ; $59 Y !byte %11111111 ; $5A Z !byte %10011100 ; $5B [ !byte %10000000 ; $5C \ !byte %10011100 ; $5D ] !byte %10000000 ; $5E ^ !byte %11111111 ; $5F _ !byte %10000000 ; $60 ` !byte %10000000 ; $61 a !byte %10000000 ; $62 b !byte %10000000 ; $63 c !byte %10000000 ; $64 d !byte %10000000 ; $65 e !byte %10000000 ; $66 f !byte %10111100 ; $67 g !byte %10000000 ; $68 h !byte %10000000 ; $69 i !byte %10011100 ; $6A j !byte %10000000 ; $6B k !byte %10000000 ; $6C l !byte %10000000 ; $6D m !byte %10000000 ; $6E n !byte %10000000 ; $6F o !byte %10000110 ; $70 p !byte %11100000 ; $71 q !byte %10000000 ; $72 r !byte %10000000 ; $73 s !byte %10000000 ; $74 t !byte %10000000 ; $75 u !byte %10000000 ; $76 v !byte %10000000 ; $77 w !byte %10000000 ; $78 x !byte %10111100 ; $79 y !byte %10000000 ; $7A z !byte %10110000 ; $7B { !byte %10011100 ; $7C | !byte %10000110 ; $7D } !byte %10000000 ; $7E ~ !byte %11111110 ; $7F full block (solid cursor)