;license:MIT ;(c) 2018-9 by 4am ; ; Ordered key/value store (6502 compatible) ; ; Public functions ; - okvs_init(address) reset (required) ; - okvs_len(address) get number of keys ; - okvs_append(address, key, value, max_len) add new key/value pair ; - okvs_update(address, key, value) update key/value pair ; - okvs_get(address, key) get value by key lookup ; - okvs_nth(address, n) get key by numeric index ; - okvs_iter(address, callback) iterate through keys ; - okvs_iter_values(address, callback) iterate through values ; - okvs_as_boolean(value) set Z flag based on value ; ; Call init() once. Call it again to reset the store to 0 keys. ; ; Keys are maintained in a singly linked list, so most functions are O(n). ; len() is O(1) though. ; ; Key count is stored as a byte, so a store can hold a maximum of 255 keys. ; ; Keys and values are length-prefixed strings (Pascal style), so max length ; of any single key or value is 255 bytes. ; ; Keys are case-sensitive. Lookups are an exact byte-for-byte comparison. ; ; append() has a max_len argument to reserve more space for the value, in case ; you want to update it later. max_len is the total space to reserve, not the ; additional space. One exception: max_len can be 0, and it will be treated as ; length(value) at append time. update() always modifies the value in place. ; There is no range checking because this is assembly. ; All functions take the starting address of the store's data buffer in ; memory, so there can be multiple independent stores at one time. append() ; will happily extend the store's data buffer without limit. There is no ; overflow protection because this is assembly. ; ; There is no sort() function. ; ; There is no delete() function. ; ; Keys can be duplicated, but get() will always return the one that was ; append()ed first. ; ; Structures: ; ; Store ; +0 length (byte) ; +1 Record ; ...Record... ; ...Record... ; ; Record ; +0 next-record pointer (word) ; +2 key length ; +3 key ; +K+2 value length (actual length, not max length) ; +K+3 value ; ... filler bytes up to value max length (set at append() time) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; okvs_init ; ; in: stack contains 2 bytes of parameters: ; +1 [word] handle to storage space ; out: $00/$01 clobbered ; $02/$03 clobbered ; A,Y=0 ; X clobbered ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ okvs_init +PARAMS_ON_STACK 2 jsr SetPTRFromStackParams ldy #0 tya sta (PTR),y ; set number of keys rts ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; okvs_len ; ; in: stack contains 2 bytes of parameters: ; +1 [word] handle to storage space ; out: A contains number of keys in this store ; X, Y clobbered ; $00/$01 clobbered ; $02/$03 clobbered ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ okvs_len +PARAMS_ON_STACK 2 jsr SetPTRFromStackParams ldy #0 lda (PTR),y rts ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; okvs_append ; ; in: stack contains 7 bytes of parameters: ; +1 [word] handle to storage space ; +3 [word] address of key ; +5 [word] address of value ; +7 [byte] maximum length of value (or 0 to fit) ; out: all registers clobbered ; $00/$01 clobbered ; $02/$03 clobbered ; $04/$05 has the address of the next available byte after the new record ; $08/$09 clobbered ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ okvs_append +PARAMS_ON_STACK 7 jsr SetPTRFromStackParams ldy #0 lda (PTR),y clc adc #1 sta (PTR),y ; increment number of keys tax jsr incptr ; PTR -> first record - dex beq + jsr derefptr ; PTR -> next record clc bcc - ; always branches + ; PTR -> new record +LDAY PTR +STAY SAVE ; save PTR jsr incptr jsr incptr ; PTR -> space for new key +LDPARAM 3 +STAY SRC ; SRC -> new key to copy ldy #0 lda (SRC),y clc adc #1 sta @keylen tay - dey ; copy new key lda (SRC),y sta (PTR),y cpy #$FF bne - lda PTR ; update PTR to byte after copied key clc @keylen=*+1 adc #$FD ; SMC sta PTR bcc + inc PTR+1 + ; PTR -> space for new value +LDPARAM 5 +STAY SRC ; SRC -> new value to copy ldy #7 lda (PARAM),y ; get max length of value bne + ldy #0 lda (SRC),y ; no max, use actual length instead clc adc #1 + sta @valuelen tay - dey lda (SRC),y sta (PTR),y cpy #$FF bne - lda PTR clc @valuelen=*+1 adc #$FD ; SMC sta SRC bcc + inc PTR+1 + lda PTR+1 sta SRC+1 ; SRC -> byte after this record +LDAY SAVE +STAY PTR ; PTR -> this record again ldy #0 lda SRC ; update next-record pointer sta (PTR),y iny lda SRC+1 sta (PTR),y rts ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; okvs_get ; ; in: stack contains 4 bytes of parameters: ; +1 [word] handle to storage space ; +3 [word] address of key ; out: if C clear, key was found ; A/Y = lo/hi address of value ; X = numeric index of key ; if C set, key was not found and all registers are clobbered ; all other flags clobbered ; $00/$01 clobbered ; $02/$03 clobbered ; $04/$05 clobbered ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ okvs_get +PARAMS_ON_STACK 4 jsr SetPTRFromStackParams ldy #0 lda (PTR),y beq @fail ; no keys, fail immediately sta @maxkeys ; A = number of keys ldx #0 jsr incptr ; PTR -> first record +LDPARAM 3 +STAY SRC ; SRC -> key we want to find ldy #0 lda (SRC),y tay iny sty @matchlen @matchRecordLoop lda PTR+1 sta DEST+1 lda PTR clc adc #2 sta DEST bcc + inc DEST+1 ; DEST -> key of this record + ldy #0 @matchKeyLoop lda (SRC),y cmp (DEST),y bne @next iny @matchlen=*+1 cpy #$FD ; SMC bne @matchKeyLoop +LDAY PTR clc adc @matchlen bcc + iny + clc adc #2 sta PTR bcc + iny clc + rts @next jsr derefptr ; PTR -> next record inx @maxkeys=*+1 cpx #$FD ; SMC bne @matchRecordLoop @fail sec rts ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; okvs_nth ; ; in: stack contains 3 bytes of parameters: ; +1 [word] handle to storage space ; +3 [byte] numeric index ; out: A/Y = lo/hi address of nth key ; all other registers and flags clobbered ; $00/$01 clobbered ; $02/$03 clobbered ; $04/$05 clobbered ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ okvs_nth +PARAMS_ON_STACK 3 jsr SetPTRFromStackParams jsr incptr ; PTR -> first record ldy #3 lda (PARAM),y tax ; X = numeric index of key to get beq @found - jsr derefptr dex bne - @found jsr incptr jsr incptr +LDAY PTR rts ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; okvs_update ; ; in: stack contains 6 bytes of parameters: ; +1 [word] handle to storage space ; +3 [word] address of key ; +5 [word] address of new value ; out: if C clear, key was found and value was updated ; if C set, key was not found ; all registers are clobbered ; all other flags clobbered ; $00/$01 clobbered ; $02/$03 clobbered ; $04/$05 clobbered ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ okvs_update +PARAMS_ON_STACK 6 ldy #6 lda (PARAM),y sta SAVE+1 dey lda (PARAM),y sta SAVE dey - lda (PARAM),y sta @getparams,y dey bne - jsr okvs_get @getparams=*-1 !word $FDFD ; SMC !word $FDFD ; SMC bcs @exit +STAY DEST ldy #0 lda (SAVE),y tay - lda (SAVE),y sta (DEST),y dey cpy #$FF bne - clc @exit rts ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; okvs_iter ; ; in: stack contains 4 bytes of parameters: ; +1 [word] handle to storage space ; +3 [word] address of callback ; out: will be called for each record in the store, in order, with ; X = numeric index of record ; A/Y = address of key ; all registers are clobbered ; all flags clobbered ; $00/$01 clobbered ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ okvs_iter +PARAMS_ON_STACK 4 jsr SetPTRFromStackParams ldy #0 lda (PTR),y beq @exit ; no keys, exit immediately sta @max +LDPARAM 3 +STAY @callback jsr incptr ; PTR -> first record ldx #0 @loop txa pha ; save X on stack ldy PTR+1 tya pha lda PTR pha ; save PTR on stack (in case callback clobbers it) clc adc #2 ; skip over next-record pointer (2 bytes) bcc + iny ; A/Y -> key + @callback=*+1 jsr $FDFD ; SMC pla sta PTR pla sta PTR+1 ; restore PTR from stack pla tax ; restore X from stack jsr derefptr ; PTR -> next record inx @max=*+1 cpx #$FD ; SMC bne @loop @exit rts ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; okvs_iter_values ; ; in: stack contains 4 bytes of parameters: ; +1 [word] handle to storage space ; +3 [word] address of callback ; out: will be called for each record in the store, in order, with ; X = numeric index of record ; A/Y = address of value ; all registers are clobbered ; all flags clobbered ; $00/$01 clobbered ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ okvs_iter_values +PARAMS_ON_STACK 4 jsr SetPTRFromStackParams ldy #0 lda (PTR),y beq @exit ; no keys, exit immediately sta @max +LDPARAM 3 +STAY @callback jsr incptr ; PTR -> first record ldx #0 @loop ldy #2 lda (PTR),y ; A = length of key clc adc #3 ; skip over pointer to next record (2 bytes) + key length (1 byte) sta @skiplen txa pha ; save X on stack lda PTR+1 tay pha lda PTR pha ; save PTR on stack (in case callback clobbers it) clc @skiplen=*+1 ; skip over key adc #$FD ; SMC bcc + iny ; A/Y -> value + @callback=*+1 jsr $FDFD ; SMC pla sta PTR pla sta PTR+1 ; restore PTR from stack pla tax ; restore X from stack jsr derefptr ; PTR -> next record inx @max=*+1 cpx #$FD ; SMC bne @loop @exit rts ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; internal functions incptr ; preserves A and X ldy PTR iny sty PTR bne + inc PTR+1 + rts SetPTRFromStackParams ; preserves X ldy #1 lda (PARAM),y sta PTR iny lda (PARAM),y sta PTR+1 ; PTR -> first parameter on stack ; execution falls through here derefptr ; preserves X ldy #0 lda (PTR),y pha iny lda (PTR),y sta PTR+1 pla sta PTR rts