;license:MIT ;(c) 2019-20 by qkumba/Frank M./Tom Greene !cpu 6502 !to "build/PRELAUNCH.INDEXED/CW",plain *=$106 !source "src/prelaunch/common.a" jmp main brunpatch lda $AA76 ; check second character of filename cmp #$C9 ; = I, filename = @INIT bne + ldx #$01 ; Patch it to return to TR stx $0DFF ; instead of exiting to BASIC inc $0D87 ; prevent language card detection + cmp #$D7 ; = W, filename = @WOLF bne ++ +GET_MACHINE_STATUS and #CHEATS_ENABLED beq ++ ldx #$03 stx $4048 ; start with 3 grenades ldx #$2C stx $1435 ; don't decrement bullets stx $18FE ; or grenades ++ jmp ($AA72) ; finally jump to the loaded file patch !word brunpatch main +ENABLE_ACCEL +USES_TEXT_PAGE_2 lda #$60 sta $21D8 jsr $2000 ; find and load "DOS" lda #callback sta $B749 jmp $B700 callback ldx #$00 stx $9E52 inx stx $9E53 lda #patch sta $A396 +DISABLE_ACCEL jmp $9D84 !if * > $1C0 { !error "code is too large, ends at ", * }