;license:MIT ;(c) 2019 by qkumba !cpu 6502 !to "build/FX/CASCADE",plain *=$6000 ldx #191 --- jsr WaitForVBL lda #$40 sta $e6 lsr sta $29 jsr vposn lsr $e6 ldy #$27 - lda ($26), y sta $2000, y dey bpl - stx maxline + 1 ldx #0 stx $28 beq + ;always -- lda $26 sta $28 lda $27 sta $29 + inx jsr vposn ldy #$27 - lda ($28), y sta ($26), y dey bpl - maxline cpx #$d1 ;SMC bne -- ldy #5 -- tya pha dex jsr vposn lda $26 sta $28 lda $27 eor #$60 sta $29 ldy #$27 - lda ($28), y sta ($26), y dey bpl - pla tay dey bne -- txa beq done dex lda $c000 bpl --- vposn txa pha and #$c0 sta $26 lsr lsr ora $26 sta $26 pla sta $27 asl asl asl rol $27 asl rol $27 asl ror $26 lda $27 and #$1f ora $e6 sta $27 done rts !source "src/fx/hw.vbl.a"