#!/usr/bin/env python3 from math import sqrt, sin, cos, acos, pi import util # Graph is plotted across the entire HGR screen, but only coordinates # - in the left half of the screen, AND # - on even rows, AND # - on even columns # are included. It is assumed that the graph is symmetrical across # the left and half sides of the screen (along an axis at X=140). # # X coordinates are converted to byte+bitmask (but see notes below). # Y coordinates are flipped (so 0,0 ends up on the bottom left) then # incremented by 1 so that 0 can terminate the loop, # # 6502 code will be responsible for plotting each of these coordinates # in a 2x2 block. The bitmask usually includes 2 adjacent pixels; # the code will also plot the same 2 adjacent pixels in the adjacent row, # AND mirror both of those plots in the right half of the screen. # # Unfortunately, since bytes are 7 bits across, some blocks will cross a # byte boundary. To simplify the 6502 code, those are simply listed as # separate coordinate pairs, each with a bitmask that includes 1 pixel # instead of 2. max_x = 280 max_y = 192 def f(theta, k): r = k*(12-sin(theta)+2*sin(3*theta)+2*sin(5*theta)-sin(7*theta)+3*cos(2*theta)-2*cos(4*theta)) return r*cos(theta),r*sin(theta) coords = [] for k_mul in range(3000): for t_mul in range(int(pi*1000+1)): a, b = f(float(t_mul/100), float(k_mul)/100.0) x = round(max_x//2+a*1.2) y = round(max_y//2+b) if (x % 2 != 0) or (y % 2 != 0): continue if x < 0 or x >= max_x//2 or y < 0 or y >= max_y: continue coords.append((x,y)) unique_coords = util.unique(coords) unique_vals = util.vals_2bit(unique_coords) with open("../../../src/fx/fx.hgr.butterfly.data.a", "w") as f: for aval, bval in unique_vals: f.write(" !byte %s,%s\n" % (aval, bval)) ripple_vals = util.ripple(unique_vals) with open("../../../src/fx/fx.hgr.butterfly.ripple.data.a", "w") as f: for aval, bval in ripple_vals: f.write(" !byte %s,%s\n" % (aval, bval)) unique_vals.reverse() with open("../../../src/fx/fx.hgr.butterfly.in.data.a", "w") as f: for aval, bval in unique_vals: f.write(" !byte %s,%s\n" % (aval, bval))