;license:MIT ;(c) 2018-2020 by 4am ; ; first-run initialization code ; ; This file is included directly and is run from $2000/main as soon as the ; .SYSTEM file is loaded ; +READ_ROM_NO_WRITE sta PRIMARYCHARSET sta CLR80VID sta STOREOFF sta READMAINMEM sta WRITEMAINMEM jsr ROM_TEXT jsr ROM_HOME jsr ROM_NORMAL jsr ROM_IN0 jsr ROM_PR0 jsr Has64K ; check for 64K (required) bcc + ldy #@no64Klen - lda @s_no64K,y sta $6B6,y dey bpl - @hang bmi @hang @s_no64K !scrxor $80,"REQUIRES 64K" @no64Klen=(*-@s_no64K)-1 + lda #0 sta zpMachineStatus sta SETC3ROM jsr HasVidHDCard ; check for VidHD card (allows super hi-res artwork even on non-IIgs machines) sta CLRC3ROM ror zpMachineStatus lda ROM_MACHINEID cmp #$06 bne @NotGS sec jsr $FE1F ; check for IIgs (allows super hi-res artwork) bcs @NotGS sec +HIDE_NEXT_BYTE @NotGS clc ror zpMachineStatus jsr Has128K ; check for 128K (allows DHGR slideshows and 128K games) ror zpMachineStatus jsr HasJoystick ; check for joystick (absence is OK but we filter out some games that require a joystick) ror zpMachineStatus ; now bit 4 = 1 if VidHD ; bit 5 = 1 if IIgs ; bit 6 = 1 if 128K ; bit 7 = 1 if joystick ; and all other bits are 0 (we'll set bit 3 after copying it to LC RAM) ; accommodate uppercase-only machines (64K ][+ is supported) lda ROM_MACHINEID cmp #$06 beq + lda #$DF +HIDE_NEXT_2_BYTES + lda #$FF sta zpCharMask ; print text title in same place as graphical title will appear ldy #8 - lda TOTAL,y ora #$80 sta $04B7,y dey bpl - ldy #10 - lda REPLAY,y ora #$80 sta $0536,y dey bpl - ; increase text window width so we can print to the edge of the screen without scrolling inc $21 ; print version or build number in lower right corner ldx #30 ldy #23 jsr SetCursorPosition +LDADDR LoadingVersion jsr LoadingPrint !ifndef RELEASE { lda LoadingBuild ldx LoadingBuild+1 ldy #0 jsr PrintAsDecimal } ; set up text window so it only covers lower left corner lda #30 sta $21 lda #19 sta $22 ; print machine configuration in lower left corner ldx #0 ldy #23 jsr SetCursorPosition ; if zpMachineStatus AND IS_IIGS then print 'IIgs' ; else if zpMachineStatus AND HAS_128K then print '128K' ; else print '64K' lda zpMachineStatus and #IS_IIGS beq + +LDADDR LoadingIIgs bne @printMem + lda zpMachineStatus and #HAS_128K beq + +LDADDR Loading128K bne @printMem + +LDADDR Loading64K @printMem jsr LoadingPrint ; if zpMachineStatus AND HAS_JOYSTICK then CR & print 'joystick' lda zpMachineStatus and #HAS_JOYSTICK beq + jsr LoadingCR +LDADDR LoadingJoystick jsr LoadingPrint + ; if zpMachineStatus AND HAS_VIDHD then CR & print 'VidHD' lda zpMachineStatus and #HAS_VIDHD beq + jsr LoadingCR +LDADDR LoadingVidHD jsr LoadingPrint + @Relocate +READ_ROM_WRITE_RAM2 jsr init ; initialize and relocate ProRWTS2 to $D400 in RAM bank 2 ; ProRWTS2 disk-data live at $D000-D3FF ldx #$00 ; relocate program code to top of language card ; since we end at $0000 now, adjust low offset to avoid destroying zpage @FM lda FirstMover - (RELBASE & $FF),x sta RELBASE & $FF00,x inx bne @FM inc @FM+2 inc @FM+5 bne @FM ldy #>(255 + EvenLasterMover - LastMover) @LM lda COPYSRC,x ; relocate pseudo-ProDOS to RAM bank 2 sta COPYDST,x inx bne @LM inc @LM+2 inc @LM+5 dey bne @LM ldy #4 @ELM lda FONTSRC,x ; relocate font data to RAM bank 2 sta FONTDST,x inx bne @ELM inc @ELM+2 inc @ELM+5 dey bne @ELM +READ_ROM_NO_WRITE jsr BuildAcceleratorFunction +READ_RAM2_WRITE_RAM2 +ST16 @accelSrc dex - @accelSrc=*+1 lda $FDFD,x ; copy (de)acceleration functions to RAM bank 2 sta DisableAccelerator,x dex bpl - +READ_ROM_WRITE_RAM2 jsr BuildVBLFunction +READ_RAM2_WRITE_RAM2 jsr DisableAccelerator ; cycle counting in Mockingboard detection requires 1MHz +READ_ROM_WRITE_RAM2 +LDADDR FoundMockingboardCallback jsr GetMockingboardStuff stx MockingboardStuff ; save mockingboard slot and type in LC RAM ; if Mockingboard AND HAS_SPEECH then print CR & '...and it talks!' txa and #HAS_SPEECH beq + jsr LoadingCR +LDADDR LoadingMockingboardSpeech jsr LoadingPrint + +READ_RAM2_WRITE_RAM2 jsr EnableAccelerator jmp OneTimeSetup ; ProRWTS2 has its own function to relocate itself !source "src/prorwts2.a" ProRWTSBuffer ; these routines will only be called once, from main memory, before relocating to language card !source "src/hw.vidhd.a" !source "src/hw.memcheck.a" !source "src/hw.joystick.a" !source "src/hw.mockingboard.a" SetCursorPosition stx HTAB sty VTAB jmp $FC22 LoadingPrint +ST16 PTR ldy #0 lda (PTR),y sta @max sty i - inc i ldy i lda (PTR),y ora #$80 +FORCE_UPPERCASE_IF_REQUIRED jsr ROM_COUT ldy i @max=*+1 cpy #$FD ; SMC bne - rts LoadingCR lda #$8D jmp ROM_COUT FoundMockingboardCallback ; in: zp$81 contains slot number in form $Cx jsr LoadingCR +LDADDR LoadingMockingboard jsr LoadingPrint lda $81 and #$0F ora #$B0 jmp ROM_COUT TOTAL !text "T O T A L" REPLAY !text "R E P L A Y" !ifndef RELEASE { LoadingVersion !byte 6 !text "build " LoadingBuild !word BUILDNUMBER } else { LoadingVersion !byte 10 !text " v3.0" } Loading64K !byte 3 !text "64K" Loading128K !byte 4 !text "128K" LoadingIIgs !byte 4 !text "IIgs" LoadingJoystick !byte 8 !text "joystick" LoadingVidHD !byte 5 !text "VidHD" LoadingMockingboard !byte 21 !text "Mockingboard in slot " LoadingMockingboardSpeech !byte 16 !text "...and it talks!" !ifndef RELEASE { PrintAsDecimal jsr $FF4A lda $FDE2 cmp #$EA bne + dec @addr+1 ; fix for Laser + -- lda #$00 clv ldx #$18 - cmp #$05 bcc + sbc #$85 sec + rol $45 rol $46 rol $47 rol dex bne - pha lda #$FD pha @addr lda #$E1 pha bvs -- rts } !source "src/hw.accel.a" !source "src/hw.vbl.init.a" !source "src/parse.games.a" OneTimeSetup lda zpMachineStatus sta MachineStatus ; save machine status in LC RAM ldy #$0b CopyDevs lda $BF13,y sta promote + $13,y dey bpl CopyDevs lda $BF30 sta promote + ProDOS_unit - $bf00 ; save unit in LC bank 2 while overriding !pseudopc lda hddopendir+1 ; save current directory as 'root' ldy hddopendir+3 jsr SwitchToBank1 +ST16 gRootDirectory jsr LoadFile ; load preferences file into $8000 !word kRootDirectory !word kGlobalPrefsFilename - !word $8000 jsr ParseKeyValueList ; parse contents into OKVS data structure into LC RAM bank !word gGlobalPrefsStore !word - !byte 16 +LD16 SRC ; (SRC) points to free space after the OKVS data structure we just created +ST16 gGamesListStore ; save pointer to free space for next store jsr LoadFile ; load games list file into $8200 !word kRootDirectory !word @kGameListConfFile - !word $8200 jsr ParseGamesList ; parse games list into OKVS data structure in LC RAM bank !word gGamesListStore !word - !ifndef RELEASE { +READ_ROM_NO_WRITE lda #40 sta $21 lda #36 sta $24 dec $25 jsr $FC22 lda SRC+1 jsr $FDDA lda SRC jsr $FDDA +READ_RAM1_WRITE_RAM1 } +LDADDR gGamesListStore jsr okvs_len +LD16 WCOUNT +ST16 GameCount +ST16 SAVE jsr pref_get ; see if cheats are enabled by default !word kCheat !word 0 +ST16 PTR ; (PTR) -> cheat pref value as length-prefixed string '1' or '0' ldy #1 lda (PTR),y ; A = #$B1 or #$B0 and #1 ; A = #$01 or #$00 asl asl asl ; A = #$08 or #$00 ora MachineStatus sta MachineStatus ; set bit 3 of MachineStatus ; calculate and update visible game count (3-digit decimal number as ASCII string) dey ; Y = 0 @outer lda #0 pha @inner lda SAVE sec sbc @kPowersOfTen,y sta SAVE lda SAVE+1 sbc #0 bcc @digitDone sta SAVE+1 pla adc #0 pha jmp @inner @digitDone lda SAVE adc @kPowersOfTen,y sta SAVE pla ora #$30 sta VisibleGameCount,y iny cpy #$03 bcc @outer bit CLEARKBD jmp Reenter @kGameListConfFile !byte 10 !text "GAMES.CONF" @kPowersOfTen !byte 100 !byte 10 !byte 1