#!/bin/bash # flags # -a append to data file (default off = truncate) # -p pad sizes within data file to next block size (default off) # parameters # stdin - input containing list of files (e.g. FX.CONF) # stdout - binary OKVS data structure # 1 - output filename for data file # 2 - input directory of files to merge into data file # 3 - (optional) output filename for log of key,offset,size pad=false append=false standardoffset=0 standardsize=0 while getopts ":ap" opt; do case $opt in a) append=true ;; p) pad=true ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) if [ "$append" = false ]; then rm -f "$1" fi touch "$1" if [ "${#3}" -ne "0" ]; then rm -f "$3" touch "$3" fi # if there is a file called "STANDARD" in the input directory, add it now # because we will reuse it for any files that don't exist if [ -f "$2"/STANDARD ]; then standardoffset=$(wc -c < "$1") standardsize=$(wc -c < "$2/STANDARD") cat "$2"/STANDARD >> "$1" fi # make temp file with list of lines that contain keys records=$(mktemp) tr -d "\r" | awk '!/^$|^#/' > "$records" # make temp assembly source file that represents the binary OKVS data structure source=$(mktemp) (echo "*=0" # dummy program counter for assembler echo "!le16 $(wc -l <"$records"), 0" # OKVS header while IFS="=" read -r filename dummy; do key=$(echo "$filename" | awk -F'#' '{ print $1 }') addr=$(echo "$filename" | awk -F'#' '{ print $2 }') if [ "${#addr}" -ne "0" ]; then # if filename is in the form 'NAME#06ADDR' then create extended index record addr=$(echo "$addr" | cut -c3-) # trim '06' so we get just the starting address echo "!byte ${#key}+9" # OKVS record length else echo "!byte ${#key}+7" # OKVS record length fi echo "!byte ${#key}" # OKVS key length echo "!text \"$key\"" # OKVS key if [ ! -e "$2/$filename" ]; then # if file does not exist, use standard offset and size offset="$standardoffset" size="$standardsize" else # otherwise calculate offset and size from file and options offset=$(wc -c < "$1") size=$(wc -c < "$2/$filename") if [ "$pad" = true ]; then # If offset+size does not cross a block boundary, use file's true size. # Otherwise, round up size to the next block boundary. # This padding does not get added to the file; it is just an # optimization to avoid a partial copy on the last block read. if [ $(($offset / 512)) -ne $((($offset + $size) / 512)) ]; then size=$(((($offset + $size + 511) & -512) - $offset)) fi fi cat "$2/$filename" >> "$1" # append this file to the end of the merged data file fi echo "!be24 $offset" echo "!le16 $size" [ "${#addr}" -ne "0" ] && echo '!le16 $'"$addr" [ "${#3}" -ne "0" ] && echo "$key,$offset,$size" >> "$3" done < "$records") > "$source" # assemble temp source file into binary OKVS data structure, then output that out=$(mktemp) acme -o "$out" "$source" cat "$out" # clean up rm "$out" rm "$source" rm "$records"