;license:MIT ;(c) 2021-2022 by Frank M., qkumba !cpu 6502 !to "build/DEMO/PACMAN#060300",plain *=$300 !source "src/constants.a" ; no code in these !source "src/macros.a" +ENABLE_ACCEL_LC +LOAD_XSINGLE title +NEW_RESET_VECTOR $280 lda #$60 sta $813 jsr $800 ; decompress +TEST_TEXT_PAGE_2 lda #$80 sta $103F lda #2 sta $104A ; reset/IRQ vector patch ldx #3-1 - lda patch,x sta $027C,x sta $22F9,x ; (later moved to $52F9) sta $3F7C,x ; (later moved to $6F7C) sta $5C0B,x ; (later moved to $8C0B) lda patch2,x sta $18A6,x ; (later moved to $48A6) lda patch3,x sta $22F1,x ; (later moved to $52F1) dex bpl - lda #$EA sta $22F1+3 ; set exits +DISABLE_ACCEL jmp $1000 patch2 !byte $4C,$CD,$48 patch !byte $4C,$00,$01 patch3 !byte $30,$06,$EA title !byte x_e-x_b x_b !text "PACMAN" x_e !if * > $3F0 { !error "code is too large, ends at ", * }