;license:MIT ;(c) 2021-2022 by Frank M., qkumba !cpu 6502 !to "build/PRELAUNCH.INDEXED/SUPER.TAXMAN.2",plain *=$106 !source "src/prelaunch/common.a" +ENABLE_ACCEL lda #hook sta $C81+2 jmp $C00 ; decompress hook lda #0 sta $4056 lda #1 sta $4061 ; reset vector fix lda #$2C ; annunciator fix - kills Gizmo/joyport support sta $666A ; but fixes ][+ 80-col softswitch and //c+ coloring +READ_RAM2_NO_WRITE lda MachineStatus and #CHEATS_ENABLED beq + lda #$a5 sta $641A ; patch - don't increase lives sta $67D7 ; patch - don't increase lives sta $9549 ; patch - don't decrease lives + jsr DisableAccelerator +READ_ROM_NO_WRITE jmp $4000 !if * > $1C0 { !error "code is too large, ends at ", * }