;license:MIT ;(c) 2021-2022 by Frank M., qkumba !cpu 6502 !to "res/DEMO/GUMBALL",plain *=$210 !source "src/constants.a" ; no code in these !source "src/macros.a" +READ_RAM2_WRITE_RAM2 jsr EnableAccelerator +LOAD_FILE_KEEP_DIR gumball, gumball_dir_e-gumball_dir_b lda #$60 sta $851 jsr $800 ; load "DOS" ldx #3-1 - lda patch2,x sta $B21E,x dex bpl - +DISABLE_ACCEL jmp $B2F1 ; stage 1 (title screen and credits) callback1 ldx #3-1 - lda patch3,x ; restore original code so callback sta $B21E,x ; won't be called more than once lda patch4,x sta $0DFB,x ; exit on button press or keypress lda patch5,x sta $0FD0,x ; continue to demo stage 2 after end of demo stage 1 dex bpl - lda $5F asl bne + dec $E09 + rts callback2 ldx #3-1 - lda patch,x sta $B22B,x dex bpl - jmp $E02 patch !byte $4C,callback3 callback3 ldx #3-1 - lda patch4,x sta $0DF6,x sta $12F6,x ; stage 2 (demo play) - set exits dex bpl - jmp $31F9 patch2 !byte $20,callback1 patch3 !byte $A5,$5F,$0A patch4 !byte $4C,$00,$01 patch5 !byte $4C,callback2 gumball !byte gumball_e-gumball_b gumball_b gumball_dir_b !text "X/GUMBALL" gumball_dir_e !text "/GUMBALL" gumball_e !if * > $300 { !error "code is too large, ends at ", * }