;license:MIT ;(c) 2020 by qkumba ; coord = $FE Coordinates = $7000 ; about $700 bytes, can be anywhere !source "src/fx/macros.a" !macro BUILD_HALFBLOCK_FIZZLE_DATA { +LDADDR Coordinates +ST16 coord ;init RNG ldx #1 stx @rnd1+1 dex stx @rnd2+1 ;iterate @loop ldy @rnd1+1 ldx @rnd2+1 lsr @rnd2+1 ror @rnd1+1 bcc + ;feedback polynomial forms #$500 for period of 2047 lda @rnd2+1 eor #5 sta @rnd2+1 + tya eor #$ff ldy #0 - cpx #0 bne + cmp #40 bcc ++ + sbc #40 pha txa sbc #0 tax pla iny bne - ++ cpy #48 bcs @rnd2 tax tya jsr @stainc txa jsr @stainc @rnd2 lda #0 bne @loop @rnd1 lda #0 cmp #1 bne @loop ;include the missing point lda #6 jsr @stainc lda #15 jsr @stainc lda #$ff jsr @stainc bne ++ ; always branches @stainc ldy #0 sta (coord), y inc coord bne + inc coord+1 + rts ++ }