;license:MIT ;(c) 2018-2021 by 4am ; ; ProDOS - functions for constructing and passing around ProDOS pathnames ; ; Public functions ; - SetPath ; - AddToPath ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; SetPath/AddToPath ; append a length-prefixed string to gPathname ; SetPath will reset the path first ; ; in: A contains low byte of address of length-prefixed string to append ; Y contains high byte of address of length-prefixed string to append ; out: all registers and flags clobbered ; $02/$03 (PTR/PTR+1) clobbered ; gPathname updated with concatenated length-prefixed string ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SetPath kRootDirectory=*+1 ldx #0 stx gPathname ; execution falls through here !if RELBASE != $2000 { !ifdef PASS2 { } else { ;PASS2 !if * != iAddToPath { !error "iAddToPath=",*, ", fix constants.a, rebuild prelaunch" } } } AddToPath +ST16 PTR ldy #0 lda (PTR),y ; length of this segment beq @done tay iny sty @max ldx gPathname ; current pathname length ldy #$01 - lda (PTR),y sta gPathname+1,x inx iny @max = *+1 cpy #$D1 ; SMC bcc - stx gPathname @done rts kSearchIndexRecord !byte 0 !be24 0 ; SMC in 4cade.init !le16 0 ; SMC in 4cade.init kSearchCacheRecord !byte 0 !be24 0 ; SMC in 4cade.init !le16 0 ; SMC in 4cade.init kPrelaunchIndexRecord !source "src/index/prelaunch.idx.a" kAttractModeIndexRecord !source "src/index/attract.idx.a" kMiniAttractIndexLo !byte kMiniAttractIndexRecord0 !byte >kMiniAttractIndexRecord1 kMiniAttractIndexRecord0 !source "src/index/miniattract0.idx.a" kMiniAttractIndexRecord1 !source "src/index/miniattract1.idx.a" kAttractModeSlideshowIndexRecord !source "src/index/slideshow.idx.a" kFXIndexRecord !source "src/index/fx.idx.a" kDFXIndexRecord !source "src/index/dfx.idx.a" kSFXIndexRecord !source "src/index/sfx.idx.a" kGameHelpIndexRecord !source "src/index/gamehelp.idx.a" kHGRTitleIndexRecord !source "src/index/title.idx.a" kDHGRTitleIndexRecord !source "src/index/dtitle.idx.a" kSHRArtworkIndexRecord !source "src/index/artwork.idx.a" kDHGRActionIndexRecord !source "src/index/dhgr.idx.a" kGRActionIndexRecord !source "src/index/gr.idx.a" kDGRActionIndexRecord !source "src/index/dgr.idx.a" kHGRActionIndexLo !byte kHGRActionIndexRecord0 !byte >kHGRActionIndexRecord1 !byte >kHGRActionIndexRecord2 !byte >kHGRActionIndexRecord3 !byte >kHGRActionIndexRecord4 !byte >kHGRActionIndexRecord5 !byte >kHGRActionIndexRecord6 kHGRActionIndexRecord0 !source "src/index/hgr0.idx.a" kHGRActionIndexRecord1 !source "src/index/hgr1.idx.a" kHGRActionIndexRecord2 !source "src/index/hgr2.idx.a" kHGRActionIndexRecord3 !source "src/index/hgr3.idx.a" kHGRActionIndexRecord4 !source "src/index/hgr4.idx.a" kHGRActionIndexRecord5 !source "src/index/hgr5.idx.a" kHGRActionIndexRecord6 !source "src/index/hgr6.idx.a" kCreditsRecord !source "src/index/credits.idx.a" kHelpTextRecord !source "src/index/helptext.idx.a" kDecrunchRecord !source "src/index/decrunch.idx.a" kJoystickRecord !source "src/index/joystick.idx.a" kTotalDataFile !byte 10 !raw "TOTAL.DATA" kAnimatedTitleDirectory !byte 15 !raw "TITLE.ANIMATED/" kDemoDirectory !byte 5 !raw "DEMO/" kGameDirectory !byte 2 !raw "X/" kGameDirectoryLen = 3 ; we need this elsewhere kFXDirectory !byte 3 !raw "FX/" kGlobalPrefsFilename !byte 10 !raw "PREFS.CONF" kStandardPrelaunchRecord !source "src/index/standard.prelaunch.a" kCoverFadeRecord !source "src/index/coverfade.idx.a" kGRFizzleRecord !source "src/index/gr.fizzle.idx.a" kDGRFizzleRecord !source "src/index/dgr.fizzle.idx.a" kHelpBackgroundRecord !source "src/index/res.help.idx.a" kTitleRecord !source "src/index/res.title.idx.a" kCoverRecord !source "src/index/res.cover.idx.a"