diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 93fd271..a80016f 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -35,3 +35,5 @@ c5_pin_model_dump.txt
diff --git a/Apple-II-lite.qsf b/Apple-II-lite.qsf
index 7399446..a76a32e 100644
--- a/Apple-II-lite.qsf
+++ b/Apple-II-lite.qsf
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ set_global_assignment -name POWER_BOARD_THERMAL_MODEL "NONE (CONSERVATIVE)"
set_global_assignment -name TIMEQUEST_MULTICORNER_ANALYSIS OFF
set_global_assignment -name OPTIMIZE_POWER_DURING_FITTING OFF
-set_global_assignment -name FITTER_EFFORT "FAST FIT"
+set_global_assignment -name FITTER_EFFORT "STANDARD FIT"
set_global_assignment -name OPTIMIZATION_MODE BALANCED
set_global_assignment -name SEED 1
@@ -353,9 +353,8 @@ set_location_assignment PIN_W20 -to SW[3]
set_global_assignment -name PRE_FLOW_SCRIPT_FILE "quartus_sh:sys/build_id.tcl"
-set_global_assignment -name CDF_FILE jtag_lite.cdf
+set_global_assignment -name CDF_FILE jtag.cdf
set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE sys/sys.qip
-set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE sys/sysmem.qip
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE mockingboard/YM2149_volmix.vhd
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE mockingboard/vol_table_array.vhd
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE mockingboard/mockingboard.vhd
@@ -374,5 +373,5 @@ set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE vga_controller.vhd
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE PS2_Ctrl.vhd
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE roms.vhd
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE apple2_top.vhd
-set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE Apple-II.sv
+set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE "Apple-II.sv"
set_instance_assignment -name PARTITION_HIERARCHY root_partition -to | -section_id Top
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Apple-II.qsf b/Apple-II.qsf
index b5be6af..127c25e 100644
--- a/Apple-II.qsf
+++ b/Apple-II.qsf
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ set_global_assignment -name TIMEQUEST_MULTICORNER_ANALYSIS OFF
set_global_assignment -name OPTIMIZE_POWER_DURING_FITTING OFF
set_global_assignment -name FITTER_EFFORT "STANDARD FIT"
-set_global_assignment -name OPTIMIZATION_MODE BALANCED
set_global_assignment -name SEED 1
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ set_global_assignment -name PRE_FLOW_SCRIPT_FILE "quartus_sh:sys/build_id.tcl"
set_global_assignment -name CDF_FILE jtag.cdf
set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE sys/sys.qip
-set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE sys/vip.qip
+set_global_assignment -name QSYS_FILE sys/vip.qsys
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE mockingboard/YM2149_volmix.vhd
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE mockingboard/vol_table_array.vhd
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE mockingboard/mockingboard.vhd
diff --git a/Apple-II.srf b/Apple-II.srf
index 04c03cc..35a7eff 100644
--- a/Apple-II.srf
+++ b/Apple-II.srf
@@ -1,51 +1,29 @@
+{ "" "" "" "Vip.Mixer: The MixerII register map changed in ACDS v16.0. Please refer to the VIP User Guide for details." { } { } 0 12251 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
+{ "" "" "" "Vip.Reset_Source.reset_sys: Associated reset sinks not declared" { } { } 0 12251 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
+{ "" "" "" "Vip.Reset_Source.reset_warm: Associated reset sinks not declared" { } { } 0 12251 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
+{ "" "" "" "Vip.Reset_Source.reset_cold: Associated reset sinks not declared" { } { } 0 12251 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
+{ "" "" "" "Vip.Video_Output.control: Interrupt sender control.av_mm_control_interrupt is not connected to an interrupt receiver" { } { } 0 12251 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
+{ "" "" "" "Vip.Video_Output: Interrupt sender Video_Output.status_update_irq is not connected to an interrupt receiver" { } { } 0 12251 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
+{ "" "" "" "Vip.: You have exported the interface HPS.f2h_sdram1_data but not its associated reset interface. Export the driver(s) of HPS.h2f_reset" { } { } 0 12251 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
+{ "" "" "" "Vip.: You have exported the interface HPS.f2h_sdram2_data but not its associated reset interface. Export the driver(s) of HPS.h2f_reset" { } { } 0 12251 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
{ "" "" "" "Variable or input pin \"data_b\" is defined but never used." { } { } 0 287013 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "Found combinational loop of 47 nodes" { } { } 0 332125 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "LOCKED port on the PLL is not properly connected on instance \"pll_hdmi:pll_hdmi\|pll_hdmi_0002:pll_hdmi_inst\|altera_pll:altera_pll_i\|general\[0\].gpll\". The LOCKED port on the PLL should be connected when the FBOUTCLK port is connected. Although it is unnecessary to connect the LOCKED signal, any logic driven off of an output clock of the PLL will not know when the PLL is locked and ready." { } { } 0 21300 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "Net \"soc_system:soc_system\|soc_system_Video_Output:video_output\|alt_vip_cvo_core:cvo_core\|genlock_enable_sync1\[1\]\" is missing source, defaulting to GND" { } { } 0 12110 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "Inferred RAM node \"zxspectrum:emu\|mist_io:mist_io\|ps2_kbd_fifo_rtl_0\" from synchronous design logic. Pass-through logic has been added to match the read-during-write behavior of the original design." { } { } 0 276020 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "Inferred RAM node \"zxspectrum:emu\|mist_io:mist_io\|ps2_mouse_fifo_rtl_0\" from synchronous design logic. Pass-through logic has been added to match the read-during-write behavior of the original design." { } { } 0 276020 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "No destination clock period was found satisfying the set_net_delay assignment from \"\[get_keepers \{soc_system\|video_output\|cvo_core\|mode_banks\|h_sync_polarity_reg\}\]\" to \"\[get_keepers \{soc_system\|video_output\|cvo_core\|mode_banks\|vid_h_sync_polarity\}\]\". This assignment will be ignored." { } { } 0 17897 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "No destination clock period was found satisfying the set_net_delay assignment from \"\[get_keepers \{soc_system\|video_output\|cvo_core\|mode_banks\|v_sync_polarity_reg\}\]\" to \"\[get_keepers \{soc_system\|video_output\|cvo_core\|mode_banks\|vid_v_sync_polarity\}\]\". This assignment will be ignored." { } { } 0 17897 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "No destination clock period was found satisfying the set_net_delay assignment from \"\[get_keepers \{soc_system\|video_output\|cvo_core\|mode_banks\|interlaced_field_reg\[*\]\}\]\" to \"\[get_keepers \{soc_system\|video_output\|cvo_core\|mode_banks\|vid_interlaced_field\[*\]\}\]\". This assignment will be ignored." { } { } 0 17897 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "Some pins have incomplete I/O assignments. Refer to the I/O Assignment Warnings report for details" { } { } 0 15714 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "55 hierarchies have connectivity warnings - see the Connectivity Checks report folder" { } { } 0 12241 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "Inferred RAM node \"emu:emu\|mister_io:mister_io\|ps2_kbd_fifo_rtl_0\" from synchronous design logic. Pass-through logic has been added to match the read-during-write behavior of the original design." { } { } 0 276020 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "Inferred RAM node \"emu:emu\|mister_io:mister_io\|ps2_mouse_fifo_rtl_0\" from synchronous design logic. Pass-through logic has been added to match the read-during-write behavior of the original design." { } { } 0 276020 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at de10_top.v(97): object \"io_win\" assigned a value but never read" { } { } 0 10036 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at de10_top.v(102): object \"io_sdd\" assigned a value but never read" { } { } 0 10036 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "Overwriting existing clock: vip\|hps\|fpga_interfaces\|clocks_resets\|h2f_user0_clk" { } { } 0 332043 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
{ "" "" "" "Variable or input pin \"data_a\" is defined but never used." { } { } 0 287013 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "*" { } { } 0 169085 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "*" { } { } 0 174073 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "*" { } { } 0 332174 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "*" { } { } 0 13009 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "*" { } { } 0 21300 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "alt_vip_cvo_mode_banks" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "hps_sdram_pll.sv" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
+{ "" "" "" "Port \"extclk\" on the entity instantiation of \"cyclonev_pll\" is connected to a signal of width 1. The formal width of the signal in the module is 2. The extra bits will be left dangling without any fan-out logic." { } { } 0 12030 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
+{ "" "" "" "Port \"trs\" on the entity instantiation of \"statemachine\" is connected to a signal of width 2. The formal width of the signal in the module is 1. The extra bits will be ignored." { } { } 0 12020 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
+{ "" "" "" "Port \"reset_value\" on the entity instantiation of \"h_counter\" is connected to a signal of width 32. The formal width of the signal in the module is 16. The extra bits will be ignored." { } { } 0 12020 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
+{ "" "" "" "Overwriting existing clock: vip\|hps\|fpga_interfaces\|clocks_resets\|h2f_user0_clk" { } { } 0 332043 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
+{ "" "" "" "LOCKED port on the PLL is not properly connected on instance \"emu:emu\|pll:pll\|pll_0002:pll_inst\|altera_pll:altera_pll_i\|general\[0\].gpll\". The LOCKED port on the PLL should be connected when the FBOUTCLK port is connected. Although it is unnecessary to connect the LOCKED signal, any logic driven off of an output clock of the PLL will not know when the PLL is locked and ready." { } { } 0 21300 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
+{ "" "" "" "Vip.vip: Module dependency loop involving: \"HPS\"" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
{ "" "" "" "alt_vip_common_frame_counter.v" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "hps_sdram_p0_acv_hard_memphy.v" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "hps_sdram_p0_acv_ldc.v" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "hps_sdram_p0_acv_hard_io_pads.v" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "altera_mem_if_hard_memory_controller_top_cyclonev.sv" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
+{ "" "" "" "alt_vip_cvo_mode_banks.sv" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
+{ "" "" "" "altera_pll.v" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
+{ "" "" "" "altera_cyclonev_pll.v" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
+{ "" "" "" "altera_pll_reconfig_core.v" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
{ "" "" "" "genlock_enable_sync" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
{ "" "" "" "u_calculate_mode" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "genlock_enable" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "reset_value" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "soc_system:soc_system\|soc_system_pll_video:pll_video\|altera_pll:altera_pll_i\|general\[0\].gpll" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
+{ "" "" "" "mode_banks" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
+{ "" "" "" "RST port on the PLL is not properly connected" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
{ "" "" "" "alt_vip_cvo_core.sdc" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
{ "" "" "" "alt_vip_packet_transfer.sdc" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "hps_sdram_p0.sdc" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
{ "" "" "" "alt_vip_common_dc_mixed_widths_fifo.sdc" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "altera_mem_if_hhp_qseq_synth_top" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "soc_system:soc_system\|soc_system_vip_vout:vip_vout\|alt_vip_cvo_core:cvo_core\|genlock_enable_sync1" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "soc_system:soc_system\|soc_system_vip_fb:vip_fb\|alt_vip_packet_transfer:pkt_trans_rd\|alt_vip_packet_transfer_read_proc:READ_BLOCK.read_proc_instance\|alt_vip_common_fifo2:output_msg_queue\|scfifo:scfifo_component\|scfifo_scd1:auto_generated\|a_dpfifo_e471:dpfifo\|altsyncram_ums1:FIFOram\|q_b" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "soc_system:soc_system\|soc_system_Video_Input:video_input\|alt_vip_cvi_core:cvi_core\|alt_vip_cvi_write_fifo_buffer:write_fifo_buffer" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "soc_system:soc_system\|soc_system_Frame_Buffer:frame_buffer\|alt_vip_packet_transfer:pkt_trans_rd" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "soc_system_hps_fpga_interfaces.sdc" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "soc_system_HPS_fpga_interfaces.sdc" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "RST" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "alt_vip_scaler_alg_core" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "cvo_core" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
{ "" "" "" "vip_HPS_fpga_interfaces.sdc" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "alt_vip_dil_vof_scheduler.sdc" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
-{ "" "" "" "alt_vip_dil_scheduler.sdc" { } { } 0 9999 "" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 0 ""}
diff --git a/Apple-II.sv b/Apple-II.sv
index 35f43a6..ff56c3a 100644
--- a/Apple-II.sv
+++ b/Apple-II.sv
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// Apple II+
// Port to MiSTer
-// Copyright (C) 2017 Sorgelig
+// Copyright (C) 2017,2018 Sorgelig
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ module emu
input RESET,
//Must be passed to hps_io module
- inout [43:0] HPS_BUS,
+ inout [44:0] HPS_BUS,
//Base video clock. Usually equals to CLK_SYS.
output CLK_VIDEO,
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ module emu
output LED_USER, // 1 - ON, 0 - OFF.
- // b[1]: 0 - LED status is system status ORed with b[0]
+ // b[1]: 0 - LED status is system status OR'd with b[0]
// 1 - LED status is controled solely by b[0]
// hint: supply 2'b00 to let the system control the LED.
output [1:0] LED_POWER,
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ module emu
output [15:0] AUDIO_L,
output [15:0] AUDIO_R,
output AUDIO_S, // 1 - signed audio samples, 0 - unsigned
+ output [1:0] AUDIO_MIX, // 0 - no mix, 1 - 25%, 2 - 50%, 3 - 100% (mono)
input TAPE_IN,
@@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ module emu
output SD_MOSI,
input SD_MISO,
output SD_CS,
+ input SD_CD,
//High latency DDR3 RAM interface
//Use for non-critical time purposes
@@ -116,6 +118,7 @@ parameter CONF_STR = {
"O4,Mocking board,Yes,No;",
+ "O78,Stereo mix,none,25%,50%,100%;",
"J,Fire 1,Fire 2;",
@@ -205,6 +208,7 @@ wire speaker;
assign AUDIO_L = {1'b0, audio_l, 7'd0} + {2'b0, speaker, 13'd0};
assign AUDIO_R = {1'b0, audio_r, 7'd0} + {2'b0, speaker, 13'd0};
assign AUDIO_S = 0;
+assign AUDIO_MIX = status[8:7];
assign CLK_VIDEO = clk_vid;
assign CE_PIXEL = 1;
diff --git a/clean.bat b/clean.bat
index 3c54b34..7ac8e34 100644
--- a/clean.bat
+++ b/clean.bat
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ rmdir /s /q .qsys_edit
rmdir /s /q hps_isw_handoff
rmdir /s /q sys\.qsys_edit
rmdir /s /q sys\vip
-rmdir /s /q diskemu\.qsys_edit
-rmdir /s /q diskemu\diskemu
cd sys
for /d %%i in (*_sim) do rmdir /s /q "%%~nxi"
cd ..
@@ -33,7 +31,8 @@ del /s *.bsf
del /s *.f
del /s *.sopcinfo
del /s *.xml
+del *.cdf
+del *.rpt
del /s new_rtl_netlist
del /s old_rtl_netlist
diff --git a/jtag.cdf b/jtag.cdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f00f29..0000000
--- a/jtag.cdf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-/* Quartus Prime Version 17.0.1 Build 598 06/07/2017 SJ Standard Edition */
- FileRevision(JESD32A);
- DefaultMfr(6E);
- P ActionCode(Ign)
- Device PartName(SOCVHPS) MfrSpec(OpMask(0));
- P ActionCode(Cfg)
- Device PartName(5CSEBA6U23) Path("output_files/") File("Apple-II.sof") MfrSpec(OpMask(1));
- ChainType(JTAG);
diff --git a/jtag_lite.cdf b/jtag_lite.cdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e64228..0000000
--- a/jtag_lite.cdf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-/* Quartus Prime Version 17.0.1 Build 598 06/07/2017 SJ Standard Edition */
- FileRevision(JESD32A);
- DefaultMfr(6E);
- P ActionCode(Ign)
- Device PartName(SOCVHPS) MfrSpec(OpMask(0));
- P ActionCode(Cfg)
- Device PartName(5CSEBA6U23) Path("output_files/") File("Apple-II-lite.sof") MfrSpec(OpMask(1));
- ChainType(JTAG);
diff --git a/spram.vhd b/spram.vhd
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e306f8..0000000
--- a/spram.vhd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-LIBRARY ieee;
-USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-LIBRARY altera_mf;
-USE altera_mf.all;
-ENTITY spram IS
- (
- init_file : string := "";
- widthad_a : natural;
- width_a : natural := 8;
- outdata_reg_a : string := "UNREGISTERED"
- );
- (
- address : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (widthad_a-1 DOWNTO 0);
- clock : IN STD_LOGIC ;
- data : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (width_a-1 DOWNTO 0);
- wren : IN STD_LOGIC ;
- q : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (width_a-1 DOWNTO 0)
- );
-END spram;
- SIGNAL sub_wire0 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (width_a-1 DOWNTO 0);
- COMPONENT altsyncram
- clock_enable_input_a : STRING;
- clock_enable_output_a : STRING;
- init_file : STRING;
- intended_device_family : STRING;
- lpm_hint : STRING;
- lpm_type : STRING;
- numwords_a : NATURAL;
- operation_mode : STRING;
- outdata_aclr_a : STRING;
- outdata_reg_a : STRING;
- power_up_uninitialized : STRING;
- read_during_write_mode_port_a : STRING;
- widthad_a : NATURAL;
- width_a : NATURAL;
- width_byteena_a : NATURAL
- );
- PORT (
- wren_a : IN STD_LOGIC ;
- clock0 : IN STD_LOGIC ;
- address_a : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (widthad_a-1 DOWNTO 0);
- q_a : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (width_a-1 DOWNTO 0);
- data_a : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (width_a-1 DOWNTO 0)
- );
- q <= sub_wire0(width_a-1 DOWNTO 0);
- altsyncram_component : altsyncram
- clock_enable_input_a => "BYPASS",
- clock_enable_output_a => "BYPASS",
- init_file => init_file,
- intended_device_family => "Cyclone III",
- lpm_hint => "ENABLE_RUNTIME_MOD=NO",
- lpm_type => "altsyncram",
- numwords_a => 49152,
- operation_mode => "SINGLE_PORT",
- outdata_aclr_a => "NONE",
- outdata_reg_a => outdata_reg_a,
- power_up_uninitialized => "FALSE",
- read_during_write_mode_port_a => "NEW_DATA_NO_NBE_READ",
- widthad_a => widthad_a,
- width_a => width_a,
- width_byteena_a => 1
- )
- wren_a => wren,
- clock0 => clock,
- address_a => address,
- data_a => data,
- q_a => sub_wire0
- );
diff --git a/sys/build_id.tcl b/sys/build_id.tcl
index 7ef0665..3705e4c 100644
--- a/sys/build_id.tcl
+++ b/sys/build_id.tcl
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
-# ================================================================================
-# Build ID Verilog Module Script
-# Jeff Wiencrot - 8/1/2011
-# Generates a Verilog module that contains a timestamp,
-# from the current build. These values are available from the build_date, build_time,
-# physical_address, and host_name output ports of the build_id module in the build_id.v
-# Verilog source file.
-# ================================================================================
+# Build TimeStamp Verilog Module
+# Jeff Wiencrot - 8/1/2011
proc generateBuildID_Verilog {} {
# Get the timestamp (see: http://www.altera.com/support/examples/tcl/tcl-date-time-stamp.html)
@@ -31,5 +22,48 @@ proc generateBuildID_Verilog {} {
post_message "Time: $buildTime"
-# Comment out this line to prevent the process from automatically executing when the file is sourced:
\ No newline at end of file
+# Build CDF file
+# Sorgelig - 17/2/2018
+proc generateCDF {revision device outpath} {
+ set outputFileName "jtag.cdf"
+ set outputFile [open $outputFileName "w"]
+ puts $outputFile "JedecChain;"
+ puts $outputFile " FileRevision(JESD32A);"
+ puts $outputFile " DefaultMfr(6E);"
+ puts $outputFile ""
+ puts $outputFile " P ActionCode(Ign)"
+ puts $outputFile " Device PartName(SOCVHPS) MfrSpec(OpMask(0));"
+ puts $outputFile " P ActionCode(Cfg)"
+ puts $outputFile " Device PartName($device) Path(\"$outpath/\") File(\"$revision.sof\") MfrSpec(OpMask(1));"
+ puts $outputFile "ChainEnd;"
+ puts $outputFile ""
+ puts $outputFile "AlteraBegin;"
+ puts $outputFile " ChainType(JTAG);"
+ puts $outputFile "AlteraEnd;"
+set project_name [lindex $quartus(args) 1]
+set revision [lindex $quartus(args) 2]
+if {[project_exists $project_name]} {
+ if {[string equal "" $revision]} {
+ project_open $project_name -revision [get_current_revision $project_name]
+ } else {
+ project_open $project_name -revision $revision
+ }
+} else {
+ post_message -type error "Project $project_name does not exist"
+ exit
+set device [get_global_assignment -name DEVICE]
+set outpath [get_global_assignment -name PROJECT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY]
+if [is_project_open] {
+ project_close
+generateCDF $revision $device $outpath
diff --git a/sys/ddram.sv b/sys/ddram.sv
deleted file mode 100644
index 21a1ed6..0000000
--- a/sys/ddram.sv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-// ddram.v
-// DE10-nano DDR3 memory interface
-// Copyright (c) 2017 Sorgelig
-// This source file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
-// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see .
-// ------------------------------------------
-// 8-bit version
-module ddram
- input reset,
- input DDRAM_CLK,
- input DDRAM_BUSY,
- output [7:0] DDRAM_BURSTCNT,
- output [28:0] DDRAM_ADDR,
- input [63:0] DDRAM_DOUT,
- output DDRAM_RD,
- output [63:0] DDRAM_DIN,
- output [7:0] DDRAM_BE,
- output DDRAM_WE,
- input [27:0] addr, // 256MB at the end of 1GB
- output [7:0] dout, // data output to cpu
- input [7:0] din, // data input from cpu
- input we, // cpu requests write
- input rd, // cpu requests read
- output ready // dout is valid. Ready to accept new read/write.
-assign DDRAM_BURSTCNT = 1;
-assign DDRAM_BE = (8'd1< scale 1-4
+ input [1:0] scale_x,
+ input [1:0] scale_y,
+ input scale_auto,
+ input clk_vbuf,
+ output [27:0] vbuf_address,
+ input [127:0] vbuf_readdata,
+ output [127:0] vbuf_writedata,
+ output [7:0] vbuf_burstcount,
+ output [15:0] vbuf_byteenable,
+ input vbuf_waitrequest,
+ input vbuf_readdatavalid,
+ output reg vbuf_read,
+ output reg vbuf_write
+localparam [7:0] burstsz = 64;
+reg [1:0] nbuf = 0;
+wire [27:0] read_buf = {4'd2, 3'b000, (quadbuf ? nbuf-2'd1 : 2'b00), 19'd0};
+wire [27:0] write_buf = {4'd2, 3'b000, (quadbuf ? nbuf+2'd1 : 2'b00), 19'd0};
+assign vbuf_address = vbuf_write ? vbuf_waddress : vbuf_raddress;
+assign vbuf_burstcount = vbuf_write ? vbuf_wburstcount : vbuf_rburstcount;
+wire [95:0] hf_out;
+wire [7:0] hf_usedw;
+reg hf_reset = 0;
+vbuf_fifo out_fifo
+ .aclr(hf_reset),
+ .wrclk(clk_vbuf),
+ .wrreq(vbuf_readdatavalid),
+ .data({vbuf_readdata[96+:24],vbuf_readdata[64+:24],vbuf_readdata[32+:24],vbuf_readdata[0+:24]}),
+ .wrusedw(hf_usedw),
+ .rdclk(~clk_hdmi),
+ .rdreq(hf_rdreq),
+ .q(hf_out)
+reg [11:0] rd_stride;
+wire [7:0] rd_burst = (burstsz < rd_stride) ? burstsz : rd_stride[7:0];
+reg [27:0] vbuf_raddress;
+reg [7:0] vbuf_rburstcount;
+always @(posedge clk_vbuf) begin
+ reg [18:0] rdcnt;
+ reg [7:0] bcnt;
+ reg vde1, vde2;
+ reg [1:0] mcnt;
+ reg [1:0] my;
+ reg [18:0] fsz;
+ reg [11:0] strd;
+ vde1 <= hdmi_vde;
+ vde2 <= vde1;
+ if(vbuf_readdatavalid) begin
+ rdcnt <= rdcnt + 1'd1;
+ if(bcnt) bcnt <= bcnt - 1'd1;
+ vbuf_raddress <= vbuf_raddress + 1'd1;
+ end
+ if(!bcnt && reading) reading <= 0;
+ vbuf_read <= 0;
+ if(~vbuf_waitrequest) begin
+ if(!hf_reset && rdcnt=off_x) && (x<(vh_width+off_x)) && (y>=off_y) && (y<(vh_height+off_y)) && !hload && !pcnt;
+wire de_in = hdmi_hde & hdmi_vde;
+always @(posedge clk_hdmi) begin
+ reg [71:0] px_out;
+ reg [1:0] mx;
+ reg vde;
+ vde <= hdmi_vde;
+ if(vde & ~hdmi_vde) begin
+ off_x <= (screen_w>v_width) ? (screen_w - v_width)>>1 : 12'd0;
+ off_y <= (screen_h>v_height) ? (screen_h - v_height)>>1 : 12'd0;
+ vh_height <= v_height;
+ vh_width <= v_width;
+ mx <= mult_x;
+ end
+ pcnt <= pcnt + 1'd1;
+ if(pcnt == mx) begin
+ pcnt <= 0;
+ hload <= hload + 1'd1;
+ end
+ if(~de_in || x (screen_h/2)) ? 2'b00 : (video_y > (screen_h/3)) ? 2'b01 : (video_y > (screen_h/4)) ? 2'b10 : 2'b11;
+wire [1:0] tm_x = (l1_width > (screen_w/2)) ? 2'b00 : (l1_width > (screen_w/3)) ? 2'b01 : (l1_width > (screen_w/4)) ? 2'b10 : 2'b11;
+wire [1:0] tm_xy = (tm_x < tm_y) ? tm_x : tm_y;
+wire [1:0] tmf_y = scale_auto ? tm_xy : scale_y;
+wire [1:0] tmf_x = scale_auto ? tm_xy : scale_x;
+wire [11:0] t_height = video_y + (tmf_y[0] ? video_y : 12'd0) + (tmf_y[1] ? video_y<<1 : 12'd0);
+wire [11:0] t_width = l1_width + (tmf_x[0] ? l1_width : 12'd0) + (tmf_x[1] ? l1_width<<1 : 12'd0);
+wire [23:0] t_fsz = l1_stride * t_height;
+reg [11:0] l1_width;
+reg [11:0] l1_stride;
+always @(posedge clk_video) begin
+ reg [7:0] loaded = 0;
+ reg [11:0] strd = 0;
+ reg old_de = 0;
+ reg old_vs = 0;
+ old_vs <= video_vs;
+ if(~old_vs & video_vs) begin
+ cur_addr<= write_buf;
+ video_x <= 0;
+ video_y <= 0;
+ loaded <= 0;
+ strd <= 0;
+ nbuf <= nbuf + 1'd1;
+ stride <= l1_stride;
+ framesz <= t_fsz[18:0];
+ v_height<= t_height;
+ v_width <= t_width;
+ mult_x <= tmf_x;
+ mult_y <= tmf_y;
+ end
+ if(pix_wr) begin
+ case(video_x[1:0])
+ 0: pix_acc <= video_d; // zeroes upper bits too
+ 1: pix_acc[47:24] <= video_d;
+ 2: pix_acc[71:48] <= video_d;
+ 3: loaded <= loaded + 1'd1;
+ endcase
+ if(video_x= burstsz) || (old_de & ~video_de)) begin
+ if(loaded + infifo_tail) begin
+ flush_size <= loaded + infifo_tail;
+ flush_addr <= cur_addr;
+ flush_req <= ~flush_req;
+ loaded <= 0;
+ strd <= strd + loaded;
+ end
+ cur_addr <= cur_addr + loaded + infifo_tail;
+ if(~video_de) begin
+ if(video_y= AUDIO_DW) begin
bit_cnt <= 1;
lrclk <= ~lrclk;
if(lrclk) begin
- left <= left_chan;
- right <= right_chan;
+ left <= al;
+ right <= ar;
else begin
@@ -83,3 +108,29 @@ always @(posedge clk_sys) begin
+module lpf_i2s
+ input CLK,
+ input CE,
+ input [15:0] IDATA,
+ output reg [15:0] ODATA
+reg [511:0] acc;
+reg [20:0] sum;
+always @(*) begin
+ integer i;
+ sum = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 32; i = i+1) sum = sum + {{5{acc[(i*16)+15]}}, acc[i*16 +:16]};
+always @(posedge CLK) begin
+ if(CE) begin
+ acc <= {acc[495:0], IDATA};
+ ODATA <= sum[20:5];
+ end
diff --git a/sys/ip/avalon_combiner_hw.tcl b/sys/ip/avalon_combiner_hw.tcl
index 10e491f..5eede9c 100644
--- a/sys/ip/avalon_combiner_hw.tcl
+++ b/sys/ip/avalon_combiner_hw.tcl
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-# TCL File Generated by Component Editor 16.1
-# Sat Mar 25 22:55:53 CST 2017
+# TCL File Generated by Component Editor 17.0
+# Wed Dec 13 01:40:49 CST 2017
-# avalon_combiner "avalon_combiner" v1.0
-# 2017.03.25.22:55:53
+# avalon_combiner "avalon_combiner" v17.0
+# sorgelig 2017.12.13.01:40:49
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ package require -exact qsys 16.1
set_module_property DESCRIPTION ""
set_module_property NAME avalon_combiner
-set_module_property VERSION 1.0
+set_module_property VERSION 17.0
set_module_property INTERNAL false
set_module_property OPAQUE_ADDRESS_MAP true
set_module_property AUTHOR sorgelig
diff --git a/sys/ip/de10_hps_hw.tcl b/sys/ip/de10_hps_hw.tcl
index 491400a..a166ca0 100644
--- a/sys/ip/de10_hps_hw.tcl
+++ b/sys/ip/de10_hps_hw.tcl
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ package require -exact altera_terp 1.0
package require quartus::advanced_wysiwyg
set_module_property NAME altera_hps_lite
-set_module_property VERSION 16.1
+set_module_property VERSION 17.0
set_module_property AUTHOR "Altera Corporation/Sorgelig"
diff --git a/sys/ip/in_split.v b/sys/ip/in_split.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e141e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/ip/in_split.v
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+// in_split.v
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+module in_split (
+ input wire clk, // input.clk
+ input wire ce, // .ce
+ input wire de, // .de
+ input wire h_sync, // .h_sync
+ input wire v_sync, // .v_sync
+ input wire f, // .f
+ input wire [23:0] data, // .data
+ output wire vid_clk, // Output.vid_clk
+ output reg vid_datavalid, // .vid_datavalid
+ output reg [1:0] vid_de, // .vid_de
+ output reg [1:0] vid_f, // .vid_f
+ output reg [1:0] vid_h_sync, // .vid_h_sync
+ output reg [1:0] vid_v_sync, // .vid_v_sync
+ output reg [47:0] vid_data, // .vid_data
+ output wire vid_locked, // .vid_locked
+ output wire [7:0] vid_color_encoding, // .vid_color_encoding
+ output wire [7:0] vid_bit_width, // .vid_bit_width
+ input wire clipping, // .clipping
+ input wire overflow, // .overflow
+ input wire sof, // .sof
+ input wire sof_locked, // .sof_locked
+ input wire refclk_div, // .refclk_div
+ input wire padding // .padding
+ );
+ assign vid_bit_width = 0;
+ assign vid_color_encoding = 0;
+ assign vid_locked = 1;
+ assign vid_clk = clk;
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ reg odd = 0;
+ vid_datavalid <= 0;
+ if(ce) begin
+ vid_de[odd] <= de;
+ vid_f[odd] <= f;
+ vid_h_sync[odd] <= h_sync;
+ vid_v_sync[odd] <= v_sync;
+ if(odd) vid_data[47:24] <= data;
+ else vid_data[23:0] <= data;
+ odd <= ~odd;
+ vid_datavalid <= odd;
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/sys/ip/in_split_hw.tcl b/sys/ip/in_split_hw.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..403555a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/ip/in_split_hw.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# TCL File Generated by Component Editor 17.0
+# Thu Jan 25 18:50:29 CST 2018
+# in_split "Input Splitter" v17.0
+# Sorgelig 2018.01.25.18:50:29
+# request TCL package from ACDS 16.1
+package require -exact qsys 16.1
+# module in_split
+set_module_property DESCRIPTION ""
+set_module_property NAME in_split
+set_module_property VERSION 17.0
+set_module_property INTERNAL false
+set_module_property OPAQUE_ADDRESS_MAP true
+set_module_property AUTHOR Sorgelig
+set_module_property DISPLAY_NAME "Input Splitter"
+set_module_property INSTANTIATE_IN_SYSTEM_MODULE true
+set_module_property EDITABLE true
+set_module_property REPORT_TO_TALKBACK false
+set_module_property ALLOW_GREYBOX_GENERATION false
+set_module_property REPORT_HIERARCHY false
+# file sets
+set_fileset_property QUARTUS_SYNTH TOP_LEVEL in_split
+add_fileset_file in_split.v VERILOG PATH in_split.v TOP_LEVEL_FILE
+# parameters
+# display items
+# connection point input
+add_interface input conduit end
+set_interface_property input associatedClock ""
+set_interface_property input associatedReset ""
+set_interface_property input ENABLED true
+set_interface_property input EXPORT_OF ""
+set_interface_property input PORT_NAME_MAP ""
+set_interface_property input CMSIS_SVD_VARIABLES ""
+set_interface_property input SVD_ADDRESS_GROUP ""
+add_interface_port input clk clk Input 1
+add_interface_port input ce ce Input 1
+add_interface_port input de de Input 1
+add_interface_port input h_sync h_sync Input 1
+add_interface_port input v_sync v_sync Input 1
+add_interface_port input f f Input 1
+add_interface_port input data data Input 24
+# connection point Output
+add_interface Output conduit end
+set_interface_property Output associatedClock ""
+set_interface_property Output associatedReset ""
+set_interface_property Output ENABLED true
+set_interface_property Output EXPORT_OF ""
+set_interface_property Output PORT_NAME_MAP ""
+set_interface_property Output CMSIS_SVD_VARIABLES ""
+set_interface_property Output SVD_ADDRESS_GROUP ""
+add_interface_port Output vid_clk vid_clk Output 1
+add_interface_port Output vid_datavalid vid_datavalid Output 1
+add_interface_port Output vid_de vid_de Output 2
+add_interface_port Output vid_f vid_f Output 2
+add_interface_port Output vid_h_sync vid_h_sync Output 2
+add_interface_port Output vid_v_sync vid_v_sync Output 2
+add_interface_port Output vid_data vid_data Output 48
+add_interface_port Output vid_locked vid_locked Output 1
+add_interface_port Output vid_color_encoding vid_color_encoding Output 8
+add_interface_port Output vid_bit_width vid_bit_width Output 8
+add_interface_port Output clipping clipping Input 1
+add_interface_port Output overflow overflow Input 1
+add_interface_port Output sof sof Input 1
+add_interface_port Output sof_locked sof_locked Input 1
+add_interface_port Output refclk_div refclk_div Input 1
+add_interface_port Output padding padding Input 1
diff --git a/sys/ip/out_mix.v b/sys/ip/out_mix.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..280a3d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/ip/out_mix.v
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// out_mix.v
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+module out_mix (
+ input wire clk, // Output.clk
+ output reg de, // .de
+ output reg h_sync, // .h_sync
+ output reg v_sync, // .v_sync
+ output reg [23:0] data, // .data
+ output reg vid_clk, // input.vid_clk
+ input wire [1:0] vid_datavalid, // .vid_datavalid
+ input wire [1:0] vid_h_sync, // .vid_h_sync
+ input wire [1:0] vid_v_sync, // .vid_v_sync
+ input wire [47:0] vid_data, // .vid_data
+ input wire underflow, // .underflow
+ input wire vid_mode_change, // .vid_mode_change
+ input wire [1:0] vid_std, // .vid_std
+ input wire [1:0] vid_f, // .vid_f
+ input wire [1:0] vid_h, // .vid_h
+ input wire [1:0] vid_v // .vid_v
+ );
+ reg r_de;
+ reg r_h_sync;
+ reg r_v_sync;
+ reg [23:0] r_data;
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ vid_clk <= ~vid_clk;
+ if(~vid_clk) begin
+ {r_de,de} <= vid_datavalid;
+ {r_h_sync, h_sync} <= vid_h_sync;
+ {r_v_sync, v_sync} <= vid_v_sync;
+ {r_data, data} <= vid_data;
+ end else begin
+ de <= r_de;
+ h_sync <= r_h_sync;
+ v_sync <= r_v_sync;
+ data <= r_data;
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/sys/ip/out_mix_hw.tcl b/sys/ip/out_mix_hw.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b388891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/ip/out_mix_hw.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# TCL File Generated by Component Editor 17.0
+# Thu Jan 25 06:51:26 CST 2018
+# out_mix "Output Mixer" v1.0
+# Sorgelig 2018.01.25.06:51:26
+# request TCL package from ACDS 16.1
+package require -exact qsys 16.1
+# module out_mix
+set_module_property DESCRIPTION ""
+set_module_property NAME out_mix
+set_module_property VERSION 17.0
+set_module_property INTERNAL false
+set_module_property OPAQUE_ADDRESS_MAP true
+set_module_property AUTHOR Sorgelig
+set_module_property DISPLAY_NAME "Output Mixer"
+set_module_property INSTANTIATE_IN_SYSTEM_MODULE true
+set_module_property EDITABLE true
+set_module_property REPORT_TO_TALKBACK false
+set_module_property ALLOW_GREYBOX_GENERATION false
+set_module_property REPORT_HIERARCHY false
+# file sets
+set_fileset_property QUARTUS_SYNTH TOP_LEVEL out_mix
+add_fileset_file out_mix.v VERILOG PATH out_mix.v TOP_LEVEL_FILE
+# parameters
+# display items
+# connection point Output
+add_interface Output conduit end
+set_interface_property Output associatedClock ""
+set_interface_property Output associatedReset ""
+set_interface_property Output ENABLED true
+set_interface_property Output EXPORT_OF ""
+set_interface_property Output PORT_NAME_MAP ""
+set_interface_property Output CMSIS_SVD_VARIABLES ""
+set_interface_property Output SVD_ADDRESS_GROUP ""
+add_interface_port Output clk clk Input 1
+add_interface_port Output de de Output 1
+add_interface_port Output h_sync h_sync Output 1
+add_interface_port Output v_sync v_sync Output 1
+add_interface_port Output data data Output 24
+# connection point input
+add_interface input conduit end
+set_interface_property input associatedClock ""
+set_interface_property input associatedReset ""
+set_interface_property input ENABLED true
+set_interface_property input EXPORT_OF ""
+set_interface_property input PORT_NAME_MAP ""
+set_interface_property input CMSIS_SVD_VARIABLES ""
+set_interface_property input SVD_ADDRESS_GROUP ""
+add_interface_port input vid_clk vid_clk Output 1
+add_interface_port input vid_datavalid vid_datavalid Input 2
+add_interface_port input vid_h_sync vid_h_sync Input 2
+add_interface_port input vid_v_sync vid_v_sync Input 2
+add_interface_port input vid_data vid_data Input 48
+add_interface_port input underflow underflow Input 1
+add_interface_port input vid_mode_change vid_mode_change Input 1
+add_interface_port input vid_std vid_std Input 2
+add_interface_port input vid_f vid_f Input 2
+add_interface_port input vid_h vid_h Input 2
+add_interface_port input vid_v vid_v Input 2
diff --git a/sys/ip/reset_source.v b/sys/ip/reset_source.v
index e9f0435..569eb9c 100644
--- a/sys/ip/reset_source.v
+++ b/sys/ip/reset_source.v
@@ -1,32 +1,34 @@
// reset_source.v
-// This file was auto-generated as a prototype implementation of a module
-// created in component editor. It ties off all outputs to ground and
-// ignores all inputs. It needs to be edited to make it do something
-// useful.
-// This file will not be automatically regenerated. You should check it in
+// This file was auto-generated as a prototype implementation of a module
+// created in component editor. It ties off all outputs to ground and
+// ignores all inputs. It needs to be edited to make it do something
+// useful.
+// This file will not be automatically regenerated. You should check it in
// to your version control system if you want to keep it.
-`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
module reset_source
- input wire clk, // clock.clk
- input wire reset_hps, // reset_hps.reset
- output wire reset_sys, // reset_sys.reset
- output wire reset_cold, // reset_cold.reset
- input wire cold_req, // reset_ctl.cold_req
- output wire reset, // .reset
- input wire reset_req, // .reset_req
- input wire warm_req, // .warm_req
- output wire reset_warm // reset_warm.reset
+ input wire clk, // clock.clk
+ input wire reset_hps, // reset_hps.reset
+ output wire reset_sys, // reset_sys.reset
+ output wire reset_cold, // reset_cold.reset
+ input wire cold_req, // reset_ctl.cold_req
+ output wire reset, // .reset
+ input wire reset_req, // .reset_req
+ input wire reset_vip, // .reset_vip
+ input wire warm_req, // .warm_req
+ output wire reset_warm // reset_warm.reset
assign reset_cold = cold_req;
assign reset_warm = warm_req;
-assign reset = reset_sys;
-assign reset_sys = sys_reset | reset_hps | reset_req;
+wire reset_m = sys_reset | reset_hps | reset_req;
+assign reset = reset_m;
+assign reset_sys = reset_m | reset_vip;
reg sys_reset = 1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
diff --git a/sys/ip/reset_source_hw.tcl b/sys/ip/reset_source_hw.tcl
index 528bdf6..cba39f7 100644
--- a/sys/ip/reset_source_hw.tcl
+++ b/sys/ip/reset_source_hw.tcl
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-# TCL File Generated by Component Editor 16.1
-# Thu Apr 20 14:20:36 CST 2017
+# TCL File Generated by Component Editor 17.0
+# Tue Feb 20 07:55:55 CST 2018
-# reset_source "reset_source" v1.0
-# Sorgelig 2017.04.20.14:20:36
+# reset_source "reset_source" v17.0
+# Sorgelig 2018.02.20.07:55:55
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ package require -exact qsys 16.1
set_module_property DESCRIPTION ""
set_module_property NAME reset_source
-set_module_property VERSION 1.0
+set_module_property VERSION 17.0
set_module_property INTERNAL false
set_module_property OPAQUE_ADDRESS_MAP true
set_module_property AUTHOR Sorgelig
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ add_interface_port reset_ctl cold_req cold_req Input 1
add_interface_port reset_ctl reset reset Output 1
add_interface_port reset_ctl reset_req reset_req Input 1
add_interface_port reset_ctl warm_req warm_req Input 1
+add_interface_port reset_ctl reset_vip reset_vip Input 1
diff --git a/sys/osd.v b/sys/osd.v
index 87a2eff..f6e8915 100644
--- a/sys/osd.v
+++ b/sys/osd.v
@@ -7,12 +7,13 @@ module osd
input io_osd,
input io_strobe,
- input [7:0] io_din,
+ input [15:0] io_din,
input clk_video,
input [23:0] din,
output [23:0] dout,
- input de
+ input de_in,
+ output reg de_out
parameter OSD_COLOR = 3'd4;
@@ -22,14 +23,16 @@ parameter OSD_Y_OFFSET = 12'd0;
localparam OSD_WIDTH = 12'd256;
localparam OSD_HEIGHT = 12'd64;
-// this core supports only the display related OSD commands
-// of the minimig v1
reg osd_enable;
-(* ramstyle = "no_rw_check" *) reg [7:0] osd_buffer[4096]; // the OSD buffer itself
+(* ramstyle = "no_rw_check" *) reg [7:0] osd_buffer[4096];
-reg highres = 0;
+reg highres = 0;
+reg info = 0;
+reg [8:0] infoh;
+reg [8:0] infow;
+reg [11:0] infox;
+reg [21:0] infoy;
-// the OSD has its own SPI interface to the io controller
always@(posedge clk_sys) begin
reg [11:0] bcnt;
reg [7:0] cmd;
@@ -41,24 +44,37 @@ always@(posedge clk_sys) begin
if(~io_osd) begin
bcnt <= 0;
has_cmd <= 0;
+ cmd <= 0;
+ if(cmd[7:4] == 4) osd_enable <= cmd[0];
end else begin
if(~old_strobe & io_strobe) begin
if(!has_cmd) begin
has_cmd <= 1;
- cmd <= io_din;
+ cmd <= io_din[7:0];
- if(io_din[7:4] == 4'b0100) begin
- osd_enable <= io_din[0];
+ if(io_din[7:4] == 4) begin
if(!io_din[0]) highres <= 0;
+ info <= io_din[2];
+ bcnt <= 0;
- bcnt <= {io_din[3:0], 8'h00};
- if(io_din[7:3] == 5'b00101) highres <= 1;
- end else begin
// command 0x20: OSDCMDWRITE
- if(cmd[7:4] == 4'b0010) begin
- osd_buffer[bcnt] <= io_din;
- bcnt <= bcnt + 1'd1;
+ if(io_din[7:4] == 2) begin
+ if(io_din[3]) highres <= 1;
+ bcnt <= {io_din[3:0], 8'h00};
+ end else begin
+ if(cmd[7:4] == 4) begin
+ if(bcnt == 0) infox <= io_din[11:0];
+ if(bcnt == 1) infoy <= io_din[11:0];
+ if(bcnt == 2) infow <= {io_din[5:0], 3'b000};
+ if(bcnt == 3) infoh <= {io_din[5:0], 3'b000};
+ end
+ // command 0x20: OSDCMDWRITE
+ if(cmd[7:4] == 2) osd_buffer[bcnt] <= io_din[7:0];
+ bcnt <= bcnt + 1'd1;
@@ -71,15 +87,15 @@ always @(negedge clk_video) begin
reg deD;
cnt <= cnt + 1;
- deD <= de;
+ deD <= de_in;
pixcnt <= pixcnt + 1;
if(pixcnt == pixsz) pixcnt <= 0;
ce_pix <= !pixcnt;
- if(~deD && de) cnt <= 0;
+ if(~deD && de_in) cnt <= 0;
- if(deD && ~de) begin
+ if(deD && ~de_in) begin
pixsz <= (((cnt+1'b1) >> 9) > 1) ? (((cnt+1'b1) >> 9) - 1) : 0;
pixcnt <= 0;
@@ -93,7 +109,8 @@ reg [7:0] osd_byte;
reg [21:0] osd_vcnt;
reg [21:0] fheight;
-wire [21:0] hrheight = (OSD_HEIGHT< {dsp_width, 2'b00}) begin
v_cnt <= 0;
dsp_height <= v_cnt;
- if(v_cnt<320) begin
- multiscan <= 0;
- fheight <= hrheight;
- end
- else if(v_cnt<640) begin
- multiscan <= 1;
- fheight <= hrheight << 1;
- end
- else if(v_cnt<960) begin
- multiscan <= 2;
- fheight <= hrheight + (hrheight<<1);
+ if(osd_enable) begin
+ if(v_cnt<320) begin
+ multiscan <= 0;
+ fheight <= hrheight;
+ finfoy <= infoy;
+ end
+ else if(v_cnt<640) begin
+ multiscan <= 1;
+ fheight <= hrheight << 1;
+ finfoy <= infoy << 1;
+ end
+ else if(v_cnt<960) begin
+ multiscan <= 2;
+ fheight <= hrheight + (hrheight<<1);
+ finfoy <= infoy + (infoy << 1);
+ end
+ else begin
+ multiscan <= 3;
+ fheight <= hrheight << 2;
+ finfoy <= infoy << 2;
+ end
else begin
- multiscan <= 3;
- fheight <= hrheight << 2;
+ fheight <= 0;
h_cnt <= 0;
@@ -147,22 +173,27 @@ always @(posedge clk_video) begin
// area in which OSD is being displayed
-wire [21:0] h_osd_start = ((dsp_width - OSD_WIDTH)>>1) + OSD_X_OFFSET;
-wire [21:0] h_osd_end = h_osd_start + OSD_WIDTH;
-wire [21:0] v_osd_start = ((dsp_height- fheight)>>1) + OSD_Y_OFFSET;
+wire [21:0] h_osd_start = info ? infox : ((dsp_width - OSD_WIDTH)>>1) + OSD_X_OFFSET;
+wire [21:0] h_osd_end = info ? (h_osd_start + infow) : (h_osd_start + OSD_WIDTH);
+wire [21:0] v_osd_start = info ? finfoy : ((dsp_height- fheight)>>1) + OSD_Y_OFFSET;
wire [21:0] v_osd_end = v_osd_start + fheight;
wire [21:0] osd_hcnt = h_cnt[21:0] - h_osd_start + 1'd1;
-wire osd_de = osd_enable &&
+wire osd_de = osd_enable && fheight &&
(h_cnt >= h_osd_start) && (h_cnt < h_osd_end) &&
(v_cnt >= v_osd_start) && (v_cnt < v_osd_end);
wire osd_pixel = osd_byte[osd_vcnt[2:0]];
-assign dout = !osd_de ? din : {{osd_pixel, osd_pixel, OSD_COLOR[2], din[23:19]},
+reg [23:0] rdout;
+assign dout = rdout;
+always @(posedge clk_video) begin
+ rdout <= !osd_de ? din : {{osd_pixel, osd_pixel, OSD_COLOR[2], din[23:19]},
{osd_pixel, osd_pixel, OSD_COLOR[1], din[15:11]},
{osd_pixel, osd_pixel, OSD_COLOR[0], din[7:3]}};
+ de_out <= de_in;
diff --git a/sys/pll_hdmi.qip b/sys/pll_hdmi.qip
index 2c1e916..be34aeb 100644
--- a/sys/pll_hdmi.qip
+++ b/sys/pll_hdmi.qip
@@ -31,7 +31,9 @@ set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPO
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX29wZXJhdGlvbl9tb2Rl::ZGlyZWN0::T3BlcmF0aW9uIE1vZGU="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2ZlZWRiYWNrX2Nsb2Nr::R2xvYmFsIENsb2Nr::RmVlZGJhY2sgQ2xvY2s="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2ZyYWN0aW9uYWxfY291dA==::MzI=::RnJhY3Rpb25hbCBjYXJyeSBvdXQ="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "cGxsX2ZyYWN0aW9uYWxfY291dA==::MzI=::cGxsX2ZyYWN0aW9uYWxfY291dA=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2RzbV9vdXRfc2Vs::MXN0X29yZGVy::RFNNIE9yZGVy"
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "cGxsX2RzbV9vdXRfc2Vs::MXN0X29yZGVy::cGxsX2RzbV9vdXRfc2Vs"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "b3BlcmF0aW9uX21vZGU=::ZGlyZWN0::b3BlcmF0aW9uX21vZGU="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX3VzZV9sb2NrZWQ=::ZmFsc2U=::RW5hYmxlIGxvY2tlZCBvdXRwdXQgcG9ydA=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2VuX2Fkdl9wYXJhbXM=::ZmFsc2U=::RW5hYmxlIHBoeXNpY2FsIG91dHB1dCBjbG9jayBwYXJhbWV0ZXJz"
@@ -41,11 +43,11 @@ set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPO
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2ZyYWNfbXVsdGlwbHlfZmFjdG9y::MQ==::RnJhY3Rpb25hbCBNdWx0aXBseSBGYWN0b3IgKEsp"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2RpdmlkZV9mYWN0b3Jfbg==::MQ==::RGl2aWRlIEZhY3RvciAoTi1Db3VudGVyKQ=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2Nhc2NhZGVfY291bnRlcjA=::ZmFsc2U=::TWFrZSB0aGlzIGEgY2FzY2FkZSBjb3VudGVy"
-set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX291dHB1dF9jbG9ja19mcmVxdWVuY3kw::NzQuMjU=::RGVzaXJlZCBGcmVxdWVuY3k="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX291dHB1dF9jbG9ja19mcmVxdWVuY3kw::MTQ4LjU=::RGVzaXJlZCBGcmVxdWVuY3k="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2RpdmlkZV9mYWN0b3JfYzA=::MQ==::RGl2aWRlIEZhY3RvciAoQy1Db3VudGVyKQ=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2FjdHVhbF9tdWx0aXBseV9mYWN0b3Iw::OA==::QWN0dWFsIE11bHRpcGx5IEZhY3Rvcg=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2FjdHVhbF9mcmFjX211bHRpcGx5X2ZhY3RvcjA=::MzkwODQyMDE1Mw==::QWN0dWFsIEZyYWN0aW9uYWwgTXVsdGlwbHkgRmFjdG9yIChLKQ=="
-set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2FjdHVhbF9kaXZpZGVfZmFjdG9yMA==::Ng==::QWN0dWFsIERpdmlkZSBGYWN0b3I="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2FjdHVhbF9kaXZpZGVfZmFjdG9yMA==::Mw==::QWN0dWFsIERpdmlkZSBGYWN0b3I="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2FjdHVhbF9vdXRwdXRfY2xvY2tfZnJlcXVlbmN5MA==::MCBNSHo=::QWN0dWFsIEZyZXF1ZW5jeQ=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX3BzX3VuaXRzMA==::cHM=::UGhhc2UgU2hpZnQgdW5pdHM="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX3BoYXNlX3NoaWZ0MA==::MA==::UGhhc2UgU2hpZnQ="
@@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPO
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2FjdHVhbF9waGFzZV9zaGlmdDA=::MA==::QWN0dWFsIFBoYXNlIFNoaWZ0"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2R1dHlfY3ljbGUw::NTA=::RHV0eSBDeWNsZQ=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2Nhc2NhZGVfY291bnRlcjE=::ZmFsc2U=::TWFrZSB0aGlzIGEgY2FzY2FkZSBjb3VudGVy"
-set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX291dHB1dF9jbG9ja19mcmVxdWVuY3kx::MTAwLjA=::RGVzaXJlZCBGcmVxdWVuY3k="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX291dHB1dF9jbG9ja19mcmVxdWVuY3kx::NjUuMA==::RGVzaXJlZCBGcmVxdWVuY3k="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2RpdmlkZV9mYWN0b3JfYzE=::MQ==::RGl2aWRlIEZhY3RvciAoQy1Db3VudGVyKQ=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2FjdHVhbF9tdWx0aXBseV9mYWN0b3Ix::MQ==::QWN0dWFsIE11bHRpcGx5IEZhY3Rvcg=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2FjdHVhbF9mcmFjX211bHRpcGx5X2ZhY3RvcjE=::MQ==::QWN0dWFsIEZyYWN0aW9uYWwgTXVsdGlwbHkgRmFjdG9yIChLKQ=="
@@ -65,7 +67,7 @@ set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPO
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2FjdHVhbF9waGFzZV9zaGlmdDE=::MA==::QWN0dWFsIFBoYXNlIFNoaWZ0"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2R1dHlfY3ljbGUx::NTA=::RHV0eSBDeWNsZQ=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2Nhc2NhZGVfY291bnRlcjI=::ZmFsc2U=::TWFrZSB0aGlzIGEgY2FzY2FkZSBjb3VudGVy"
-set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX291dHB1dF9jbG9ja19mcmVxdWVuY3ky::MTAwLjA=::RGVzaXJlZCBGcmVxdWVuY3k="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX291dHB1dF9jbG9ja19mcmVxdWVuY3ky::MjcuMA==::RGVzaXJlZCBGcmVxdWVuY3k="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2RpdmlkZV9mYWN0b3JfYzI=::MQ==::RGl2aWRlIEZhY3RvciAoQy1Db3VudGVyKQ=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2FjdHVhbF9tdWx0aXBseV9mYWN0b3Iy::MQ==::QWN0dWFsIE11bHRpcGx5IEZhY3Rvcg=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2FjdHVhbF9mcmFjX211bHRpcGx5X2ZhY3RvcjI=::MQ==::QWN0dWFsIEZyYWN0aW9uYWwgTXVsdGlwbHkgRmFjdG9yIChLKQ=="
@@ -256,7 +258,7 @@ set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPO
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX3BoYXNlX3NoaWZ0X2RlZzE3::MC4w::UGhhc2UgU2hpZnQ="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2FjdHVhbF9waGFzZV9zaGlmdDE3::MA==::QWN0dWFsIFBoYXNlIFNoaWZ0"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2R1dHlfY3ljbGUxNw==::NTA=::RHV0eSBDeWNsZQ=="
-set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "b3V0cHV0X2Nsb2NrX2ZyZXF1ZW5jeTA=::NzQuMjUwMDAwIE1Ieg==::b3V0cHV0X2Nsb2NrX2ZyZXF1ZW5jeTA="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "b3V0cHV0X2Nsb2NrX2ZyZXF1ZW5jeTA=::MTQ4LjUwMDAwMCBNSHo=::b3V0cHV0X2Nsb2NrX2ZyZXF1ZW5jeTA="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "cGhhc2Vfc2hpZnQw::MCBwcw==::cGhhc2Vfc2hpZnQw"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "ZHV0eV9jeWNsZTA=::NTA=::ZHV0eV9jeWNsZTA="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "b3V0cHV0X2Nsb2NrX2ZyZXF1ZW5jeTE=::MCBNSHo=::b3V0cHV0X2Nsb2NrX2ZyZXF1ZW5jeTE="
@@ -312,13 +314,157 @@ set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPO
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "ZHV0eV9jeWNsZTE3::NTA=::ZHV0eV9jeWNsZTE3"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX3BsbF9hdXRvX3Jlc2V0::T24=::UExMIEF1dG8gUmVzZXQ="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX3BsbF9iYW5kd2lkdGhfcHJlc2V0::QXV0bw==::UExMIEJhbmR3aWR0aCBQcmVzZXQ="
-set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2VuX3JlY29uZg==::ZmFsc2U=::RW5hYmxlIGR5bmFtaWMgcmVjb25maWd1cmF0aW9uIG9mIFBMTA=="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2VuX3JlY29uZg==::dHJ1ZQ==::RW5hYmxlIGR5bmFtaWMgcmVjb25maWd1cmF0aW9uIG9mIFBMTA=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2VuX2Rwc19wb3J0cw==::ZmFsc2U=::RW5hYmxlIGFjY2VzcyB0byBkeW5hbWljIHBoYXNlIHNoaWZ0IHBvcnRz"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2VuX3Bob3V0X3BvcnRz::ZmFsc2U=::RW5hYmxlIGFjY2VzcyB0byBQTEwgRFBBIG91dHB1dCBwb3J0"
-set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "cGxsX3R5cGU=::R2VuZXJhbA==::UExMIFRZUEU="
-set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "cGxsX3N1YnR5cGU=::R2VuZXJhbA==::UExMIFNVQlRZUEU="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "cGxsX3R5cGU=::Q3ljbG9uZSBW::UExMIFRZUEU="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "cGxsX3N1YnR5cGU=::UmVjb25maWd1cmFibGU=::UExMIFNVQlRZUEU="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "bV9jbnRfaGlfZGl2::NA==::bV9jbnRfaGlfZGl2"
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "bV9jbnRfbG9fZGl2::NA==::bV9jbnRfbG9fZGl2"
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "bl9jbnRfaGlfZGl2::MjU2::bl9jbnRfaGlfZGl2"
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "bl9jbnRfbG9fZGl2::MjU2::bl9jbnRfbG9fZGl2"
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "bV9jbnRfYnlwYXNzX2Vu::ZmFsc2U=::bV9jbnRfYnlwYXNzX2Vu"
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "bl9jbnRfYnlwYXNzX2Vu::dHJ1ZQ==::bl9jbnRfYnlwYXNzX2Vu"
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "bV9jbnRfb2RkX2Rpdl9kdXR5X2Vu::ZmFsc2U=::bV9jbnRfb2RkX2Rpdl9kdXR5X2Vu"
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "bl9jbnRfb2RkX2Rpdl9kdXR5X2Vu::ZmFsc2U=::bl9jbnRfb2RkX2Rpdl9kdXR5X2Vu"
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Y19jbnRfaGlfZGl2MA==::Mg==::Y19jbnRfaGlfZGl2MA=="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Y19jbnRfbG9fZGl2MA==::MQ==::Y19jbnRfbG9fZGl2MA=="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Y19jbnRfcHJzdDA=::MQ==::Y19jbnRfcHJzdDA="
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+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Y19jbnRfbG9fZGl2MTU=::MQ==::Y19jbnRfbG9fZGl2MTU="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Y19jbnRfcHJzdDE1::MQ==::Y19jbnRfcHJzdDE1"
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Y19jbnRfcGhfbXV4X3Byc3QxNQ==::MA==::Y19jbnRfcGhfbXV4X3Byc3QxNQ=="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Y19jbnRfaW5fc3JjMTU=::cGhfbXV4X2Nsaw==::Y19jbnRfaW5fc3JjMTU="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Y19jbnRfYnlwYXNzX2VuMTU=::dHJ1ZQ==::Y19jbnRfYnlwYXNzX2VuMTU="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Y19jbnRfb2RkX2Rpdl9kdXR5X2VuMTU=::ZmFsc2U=::Y19jbnRfb2RkX2Rpdl9kdXR5X2VuMTU="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Y19jbnRfaGlfZGl2MTY=::MQ==::Y19jbnRfaGlfZGl2MTY="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Y19jbnRfbG9fZGl2MTY=::MQ==::Y19jbnRfbG9fZGl2MTY="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Y19jbnRfcHJzdDE2::MQ==::Y19jbnRfcHJzdDE2"
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Y19jbnRfcGhfbXV4X3Byc3QxNg==::MA==::Y19jbnRfcGhfbXV4X3Byc3QxNg=="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Y19jbnRfaW5fc3JjMTY=::cGhfbXV4X2Nsaw==::Y19jbnRfaW5fc3JjMTY="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Y19jbnRfYnlwYXNzX2VuMTY=::dHJ1ZQ==::Y19jbnRfYnlwYXNzX2VuMTY="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Y19jbnRfb2RkX2Rpdl9kdXR5X2VuMTY=::ZmFsc2U=::Y19jbnRfb2RkX2Rpdl9kdXR5X2VuMTY="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Y19jbnRfaGlfZGl2MTc=::MQ==::Y19jbnRfaGlfZGl2MTc="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Y19jbnRfbG9fZGl2MTc=::MQ==::Y19jbnRfbG9fZGl2MTc="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Y19jbnRfcHJzdDE3::MQ==::Y19jbnRfcHJzdDE3"
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Y19jbnRfcGhfbXV4X3Byc3QxNw==::MA==::Y19jbnRfcGhfbXV4X3Byc3QxNw=="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Y19jbnRfaW5fc3JjMTc=::cGhfbXV4X2Nsaw==::Y19jbnRfaW5fc3JjMTc="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Y19jbnRfYnlwYXNzX2VuMTc=::dHJ1ZQ==::Y19jbnRfYnlwYXNzX2VuMTc="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Y19jbnRfb2RkX2Rpdl9kdXR5X2VuMTc=::ZmFsc2U=::Y19jbnRfb2RkX2Rpdl9kdXR5X2VuMTc="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "cGxsX3Zjb19kaXY=::Mg==::cGxsX3Zjb19kaXY="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "cGxsX2NwX2N1cnJlbnQ=::MjA=::cGxsX2NwX2N1cnJlbnQ="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "cGxsX2J3Y3RybA==::NDAwMA==::cGxsX2J3Y3RybA=="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "cGxsX291dHB1dF9jbGtfZnJlcXVlbmN5::NDQ1LjQ5OTk5OSBNSHo=::cGxsX291dHB1dF9jbGtfZnJlcXVlbmN5"
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "cGxsX2ZyYWN0aW9uYWxfZGl2aXNpb24=::MzkwODQyMDE1Mw==::cGxsX2ZyYWN0aW9uYWxfZGl2aXNpb24="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "bWltaWNfZmJjbGtfdHlwZQ==::bm9uZQ==::bWltaWNfZmJjbGtfdHlwZQ=="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "cGxsX2ZiY2xrX211eF8x::Z2xi::cGxsX2ZiY2xrX211eF8x"
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "cGxsX2ZiY2xrX211eF8y::bV9jbnQ=::cGxsX2ZiY2xrX211eF8y"
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "cGxsX21fY250X2luX3NyYw==::cGhfbXV4X2Nsaw==::cGxsX21fY250X2luX3NyYw=="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "cGxsX3NsZl9yc3Q=::dHJ1ZQ==::cGxsX3NsZl9yc3Q="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX3BhcmFtZXRlcl9saXN0::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::UGFyYW1ldGVyIE5hbWVz"
-set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX3BhcmFtZXRlcl92YWx1ZXM=::NCw0LDI1NiwyNTYsZmFsc2UsdHJ1ZSxmYWxzZSxmYWxzZSwzLDMsMSwwLHBoX211eF9jbGssZmFsc2UsZmFsc2UsMiwyMCw0MDAwLDQ0NS40OTk5OTkgTUh6LDM5MDg0MjAxNTMsbm9uZSxnbGIsbV9jbnQscGhfbXV4X2Nsayx0cnVl::UGFyYW1ldGVyIFZhbHVlcw=="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX3BhcmFtZXRlcl92YWx1ZXM=::NCw0LDI1NiwyNTYsZmFsc2UsdHJ1ZSxmYWxzZSxmYWxzZSwyLDEsMSwwLHBoX211eF9jbGssZmFsc2UsdHJ1ZSwyLDIwLDQwMDAsNDQ1LjQ5OTk5OSBNSHosMzkwODQyMDE1Myxub25lLGdsYixtX2NudCxwaF9tdXhfY2xrLHRydWU=::UGFyYW1ldGVyIFZhbHVlcw=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX21pZl9nZW5lcmF0ZQ==::ZmFsc2U=::R2VuZXJhdGUgTUlGIGZpbGU="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2VuYWJsZV9taWZfZHBz::ZmFsc2U=::RW5hYmxlIER5bmFtaWMgUGhhc2UgU2hpZnQgZm9yIE1JRiBzdHJlYW1pbmc="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_0002" -library "pll_hdmi" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "Z3VpX2Rwc19jbnRy::QzA=::RFBTIENvdW50ZXIgU2VsZWN0aW9u"
diff --git a/sys/pll_hdmi.v b/sys/pll_hdmi.v
index 5ff1175..0cefd25 100644
--- a/sys/pll_hdmi.v
+++ b/sys/pll_hdmi.v
@@ -6,16 +6,20 @@
`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
module pll_hdmi (
- input wire refclk, // refclk.clk
- input wire rst, // reset.reset
- output wire outclk_0 // outclk0.clk
+ input wire refclk, // refclk.clk
+ input wire rst, // reset.reset
+ output wire outclk_0, // outclk0.clk
+ input wire [63:0] reconfig_to_pll, // reconfig_to_pll.reconfig_to_pll
+ output wire [63:0] reconfig_from_pll // reconfig_from_pll.reconfig_from_pll
pll_hdmi_0002 pll_hdmi_inst (
- .refclk (refclk), // refclk.clk
- .rst (rst), // reset.reset
- .outclk_0 (outclk_0), // outclk0.clk
- .locked () // (terminated)
+ .refclk (refclk), // refclk.clk
+ .rst (rst), // reset.reset
+ .outclk_0 (outclk_0), // outclk0.clk
+ .reconfig_to_pll (reconfig_to_pll), // reconfig_to_pll.reconfig_to_pll
+ .reconfig_from_pll (reconfig_from_pll), // reconfig_from_pll.reconfig_from_pll
+ .locked () // (terminated)
@@ -25,7 +29,7 @@ endmodule
// ************************************************************
// ************************************************************
-// Copyright (C) 1991-2017 Altera Corporation
+// Copyright (C) 1991-2018 Altera Corporation
// Any megafunction design, and related net list (encrypted or decrypted),
// support information, device programming or simulation file, and any other
// associated documentation or information provided by Altera or a partner
@@ -65,7 +69,7 @@ endmodule
// Retrieval info:
// Retrieval info:
// Retrieval info:
-// Retrieval info:
+// Retrieval info:
// Retrieval info:
// Retrieval info:
// Retrieval info:
@@ -74,7 +78,7 @@ endmodule
// Retrieval info:
// Retrieval info:
// Retrieval info:
-// Retrieval info:
+// Retrieval info:
// Retrieval info:
// Retrieval info:
// Retrieval info:
@@ -83,7 +87,7 @@ endmodule
// Retrieval info:
// Retrieval info:
// Retrieval info:
-// Retrieval info:
+// Retrieval info:
// Retrieval info:
// Retrieval info:
// Retrieval info:
@@ -228,7 +232,7 @@ endmodule
// Retrieval info:
// Retrieval info:
// Retrieval info:
-// Retrieval info:
+// Retrieval info:
// Retrieval info:
// Retrieval info:
// Retrieval info:
diff --git a/sys/pll_hdmi/pll_hdmi_0002.qip b/sys/pll_hdmi/pll_hdmi_0002.qip
index fb8053d..3cb7073 100644
--- a/sys/pll_hdmi/pll_hdmi_0002.qip
+++ b/sys/pll_hdmi/pll_hdmi_0002.qip
@@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
set_instance_assignment -name PLL_COMPENSATION_MODE DIRECT -to "*pll_hdmi_0002*|altera_pll:altera_pll_i*|*"
-set_instance_assignment -name PLL_CHANNEL_SPACING "0.0 KHz" -to "*pll_hdmi_0002*|altera_pll:altera_pll_i*|*"
-set_instance_assignment -name PLL_AUTO_RESET ON -to "*pll_hdmi_0002*|altera_pll:altera_pll_i*|*"
-set_instance_assignment -name PLL_BANDWIDTH_PRESET AUTO -to "*pll_hdmi_0002*|altera_pll:altera_pll_i*|*"
+set_instance_assignment -name UNFORCE_MERGE_PLL_OUTPUT_COUNTER ON -to "*pll_hdmi_0002*|altera_pll:altera_pll_i*|*"
diff --git a/sys/pll_hdmi/pll_hdmi_0002.v b/sys/pll_hdmi/pll_hdmi_0002.v
index 6bea229..9347c76 100644
--- a/sys/pll_hdmi/pll_hdmi_0002.v
+++ b/sys/pll_hdmi/pll_hdmi_0002.v
@@ -11,15 +11,23 @@ module pll_hdmi_0002(
output wire outclk_0,
// interface 'locked'
- output wire locked
+ output wire locked,
+ // interface 'reconfig_to_pll'
+ input wire [63:0] reconfig_to_pll,
+ // interface 'reconfig_from_pll'
+ output wire [63:0] reconfig_from_pll
altera_pll #(
.reference_clock_frequency("50.0 MHz"),
+ .pll_fractional_cout(32),
+ .pll_dsm_out_sel("1st_order"),
- .output_clock_frequency0("74.250000 MHz"),
+ .output_clock_frequency0("148.500000 MHz"),
.phase_shift0("0 ps"),
.output_clock_frequency1("0 MHz"),
@@ -73,15 +81,161 @@ module pll_hdmi_0002(
.output_clock_frequency17("0 MHz"),
.phase_shift17("0 ps"),
- .pll_type("General"),
- .pll_subtype("General")
+ .pll_type("Cyclone V"),
+ .pll_subtype("Reconfigurable"),
+ .m_cnt_hi_div(4),
+ .m_cnt_lo_div(4),
+ .n_cnt_hi_div(256),
+ .n_cnt_lo_div(256),
+ .m_cnt_bypass_en("false"),
+ .n_cnt_bypass_en("true"),
+ .m_cnt_odd_div_duty_en("false"),
+ .n_cnt_odd_div_duty_en("false"),
+ .c_cnt_hi_div0(2),
+ .c_cnt_lo_div0(1),
+ .c_cnt_prst0(1),
+ .c_cnt_ph_mux_prst0(0),
+ .c_cnt_in_src0("ph_mux_clk"),
+ .c_cnt_bypass_en0("false"),
+ .c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en0("true"),
+ .c_cnt_hi_div1(1),
+ .c_cnt_lo_div1(1),
+ .c_cnt_prst1(1),
+ .c_cnt_ph_mux_prst1(0),
+ .c_cnt_in_src1("ph_mux_clk"),
+ .c_cnt_bypass_en1("true"),
+ .c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en1("false"),
+ .c_cnt_hi_div2(1),
+ .c_cnt_lo_div2(1),
+ .c_cnt_prst2(1),
+ .c_cnt_ph_mux_prst2(0),
+ .c_cnt_in_src2("ph_mux_clk"),
+ .c_cnt_bypass_en2("true"),
+ .c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en2("false"),
+ .c_cnt_hi_div3(1),
+ .c_cnt_lo_div3(1),
+ .c_cnt_prst3(1),
+ .c_cnt_ph_mux_prst3(0),
+ .c_cnt_in_src3("ph_mux_clk"),
+ .c_cnt_bypass_en3("true"),
+ .c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en3("false"),
+ .c_cnt_hi_div4(1),
+ .c_cnt_lo_div4(1),
+ .c_cnt_prst4(1),
+ .c_cnt_ph_mux_prst4(0),
+ .c_cnt_in_src4("ph_mux_clk"),
+ .c_cnt_bypass_en4("true"),
+ .c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en4("false"),
+ .c_cnt_hi_div5(1),
+ .c_cnt_lo_div5(1),
+ .c_cnt_prst5(1),
+ .c_cnt_ph_mux_prst5(0),
+ .c_cnt_in_src5("ph_mux_clk"),
+ .c_cnt_bypass_en5("true"),
+ .c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en5("false"),
+ .c_cnt_hi_div6(1),
+ .c_cnt_lo_div6(1),
+ .c_cnt_prst6(1),
+ .c_cnt_ph_mux_prst6(0),
+ .c_cnt_in_src6("ph_mux_clk"),
+ .c_cnt_bypass_en6("true"),
+ .c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en6("false"),
+ .c_cnt_hi_div7(1),
+ .c_cnt_lo_div7(1),
+ .c_cnt_prst7(1),
+ .c_cnt_ph_mux_prst7(0),
+ .c_cnt_in_src7("ph_mux_clk"),
+ .c_cnt_bypass_en7("true"),
+ .c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en7("false"),
+ .c_cnt_hi_div8(1),
+ .c_cnt_lo_div8(1),
+ .c_cnt_prst8(1),
+ .c_cnt_ph_mux_prst8(0),
+ .c_cnt_in_src8("ph_mux_clk"),
+ .c_cnt_bypass_en8("true"),
+ .c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en8("false"),
+ .c_cnt_hi_div9(1),
+ .c_cnt_lo_div9(1),
+ .c_cnt_prst9(1),
+ .c_cnt_ph_mux_prst9(0),
+ .c_cnt_in_src9("ph_mux_clk"),
+ .c_cnt_bypass_en9("true"),
+ .c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en9("false"),
+ .c_cnt_hi_div10(1),
+ .c_cnt_lo_div10(1),
+ .c_cnt_prst10(1),
+ .c_cnt_ph_mux_prst10(0),
+ .c_cnt_in_src10("ph_mux_clk"),
+ .c_cnt_bypass_en10("true"),
+ .c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en10("false"),
+ .c_cnt_hi_div11(1),
+ .c_cnt_lo_div11(1),
+ .c_cnt_prst11(1),
+ .c_cnt_ph_mux_prst11(0),
+ .c_cnt_in_src11("ph_mux_clk"),
+ .c_cnt_bypass_en11("true"),
+ .c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en11("false"),
+ .c_cnt_hi_div12(1),
+ .c_cnt_lo_div12(1),
+ .c_cnt_prst12(1),
+ .c_cnt_ph_mux_prst12(0),
+ .c_cnt_in_src12("ph_mux_clk"),
+ .c_cnt_bypass_en12("true"),
+ .c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en12("false"),
+ .c_cnt_hi_div13(1),
+ .c_cnt_lo_div13(1),
+ .c_cnt_prst13(1),
+ .c_cnt_ph_mux_prst13(0),
+ .c_cnt_in_src13("ph_mux_clk"),
+ .c_cnt_bypass_en13("true"),
+ .c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en13("false"),
+ .c_cnt_hi_div14(1),
+ .c_cnt_lo_div14(1),
+ .c_cnt_prst14(1),
+ .c_cnt_ph_mux_prst14(0),
+ .c_cnt_in_src14("ph_mux_clk"),
+ .c_cnt_bypass_en14("true"),
+ .c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en14("false"),
+ .c_cnt_hi_div15(1),
+ .c_cnt_lo_div15(1),
+ .c_cnt_prst15(1),
+ .c_cnt_ph_mux_prst15(0),
+ .c_cnt_in_src15("ph_mux_clk"),
+ .c_cnt_bypass_en15("true"),
+ .c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en15("false"),
+ .c_cnt_hi_div16(1),
+ .c_cnt_lo_div16(1),
+ .c_cnt_prst16(1),
+ .c_cnt_ph_mux_prst16(0),
+ .c_cnt_in_src16("ph_mux_clk"),
+ .c_cnt_bypass_en16("true"),
+ .c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en16("false"),
+ .c_cnt_hi_div17(1),
+ .c_cnt_lo_div17(1),
+ .c_cnt_prst17(1),
+ .c_cnt_ph_mux_prst17(0),
+ .c_cnt_in_src17("ph_mux_clk"),
+ .c_cnt_bypass_en17("true"),
+ .c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en17("false"),
+ .pll_vco_div(2),
+ .pll_cp_current(20),
+ .pll_bwctrl(4000),
+ .pll_output_clk_frequency("445.499999 MHz"),
+ .pll_fractional_division("3908420153"),
+ .mimic_fbclk_type("none"),
+ .pll_fbclk_mux_1("glb"),
+ .pll_fbclk_mux_2("m_cnt"),
+ .pll_m_cnt_in_src("ph_mux_clk"),
+ .pll_slf_rst("true")
) altera_pll_i (
.rst (rst),
.outclk ({outclk_0}),
.locked (locked),
+ .reconfig_to_pll (reconfig_to_pll),
.fboutclk ( ),
.fbclk (1'b0),
- .refclk (refclk)
+ .refclk (refclk),
+ .reconfig_from_pll (reconfig_from_pll)
diff --git a/sys/pll_hdmi_cfg.qip b/sys/pll_hdmi_cfg.qip
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6447f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/pll_hdmi_cfg.qip
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_TOOL_NAME "altera_pll_reconfig"
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_TOOL_VERSION "17.0"
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_TOOL_ENV "mwpim"
+set_global_assignment -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name MISC_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "pll_hdmi_cfg.cmp"]
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY "Cyclone V"
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_GENERATED_DEVICE_FAMILY "{Cyclone V}"
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_QSYS_MODE "UNKNOWN"
+set_global_assignment -name SYNTHESIS_ONLY_QIP ON
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_NAME "cGxsX2hkbWlfY2Zn"
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_DISPLAY_NAME "QWx0ZXJhIFBMTCBSZWNvbmZpZw=="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_REPORT_HIERARCHY "Off"
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_INTERNAL "Off"
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_AUTHOR "QWx0ZXJhIENvcnBvcmF0aW9u"
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_VERSION "MTcuMA=="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_DESCRIPTION "QWx0ZXJhIFBoYXNlLUxvY2tlZCBMb29wIFJlY29uZmlndXJhdGlvbiBCbG9jayhBTFRFUkFfUExMX1JFQ09ORklHKQ=="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "RU5BQkxFX0JZVEVFTkFCTEU=::ZmFsc2U=::QWRkIGJ5dGVlbmFibGUgcG9ydA=="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "QllURUVOQUJMRV9XSURUSA==::NA==::QllURUVOQUJMRV9XSURUSA=="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "UkVDT05GSUdfQUREUl9XSURUSA==::Ng==::UkVDT05GSUdfQUREUl9XSURUSA=="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "UkVDT05GSUdfREFUQV9XSURUSA==::MzI=::UkVDT05GSUdfREFUQV9XSURUSA=="
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "cmVjb25mX3dpZHRo::NjQ=::cmVjb25mX3dpZHRo"
+set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "V0FJVF9GT1JfTE9DSw==::dHJ1ZQ==::V0FJVF9GT1JfTE9DSw=="
+set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_NAME "YWx0ZXJhX3BsbF9yZWNvbmZpZ190b3A="
+set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_DISPLAY_NAME "QWx0ZXJhIFBMTCBSZWNvbmZpZw=="
+set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_REPORT_HIERARCHY "Off"
+set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_INTERNAL "Off"
+set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_AUTHOR "QWx0ZXJhIENvcnBvcmF0aW9u"
+set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_VERSION "MTcuMA=="
+set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_DESCRIPTION "QWx0ZXJhIFBoYXNlLUxvY2tlZCBMb29wIFJlY29uZmlndXJhdGlvbiBCbG9jayhBTFRFUkFfUExMX1JFQ09ORklHKQ=="
+set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "ZGV2aWNlX2ZhbWlseQ==::Q3ljbG9uZSBW::ZGV2aWNlX2ZhbWlseQ=="
+set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "RU5BQkxFX01JRg==::ZmFsc2U=::RW5hYmxlIE1JRiBTdHJlYW1pbmc="
+set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "RU5BQkxFX0JZVEVFTkFCTEU=::ZmFsc2U=::QWRkIGJ5dGVlbmFibGUgcG9ydA=="
+set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "QllURUVOQUJMRV9XSURUSA==::NA==::QllURUVOQUJMRV9XSURUSA=="
+set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "UkVDT05GSUdfQUREUl9XSURUSA==::Ng==::UkVDT05GSUdfQUREUl9XSURUSA=="
+set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "UkVDT05GSUdfREFUQV9XSURUSA==::MzI=::UkVDT05GSUdfREFUQV9XSURUSA=="
+set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "cmVjb25mX3dpZHRo::NjQ=::cmVjb25mX3dpZHRo"
+set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "V0FJVF9GT1JfTE9DSw==::dHJ1ZQ==::V0FJVF9GT1JfTE9DSw=="
+set_global_assignment -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "pll_hdmi_cfg.v"]
+set_global_assignment -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "pll_hdmi_cfg/altera_pll_reconfig_top.v"]
+set_global_assignment -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "pll_hdmi_cfg/altera_pll_reconfig_core.v"]
+set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_TOOL_NAME "altera_pll_reconfig"
+set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_TOOL_VERSION "17.0"
+set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_TOOL_ENV "mwpim"
diff --git a/sys/pll_hdmi_cfg.v b/sys/pll_hdmi_cfg.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ebf6f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/pll_hdmi_cfg.v
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+// megafunction wizard: %Altera PLL Reconfig v17.0%
+// pll_hdmi_cfg.v
+// Generated using ACDS version 17.0 598
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+module pll_hdmi_cfg #(
+ parameter ENABLE_BYTEENABLE = 0,
+ parameter BYTEENABLE_WIDTH = 4,
+ parameter RECONFIG_ADDR_WIDTH = 6,
+ parameter RECONFIG_DATA_WIDTH = 32,
+ parameter reconf_width = 64,
+ parameter WAIT_FOR_LOCK = 1
+ ) (
+ input wire mgmt_clk, // mgmt_clk.clk
+ input wire mgmt_reset, // mgmt_reset.reset
+ output wire mgmt_waitrequest, // mgmt_avalon_slave.waitrequest
+ input wire mgmt_read, // .read
+ input wire mgmt_write, // .write
+ output wire [31:0] mgmt_readdata, // .readdata
+ input wire [5:0] mgmt_address, // .address
+ input wire [31:0] mgmt_writedata, // .writedata
+ output wire [63:0] reconfig_to_pll, // reconfig_to_pll.reconfig_to_pll
+ input wire [63:0] reconfig_from_pll // reconfig_from_pll.reconfig_from_pll
+ );
+ altera_pll_reconfig_top #(
+ .device_family ("Cyclone V"),
+ .ENABLE_MIF (0),
+ .MIF_FILE_NAME ("sys/pll_hdmi_cfg.mif"),
+ .reconf_width (reconf_width),
+ ) pll_hdmi_cfg_inst (
+ .mgmt_clk (mgmt_clk), // mgmt_clk.clk
+ .mgmt_reset (mgmt_reset), // mgmt_reset.reset
+ .mgmt_waitrequest (mgmt_waitrequest), // mgmt_avalon_slave.waitrequest
+ .mgmt_read (mgmt_read), // .read
+ .mgmt_write (mgmt_write), // .write
+ .mgmt_readdata (mgmt_readdata), // .readdata
+ .mgmt_address (mgmt_address), // .address
+ .mgmt_writedata (mgmt_writedata), // .writedata
+ .reconfig_to_pll (reconfig_to_pll), // reconfig_to_pll.reconfig_to_pll
+ .reconfig_from_pll (reconfig_from_pll), // reconfig_from_pll.reconfig_from_pll
+ .mgmt_byteenable (4'b0000) // (terminated)
+ );
+// Retrieval info:
+// Retrieval info:
+// Retrieval info:
+// Retrieval info:
+// Retrieval info:
+// Retrieval info:
+// Retrieval info:
+// IPFS_FILES : pll_hdmi_cfg.vo
+// RELATED_FILES: pll_hdmi_cfg.v, altera_pll_reconfig_top.v, altera_pll_reconfig_core.v, altera_std_synchronizer.v
diff --git a/sys/pll_hdmi_cfg/altera_pll_reconfig_core.v b/sys/pll_hdmi_cfg/altera_pll_reconfig_core.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bc1fbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/pll_hdmi_cfg/altera_pll_reconfig_core.v
@@ -0,0 +1,2184 @@
+// (C) 2001-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output
+// files any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject
+// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription
+// Agreement, Intel MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other applicable
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by
+// Intel or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable
+// agreement for further details.
+`timescale 1ps/1ps
+module altera_pll_reconfig_core
+ parameter reconf_width = 64,
+ parameter device_family = "Stratix V",
+ // MIF Streaming parameters
+ parameter RECONFIG_ADDR_WIDTH = 6,
+ parameter RECONFIG_DATA_WIDTH = 32,
+ parameter ROM_ADDR_WIDTH = 9,
+ parameter ROM_DATA_WIDTH = 32,
+ parameter ROM_NUM_WORDS = 512
+) (
+ //input
+ input wire mgmt_clk,
+ input wire mgmt_reset,
+ //conduits
+ output wire [reconf_width-1:0] reconfig_to_pll,
+ input wire [reconf_width-1:0] reconfig_from_pll,
+ // user data (avalon-MM slave interface)
+ output wire [31:0] mgmt_readdata,
+ output wire mgmt_waitrequest,
+ input wire [5:0] mgmt_address,
+ input wire mgmt_read,
+ input wire mgmt_write,
+ input wire [31:0] mgmt_writedata,
+ //other
+ output wire mif_start_out,
+ output reg [ROM_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] mif_base_addr
+ localparam mode_WR = 1'b0;
+ localparam mode_POLL = 1'b1;
+ localparam MODE_REG = 6'b000000;
+ localparam STATUS_REG = 6'b000001;
+ localparam START_REG = 6'b000010;
+ localparam N_REG = 6'b000011;
+ localparam M_REG = 6'b000100;
+ localparam C_COUNTERS_REG = 6'b000101;
+ localparam DPS_REG = 6'b000110;
+ localparam DSM_REG = 6'b000111;
+ localparam BWCTRL_REG = 6'b001000;
+ localparam CP_CURRENT_REG = 6'b001001;
+ localparam ANY_DPRIO = 6'b100000;
+ localparam CNT_BASE = 5'b001010;
+ localparam VCO_REG = 6'b011100;
+ localparam MIF_REG = 6'b011111;
+ //C Counters
+ localparam number_of_counters = 5'd18;
+ localparam CNT_0 = 1'd0, CNT_1 = 5'd1, CNT_2 = 5'd2,
+ CNT_3 = 5'd3, CNT_4 = 5'd4, CNT_5 = 5'd5,
+ CNT_6 = 5'd6, CNT_7 = 5'd7, CNT_8 = 5'd8,
+ CNT_9 = 5'd9, CNT_10 = 5'd10, CNT_11 = 5'd11,
+ CNT_12 = 5'd12, CNT_13 = 5'd13, CNT_14 = 5'd14,
+ CNT_15 = 5'd15, CNT_16 = 5'd16, CNT_17 = 5'd17;
+ //C counter addresses
+ localparam C_CNT_0_DIV_ADDR = 5'h00;
+ localparam C_CNT_0_DIV_ADDR_DPRIO_1 = 5'h11;
+ localparam C_CNT_0_3_BYPASS_EN_ADDR = 5'h15;
+ localparam C_CNT_0_3_ODD_DIV_EN_ADDR = 5'h17;
+ localparam C_CNT_4_17_BYPASS_EN_ADDR = 5'h14;
+ localparam C_CNT_4_17_ODD_DIV_EN_ADDR = 5'h16;
+ //N counter addresses
+ localparam N_CNT_DIV_ADDR = 5'h13;
+ localparam N_CNT_BYPASS_EN_ADDR = 5'h15;
+ localparam N_CNT_ODD_DIV_EN_ADDR = 5'h17;
+ //M counter addresses
+ localparam M_CNT_DIV_ADDR = 5'h12;
+ localparam M_CNT_BYPASS_EN_ADDR = 5'h15;
+ localparam M_CNT_ODD_DIV_EN_ADDR = 5'h17;
+ //DSM address
+ localparam DSM_K_FRACTIONAL_DIVISION_ADDR_0 = 5'h18;
+ localparam DSM_K_FRACTIONAL_DIVISION_ADDR_1 = 5'h19;
+ localparam DSM_K_READY_ADDR = 5'h17;
+ localparam DSM_K_DITHER_ADDR = 5'h17;
+ localparam DSM_OUT_SEL_ADDR = 6'h30;
+ //Other DSM params
+ localparam DSM_K_READY_BIT_INDEX = 4'd11;
+ //BWCTRL address
+ //Bit 0-3 of addr
+ localparam BWCTRL_ADDR = 6'h30;
+ //CP_CURRENT address
+ //Bit 0-2 of addr
+ localparam CP_CURRENT_ADDR = 6'h31;
+ // VCODIV address
+ localparam VCO_ADDR = 5'h17;
+ localparam DPRIO_IDLE = 3'd0, ONE = 3'd1, TWO = 3'd2, THREE = 3'd3, FOUR = 3'd4,
+ FIVE = 3'd5, SIX = 3'd6, SEVEN = 3'd7, EIGHT = 4'd8, NINE = 4'd9, TEN = 4'd10,
+ ELEVEN = 4'd11, TWELVE = 4'd12, THIRTEEN = 4'd13, FOURTEEN = 4'd14, DPRIO_DONE = 4'd15;
+ localparam IDLE = 2'b00, WAIT_ON_LOCK = 2'b01, LOCKED = 2'b10;
+ wire clk;
+ wire reset;
+ wire gnd;
+ wire [5: 0] slave_address;
+ wire slave_read;
+ wire slave_write;
+ wire [31: 0] slave_writedata;
+ reg [31: 0] slave_readdata_d;
+ reg [31: 0] slave_readdata_q;
+ wire slave_waitrequest;
+ reg slave_mode;
+ assign clk = mgmt_clk;
+ assign slave_address = mgmt_address;
+ assign slave_read = mgmt_read;
+ assign slave_write = mgmt_write;
+ assign slave_writedata = mgmt_writedata;
+ reg read_waitrequest;
+ // Outputs
+ assign mgmt_readdata = slave_readdata_q;
+ assign mgmt_waitrequest = slave_waitrequest | read_waitrequest; //Read waitrequest asserted in polling mode
+ //internal signals
+ wire locked_orig;
+ wire locked;
+ wire pll_start;
+ wire pll_start_valid;
+ reg status_read;
+ wire read_slave_mode_asserted;
+ wire pll_start_asserted;
+ reg [1:0] current_state;
+ reg [1:0] next_state;
+ reg status;//0=busy, 1=ready
+ //user_mode_init user_mode_init_inst (clk, reset, dprio_mdio_dis, ser_shift_load);
+ //declaring the init wires. These will have 0 on them for 64 clk cycles
+ wire [ 5:0] init_dprio_address;
+ wire init_dprio_read;
+ wire [ 1:0] init_dprio_byteen;
+ wire init_dprio_write;
+ wire [15:0] init_dprio_writedata;
+ wire init_atpgmode;
+ wire init_mdio_dis;
+ wire init_scanen;
+ wire init_ser_shift_load;
+ wire dprio_init_done;
+ //DPRIO output signals after initialization is done
+ wire dprio_clk;
+ reg avmm_dprio_write;
+ reg avmm_dprio_read;
+ reg [5:0] avmm_dprio_address;
+ reg [15:0] avmm_dprio_writedata;
+ reg [1:0] avmm_dprio_byteen;
+ wire avmm_atpgmode;
+ wire avmm_mdio_dis;
+ wire avmm_scanen;
+ //Final output wires that are muxed between the init and avmm wires.
+ wire dprio_init_reset;
+ wire [5:0] dprio_address /*synthesis keep*/;
+ wire dprio_read/*synthesis keep*/;
+ wire [1:0] dprio_byteen/*synthesis keep*/;
+ wire dprio_write/*synthesis keep*/;
+ wire [15:0] dprio_writedata/*synthesis keep*/;
+ wire dprio_mdio_dis/*synthesis keep*/;
+ wire dprio_ser_shift_load/*synthesis keep*/;
+ wire dprio_atpgmode/*synthesis keep*/;
+ wire dprio_scanen/*synthesis keep*/;
+ //other PLL signals for dyn ph shift
+ wire phase_done/*synthesis keep*/;
+ wire phase_en/*synthesis keep*/;
+ wire up_dn/*synthesis keep*/;
+ wire [4:0] cnt_sel;
+ //DPRIO input signals
+ wire [15:0] dprio_readdata;
+ //internal logic signals
+ //storage registers for user sent data
+ reg dprio_temp_read_1;
+ reg dprio_temp_read_2;
+ reg dprio_start;
+ reg mif_start_assert;
+ reg dps_start_assert;
+ wire usr_valid_changes;
+ reg [3:0] dprio_cur_state;
+ reg [3:0] dprio_next_state;
+ reg [15:0] dprio_temp_m_n_c_readdata_1_d;
+ reg [15:0] dprio_temp_m_n_c_readdata_2_d;
+ reg [15:0] dprio_temp_m_n_c_readdata_1_q;
+ reg [15:0] dprio_temp_m_n_c_readdata_2_q;
+ reg dprio_write_done;
+ //C counters signals
+ reg [7:0] usr_c_cnt_lo;
+ reg [7:0] usr_c_cnt_hi;
+ reg usr_c_cnt_bypass_en;
+ reg usr_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en;
+ reg [7:0] temp_c_cnt_lo [0:17];
+ reg [7:0] temp_c_cnt_hi [0:17];
+ reg temp_c_cnt_bypass_en [0:17];
+ reg temp_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en [0:17];
+ reg any_c_cnt_changed;
+ reg all_c_cnt_done_q;
+ reg all_c_cnt_done_d;
+ reg [17:0] c_cnt_changed;
+ reg [17:0] c_cnt_done_d;
+ reg [17:0] c_cnt_done_q;
+ //N counter signals
+ reg [7:0] usr_n_cnt_lo;
+ reg [7:0] usr_n_cnt_hi;
+ reg usr_n_cnt_bypass_en;
+ reg usr_n_cnt_odd_duty_div_en;
+ reg n_cnt_changed;
+ reg n_cnt_done_d;
+ reg n_cnt_done_q;
+ //M counter signals
+ reg [7:0] usr_m_cnt_lo;
+ reg [7:0] usr_m_cnt_hi;
+ reg usr_m_cnt_bypass_en;
+ reg usr_m_cnt_odd_duty_div_en;
+ reg m_cnt_changed;
+ reg m_cnt_done_d;
+ reg m_cnt_done_q;
+ //dyn phase regs
+ reg [15:0] usr_num_shifts;
+ reg [4:0] usr_cnt_sel /*synthesis preserve*/;
+ reg usr_up_dn;
+ reg dps_changed;
+ wire dps_changed_valid;
+ wire dps_done;
+ //DSM Signals
+ reg [31:0] usr_k_value;
+ reg dsm_k_changed;
+ reg dsm_k_done_d;
+ reg dsm_k_done_q;
+ reg dsm_k_ready_false_done_d;
+ //BW signals
+ reg [3:0] usr_bwctrl_value;
+ reg bwctrl_changed;
+ reg bwctrl_done_d;
+ reg bwctrl_done_q;
+ //CP signals
+ reg [2:0] usr_cp_current_value;
+ reg cp_current_changed;
+ reg cp_current_done_d;
+ reg cp_current_done_q;
+ //VCO signals
+ reg usr_vco_value;
+ reg vco_changed;
+ reg vco_done_d;
+ reg vco_done_q;
+ //Manual DPRIO signals
+ reg manual_dprio_done_q;
+ reg manual_dprio_done_d;
+ reg manual_dprio_changed;
+ reg [5:0] usr_dprio_address;
+ reg [15:0] usr_dprio_writedata_0;
+ reg usr_r_w;
+ //keeping track of which operation happened last
+ reg [5:0] operation_address;
+ // Address wires for all C_counter DPRIO registers
+ // These are outputs of LUTS, changing depending
+ // on whether PLL_0 or PLL_1 being used
+ //Fitter will tell if FPLL1 is being used
+ wire fpll_1;
+ // other
+ reg mif_reg_asserted;
+ // Synchronize locked signal
+ altera_std_synchronizer #(
+ .depth(3)
+ ) altera_std_synchronizer_inst (
+ .clk(mgmt_clk),
+ .reset_n(~mgmt_reset),
+ .din(locked_orig),
+ .dout(locked)
+ );
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ begin
+ if (reset)
+ begin
+ dprio_cur_state <= DPRIO_IDLE;
+ current_state <= IDLE;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ current_state <= next_state;
+ dprio_cur_state <= dprio_next_state;
+ end
+ end
+ always @(*)
+ begin
+ case(current_state)
+ begin
+ if (pll_start & !slave_waitrequest & usr_valid_changes)
+ next_state = WAIT_ON_LOCK;
+ else
+ next_state = IDLE;
+ end
+ begin
+ if (locked & dps_done & dprio_write_done) // received locked high from PLL
+ begin
+ if (slave_mode==mode_WR) //if the mode is waitrequest, then
+ // goto IDLE state directly
+ next_state = IDLE;
+ else
+ next_state = LOCKED; //otherwise go the locked state
+ end
+ else
+ next_state = WAIT_ON_LOCK;
+ end
+ begin
+ if (status_read) // stay in LOCKED until user reads status
+ next_state = IDLE;
+ else
+ next_state = LOCKED;
+ end
+ default: next_state = 2'bxx;
+ endcase
+ end
+ // ask the pll to start reconfig
+ assign pll_start = (pll_start_asserted & (current_state==IDLE)) ;
+ assign pll_start_valid = (pll_start & (next_state==WAIT_ON_LOCK)) ;
+ assign pll_start_asserted = slave_write & (slave_address == START_REG);
+ assign mif_start_out = pll_start & mif_reg_asserted;
+ //reading the mode register to determine what mode the slave will operate
+ //in.
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ begin
+ if (reset)
+ slave_mode <= mode_WR;
+ else if (slave_write & (slave_address == MODE_REG) & !slave_waitrequest)
+ slave_mode <= slave_writedata[0];
+ end
+ //record which values user wants to change.
+ //reading in the actual values that need to be reconfigged and sending
+ //them to the PLL
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ begin
+ if (reset)
+ begin
+ //reset all regs here
+ //BW signals reset
+ usr_bwctrl_value <= 0;
+ bwctrl_changed <= 0;
+ bwctrl_done_q <= 0;
+ //CP signals reset
+ usr_cp_current_value <= 0;
+ cp_current_changed <= 0;
+ cp_current_done_q <= 0;
+ //VCO signals reset
+ usr_vco_value <= 0;
+ vco_changed <= 0;
+ vco_done_q <= 0;
+ //DSM signals reset
+ usr_k_value <= 0;
+ dsm_k_changed <= 0;
+ dsm_k_done_q <= 0;
+ //N counter signals reset
+ usr_n_cnt_lo <= 0;
+ usr_n_cnt_hi <= 0;
+ usr_n_cnt_bypass_en <= 0;
+ usr_n_cnt_odd_duty_div_en <= 0;
+ n_cnt_changed <= 0;
+ n_cnt_done_q <= 0;
+ //M counter signals reset
+ usr_m_cnt_lo <= 0;
+ usr_m_cnt_hi <= 0;
+ usr_m_cnt_bypass_en <= 0;
+ usr_m_cnt_odd_duty_div_en <= 0;
+ m_cnt_changed <= 0;
+ m_cnt_done_q <= 0;
+ //C counter signals reset
+ usr_c_cnt_lo <= 0;
+ usr_c_cnt_hi <= 0;
+ usr_c_cnt_bypass_en <= 0;
+ usr_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en <= 0;
+ any_c_cnt_changed <= 0;
+ all_c_cnt_done_q <= 0;
+ c_cnt_done_q <= 0;
+ //generic signals
+ dprio_start <= 0;
+ mif_start_assert <= 0;
+ dps_start_assert <= 0;
+ dprio_temp_m_n_c_readdata_1_q <= 0;
+ dprio_temp_m_n_c_readdata_2_q <= 0;
+ c_cnt_done_q <= 0;
+ //DPS signals
+ usr_up_dn <= 0;
+ usr_cnt_sel <= 0;
+ usr_num_shifts <= 0;
+ dps_changed <= 0;
+ //manual DPRIO signals
+ manual_dprio_changed <= 0;
+ usr_dprio_address <= 0;
+ usr_dprio_writedata_0 <= 0;
+ usr_r_w <= 0;
+ operation_address <= 0;
+ mif_reg_asserted <= 0;
+ mif_base_addr <= 0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (dprio_temp_read_1)
+ begin
+ dprio_temp_m_n_c_readdata_1_q <= dprio_temp_m_n_c_readdata_1_d;
+ end
+ if (dprio_temp_read_2)
+ begin
+ dprio_temp_m_n_c_readdata_2_q <= dprio_temp_m_n_c_readdata_2_d;
+ end
+ if ((dps_done)) dps_changed <= 0;
+ if (dsm_k_done_d) dsm_k_done_q <= dsm_k_done_d;
+ if (n_cnt_done_d) n_cnt_done_q <= n_cnt_done_d;
+ if (m_cnt_done_d) m_cnt_done_q <= m_cnt_done_d;
+ if (all_c_cnt_done_d) all_c_cnt_done_q <= all_c_cnt_done_d;
+ if (c_cnt_done_d != 0) c_cnt_done_q <= c_cnt_done_q | c_cnt_done_d;
+ if (bwctrl_done_d) bwctrl_done_q <= bwctrl_done_d;
+ if (cp_current_done_d) cp_current_done_q <= cp_current_done_d;
+ if (vco_done_d) vco_done_q <= vco_done_d;
+ if (manual_dprio_done_d) manual_dprio_done_q <= manual_dprio_done_d;
+ if (mif_start_out == 1'b1)
+ mif_start_assert <= 0; // Signaled MIF block to start, so deassert on next cycle
+ if (dps_done != 1'b1)
+ dps_start_assert <= 0; // DPS has started, so dessert its start signal on next cycle
+ if (dprio_next_state == ONE)
+ dprio_start <= 0;
+ if (dprio_write_done)
+ begin
+ bwctrl_done_q <= 0;
+ cp_current_done_q <= 0;
+ vco_done_q <= 0;
+ dsm_k_done_q <= 0;
+ dsm_k_done_q <= 0;
+ n_cnt_done_q <= 0;
+ m_cnt_done_q <= 0;
+ all_c_cnt_done_q <= 0;
+ c_cnt_done_q <= 0;
+ dsm_k_changed <= 0;
+ n_cnt_changed <= 0;
+ m_cnt_changed <= 0;
+ any_c_cnt_changed <= 0;
+ bwctrl_changed <= 0;
+ cp_current_changed <= 0;
+ vco_changed <= 0;
+ manual_dprio_changed <= 0;
+ manual_dprio_done_q <= 0;
+ if (dps_changed | dps_changed_valid | !dps_done )
+ begin
+ usr_cnt_sel <= usr_cnt_sel;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ usr_cnt_sel <= 0;
+ end
+ mif_reg_asserted <= 0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ dsm_k_changed <= dsm_k_changed;
+ n_cnt_changed <= n_cnt_changed;
+ m_cnt_changed <= m_cnt_changed;
+ any_c_cnt_changed <= any_c_cnt_changed;
+ manual_dprio_changed <= manual_dprio_changed;
+ mif_reg_asserted <= mif_reg_asserted;
+ usr_cnt_sel <= usr_cnt_sel;
+ end
+ if(slave_write & !slave_waitrequest)
+ begin
+ case(slave_address)
+ //read in the values here from the user and act on them
+ begin
+ operation_address <= DSM_REG;
+ usr_k_value <= slave_writedata[31:0];
+ dsm_k_changed <= 1'b1;
+ dsm_k_done_q <= 0;
+ dprio_start <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ N_REG:
+ begin
+ operation_address <= N_REG;
+ usr_n_cnt_lo <= slave_writedata[7:0];
+ usr_n_cnt_hi <= slave_writedata[15:8];
+ usr_n_cnt_bypass_en <= slave_writedata[16];
+ usr_n_cnt_odd_duty_div_en <= slave_writedata[17];
+ n_cnt_changed <= 1'b1;
+ n_cnt_done_q <= 0;
+ dprio_start <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ M_REG:
+ begin
+ operation_address <= M_REG;
+ usr_m_cnt_lo <= slave_writedata[7:0];
+ usr_m_cnt_hi <= slave_writedata[15:8];
+ usr_m_cnt_bypass_en <= slave_writedata[16];
+ usr_m_cnt_odd_duty_div_en <= slave_writedata[17];
+ m_cnt_changed <= 1'b1;
+ m_cnt_done_q <= 0;
+ dprio_start <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ begin
+ operation_address <= DPS_REG;
+ usr_num_shifts <= slave_writedata[15:0];
+ usr_cnt_sel <= slave_writedata[20:16];
+ usr_up_dn <= slave_writedata[21];
+ dps_changed <= 1;
+ dps_start_assert <= 1;
+ end
+ begin
+ operation_address <= C_COUNTERS_REG;
+ usr_c_cnt_lo <= slave_writedata[7:0];
+ usr_c_cnt_hi <= slave_writedata[15:8];
+ usr_c_cnt_bypass_en <= slave_writedata[16];
+ usr_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en <= slave_writedata[17];
+ usr_cnt_sel <= slave_writedata[22:18];
+ any_c_cnt_changed <= 1'b1;
+ all_c_cnt_done_q <= 0;
+ dprio_start <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ begin
+ usr_bwctrl_value <= slave_writedata[3:0];
+ bwctrl_changed <= 1'b1;
+ bwctrl_done_q <= 0;
+ dprio_start <= 1'b1;
+ operation_address <= BWCTRL_REG;
+ end
+ begin
+ usr_cp_current_value <= slave_writedata[2:0];
+ cp_current_changed <= 1'b1;
+ cp_current_done_q <= 0;
+ dprio_start <= 1'b1;
+ operation_address <= CP_CURRENT_REG;
+ end
+ begin
+ usr_vco_value <= slave_writedata[0];
+ vco_changed <= 1'b1;
+ vco_done_q <= 0;
+ dprio_start <= 1'b1;
+ operation_address <= VCO_REG;
+ end
+ begin
+ operation_address <= ANY_DPRIO;
+ manual_dprio_changed <= 1'b1;
+ usr_dprio_address <= slave_writedata[5:0];
+ usr_dprio_writedata_0 <= slave_writedata[21:6];
+ usr_r_w <= slave_writedata[22];
+ manual_dprio_done_q <= 0;
+ dprio_start <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ begin
+ mif_reg_asserted <= 1'b1;
+ mif_base_addr <= slave_writedata[ROM_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0];
+ mif_start_assert <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ endcase
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ //C Counter assigning values to the 2-d array of values for each C counter
+ reg [4:0] j;
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ begin
+ if (reset)
+ begin
+ c_cnt_changed[17:0] <= 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < number_of_counters; j = j + 1'b1)
+ begin : c_cnt_reset
+ temp_c_cnt_bypass_en[j] <= 0;
+ temp_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en[j] <= 0;
+ temp_c_cnt_lo[j][7:0] <= 0;
+ temp_c_cnt_hi[j][7:0] <= 0;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (dprio_write_done)
+ begin
+ c_cnt_changed <= 0;
+ end
+ if (any_c_cnt_changed && (operation_address == C_COUNTERS_REG))
+ begin
+ case (cnt_sel)
+ CNT_0:
+ begin
+ temp_c_cnt_lo [0] <= usr_c_cnt_lo;
+ temp_c_cnt_hi [0] <= usr_c_cnt_hi;
+ temp_c_cnt_bypass_en [0] <= usr_c_cnt_bypass_en;
+ temp_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en [0] <= usr_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en;
+ c_cnt_changed [0] <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ CNT_1:
+ begin
+ temp_c_cnt_lo [1] <= usr_c_cnt_lo;
+ temp_c_cnt_hi [1] <= usr_c_cnt_hi;
+ temp_c_cnt_bypass_en [1] <= usr_c_cnt_bypass_en;
+ temp_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en [1] <= usr_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en;
+ c_cnt_changed [1] <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ CNT_2:
+ begin
+ temp_c_cnt_lo [2] <= usr_c_cnt_lo;
+ temp_c_cnt_hi [2] <= usr_c_cnt_hi;
+ temp_c_cnt_bypass_en [2] <= usr_c_cnt_bypass_en;
+ temp_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en [2] <= usr_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en;
+ c_cnt_changed [2] <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ CNT_3:
+ begin
+ temp_c_cnt_lo [3] <= usr_c_cnt_lo;
+ temp_c_cnt_hi [3] <= usr_c_cnt_hi;
+ temp_c_cnt_bypass_en [3] <= usr_c_cnt_bypass_en;
+ temp_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en [3] <= usr_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en;
+ c_cnt_changed [3] <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ CNT_4:
+ begin
+ temp_c_cnt_lo [4] <= usr_c_cnt_lo;
+ temp_c_cnt_hi [4] <= usr_c_cnt_hi;
+ temp_c_cnt_bypass_en [4] <= usr_c_cnt_bypass_en;
+ temp_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en [4] <= usr_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en;
+ c_cnt_changed [4] <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ CNT_5:
+ begin
+ temp_c_cnt_lo [5] <= usr_c_cnt_lo;
+ temp_c_cnt_hi [5] <= usr_c_cnt_hi;
+ temp_c_cnt_bypass_en [5] <= usr_c_cnt_bypass_en;
+ temp_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en [5] <= usr_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en;
+ c_cnt_changed [5] <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ CNT_6:
+ begin
+ temp_c_cnt_lo [6] <= usr_c_cnt_lo;
+ temp_c_cnt_hi [6] <= usr_c_cnt_hi;
+ temp_c_cnt_bypass_en [6] <= usr_c_cnt_bypass_en;
+ temp_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en [6] <= usr_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en;
+ c_cnt_changed [6] <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ CNT_7:
+ begin
+ temp_c_cnt_lo [7] <= usr_c_cnt_lo;
+ temp_c_cnt_hi [7] <= usr_c_cnt_hi;
+ temp_c_cnt_bypass_en [7] <= usr_c_cnt_bypass_en;
+ temp_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en [7] <= usr_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en;
+ c_cnt_changed [7] <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ CNT_8:
+ begin
+ temp_c_cnt_lo [8] <= usr_c_cnt_lo;
+ temp_c_cnt_hi [8] <= usr_c_cnt_hi;
+ temp_c_cnt_bypass_en [8] <= usr_c_cnt_bypass_en;
+ temp_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en [8] <= usr_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en;
+ c_cnt_changed [8] <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ CNT_9:
+ begin
+ temp_c_cnt_lo [9] <= usr_c_cnt_lo;
+ temp_c_cnt_hi [9] <= usr_c_cnt_hi;
+ temp_c_cnt_bypass_en [9] <= usr_c_cnt_bypass_en;
+ temp_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en [9] <= usr_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en;
+ c_cnt_changed [9] <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ CNT_10:
+ begin
+ temp_c_cnt_lo [10] <= usr_c_cnt_lo;
+ temp_c_cnt_hi [10] <= usr_c_cnt_hi;
+ temp_c_cnt_bypass_en [10] <= usr_c_cnt_bypass_en;
+ temp_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en [10] <= usr_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en;
+ c_cnt_changed [10] <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ CNT_11:
+ begin
+ temp_c_cnt_lo [11] <= usr_c_cnt_lo;
+ temp_c_cnt_hi [11] <= usr_c_cnt_hi;
+ temp_c_cnt_bypass_en [11] <= usr_c_cnt_bypass_en;
+ temp_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en [11] <= usr_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en;
+ c_cnt_changed [11] <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ CNT_12:
+ begin
+ temp_c_cnt_lo [12] <= usr_c_cnt_lo;
+ temp_c_cnt_hi [12] <= usr_c_cnt_hi;
+ temp_c_cnt_bypass_en [12] <= usr_c_cnt_bypass_en;
+ temp_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en [12] <= usr_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en;
+ c_cnt_changed [12] <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ CNT_13:
+ begin
+ temp_c_cnt_lo [13] <= usr_c_cnt_lo;
+ temp_c_cnt_hi [13] <= usr_c_cnt_hi;
+ temp_c_cnt_bypass_en [13] <= usr_c_cnt_bypass_en;
+ temp_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en [13] <= usr_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en;
+ c_cnt_changed [13] <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ CNT_14:
+ begin
+ temp_c_cnt_lo [14] <= usr_c_cnt_lo;
+ temp_c_cnt_hi [14] <= usr_c_cnt_hi;
+ temp_c_cnt_bypass_en [14] <= usr_c_cnt_bypass_en;
+ temp_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en [14] <= usr_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en;
+ c_cnt_changed [14] <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ CNT_15:
+ begin
+ temp_c_cnt_lo [15] <= usr_c_cnt_lo;
+ temp_c_cnt_hi [15] <= usr_c_cnt_hi;
+ temp_c_cnt_bypass_en [15] <= usr_c_cnt_bypass_en;
+ temp_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en [15] <= usr_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en;
+ c_cnt_changed [15] <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ CNT_16:
+ begin
+ temp_c_cnt_lo [16] <= usr_c_cnt_lo;
+ temp_c_cnt_hi [16] <= usr_c_cnt_hi;
+ temp_c_cnt_bypass_en [16] <= usr_c_cnt_bypass_en;
+ temp_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en [16] <= usr_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en;
+ c_cnt_changed [16] <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ CNT_17:
+ begin
+ temp_c_cnt_lo [17] <= usr_c_cnt_lo;
+ temp_c_cnt_hi [17] <= usr_c_cnt_hi;
+ temp_c_cnt_bypass_en [17] <= usr_c_cnt_bypass_en;
+ temp_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en [17] <= usr_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en;
+ c_cnt_changed [17] <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ endcase
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ //logic to handle which writes the user indicated and wants to start.
+ assign usr_valid_changes =dsm_k_changed| any_c_cnt_changed |n_cnt_changed | m_cnt_changed | dps_changed_valid |manual_dprio_changed |cp_current_changed|bwctrl_changed|vco_changed;
+ //start the reconfig operations by writing to the DPRIO
+ reg break_loop;
+ reg [4:0] i;
+ always @(*)
+ begin
+ dprio_temp_read_1 = 0;
+ dprio_temp_read_2 = 0;
+ dprio_temp_m_n_c_readdata_1_d = 0;
+ dprio_temp_m_n_c_readdata_2_d = 0;
+ break_loop = 0;
+ dprio_next_state = DPRIO_IDLE;
+ avmm_dprio_write = 0;
+ avmm_dprio_read = 0;
+ avmm_dprio_address = 0;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata = 0;
+ avmm_dprio_byteen = 0;
+ dprio_write_done = 1;
+ manual_dprio_done_d = 0;
+ n_cnt_done_d = 0;
+ dsm_k_done_d = 0;
+ dsm_k_ready_false_done_d = 0;
+ m_cnt_done_d = 0;
+ c_cnt_done_d[17:0] = 0;
+ all_c_cnt_done_d = 0;
+ bwctrl_done_d = 0;
+ cp_current_done_d = 0;
+ vco_done_d = 0;
+ i = 0;
+ // Deassert dprio_write_done so it doesn't reset mif_reg_asserted (toggled writes)
+ if (dprio_start | mif_start_assert)
+ dprio_write_done = 0;
+ if (current_state == WAIT_ON_LOCK)
+ begin
+ case (dprio_cur_state)
+ ONE:
+ begin
+ if (n_cnt_changed & !n_cnt_done_q)
+ begin
+ dprio_write_done = 0;
+ avmm_dprio_write = 1'b1;
+ avmm_dprio_byteen = 2'b11;
+ dprio_next_state = TWO;
+ avmm_dprio_address = N_CNT_DIV_ADDR;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata[7:0] = usr_n_cnt_lo;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata[15:8] = usr_n_cnt_hi;
+ end
+ else if (m_cnt_changed & !m_cnt_done_q)
+ begin
+ dprio_write_done = 0;
+ avmm_dprio_write = 1'b1;
+ avmm_dprio_byteen = 2'b11;
+ dprio_next_state = TWO;
+ avmm_dprio_address = M_CNT_DIV_ADDR;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata[7:0] = usr_m_cnt_lo;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata[15:8] = usr_m_cnt_hi;
+ end
+ else if (any_c_cnt_changed & !all_c_cnt_done_q)
+ begin
+ for (i = 0; (i < number_of_counters) & !break_loop; i = i + 1'b1)
+ begin : c_cnt_write_hilo
+ if (c_cnt_changed[i] & !c_cnt_done_q[i])
+ begin
+ dprio_write_done = 0;
+ avmm_dprio_write = 1'b1;
+ avmm_dprio_byteen = 2'b11;
+ dprio_next_state = TWO;
+ if (fpll_1) avmm_dprio_address = C_CNT_0_DIV_ADDR + C_CNT_0_DIV_ADDR_DPRIO_1 - i;
+ else avmm_dprio_address = C_CNT_0_DIV_ADDR + i;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata[7:0] = temp_c_cnt_lo[i];
+ avmm_dprio_writedata[15:8] = temp_c_cnt_hi[i];
+ //To break from the loop, since only one counter
+ //is addressed at a time
+ break_loop = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else if (dsm_k_changed & !dsm_k_done_q)
+ begin
+ dprio_write_done = 0;
+ avmm_dprio_write = 0;
+ dprio_next_state = TWO;
+ end
+ else if (bwctrl_changed & !bwctrl_done_q)
+ begin
+ dprio_write_done = 0;
+ avmm_dprio_write = 0;
+ dprio_next_state = TWO;
+ end
+ else if (cp_current_changed & !cp_current_done_q)
+ begin
+ dprio_write_done = 0;
+ avmm_dprio_write = 0;
+ dprio_next_state = TWO;
+ end
+ else if (vco_changed & !vco_done_q)
+ begin
+ dprio_write_done = 0;
+ avmm_dprio_write = 0;
+ dprio_next_state = TWO;
+ end
+ else if (manual_dprio_changed & !manual_dprio_done_q)
+ begin
+ dprio_write_done = 0;
+ avmm_dprio_byteen = 2'b11;
+ dprio_next_state = TWO;
+ avmm_dprio_write = usr_r_w;
+ avmm_dprio_address = usr_dprio_address;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata[15:0] = usr_dprio_writedata_0;
+ end
+ else dprio_next_state = DPRIO_IDLE;
+ end
+ TWO:
+ begin
+ //handle reading the two setting bits on n_cnt, then
+ //writing them back while preserving other bits.
+ //Issue two consecutive reads then wait; readLatency=3
+ dprio_write_done = 0;
+ dprio_next_state = THREE;
+ avmm_dprio_byteen = 2'b11;
+ avmm_dprio_read = 1'b1;
+ if (n_cnt_changed & !n_cnt_done_q)
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = N_CNT_BYPASS_EN_ADDR;
+ end
+ else if (m_cnt_changed & !m_cnt_done_q)
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = M_CNT_BYPASS_EN_ADDR;
+ end
+ else if (any_c_cnt_changed & !all_c_cnt_done_q)
+ begin
+ for (i = 0; (i < number_of_counters) & !break_loop; i = i + 1'b1)
+ begin : c_cnt_read_bypass
+ if (fpll_1)
+ begin
+ if (i > 13)
+ begin
+ if (c_cnt_changed[i] & !c_cnt_done_q[i])
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = C_CNT_0_3_BYPASS_EN_ADDR;
+ break_loop = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (c_cnt_changed[i] & !c_cnt_done_q[i])
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = C_CNT_4_17_BYPASS_EN_ADDR;
+ break_loop = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (i < 4)
+ begin
+ if (c_cnt_changed[i] & !c_cnt_done_q[i])
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = C_CNT_0_3_BYPASS_EN_ADDR;
+ break_loop = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (c_cnt_changed[i] & !c_cnt_done_q[i])
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = C_CNT_4_17_BYPASS_EN_ADDR;
+ break_loop = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ //reading the K ready 16 bit word. Need to write 0 to it
+ //afterwards to indicate that K has not been done writing
+ else if (dsm_k_changed & !dsm_k_done_q)
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = DSM_K_READY_ADDR;
+ dprio_next_state = FOUR;
+ end
+ else if (bwctrl_changed & !bwctrl_done_q)
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = BWCTRL_ADDR;
+ dprio_next_state = FOUR;
+ end
+ else if (cp_current_changed & !cp_current_done_q)
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = CP_CURRENT_ADDR;
+ dprio_next_state = FOUR;
+ end
+ else if (vco_changed & !vco_done_q)
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = VCO_ADDR;
+ dprio_next_state = FOUR;
+ end
+ else if (manual_dprio_changed & !manual_dprio_done_q)
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_read = ~usr_r_w;
+ avmm_dprio_address = usr_dprio_address;
+ dprio_next_state = DPRIO_DONE;
+ end
+ else dprio_next_state = DPRIO_IDLE;
+ end
+ begin
+ dprio_write_done = 0;
+ avmm_dprio_byteen = 2'b11;
+ avmm_dprio_read = 1'b1;
+ dprio_next_state = FOUR;
+ if (n_cnt_changed & !n_cnt_done_q)
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = N_CNT_ODD_DIV_EN_ADDR;
+ end
+ else if (m_cnt_changed & !m_cnt_done_q)
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = M_CNT_ODD_DIV_EN_ADDR;
+ end
+ else if (any_c_cnt_changed & !all_c_cnt_done_q)
+ begin
+ for (i = 0; (i < number_of_counters) & !break_loop; i = i + 1'b1)
+ begin : c_cnt_read_odd_div
+ if (fpll_1)
+ begin
+ if (i > 13)
+ begin
+ if (c_cnt_changed[i] & !c_cnt_done_q[i])
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = C_CNT_0_3_ODD_DIV_EN_ADDR;
+ break_loop = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (c_cnt_changed[i] & !c_cnt_done_q[i])
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = C_CNT_4_17_ODD_DIV_EN_ADDR;
+ break_loop = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (i < 4)
+ begin
+ if (c_cnt_changed[i] & !c_cnt_done_q[i])
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = C_CNT_0_3_ODD_DIV_EN_ADDR;
+ break_loop = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (c_cnt_changed[i] & !c_cnt_done_q[i])
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = C_CNT_4_17_ODD_DIV_EN_ADDR;
+ break_loop = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else dprio_next_state = DPRIO_IDLE;
+ end
+ begin
+ dprio_temp_read_1 = 1'b1;
+ dprio_write_done = 0;
+ if (vco_changed|cp_current_changed|bwctrl_changed|dsm_k_changed|n_cnt_changed|m_cnt_changed|any_c_cnt_changed)
+ begin
+ dprio_temp_m_n_c_readdata_1_d = dprio_readdata;
+ dprio_next_state = FIVE;
+ end
+ else dprio_next_state = DPRIO_IDLE;
+ end
+ begin
+ dprio_write_done = 0;
+ dprio_temp_read_2 = 1'b1;
+ if (vco_changed|cp_current_changed|bwctrl_changed|dsm_k_changed|n_cnt_changed|m_cnt_changed|any_c_cnt_changed)
+ begin
+ //this is where DSM ready value comes.
+ //Need to store in a register to be used later
+ dprio_temp_m_n_c_readdata_2_d = dprio_readdata;
+ dprio_next_state = SIX;
+ end
+ else dprio_next_state = DPRIO_IDLE;
+ end
+ SIX:
+ begin
+ dprio_write_done = 0;
+ avmm_dprio_write = 1'b1;
+ avmm_dprio_byteen = 2'b11;
+ dprio_next_state = SEVEN;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata = dprio_temp_m_n_c_readdata_1_q;
+ if (n_cnt_changed & !n_cnt_done_q)
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = N_CNT_BYPASS_EN_ADDR;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata[5] = usr_n_cnt_bypass_en;
+ end
+ else if (m_cnt_changed & !m_cnt_done_q)
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = M_CNT_BYPASS_EN_ADDR;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata[4] = usr_m_cnt_bypass_en;
+ end
+ else if (any_c_cnt_changed & !all_c_cnt_done_q)
+ begin
+ for (i = 0; (i < number_of_counters) & !break_loop; i = i + 1'b1)
+ begin : c_cnt_write_bypass
+ if (fpll_1)
+ begin
+ if (i > 13)
+ begin
+ if (c_cnt_changed[i] & !c_cnt_done_q[i])
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = C_CNT_0_3_BYPASS_EN_ADDR;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata[i-14] = temp_c_cnt_bypass_en[i];
+ break_loop = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (c_cnt_changed[i] & !c_cnt_done_q[i])
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = C_CNT_4_17_BYPASS_EN_ADDR;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata[i] = temp_c_cnt_bypass_en[i];
+ break_loop = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (i < 4)
+ begin
+ if (c_cnt_changed[i] & !c_cnt_done_q[i])
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = C_CNT_0_3_BYPASS_EN_ADDR;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata[3-i] = temp_c_cnt_bypass_en[i];
+ break_loop = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (c_cnt_changed[i] & !c_cnt_done_q[i])
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = C_CNT_4_17_BYPASS_EN_ADDR;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata[17-i] = temp_c_cnt_bypass_en[i];
+ break_loop = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else if (dsm_k_changed & !dsm_k_done_q)
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_write = 0;
+ end
+ else if (bwctrl_changed & !bwctrl_done_q)
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_write = 0;
+ end
+ else if (cp_current_changed & !cp_current_done_q)
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_write = 0;
+ end
+ else if (vco_changed & !vco_done_q)
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_write = 0;
+ end
+ else dprio_next_state = DPRIO_IDLE;
+ end
+ begin
+ dprio_write_done = 0;
+ dprio_next_state = EIGHT;
+ avmm_dprio_write = 1'b1;
+ avmm_dprio_byteen = 2'b11;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata = dprio_temp_m_n_c_readdata_2_q;
+ if (n_cnt_changed & !n_cnt_done_q)
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = N_CNT_ODD_DIV_EN_ADDR;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata[5] = usr_n_cnt_odd_duty_div_en;
+ n_cnt_done_d = 1'b1;
+ end
+ else if (m_cnt_changed & !m_cnt_done_q)
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = M_CNT_ODD_DIV_EN_ADDR;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata[4] = usr_m_cnt_odd_duty_div_en;
+ m_cnt_done_d = 1'b1;
+ end
+ else if (any_c_cnt_changed & !all_c_cnt_done_q)
+ begin
+ for (i = 0; (i < number_of_counters) & !break_loop; i = i + 1'b1)
+ begin : c_cnt_write_odd_div
+ if (fpll_1)
+ begin
+ if (i > 13)
+ begin
+ if (c_cnt_changed[i] & !c_cnt_done_q[i])
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = C_CNT_0_3_ODD_DIV_EN_ADDR;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata[i-14] = temp_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en[i];
+ c_cnt_done_d[i] = 1'b1;
+ //have to OR the signals to prevent
+ //overwriting of previous dones
+ c_cnt_done_d = c_cnt_done_d | c_cnt_done_q;
+ break_loop = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (c_cnt_changed[i] & !c_cnt_done_q[i])
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = C_CNT_4_17_ODD_DIV_EN_ADDR;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata[i] = temp_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en[i];
+ c_cnt_done_d[i] = 1'b1;
+ c_cnt_done_d = c_cnt_done_d | c_cnt_done_q;
+ break_loop = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (i < 4)
+ begin
+ if (c_cnt_changed[i] & !c_cnt_done_q[i])
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = C_CNT_0_3_ODD_DIV_EN_ADDR;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata[3-i] = temp_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en[i];
+ c_cnt_done_d[i] = 1'b1;
+ //have to OR the signals to prevent
+ //overwriting of previous dones
+ c_cnt_done_d = c_cnt_done_d | c_cnt_done_q;
+ break_loop = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (c_cnt_changed[i] & !c_cnt_done_q[i])
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = C_CNT_4_17_ODD_DIV_EN_ADDR;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata[17-i] = temp_c_cnt_odd_duty_div_en[i];
+ c_cnt_done_d[i] = 1'b1;
+ c_cnt_done_d = c_cnt_done_d | c_cnt_done_q;
+ break_loop = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else if (dsm_k_changed & !dsm_k_done_q)
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = DSM_K_READY_ADDR;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata[DSM_K_READY_BIT_INDEX] = 1'b0;
+ dsm_k_ready_false_done_d = 1'b1;
+ end
+ else if (bwctrl_changed & !bwctrl_done_q)
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = BWCTRL_ADDR;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata[3:0] = usr_bwctrl_value;
+ bwctrl_done_d = 1'b1;
+ end
+ else if (cp_current_changed & !cp_current_done_q)
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = CP_CURRENT_ADDR;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata[2:0] = usr_cp_current_value;
+ cp_current_done_d = 1'b1;
+ end
+ else if (vco_changed & !vco_done_q)
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = VCO_ADDR;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata[8] = usr_vco_value;
+ vco_done_d = 1'b1;
+ end
+ //if all C_cnt that were changed are done, then assert all_c_cnt_done
+ if (c_cnt_done_d == c_cnt_changed)
+ all_c_cnt_done_d = 1'b1;
+ if (n_cnt_changed & n_cnt_done_d)
+ dprio_next_state = DPRIO_DONE;
+ if (any_c_cnt_changed & !all_c_cnt_done_d & !all_c_cnt_done_q)
+ dprio_next_state = ONE;
+ else if (m_cnt_changed & !m_cnt_done_d & !m_cnt_done_q)
+ dprio_next_state = ONE;
+ else if (dsm_k_changed & !dsm_k_ready_false_done_d)
+ dprio_next_state = TWO;
+ else if (dsm_k_changed & !dsm_k_done_q)
+ dprio_next_state = EIGHT;
+ else if (bwctrl_changed & !bwctrl_done_d)
+ dprio_next_state = TWO;
+ else if (cp_current_changed & !cp_current_done_d)
+ dprio_next_state = TWO;
+ else if (vco_changed & !vco_done_d)
+ dprio_next_state = TWO;
+ else
+ begin
+ dprio_next_state = DPRIO_DONE;
+ dprio_write_done = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ //finish the rest of the DSM reads/writes
+ //writing k value, writing k_ready to 1.
+ begin
+ dprio_write_done = 0;
+ dprio_next_state = NINE;
+ avmm_dprio_write = 1'b1;
+ avmm_dprio_byteen = 2'b11;
+ if (dsm_k_changed & !dsm_k_done_q)
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = DSM_K_FRACTIONAL_DIVISION_ADDR_0;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata[15:0] = usr_k_value[15:0];
+ end
+ end
+ begin
+ dprio_write_done = 0;
+ dprio_next_state = TEN;
+ avmm_dprio_write = 1'b1;
+ avmm_dprio_byteen = 2'b11;
+ if (dsm_k_changed & !dsm_k_done_q)
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = DSM_K_FRACTIONAL_DIVISION_ADDR_1;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata[15:0] = usr_k_value[31:16];
+ end
+ end
+ TEN:
+ begin
+ dprio_write_done = 0;
+ dprio_next_state = ONE;
+ avmm_dprio_write = 1'b1;
+ avmm_dprio_byteen = 2'b11;
+ if (dsm_k_changed & !dsm_k_done_q)
+ begin
+ avmm_dprio_address = DSM_K_READY_ADDR;
+ //already have the readdata for DSM_K_READY_ADDR since we read it
+ //earlier. Just reuse here
+ avmm_dprio_writedata = dprio_temp_m_n_c_readdata_2_q;
+ avmm_dprio_writedata[DSM_K_READY_BIT_INDEX] = 1'b1;
+ dsm_k_done_d = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ begin
+ dprio_write_done = 1'b1;
+ if (dprio_start) dprio_next_state = DPRIO_IDLE;
+ else dprio_next_state = DPRIO_DONE;
+ end
+ begin
+ if (dprio_start) dprio_next_state = ONE;
+ else dprio_next_state = DPRIO_IDLE;
+ end
+ default: dprio_next_state = 4'bxxxx;
+ endcase
+ end
+ end
+ //assert the waitreq signal according to the state of the slave
+ assign slave_waitrequest = (slave_mode==mode_WR) ? ((locked === 1'b1) ? (((current_state==WAIT_ON_LOCK) & !dprio_write_done) | !dps_done |reset|!dprio_init_done) : 1'b1) : 1'b0;
+ // Read operations
+ always @(*)
+ begin
+ status = 0;
+ if (slave_mode == mode_POLL)
+ //asserting status to 1 if the slave is done.
+ status = (current_state == LOCKED);
+ end
+ //************************************************************//
+ //************************************************************//
+ //******************** READ STATE MACHINE ********************//
+ //************************************************************//
+ //************************************************************//
+ reg [1:0] current_read_state;
+ reg [1:0] next_read_state;
+ reg [5:0] slave_address_int_d;
+ reg [5:0] slave_address_int_q;
+ reg dprio_read_1;
+ reg [5:0] dprio_address_1;
+ reg [1:0] dprio_byteen_1;
+ reg [4:0] usr_cnt_sel_1;
+ localparam READ = 2'b00, READ_WAIT = 2'b01, READ_IDLE = 2'b10, READ_POST_WAIT = 2'b11;
+ always @(*)
+ begin
+ if(next_read_state == READ_IDLE)
+ begin
+ read_waitrequest <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ read_waitrequest <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ begin
+ if (reset)
+ begin
+ current_read_state <= READ_IDLE;
+ slave_address_int_q <= 0;
+ slave_readdata_q <= 0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ current_read_state <= next_read_state;
+ slave_address_int_q <= slave_address_int_d;
+ slave_readdata_q <= slave_readdata_d;
+ end
+ end
+ always @(*)
+ begin
+ dprio_read_1 = 0;
+ dprio_address_1 = 0;
+ dprio_byteen_1 = 0;
+ slave_address_int_d = 0;
+ slave_readdata_d = 0;
+ status_read = 0;
+ usr_cnt_sel_1 = 0;
+ case(current_read_state)
+ begin
+ slave_address_int_d = 0;
+ next_read_state = READ_IDLE;
+ if ((current_state != WAIT_ON_LOCK) && slave_read)
+ begin
+ slave_address_int_d = slave_address;
+ if ((slave_address >= CNT_BASE) && (slave_address < CNT_BASE+18))
+ begin
+ next_read_state = READ_WAIT;
+ dprio_byteen_1 = 2'b11;
+ dprio_read_1 = 1'b1;
+ usr_cnt_sel_1 = (slave_address[4:0] - CNT_BASE);
+ if (fpll_1) dprio_address_1 = C_CNT_0_DIV_ADDR + C_CNT_0_DIV_ADDR_DPRIO_1 - cnt_sel;
+ else dprio_address_1 = C_CNT_0_DIV_ADDR + cnt_sel;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ case (slave_address)
+ begin
+ next_read_state = READ_WAIT;
+ slave_readdata_d = slave_mode;
+ end
+ begin
+ next_read_state = READ_WAIT;
+ status_read = 1'b1;
+ slave_readdata_d = status;
+ end
+ N_REG:
+ begin
+ dprio_byteen_1 = 2'b11;
+ dprio_read_1 = 1'b1;
+ dprio_address_1 = N_CNT_DIV_ADDR;
+ next_read_state = READ_WAIT;
+ end
+ M_REG:
+ begin
+ dprio_byteen_1 = 2'b11;
+ dprio_read_1 = 1'b1;
+ dprio_address_1 = M_CNT_DIV_ADDR;
+ next_read_state = READ_WAIT;
+ end
+ begin
+ dprio_byteen_1 = 2'b11;
+ dprio_read_1 = 1'b1;
+ dprio_address_1 = BWCTRL_ADDR;
+ next_read_state = READ_WAIT;
+ end
+ begin
+ dprio_byteen_1 = 2'b11;
+ dprio_read_1 = 1'b1;
+ dprio_address_1 = CP_CURRENT_ADDR;
+ next_read_state = READ_WAIT;
+ end
+ begin
+ dprio_byteen_1 = 2'b11;
+ dprio_read_1 = 1'b1;
+ dprio_address_1 = VCO_ADDR;
+ next_read_state = READ_WAIT;
+ end
+ begin
+ dprio_byteen_1 = 2'b11;
+ dprio_read_1 = ~slave_writedata[22];
+ dprio_address_1 = slave_writedata[5:0];
+ next_read_state = READ_WAIT;
+ end
+ default : next_read_state = READ_IDLE;
+ endcase
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ next_read_state = READ_IDLE;
+ end
+ begin
+ next_read_state = READ;
+ slave_address_int_d = slave_address_int_q;
+ case (slave_address_int_q)
+ begin
+ slave_readdata_d = slave_readdata_q;
+ end
+ begin
+ slave_readdata_d = slave_readdata_q;
+ end
+ endcase
+ end
+ begin
+ next_read_state = READ_POST_WAIT;
+ slave_address_int_d = slave_address_int_q;
+ slave_readdata_d = dprio_readdata;
+ case (slave_address_int_q)
+ begin
+ slave_readdata_d = slave_readdata_q;
+ end
+ begin
+ slave_readdata_d = slave_readdata_q;
+ end
+ begin
+ slave_readdata_d = dprio_readdata[3:0];
+ end
+ begin
+ slave_readdata_d = dprio_readdata[2:0];
+ end
+ begin
+ slave_readdata_d = dprio_readdata[8];
+ end
+ begin
+ slave_readdata_d = dprio_readdata;
+ end
+ endcase
+ end
+ begin
+ next_read_state = READ_IDLE;
+ end
+ default: next_read_state = 2'bxx;
+ endcase
+ end
+ dyn_phase_shift dyn_phase_shift_inst (
+ .clk(clk),
+ .reset(reset),
+ .phase_done(phase_done),
+ .pll_start_valid(pll_start_valid),
+ .dps_changed(dps_changed),
+ .dps_changed_valid(dps_changed_valid),
+ .dprio_write_done(dprio_write_done),
+ .usr_num_shifts(usr_num_shifts),
+ .usr_cnt_sel(usr_cnt_sel|usr_cnt_sel_1),
+ .usr_up_dn(usr_up_dn),
+ .locked(locked),
+ .dps_done(dps_done),
+ .phase_en(phase_en),
+ .up_dn(up_dn),
+ .cnt_sel(cnt_sel));
+ defparam dyn_phase_shift_inst.device_family = device_family;
+ assign dprio_clk = clk;
+ self_reset self_reset_inst (mgmt_reset, clk, reset, dprio_init_reset);
+ dprio_mux dprio_mux_inst (
+ .init_dprio_address(init_dprio_address),
+ .init_dprio_read(init_dprio_read),
+ .init_dprio_byteen(init_dprio_byteen),
+ .init_dprio_write(init_dprio_write),
+ .init_dprio_writedata(init_dprio_writedata),
+ .init_atpgmode(init_atpgmode),
+ .init_mdio_dis(init_mdio_dis),
+ .init_scanen(init_scanen),
+ .init_ser_shift_load(init_ser_shift_load),
+ .dprio_init_done(dprio_init_done),
+ // Inputs from avmm master
+ .avmm_dprio_address(avmm_dprio_address | dprio_address_1),
+ .avmm_dprio_read(avmm_dprio_read | dprio_read_1),
+ .avmm_dprio_byteen(avmm_dprio_byteen | dprio_byteen_1),
+ .avmm_dprio_write(avmm_dprio_write),
+ .avmm_dprio_writedata(avmm_dprio_writedata),
+ .avmm_atpgmode(avmm_atpgmode),
+ .avmm_mdio_dis(avmm_mdio_dis),
+ .avmm_scanen(avmm_scanen),
+ // Outputs to fpll
+ .dprio_address(dprio_address),
+ .dprio_read(dprio_read),
+ .dprio_byteen(dprio_byteen),
+ .dprio_write(dprio_write),
+ .dprio_writedata(dprio_writedata),
+ .atpgmode(dprio_atpgmode),
+ .mdio_dis(dprio_mdio_dis),
+ .scanen(dprio_scanen),
+ .ser_shift_load(dprio_ser_shift_load)
+ );
+ fpll_dprio_init fpll_dprio_init_inst (
+ .clk(clk),
+ .reset_n(~reset),
+ .locked(locked),
+ //outputs
+ .dprio_address(init_dprio_address),
+ .dprio_read(init_dprio_read),
+ .dprio_byteen(init_dprio_byteen),
+ .dprio_write(init_dprio_write),
+ .dprio_writedata(init_dprio_writedata),
+ .atpgmode(init_atpgmode),
+ .mdio_dis(init_mdio_dis),
+ .scanen(init_scanen),
+ .ser_shift_load(init_ser_shift_load),
+ .dprio_init_done(dprio_init_done));
+ //address luts, to be reconfigged by the Fitter
+ //FPLL_1 or 0 address lut
+ generic_lcell_comb lcell_fpll_0_1 (
+ .dataa(1'b0),
+ .combout (fpll_1));
+ defparam lcell_fpll_0_1.lut_mask = 64'hAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA;
+ defparam lcell_fpll_0_1.dont_touch = "on";
+ defparam lcell_fpll_0_1.family = device_family;
+ wire dprio_read_combout;
+ generic_lcell_comb lcell_dprio_read (
+ .dataa(fpll_1),
+ .datab(dprio_read),
+ .datac(1'b0),
+ .datad(1'b0),
+ .datae(1'b0),
+ .dataf(1'b0),
+ .combout (dprio_read_combout));
+ defparam lcell_dprio_read.lut_mask = 64'hCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC;
+ defparam lcell_dprio_read.dont_touch = "on";
+ defparam lcell_dprio_read.family = device_family;
+ //assign reconfig_to_pll signals
+ assign reconfig_to_pll[0] = dprio_clk;
+ assign reconfig_to_pll[1] = ~dprio_init_reset;
+ assign reconfig_to_pll[2] = dprio_write;
+ assign reconfig_to_pll[3] = dprio_read_combout;
+ assign reconfig_to_pll[9:4] = dprio_address;
+ assign reconfig_to_pll[25:10] = dprio_writedata;
+ assign reconfig_to_pll[27:26] = dprio_byteen;
+ assign reconfig_to_pll[28] = dprio_ser_shift_load;
+ assign reconfig_to_pll[29] = dprio_mdio_dis;
+ assign reconfig_to_pll[30] = phase_en;
+ assign reconfig_to_pll[31] = up_dn;
+ assign reconfig_to_pll[36:32] = cnt_sel;
+ assign reconfig_to_pll[37] = dprio_scanen;
+ assign reconfig_to_pll[38] = dprio_atpgmode;
+ //assign reconfig_to_pll[40:37] = clken;
+ assign reconfig_to_pll[63:39] = 0;
+ //assign reconfig_from_pll signals
+ assign dprio_readdata = reconfig_from_pll [15:0];
+ assign locked_orig = reconfig_from_pll [16];
+ assign phase_done = reconfig_from_pll [17];
+module self_reset (input wire mgmt_reset, input wire clk, output wire reset, output wire init_reset);
+ localparam RESET_COUNTER_VALUE = 3'd2;
+ localparam INITIAL_WAIT_VALUE = 9'd340;
+ reg [9:0]counter;
+ reg local_reset;
+ reg usr_mode_init_wait;
+ initial
+ begin
+ local_reset = 1'b1;
+ counter = 0;
+ usr_mode_init_wait = 0;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ begin
+ if (mgmt_reset)
+ begin
+ counter <= 0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (!usr_mode_init_wait)
+ begin
+ if (counter == INITIAL_WAIT_VALUE)
+ begin
+ local_reset <= 0;
+ usr_mode_init_wait <= 1'b1;
+ counter <= 0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ counter <= counter + 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (counter == RESET_COUNTER_VALUE)
+ local_reset <= 0;
+ else
+ counter <= counter + 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ assign reset = mgmt_reset | local_reset;
+ assign init_reset = local_reset;
+module dprio_mux (
+ // Inputs from init block
+ input [ 5:0] init_dprio_address,
+ input init_dprio_read,
+ input [ 1:0] init_dprio_byteen,
+ input init_dprio_write,
+ input [15:0] init_dprio_writedata,
+ input init_atpgmode,
+ input init_mdio_dis,
+ input init_scanen,
+ input init_ser_shift_load,
+ input dprio_init_done,
+ // Inputs from avmm master
+ input [ 5:0] avmm_dprio_address,
+ input avmm_dprio_read,
+ input [ 1:0] avmm_dprio_byteen,
+ input avmm_dprio_write,
+ input [15:0] avmm_dprio_writedata,
+ input avmm_atpgmode,
+ input avmm_mdio_dis,
+ input avmm_scanen,
+ input avmm_ser_shift_load,
+ // Outputs to fpll
+ output [ 5:0] dprio_address,
+ output dprio_read,
+ output [ 1:0] dprio_byteen,
+ output dprio_write,
+ output [15:0] dprio_writedata,
+ output atpgmode,
+ output mdio_dis,
+ output scanen,
+ output ser_shift_load
+ assign dprio_address = dprio_init_done ? avmm_dprio_address : init_dprio_address;
+ assign dprio_read = dprio_init_done ? avmm_dprio_read : init_dprio_read;
+ assign dprio_byteen = dprio_init_done ? avmm_dprio_byteen : init_dprio_byteen;
+ assign dprio_write = dprio_init_done ? avmm_dprio_write : init_dprio_write;
+ assign dprio_writedata = dprio_init_done ? avmm_dprio_writedata : init_dprio_writedata;
+ assign atpgmode = init_atpgmode;
+ assign scanen = init_scanen;
+ assign mdio_dis = init_mdio_dis;
+ assign ser_shift_load = init_ser_shift_load ;
+module fpll_dprio_init (
+ input clk,
+ input reset_n,
+ input locked,
+ output [ 5:0] dprio_address,
+ output dprio_read,
+ output [ 1:0] dprio_byteen,
+ output dprio_write,
+ output [15:0] dprio_writedata,
+ output reg atpgmode,
+ output reg mdio_dis,
+ output reg scanen,
+ output reg ser_shift_load,
+ output reg dprio_init_done
+ reg [1:0] rst_n = 2'b00;
+ reg [6:0] count = 7'd0;
+ reg init_done_forever;
+ // Internal versions of control signals
+ wire int_mdio_dis;
+ wire int_ser_shift_load;
+ wire int_dprio_init_done;
+ wire int_atpgmode/*synthesis keep*/;
+ wire int_scanen/*synthesis keep*/;
+ assign dprio_address = count[6] ? 5'b0 : count[5:0] ;
+ assign dprio_byteen = 2'b11; // always enabled
+ assign dprio_write = ~count[6] & reset_n ; // write for first 64 cycles
+ assign dprio_read = 1'b0;
+ assign dprio_writedata = 16'd0;
+ assign int_ser_shift_load = count[6] ? |count[2:1] : 1'b1;
+ assign int_mdio_dis = count[6] ? ~count[2] : 1'b1;
+ assign int_dprio_init_done = ~init_done_forever ? (count[6] ? &count[2:0] : 1'b0)
+ : 1'b1;
+ assign int_atpgmode = 0;
+ assign int_scanen = 0;
+ initial begin
+ count = 7'd0;
+ init_done_forever = 0;
+ mdio_dis = 1'b1;
+ ser_shift_load = 1'b1;
+ dprio_init_done = 1'b0;
+ scanen = 1'b0;
+ atpgmode = 1'b0;
+ end
+ // reset synch.
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ if(!reset_n) rst_n <= 2'b00;
+ else rst_n <= {rst_n[0],1'b1};
+ // counter
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ begin
+ if (!rst_n[1])
+ init_done_forever <= 1'b0;
+ else
+ begin
+ if (count[6] && &count[1:0])
+ init_done_forever <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n[1])
+ begin
+ if(!rst_n[1])
+ begin
+ count <= 7'd0;
+ end
+ else if(~int_dprio_init_done)
+ begin
+ count <= count + 7'd1;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ count <= count;
+ end
+ end
+ // outputs
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ mdio_dis <= int_mdio_dis;
+ ser_shift_load <= int_ser_shift_load;
+ dprio_init_done <= int_dprio_init_done;
+ atpgmode <= int_atpgmode;
+ scanen <= int_scanen;
+ end
+module dyn_phase_shift
+ parameter device_family = "Stratix V"
+) (
+ input wire clk,
+ input wire reset,
+ input wire phase_done,
+ input wire pll_start_valid,
+ input wire dps_changed,
+ input wire dprio_write_done,
+ input wire [15:0] usr_num_shifts,
+ input wire [4:0] usr_cnt_sel,
+ input wire usr_up_dn,
+ input wire locked,
+ //output
+ output wire dps_done,
+ output reg phase_en,
+ output wire up_dn,
+ output wire dps_changed_valid,
+ output wire [4:0] cnt_sel);
+ reg first_phase_shift_d;
+ reg first_phase_shift_q;
+ reg [15:0] phase_en_counter;
+ reg [3:0] dps_current_state;
+ reg [3:0] dps_next_state;
+ localparam DPS_START = 4'd0, DPS_WAIT_PHASE_DONE = 4'd1, DPS_DONE = 4'd2, DPS_WAIT_PHASE_EN = 4'd3, DPS_WAIT_DPRIO_WRITING = 4'd4, DPS_CHANGED = 4'd5;
+ localparam PHASE_EN_WAIT_COUNTER = 5'd1;
+ reg [15:0] shifts_done_counter;
+ reg phase_done_final;
+ wire gnd /*synthesis keep*/;
+ //fsm
+ //always block controlling the state regs
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ begin
+ if (reset)
+ begin
+ dps_current_state <= DPS_DONE;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ dps_current_state <= dps_next_state;
+ end
+ end
+ //the combinational part. assigning the next state
+ //this turns on the phase_done_final signal when phase_done does this:
+ //_____ ______
+ // |______|
+ always @(*)
+ begin
+ phase_done_final = 0;
+ first_phase_shift_d = 0;
+ phase_en = 0;
+ dps_next_state = DPS_DONE;
+ case (dps_current_state)
+ begin
+ phase_en = 1'b1;
+ dps_next_state = DPS_WAIT_PHASE_EN;
+ end
+ begin
+ phase_en = 1'b1;
+ if (first_phase_shift_q)
+ begin
+ first_phase_shift_d = 1'b1;
+ dps_next_state = DPS_WAIT_PHASE_EN;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (phase_en_counter == PHASE_EN_WAIT_COUNTER)
+ dps_next_state = DPS_WAIT_PHASE_DONE;
+ else dps_next_state = DPS_WAIT_PHASE_EN;
+ end
+ end
+ begin
+ if (!phase_done | !locked)
+ begin
+ dps_next_state = DPS_WAIT_PHASE_DONE;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if ((usr_num_shifts != shifts_done_counter) & (usr_num_shifts != 0))
+ begin
+ dps_next_state = DPS_START;
+ phase_done_final = 1'b1;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ dps_next_state = DPS_DONE;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ begin
+ phase_done_final = 0;
+ if (dps_changed)
+ dps_next_state = DPS_CHANGED;
+ else dps_next_state = DPS_DONE;
+ end
+ begin
+ if (pll_start_valid)
+ dps_next_state = DPS_WAIT_DPRIO_WRITING;
+ else
+ dps_next_state = DPS_CHANGED;
+ end
+ begin
+ if (dprio_write_done)
+ dps_next_state = DPS_START;
+ else
+ dps_next_state = DPS_WAIT_DPRIO_WRITING;
+ end
+ default: dps_next_state = 4'bxxxx;
+ endcase
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ begin
+ if (dps_current_state == DPS_WAIT_PHASE_DONE)
+ phase_en_counter <= 0;
+ else if (dps_current_state == DPS_WAIT_PHASE_EN)
+ phase_en_counter <= phase_en_counter + 1'b1;
+ if (reset)
+ begin
+ phase_en_counter <= 0;
+ shifts_done_counter <= 1'b1;
+ first_phase_shift_q <= 1;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (first_phase_shift_d)
+ first_phase_shift_q <= 0;
+ if (dps_done)
+ begin
+ shifts_done_counter <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (phase_done_final & (dps_next_state!= DPS_DONE))
+ shifts_done_counter <= shifts_done_counter + 1'b1;
+ else
+ shifts_done_counter <= shifts_done_counter;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ assign dps_changed_valid = (dps_current_state == DPS_CHANGED);
+ assign dps_done =(dps_current_state == DPS_DONE) | (dps_current_state == DPS_CHANGED);
+ assign up_dn = usr_up_dn;
+ assign gnd = 1'b0;
+ //cnt select luts (5)
+ generic_lcell_comb lcell_cnt_sel_0 (
+ .dataa(usr_cnt_sel[0]),
+ .datab(usr_cnt_sel[1]),
+ .datac(usr_cnt_sel[2]),
+ .datad(usr_cnt_sel[3]),
+ .datae(usr_cnt_sel[4]),
+ .dataf(gnd),
+ .combout (cnt_sel[0]));
+ defparam lcell_cnt_sel_0.lut_mask = 64'hAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA;
+ defparam lcell_cnt_sel_0.dont_touch = "on";
+ defparam lcell_cnt_sel_0.family = device_family;
+ generic_lcell_comb lcell_cnt_sel_1 (
+ .dataa(usr_cnt_sel[0]),
+ .datab(usr_cnt_sel[1]),
+ .datac(usr_cnt_sel[2]),
+ .datad(usr_cnt_sel[3]),
+ .datae(usr_cnt_sel[4]),
+ .dataf(gnd),
+ .combout (cnt_sel[1]));
+ defparam lcell_cnt_sel_1.lut_mask = 64'hCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC;
+ defparam lcell_cnt_sel_1.dont_touch = "on";
+ defparam lcell_cnt_sel_1.family = device_family;
+ generic_lcell_comb lcell_cnt_sel_2 (
+ .dataa(usr_cnt_sel[0]),
+ .datab(usr_cnt_sel[1]),
+ .datac(usr_cnt_sel[2]),
+ .datad(usr_cnt_sel[3]),
+ .datae(usr_cnt_sel[4]),
+ .dataf(gnd),
+ .combout (cnt_sel[2]));
+ defparam lcell_cnt_sel_2.lut_mask = 64'hF0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0;
+ defparam lcell_cnt_sel_2.dont_touch = "on";
+ defparam lcell_cnt_sel_2.family = device_family;
+ generic_lcell_comb lcell_cnt_sel_3 (
+ .dataa(usr_cnt_sel[0]),
+ .datab(usr_cnt_sel[1]),
+ .datac(usr_cnt_sel[2]),
+ .datad(usr_cnt_sel[3]),
+ .datae(usr_cnt_sel[4]),
+ .dataf(gnd),
+ .combout (cnt_sel[3]));
+ defparam lcell_cnt_sel_3.lut_mask = 64'hFF00FF00FF00FF00;
+ defparam lcell_cnt_sel_3.dont_touch = "on";
+ defparam lcell_cnt_sel_3.family = device_family;
+ generic_lcell_comb lcell_cnt_sel_4 (
+ .dataa(usr_cnt_sel[0]),
+ .datab(usr_cnt_sel[1]),
+ .datac(usr_cnt_sel[2]),
+ .datad(usr_cnt_sel[3]),
+ .datae(usr_cnt_sel[4]),
+ .dataf(gnd),
+ .combout (cnt_sel[4]));
+ defparam lcell_cnt_sel_4.lut_mask = 64'hFFFF0000FFFF0000;
+ defparam lcell_cnt_sel_4.dont_touch = "on";
+ defparam lcell_cnt_sel_4.family = device_family;
+module generic_lcell_comb
+ //parameter
+ parameter family = "Stratix V",
+ parameter lut_mask = 64'hAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,
+ parameter dont_touch = "on"
+) (
+ input dataa,
+ input datab,
+ input datac,
+ input datad,
+ input datae,
+ input dataf,
+ output combout
+ generate
+ if (family == "Stratix V")
+ begin
+ stratixv_lcell_comb lcell_inst (
+ .dataa(dataa),
+ .datab(datab),
+ .datac(datac),
+ .datad(datad),
+ .datae(datae),
+ .dataf(dataf),
+ .combout (combout));
+ defparam lcell_inst.lut_mask = lut_mask;
+ defparam lcell_inst.dont_touch = dont_touch;
+ end
+ else if (family == "Arria V")
+ begin
+ arriav_lcell_comb lcell_inst (
+ .dataa(dataa),
+ .datab(datab),
+ .datac(datac),
+ .datad(datad),
+ .datae(datae),
+ .dataf(dataf),
+ .combout (combout));
+ defparam lcell_inst.lut_mask = lut_mask;
+ defparam lcell_inst.dont_touch = dont_touch;
+ end
+ else if (family == "Arria V GZ")
+ begin
+ arriavgz_lcell_comb lcell_inst (
+ .dataa(dataa),
+ .datab(datab),
+ .datac(datac),
+ .datad(datad),
+ .datae(datae),
+ .dataf(dataf),
+ .combout (combout));
+ defparam lcell_inst.lut_mask = lut_mask;
+ defparam lcell_inst.dont_touch = dont_touch;
+ end
+ else if (family == "Cyclone V")
+ begin
+ cyclonev_lcell_comb lcell_inst (
+ .dataa(dataa),
+ .datab(datab),
+ .datac(datac),
+ .datad(datad),
+ .datae(datae),
+ .dataf(dataf),
+ .combout (combout));
+ defparam lcell_inst.lut_mask = lut_mask;
+ defparam lcell_inst.dont_touch = dont_touch;
+ end
+ endgenerate
diff --git a/sys/pll_hdmi_cfg/altera_pll_reconfig_top.v b/sys/pll_hdmi_cfg/altera_pll_reconfig_top.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1bfa8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/pll_hdmi_cfg/altera_pll_reconfig_top.v
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+// (C) 2001-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output
+// files any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject
+// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription
+// Agreement, Intel MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other applicable
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by
+// Intel or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable
+// agreement for further details.
+`timescale 1ps/1ps
+module altera_pll_reconfig_top
+ parameter reconf_width = 64,
+ parameter device_family = "Stratix V",
+ parameter RECONFIG_ADDR_WIDTH = 6,
+ parameter RECONFIG_DATA_WIDTH = 32,
+ parameter ROM_ADDR_WIDTH = 9,
+ parameter ROM_DATA_WIDTH = 32,
+ parameter ROM_NUM_WORDS = 512,
+ parameter ENABLE_MIF = 0,
+ parameter MIF_FILE_NAME = "",
+ parameter ENABLE_BYTEENABLE = 0,
+ parameter BYTEENABLE_WIDTH = 4,
+ parameter WAIT_FOR_LOCK = 1
+) (
+ //input
+ input wire mgmt_clk,
+ input wire mgmt_reset,
+ //conduits
+ output wire [reconf_width-1:0] reconfig_to_pll,
+ input wire [reconf_width-1:0] reconfig_from_pll,
+ // user data (avalon-MM slave interface)
+ output wire [RECONFIG_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] mgmt_readdata,
+ output wire mgmt_waitrequest,
+ input wire [RECONFIG_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] mgmt_address,
+ input wire mgmt_read,
+ input wire mgmt_write,
+ input wire [RECONFIG_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] mgmt_writedata,
+ //conditional input
+ input wire [BYTEENABLE_WIDTH-1:0] mgmt_byteenable
+localparam NM28_START_REG = 6'b000010;
+localparam NM20_START_REG = 9'b000000000;
+localparam NM20_MIFSTART_ADDR = 9'b000010000;
+localparam MIF_STATE_DONE = 2'b00;
+localparam MIF_STATE_START = 2'b01;
+localparam MIF_STATE_BUSY = 2'b10;
+wire mgmt_byteenable_write;
+assign mgmt_byteenable_write = (ENABLE_BYTEENABLE == 1) ?
+ ((mgmt_byteenable == {BYTEENABLE_WIDTH{1'b1}}) ? mgmt_write : 1'b0) :
+ mgmt_write;
+if (device_family == "Arria 10")
+ if(ENABLE_MIF == 1)
+ begin:mif_reconfig_20nm // Generate Reconfig with MIF
+ // MIF-related regs/wires
+ reg [RECONFIG_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] reconfig_mgmt_addr;
+ reg reconfig_mgmt_read;
+ reg reconfig_mgmt_write;
+ reg [RECONFIG_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] reconfig_mgmt_writedata;
+ wire reconfig_mgmt_waitrequest;
+ wire [RECONFIG_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] reconfig_mgmt_readdata;
+ wire [RECONFIG_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] mif2reconfig_addr;
+ wire mif_busy;
+ wire mif2reconfig_read;
+ wire mif2reconfig_write;
+ wire [RECONFIG_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] mif2reconfig_writedata;
+ wire [ROM_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] mif_base_addr;
+ reg mif_select;
+ //wire mif_user_start; // start signal provided by user to start mif
+ //reg user_start;
+ reg [1:0] mif_curstate;
+ reg [1:0] mif_nextstate;
+ wire mif_start; //start signal to mif reader
+ assign mgmt_waitrequest = reconfig_mgmt_waitrequest | mif_busy;// | user_start;
+ // Don't output readdata if MIF streaming is taking place
+ assign mgmt_readdata = (mif_select) ? 32'b0 : reconfig_mgmt_readdata;
+ //user must lower this by the time mif streaming is done - suggest to lower after 1 cycle
+ assign mif_start = mgmt_byteenable_write & (mgmt_address == NM20_MIFSTART_ADDR);
+ //mif base addr is initially specified by the user
+ assign mif_base_addr = mgmt_writedata[ROM_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0];
+ //MIF statemachine
+ always @(posedge mgmt_clk)
+ begin
+ if(mgmt_reset)
+ mif_curstate <= MIF_STATE_DONE;
+ else
+ mif_curstate <= mif_nextstate;
+ end
+ always @(*)
+ begin
+ case (mif_curstate)
+ begin
+ if(mif_start)
+ mif_nextstate <= MIF_STATE_START;
+ else
+ mif_nextstate <= MIF_STATE_DONE;
+ end
+ begin
+ mif_nextstate <= MIF_STATE_BUSY;
+ end
+ begin
+ if(mif_busy)
+ mif_nextstate <= MIF_STATE_BUSY;
+ else
+ mif_nextstate <= MIF_STATE_DONE;
+ end
+ endcase
+ end
+ //Mif muxes
+ always @(*)
+ begin
+ if (mgmt_reset)
+ begin
+ reconfig_mgmt_addr <= 0;
+ reconfig_mgmt_read <= 0;
+ reconfig_mgmt_write <= 0;
+ reconfig_mgmt_writedata <= 0;
+ //user_start <= 0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ reconfig_mgmt_addr <= (mif_select) ? mif2reconfig_addr : mgmt_address;
+ reconfig_mgmt_read <= (mif_select) ? mif2reconfig_read : mgmt_read;
+ reconfig_mgmt_write <= (mif_select) ? mif2reconfig_write : mgmt_byteenable_write;
+ reconfig_mgmt_writedata <= (mif_select) ? mif2reconfig_writedata : mgmt_writedata;
+ //user_start <= (mgmt_address == NM20_START_REG && mgmt_write == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+ end
+ end
+ always @(*)
+ begin
+ if (mgmt_reset)
+ begin
+ mif_select <= 0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ mif_select <= (mif_start || mif_busy) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+ end
+ end
+ twentynm_pll_reconfig_mif_reader
+ #(
+ .DEVICE_FAMILY(device_family),
+ ) twentynm_pll_reconfig_mif_reader_inst0 (
+ .mif_clk(mgmt_clk),
+ .mif_rst(mgmt_reset),
+ //Altera_PLL Reconfig interface
+ //inputs
+ .reconfig_waitrequest(reconfig_mgmt_waitrequest),
+ //.reconfig_read_data(reconfig_mgmt_readdata),
+ //outputs
+ .reconfig_write_data(mif2reconfig_writedata),
+ .reconfig_addr(mif2reconfig_addr),
+ .reconfig_write(mif2reconfig_write),
+ .reconfig_read(mif2reconfig_read),
+ //MIF Ctrl Interface
+ //inputs
+ .mif_base_addr(mif_base_addr),
+ .mif_start(mif_start),
+ //outputs
+ .mif_busy(mif_busy)
+ );
+ twentynm_iopll_reconfig_core
+ #(
+ ) twentynm_iopll_reconfig_core_inst (
+ // Inputs
+ .mgmt_clk(mgmt_clk),
+ .mgmt_rst_n(~mgmt_reset),
+ .mgmt_read(reconfig_mgmt_read),
+ .mgmt_write(reconfig_mgmt_write),
+ .mgmt_address(reconfig_mgmt_addr),
+ .mgmt_writedata(reconfig_mgmt_writedata),
+ // Outputs
+ .mgmt_readdata(reconfig_mgmt_readdata),
+ .mgmt_waitrequest(reconfig_mgmt_waitrequest),
+ // PLL Conduits
+ .reconfig_to_pll(reconfig_to_pll),
+ .reconfig_from_pll(reconfig_from_pll)
+ );
+ end // End generate reconfig with MIF
+ else
+ begin:reconfig_core_20nm
+ twentynm_iopll_reconfig_core
+ #(
+ ) twentynm_iopll_reconfig_core_inst (
+ // Inputs
+ .mgmt_clk(mgmt_clk),
+ .mgmt_rst_n(~mgmt_reset),
+ .mgmt_read(mgmt_read),
+ .mgmt_write(mgmt_byteenable_write),
+ .mgmt_address(mgmt_address),
+ .mgmt_writedata(mgmt_writedata),
+ // Outputs
+ .mgmt_readdata(mgmt_readdata),
+ .mgmt_waitrequest(mgmt_waitrequest),
+ // PLL Conduits
+ .reconfig_to_pll(reconfig_to_pll),
+ .reconfig_from_pll(reconfig_from_pll)
+ );
+ end
+end // 20nm reconfig
+ if (ENABLE_MIF == 1)
+ begin:mif_reconfig // Generate Reconfig with MIF
+ // MIF-related regs/wires
+ reg [RECONFIG_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] reconfig_mgmt_addr;
+ reg reconfig_mgmt_read;
+ reg reconfig_mgmt_write;
+ reg [RECONFIG_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] reconfig_mgmt_writedata;
+ wire reconfig_mgmt_waitrequest;
+ wire [RECONFIG_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] reconfig_mgmt_readdata;
+ wire [RECONFIG_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] mif2reconfig_addr;
+ wire mif2reconfig_busy;
+ wire mif2reconfig_read;
+ wire mif2reconfig_write;
+ wire [RECONFIG_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] mif2reconfig_writedata;
+ wire [ROM_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] mif_base_addr;
+ reg mif_select;
+ reg user_start;
+ wire reconfig2mif_start_out;
+ assign mgmt_waitrequest = reconfig_mgmt_waitrequest | mif2reconfig_busy | user_start;
+ // Don't output readdata if MIF streaming is taking place
+ assign mgmt_readdata = (mif_select) ? 32'b0 : reconfig_mgmt_readdata;
+ always @(posedge mgmt_clk)
+ begin
+ if (mgmt_reset)
+ begin
+ reconfig_mgmt_addr <= 0;
+ reconfig_mgmt_read <= 0;
+ reconfig_mgmt_write <= 0;
+ reconfig_mgmt_writedata <= 0;
+ user_start <= 0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ reconfig_mgmt_addr <= (mif_select) ? mif2reconfig_addr : mgmt_address;
+ reconfig_mgmt_read <= (mif_select) ? mif2reconfig_read : mgmt_read;
+ reconfig_mgmt_write <= (mif_select) ? mif2reconfig_write : mgmt_byteenable_write;
+ reconfig_mgmt_writedata <= (mif_select) ? mif2reconfig_writedata : mgmt_writedata;
+ user_start <= (mgmt_address == NM28_START_REG && mgmt_byteenable_write == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+ end
+ end
+ always @(*)
+ begin
+ if (mgmt_reset)
+ begin
+ mif_select <= 0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ mif_select <= (reconfig2mif_start_out || mif2reconfig_busy) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+ end
+ end
+ altera_pll_reconfig_mif_reader
+ #(
+ .DEVICE_FAMILY(device_family),
+ ) altera_pll_reconfig_mif_reader_inst0 (
+ .mif_clk(mgmt_clk),
+ .mif_rst(mgmt_reset),
+ //Altera_PLL Reconfig interface
+ //inputs
+ .reconfig_busy(reconfig_mgmt_waitrequest),
+ .reconfig_read_data(reconfig_mgmt_readdata),
+ //outputs
+ .reconfig_write_data(mif2reconfig_writedata),
+ .reconfig_addr(mif2reconfig_addr),
+ .reconfig_write(mif2reconfig_write),
+ .reconfig_read(mif2reconfig_read),
+ //MIF Ctrl Interface
+ //inputs
+ .mif_base_addr(mif_base_addr),
+ .mif_start(reconfig2mif_start_out),
+ //outputs
+ .mif_busy(mif2reconfig_busy)
+ );
+ altera_pll_reconfig_core
+ #(
+ .reconf_width(reconf_width),
+ .device_family(device_family),
+ ) altera_pll_reconfig_core_inst0 (
+ //inputs
+ .mgmt_clk(mgmt_clk),
+ .mgmt_reset(mgmt_reset),
+ //PLL interface conduits
+ .reconfig_to_pll(reconfig_to_pll),
+ .reconfig_from_pll(reconfig_from_pll),
+ //User data outputs
+ .mgmt_readdata(reconfig_mgmt_readdata),
+ .mgmt_waitrequest(reconfig_mgmt_waitrequest),
+ //User data inputs
+ .mgmt_address(reconfig_mgmt_addr),
+ .mgmt_read(reconfig_mgmt_read),
+ .mgmt_write(reconfig_mgmt_write),
+ .mgmt_writedata(reconfig_mgmt_writedata),
+ // other
+ .mif_start_out(reconfig2mif_start_out),
+ .mif_base_addr(mif_base_addr)
+ );
+ end // End generate reconfig with MIF
+ else
+ begin:reconfig_core // Generate Reconfig core only
+ wire reconfig2mif_start_out;
+ wire [ROM_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] mif_base_addr;
+ altera_pll_reconfig_core
+ #(
+ .reconf_width(reconf_width),
+ .device_family(device_family),
+ ) altera_pll_reconfig_core_inst0 (
+ //inputs
+ .mgmt_clk(mgmt_clk),
+ .mgmt_reset(mgmt_reset),
+ //PLL interface conduits
+ .reconfig_to_pll(reconfig_to_pll),
+ .reconfig_from_pll(reconfig_from_pll),
+ //User data outputs
+ .mgmt_readdata(mgmt_readdata),
+ .mgmt_waitrequest(mgmt_waitrequest),
+ //User data inputs
+ .mgmt_address(mgmt_address),
+ .mgmt_read(mgmt_read),
+ .mgmt_write(mgmt_byteenable_write),
+ .mgmt_writedata(mgmt_writedata),
+ // other
+ .mif_start_out(reconfig2mif_start_out),
+ .mif_base_addr(mif_base_addr)
+ );
+ end // End generate reconfig core only
+end // End 28nm Reconfig
diff --git a/sys/sdram.sv b/sys/sdram.sv
deleted file mode 100644
index 7828cd8..0000000
--- a/sys/sdram.sv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-// sdram.v
-// Static RAM controller implementation using SDRAM MT48LC16M16A2
-// Copyright (c) 2015,2016 Sorgelig
-// Some parts of SDRAM code used from project:
-// http://hamsterworks.co.nz/mediawiki/index.php/Simple_SDRAM_Controller
-// This source file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
-// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see .
-// ------------------------------------------
-// v2.1 - Add universal 8/16 bit mode.
-module sdram
- input init, // reset to initialize RAM
- input clk, // clock ~100MHz
- //
- // SDRAM_* - signals to the MT48LC16M16 chip
- inout reg [15:0] SDRAM_DQ, // 16 bit bidirectional data bus
- output reg [12:0] SDRAM_A, // 13 bit multiplexed address bus
- output reg SDRAM_DQML, // two byte masks
- output reg SDRAM_DQMH, //
- output reg [1:0] SDRAM_BA, // two banks
- output SDRAM_nCS, // a single chip select
- output SDRAM_nWE, // write enable
- output SDRAM_nRAS, // row address select
- output SDRAM_nCAS, // columns address select
- output SDRAM_CKE, // clock enable
- //
- input [1:0] wtbt, // 16bit mode: bit1 - write high byte, bit0 - write low byte,
- // 8bit mode: 2'b00 - use addr[0] to decide which byte to write
- // Ignored while reading.
- //
- input [24:0] addr, // 25 bit address for 8bit mode. addr[0] = 0 for 16bit mode for correct operations.
- output [15:0] dout, // data output to cpu
- input [15:0] din, // data input from cpu
- input we, // cpu requests write
- input rd, // cpu requests read
- output reg ready // dout is valid. Ready to accept new read/write.
-assign SDRAM_nCS = command[3];
-assign SDRAM_nRAS = command[2];
-assign SDRAM_nCAS = command[1];
-assign SDRAM_nWE = command[0];
-assign SDRAM_CKE = cke;
-assign dout = latched ? data_l : data_d;
-// no burst configured
-localparam BURST_LENGTH = 3'b000; // 000=1, 001=2, 010=4, 011=8
-localparam ACCESS_TYPE = 1'b0; // 0=sequential, 1=interleaved
-localparam CAS_LATENCY = 3'd2; // 2 for < 100MHz, 3 for >100MHz
-localparam OP_MODE = 2'b00; // only 00 (standard operation) allowed
-localparam NO_WRITE_BURST = 1'b1; // 0= write burst enabled, 1=only single access write
-localparam sdram_startup_cycles= 14'd12100;// 100us, plus a little more, @ 100MHz
-localparam cycles_per_refresh = 14'd780; // (64000*100)/8192-1 Calc'd as (64ms @ 100MHz)/8192 rose
-localparam startup_refresh_max = 14'b11111111111111;
-// SDRAM commands
-localparam CMD_INHIBIT = 4'b1111;
-localparam CMD_NOP = 4'b0111;
-localparam CMD_ACTIVE = 4'b0011;
-localparam CMD_READ = 4'b0101;
-localparam CMD_WRITE = 4'b0100;
-localparam CMD_BURST_TERMINATE = 4'b0110;
-localparam CMD_PRECHARGE = 4'b0010;
-localparam CMD_AUTO_REFRESH = 4'b0001;
-localparam CMD_LOAD_MODE = 4'b0000;
-reg [13:0] refresh_count = startup_refresh_max - sdram_startup_cycles;
-reg [3:0] command = CMD_INHIBIT;
-reg cke = 0;
-reg [24:0] save_addr;
-reg latched;
-reg [15:0] data;
-wire[15:0] data_l = save_addr[0] ? {data[7:0], data[15:8]} : {data[15:8], data[7:0]};
-wire[15:0] data_d = save_addr[0] ? {SDRAM_DQ[7:0], SDRAM_DQ[15:8]} : {SDRAM_DQ[15:8], SDRAM_DQ[7:0]};
-typedef enum
-} state_t;
-always @(posedge clk) begin
- reg old_we, old_rd;
- reg [CAS_LATENCY:0] data_ready_delay;
- reg [15:0] new_data;
- reg [1:0] new_wtbt;
- reg new_we;
- reg new_rd;
- reg save_we = 1;
- state_t state = STATE_STARTUP;
- command <= CMD_NOP;
- refresh_count <= refresh_count+1'b1;
- data_ready_delay <= {1'b0, data_ready_delay[CAS_LATENCY:1]};
- // make it ready 1T in advance
- if(data_ready_delay[1]) {latched, ready} <= {1'b0, 1'b1};
- if(data_ready_delay[0]) {latched, data} <= {1'b1, SDRAM_DQ};
- case(state)
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //-- This is the initial startup state, where we wait for at least 100us
- //-- before starting the start sequence
- //--
- //-- The initialisation is sequence is
- //-- * de-assert SDRAM_CKE
- //-- * 100us wait,
- //-- * assert SDRAM_CKE
- //-- * wait at least one cycle,
- //-- * PRECHARGE
- //-- * wait 2 cycles
- //-- * REFRESH,
- //-- * tREF wait
- //-- * REFRESH,
- //-- * tREF wait
- //-- * LOAD_MODE_REG
- //-- * 2 cycles wait
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- cke <= 1;
- SDRAM_DQML <= 1;
- SDRAM_DQMH <= 1;
- SDRAM_A <= 0;
- SDRAM_BA <= 0;
- // All the commands during the startup are NOPS, except these
- if(refresh_count == startup_refresh_max-31) begin
- // ensure all rows are closed
- command <= CMD_PRECHARGE;
- SDRAM_A[10] <= 1; // all banks
- SDRAM_BA <= 2'b00;
- end else if (refresh_count == startup_refresh_max-23) begin
- // these refreshes need to be at least tREF (66ns) apart
- command <= CMD_AUTO_REFRESH;
- end else if (refresh_count == startup_refresh_max-15)
- command <= CMD_AUTO_REFRESH;
- else if (refresh_count == startup_refresh_max-7) begin
- // Now load the mode register
- command <= CMD_LOAD_MODE;
- end
- //------------------------------------------------------
- //-- if startup is complete then go into idle mode,
- //-- get prepared to accept a new command, and schedule
- //-- the first refresh cycle
- //------------------------------------------------------
- if(!refresh_count) begin
- state <= STATE_IDLE;
- ready <= 1;
- refresh_count <= 0;
- end
- end
- STATE_IDLE_7: state <= STATE_IDLE_6;
- STATE_IDLE_6: state <= STATE_IDLE_5;
- STATE_IDLE_5: state <= STATE_IDLE_4;
- STATE_IDLE_4: state <= STATE_IDLE_3;
- STATE_IDLE_3: state <= STATE_IDLE_2;
- STATE_IDLE_2: state <= STATE_IDLE_1;
- STATE_IDLE_1: begin
- state <= STATE_IDLE;
- // mask possible refresh to reduce colliding.
- if(refresh_count > cycles_per_refresh) begin
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //-- Start the refresh cycle.
- //-- This tasks tRFC (66ns), so 6 idle cycles are needed @ 100MHz
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- state <= STATE_IDLE_7;
- command <= CMD_AUTO_REFRESH;
- refresh_count <= refresh_count - cycles_per_refresh + 1'd1;
- end
- end
- STATE_IDLE: begin
- // Priority is to issue a refresh if one is outstanding
- if(refresh_count > (cycles_per_refresh<<1)) state <= STATE_IDLE_1;
- else if(new_rd | new_we) begin
- new_we <= 0;
- new_rd <= 0;
- save_addr<= addr;
- save_we <= new_we;
- state <= STATE_OPEN_1;
- command <= CMD_ACTIVE;
- SDRAM_A <= addr[13:1];
- SDRAM_BA <= addr[24:23];
- end
- end
- // ACTIVE-to-READ or WRITE delay >20ns (-75)
- STATE_OPEN_1: state <= STATE_OPEN_2;
- STATE_OPEN_2: begin
- SDRAM_A <= {4'b0010, save_addr[22:14]};
- SDRAM_DQML <= save_we & (new_wtbt ? ~new_wtbt[0] : save_addr[0]);
- SDRAM_DQMH <= save_we & (new_wtbt ? ~new_wtbt[1] : ~save_addr[0]);
- state <= save_we ? STATE_WRITE : STATE_READ;
- end
- STATE_READ: begin
- state <= STATE_IDLE_5;
- command <= CMD_READ;
- // Schedule reading the data values off the bus
- data_ready_delay[CAS_LATENCY] <= 1;
- end
- STATE_WRITE: begin
- state <= STATE_IDLE_5;
- command <= CMD_WRITE;
- SDRAM_DQ <= new_wtbt ? new_data : {new_data[7:0], new_data[7:0]};
- ready <= 1;
- end
- endcase
- if(init) begin
- state <= STATE_STARTUP;
- refresh_count <= startup_refresh_max - sdram_startup_cycles;
- end
- old_we <= we;
- if(we & ~old_we) {ready, new_we, new_data, new_wtbt} <= {1'b0, 1'b1, din, wtbt};
- old_rd <= rd;
- if(rd & ~old_rd) begin
- if(ready & ~save_we & (save_addr[24:1] == addr[24:1])) save_addr <= addr;
- else {ready, new_rd} <= {1'b0, 1'b1};
- end
diff --git a/sys/spdif.v b/sys/spdif.v
index d4e711e..671dcb2 100644
--- a/sys/spdif.v
+++ b/sys/spdif.v
@@ -62,6 +62,40 @@ module spdif
output sample_req_o
+reg lpf_ce;
+always @(negedge clk_i) begin
+ reg [3:0] div;
+ div <= div + 1'd1;
+ if(div == 13) div <= 0;
+ lpf_ce <= !div;
+wire [15:0] al, ar;
+lpf48k #(15) lpf_l
+ .RESET(rst_i),
+ .CLK(clk_i),
+ .CE(lpf_ce),
+ .ENABLE(1),
+ .IDATA(audio_l),
+ .ODATA(al)
+lpf48k #(15) lpf_r
+ .RESET(rst_i),
+ .CLK(clk_i),
+ .CE(lpf_ce),
+ .ENABLE(1),
+ .IDATA(audio_r),
+ .ODATA(ar)
reg bit_clk_q;
// Clock pulse generator
@@ -104,7 +138,7 @@ end
// Core SPDIF
-wire [31:0] sample_i = {audio_r, audio_l};
+wire [31:0] sample_i = {ar, al};
diff --git a/sys/sync_vg.v b/sys/sync_vg.v
index c54ba2f..54fc614 100644
--- a/sys/sync_vg.v
+++ b/sys/sync_vg.v
@@ -1,48 +1,33 @@
module sync_vg
- parameter X_BITS=12,
- Y_BITS=12
+ parameter X_BITS=12, Y_BITS=12
input wire clk,
input wire reset,
- input wire interlaced,
- input wire [Y_BITS-1:0] v_total_0,
- input wire [Y_BITS-1:0] v_fp_0,
- input wire [Y_BITS-1:0] v_bp_0,
- input wire [Y_BITS-1:0] v_sync_0,
- input wire [Y_BITS-1:0] v_total_1,
- input wire [Y_BITS-1:0] v_fp_1,
- input wire [Y_BITS-1:0] v_bp_1,
- input wire [Y_BITS-1:0] v_sync_1,
+ input wire [Y_BITS-1:0] v_total,
+ input wire [Y_BITS-1:0] v_fp,
+ input wire [Y_BITS-1:0] v_bp,
+ input wire [Y_BITS-1:0] v_sync,
input wire [X_BITS-1:0] h_total,
input wire [X_BITS-1:0] h_fp,
input wire [X_BITS-1:0] h_bp,
input wire [X_BITS-1:0] h_sync,
- input wire [X_BITS-1:0] hv_offset_0,
- input wire [X_BITS-1:0] hv_offset_1,
+ input wire [X_BITS-1:0] hv_offset,
output reg vs_out,
output reg hs_out,
output reg hde_out,
output reg vde_out,
- output reg [Y_BITS:0] v_count_out,
+ output reg [Y_BITS-1:0] v_count_out,
output reg [X_BITS-1:0] h_count_out,
output reg [X_BITS-1:0] x_out,
- output reg [Y_BITS:0] y_out,
- output reg field_out,
- output wire clk_out
+ output reg [Y_BITS-1:0] y_out
reg [X_BITS-1:0] h_count;
reg [Y_BITS-1:0] v_count;
-reg field;
-reg [Y_BITS-1:0] v_total;
-reg [Y_BITS-1:0] v_fp;
-reg [Y_BITS-1:0] v_bp;
-reg [Y_BITS-1:0] v_sync;
-reg [X_BITS-1:0] hv_offset;
-assign clk_out = !clk;
/* horizontal counter */
always @(posedge clk)
@@ -67,31 +52,9 @@ always @(posedge clk)
v_count <= v_count + 1'd1;
-/* field */
always @(posedge clk)
if (reset)
- begin
- field <= 0;
- v_total <= v_total_0;
- v_fp <= interlaced ? v_fp_1 : v_fp_0; // In the interlaced mode this value must be inverted as v_fp_1 is still in field0
- v_bp <= v_bp_0;
- v_sync <= v_sync_0;
- hv_offset <= hv_offset_0;
- end
- else
- if ((interlaced) && ((v_count == v_total - 1) && (h_count == h_total - 1)))
- begin
- field <= field + interlaced;
- v_total <= field ? v_total_0 : v_total_1;
- v_fp <= field ? v_fp_1 : v_fp_0; // This order is inverted as v_fp_1 is still in field0
- v_bp <= field ? v_bp_0 : v_bp_1;
- v_sync <= field ? v_sync_0 : v_sync_1;
- hv_offset <= field ? hv_offset_0 : hv_offset_1;
- end
-always @(posedge clk)
- if (reset)
- { vs_out, hs_out, hde_out, vde_out, field_out } <= 4'b0;
+ { vs_out, hs_out, hde_out, vde_out } <= 0;
else begin
hs_out <= ((h_count < h_sync));
@@ -105,19 +68,11 @@ always @(posedge clk)
h_count_out <= h_count;
- if (field)
- v_count_out <= v_count + v_total_0;
- else
- v_count_out <= v_count;
+ v_count_out <= v_count;
- /* X and Y coords � for a backend pattern generator */
+ /* X and Y coords for a backend pattern generator */
x_out <= h_count - (h_sync + h_bp);
- if (interlaced)
- y_out <= { (v_count - (v_sync + v_bp)) , field };
- else
- y_out <= { 1'b0, (v_count - (v_sync + v_bp)) };
- field_out <= field;
+ y_out <= v_count - (v_sync + v_bp);
diff --git a/sys/sys.qip b/sys/sys.qip
index 0697df2..5b397f4 100644
--- a/sys/sys.qip
+++ b/sys/sys.qip
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE sys/sys_top.v
set_global_assignment -name SDC_FILE sys/sys_top.sdc
set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE sys/pll.qip
set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE sys/pll_hdmi.qip
-set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE sys/sdram.sv
-set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE sys/ddram.sv
+set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE sys/pll_hdmi_cfg.qip
+set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE sys/hdmi_lite.sv
set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE sys/hq2x.sv
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE sys/scandoubler.v
set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE sys/video_mixer.sv
@@ -17,4 +17,7 @@ set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE sys/spdif.v
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE sys/sigma_delta_dac.v
set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE sys/lpf48k.sv
set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE sys/hdmi_config.sv
+set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE sys/sysmem.sv
+set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE sys/ip/reset_source.v
+set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE sys/vip_config.sv
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE sys/hps_io.v
diff --git a/sys/sys_top.sdc b/sys/sys_top.sdc
index c445ee5..8d7a795 100644
--- a/sys/sys_top.sdc
+++ b/sys/sys_top.sdc
@@ -1,15 +1,26 @@
+# Specify root clocks
create_clock -period "50.0 MHz" [get_ports FPGA_CLK1_50]
create_clock -period "50.0 MHz" [get_ports FPGA_CLK2_50]
create_clock -period "50.0 MHz" [get_ports FPGA_CLK3_50]
-create_clock -period "100.0 MHz" [get_pins -compatibility_mode *|h2f_user0_clk]
+create_clock -period "100.0 MHz" [get_pins -compatibility_mode *|h2f_user0_clk]
+# Specify PLL-generated clock(s)
#create_generated_clock -source [get_pins -compatibility_mode {*|pll|pll_inst|altera_pll_i|general[1].gpll~PLL_OUTPUT_COUNTER|divclk}] \
- -name SDRAM_CLK [get_ports {SDRAM_CLK}]
+ -name SDRAM_CLK [get_ports {SDRAM_CLK}]
+create_generated_clock -source [get_pins -compatibility_mode {pll_hdmi|pll_hdmi_inst|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk}] \
+ -name HDMI_CLK [get_ports HDMI_TX_CLK]
+create_generated_clock -source [get_pins { pll_hdmi|pll_hdmi_inst|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk}] \
+ -name VID_CLK -divide_by 2 -duty_cycle 50 [get_nets {vip|output_inst|vid_clk}]
+# Set acceptable delays for SDRAM chip (See correspondent chip datasheet)
#set_input_delay -max -clock SDRAM_CLK 6.4ns [get_ports SDRAM_DQ[*]]
#set_input_delay -min -clock SDRAM_CLK 3.7ns [get_ports SDRAM_DQ[*]]
@@ -20,8 +31,23 @@ derive_clock_uncertainty
#set_output_delay -max -clock SDRAM_CLK 1.6ns [get_ports {SDRAM_D* SDRAM_A* SDRAM_BA* SDRAM_n* SDRAM_CKE}]
#set_output_delay -min -clock SDRAM_CLK -0.9ns [get_ports {SDRAM_D* SDRAM_A* SDRAM_BA* SDRAM_n* SDRAM_CKE}]
+# Decouple different clock groups (to simplify routing)
+set_clock_groups -asynchronous \
+ -group [get_clocks { *|pll|pll_inst|altera_pll_i|general[*].gpll~PLL_OUTPUT_COUNTER|divclk}] \
+ -group [get_clocks { pll_hdmi|pll_hdmi_inst|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk VID_CLK}] \
+ -group [get_clocks { *|h2f_user0_clk}] \
+ -group [get_clocks { FPGA_CLK1_50 FPGA_CLK2_50 FPGA_CLK3_50}]
+set_output_delay -max -clock HDMI_CLK 2.0ns [get_ports {HDMI_TX_D[*] HDMI_TX_DE HDMI_TX_HS HDMI_TX_VS}]
+set_output_delay -min -clock HDMI_CLK -1.5ns [get_ports {HDMI_TX_D[*] HDMI_TX_DE HDMI_TX_HS HDMI_TX_VS}]
+# Put constraints on input ports
+set_false_path -from [get_ports {KEY*}] -to *
+set_false_path -from [get_ports {BTN_*}] -to *
+# Put constraints on output ports
set_false_path -from * -to [get_ports {LED_*}]
-set_false_path -from * -to [get_ports {BTN_*}]
set_false_path -from * -to [get_ports {VGA_*}]
+set_false_path -from * -to [get_ports {AUDIO_SPDIF}]
set_false_path -from * -to [get_ports {AUDIO_L}]
set_false_path -from * -to [get_ports {AUDIO_R}]
diff --git a/sys/sys_top.v b/sys/sys_top.v
index 596d84c..6545ef1 100644
--- a/sys/sys_top.v
+++ b/sys/sys_top.v
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-// DE10-nano HAL top module
-// (c)2017 Sorgelig
+// MiSTer hardware abstraction module
+// (c)2017,2018 Sorgelig
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ module sys_top
output [5:0] VGA_R,
output [5:0] VGA_G,
output [5:0] VGA_B,
- output VGA_HS,
+ inout VGA_HS, // VGA_HS is secondary SD card detect when VGA_EN = 1 (inactive)
output VGA_VS,
- input VGA_EN,
+ input VGA_EN, // active low
/////////// AUDIO //////////
output AUDIO_L,
@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ module sys_top
output [23:0] HDMI_TX_D,
output HDMI_TX_HS,
output HDMI_TX_VS,
+ input HDMI_TX_INT,
//////////// SDR ///////////
output [12:0] SDRAM_A,
@@ -84,6 +86,9 @@ module sys_top
////////// MB KEY ///////////
input [1:0] KEY,
+ ////////// MB SWITCH ////////
+ input [3:0] SW,
////////// MB LED ///////////
output [7:0] LED
@@ -91,8 +96,12 @@ module sys_top
assign SDIO_DAT[2:1] = 2'bZZ;
////////////////////////// LEDs ///////////////////////////////////////
+reg [7:0] led_overtake = 0;
+reg [7:0] led_state = 0;
wire led_p = led_power[1] ? ~led_power[0] : 1'b0;
wire led_d = led_disk[1] ? ~led_disk[0] : ~(led_disk[0] | gp_out[29]);
wire led_u = ~led_user;
@@ -102,7 +111,7 @@ assign LED_HDD = led_d ? 1'bZ : 1'b0;
assign LED_USER = led_u ? 1'bZ : 1'b0;
//LEDs on main board
-assign LED = {3'b000, ~led_p, 1'b0, ~led_d, 1'b0, ~led_u};
+assign LED = (led_overtake & led_state) | (~led_overtake & {3'b000, ~led_p, 1'b0, ~led_d, 1'b0, ~led_u});
////////////////////////// Buttons ///////////////////////////////////
@@ -180,18 +189,29 @@ cyclonev_hps_interface_mpu_general_purpose h2f_gp
reg [15:0] cfg;
-reg cfg_ready = 0;
-wire audio_96k = cfg[6];
-wire ypbpr_en = cfg[5];
-wire csync = cfg[3];
+reg cfg_got = 0;
+reg cfg_set = 0;
+//wire [2:0] hdmi_res = cfg[10:8];
+wire dvi_mode = cfg[7];
+wire audio_96k = cfg[6];
+wire ypbpr_en = cfg[5];
+wire csync = cfg[3];
`ifndef LITE
wire vga_scaler= cfg[2];
+reg cfg_custom_t = 0;
+reg [5:0] cfg_custom_p1;
+reg [31:0] cfg_custom_p2;
+reg [4:0] vol_att = 0;
+reg vip_newcfg = 0;
always@(posedge clk_sys) begin
reg [7:0] cmd;
reg has_cmd;
reg old_strobe;
+ reg [7:0] cnt = 0;
old_strobe <= io_strobe;
@@ -201,15 +221,60 @@ always@(posedge clk_sys) begin
if(!has_cmd) begin
has_cmd <= 1;
cmd <= io_din[7:0];
+ cnt <= 0;
- else
- if(cmd == 1) begin
- cfg <= io_din;
- cfg_ready <= 1;
+ else begin
+ if(cmd == 1) begin
+ cfg <= io_din;
+ cfg_set <= 1;
+ end
+ if(cmd == 'h20) begin
+ cfg_set <= 0;
+ cnt <= cnt + 1'd1;
+ if(cnt<8) begin
+ if(!cnt) vip_newcfg <= ~cfg_ready;
+ case(cnt)
+ 0: if(WIDTH != io_din[11:0]) begin WIDTH <= io_din[11:0]; vip_newcfg <= 1; end
+ 1: if(HFP != io_din[11:0]) begin HFP <= io_din[11:0]; vip_newcfg <= 1; end
+ 2: if(HS != io_din[11:0]) begin HS <= io_din[11:0]; vip_newcfg <= 1; end
+ 3: if(HBP != io_din[11:0]) begin HBP <= io_din[11:0]; vip_newcfg <= 1; end
+ 4: if(HEIGHT != io_din[11:0]) begin HEIGHT <= io_din[11:0]; vip_newcfg <= 1; end
+ 5: if(VFP != io_din[11:0]) begin VFP <= io_din[11:0]; vip_newcfg <= 1; end
+ 6: if(VS != io_din[11:0]) begin VS <= io_din[11:0]; vip_newcfg <= 1; end
+ 7: if(VBP != io_din[11:0]) begin VBP <= io_din[11:0]; vip_newcfg <= 1; end
+ endcase
+ if(cnt == 1) begin
+ cfg_custom_p1 <= 0;
+ cfg_custom_p2 <= 0;
+ cfg_custom_t <= ~cfg_custom_t;
+ end
+ end
+ else begin
+ if(cnt[1:0]==0) cfg_custom_p1 <= io_din[5:0];
+ if(cnt[1:0]==1) cfg_custom_p2[15:0] <= io_din;
+ if(cnt[1:0]==2) begin
+ cfg_custom_p2[31:16] <= io_din;
+ cfg_custom_t <= ~cfg_custom_t;
+ cnt[1:0] <= 0;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if(cmd == 'h25) {led_overtake, led_state} <= io_din;
+ if(cmd == 'h26) vol_att <= io_din[4:0];
+ if(cmd == 'h27) VSET <= io_din[11:0];
+always @(posedge clk_sys) begin
+ reg vsd, vsd2;
+ if(~cfg_ready || ~cfg_set) cfg_got <= cfg_set;
+ else begin
+ vsd <= HDMI_TX_VS;
+ vsd2 <= vsd;
+ if(~vsd2 & vsd) cfg_got <= cfg_set;
+ end
/////////////////////////// RESET ///////////////////////////////////
@@ -231,19 +296,21 @@ always @(posedge FPGA_CLK2_50) begin
resetd2 <= resetd;
-// 100MHz
-wire ctl_clk;
+wire clk_ctl;
///////////////////////// VIP version ///////////////////////////////
+wire iHdmiClk = ~HDMI_TX_CLK; // Internal HDMI clock, inverted in relation to external clock
`ifndef LITE
wire reset;
vip vip
- .reset_reset_req(reset_req),
+ .reset_reset_req(reset_req | ~cfg_ready),
+ .reset_reset_vip(0),
//DE10-nano has no reset signal on GPIO, so core has to emulate cold reset button.
@@ -254,7 +321,7 @@ vip vip
- .ctl_clock(ctl_clk),
+ .ctl_clock(clk_ctl),
//64-bit DDR3 RAM access
@@ -284,23 +351,20 @@ vip vip
//Video input
- .in_vid_clk(clk_vid),
- .in_vid_data({r_out, g_out, b_out}),
- .in_vid_de(de),
- .in_vid_v_sync(vs),
- .in_vid_h_sync(hs),
- .in_vid_datavalid(ce_pix),
- .in_vid_locked(1),
- .in_vid_f(0),
- .in_vid_color_encoding(0),
- .in_vid_bit_width(0),
+ .in_clk(clk_vid),
+ .in_data({r_out, g_out, b_out}),
+ .in_de(de),
+ .in_v_sync(vs),
+ .in_h_sync(hs),
+ .in_ce(ce_pix),
+ .in_f(0),
//HDMI output
- .hdmi_vid_clk(~HDMI_TX_CLK),
- .hdmi_vid_data(hdmi_data),
- .hdmi_vid_datavalid(HDMI_TX_DE),
- .hdmi_vid_v_sync(HDMI_TX_VS),
- .hdmi_vid_h_sync(HDMI_TX_HS)
+ .hdmi_clk(iHdmiClk),
+ .hdmi_data(hdmi_data),
+ .hdmi_de(hdmi_de),
+ .hdmi_v_sync(HDMI_TX_VS),
+ .hdmi_h_sync(HDMI_TX_HS)
wire [8:0] ctl_address;
@@ -312,11 +376,22 @@ wire [7:0] ARX, ARY;
vip_config vip_config
- .clk(ctl_clk),
+ .clk(clk_ctl),
+ .CFG_SET(vip_newcfg & cfg_got),
+ .HFP(HFP),
+ .HBP(HBP),
+ .HS(HS),
+ .VFP(VFP),
+ .VBP(VBP),
+ .VS(VS),
@@ -330,45 +405,22 @@ vip_config vip_config
`ifdef LITE
-wire INTERLACED = 0;
-wire [11:0] V_TOTAL_0 = 750;
-wire [11:0] V_FP_0 = 5;
-wire [11:0] V_BP_0 = 20;
-wire [11:0] V_SYNC_0 = 5;
-wire [11:0] V_TOTAL_1 = 0;
-wire [11:0] V_FP_1 = 0;
-wire [11:0] V_BP_1 = 0;
-wire [11:0] V_SYNC_1 = 0;
-wire [11:0] H_TOTAL = 1650;
-wire [11:0] H_FP = 110;
-wire [11:0] H_BP = 220;
-wire [11:0] H_SYNC = 40;
-wire [11:0] HV_OFFSET_0 = 0;
-wire [11:0] HV_OFFSET_1 = 0;
wire [11:0] x;
-wire [12:0] y;
+wire [11:0] y;
sync_vg #(.X_BITS(12), .Y_BITS(12)) sync_vg
- .clk(HDMI_TX_CLK),
+ .clk(iHdmiClk),
- .interlaced(INTERLACED),
- .clk_out(), // inverted output clock - unconnected
- .v_total_0(V_TOTAL_0),
- .v_fp_0(V_FP_0),
- .v_bp_0(V_BP_0),
- .v_sync_0(V_SYNC_0),
- .v_total_1(V_TOTAL_1),
- .v_fp_1(V_FP_1),
- .v_bp_1(V_BP_1),
- .v_sync_1(V_SYNC_1),
- .h_total(H_TOTAL),
- .h_fp(H_FP),
- .h_bp(H_BP),
- .h_sync(H_SYNC),
- .hv_offset_0(HV_OFFSET_0),
- .hv_offset_1(HV_OFFSET_1),
+ .v_total(HEIGHT+VFP+VBP+VS),
+ .v_fp(VFP),
+ .v_bp(VBP),
+ .v_sync(VS),
+ .h_total(WIDTH+HFP+HBP+HS),
+ .h_fp(HFP),
+ .h_bp(HBP),
+ .h_sync(HS),
+ .hv_offset(0),
@@ -376,14 +428,13 @@ sync_vg #(.X_BITS(12), .Y_BITS(12)) sync_vg
- .hs_out(hs_hdmi),
- .field_out(field)
+ .hs_out(hs_hdmi)
wire vde, hde;
wire vs_hdmi;
wire hs_hdmi;
-wire field;
@@ -395,9 +446,9 @@ pattern_vg
- .clk_in(HDMI_TX_CLK),
+ .clk_in(iHdmiClk),
- .y(y[11:0]),
+ .y(y),
.dn_in(vde & hde),
@@ -406,23 +457,24 @@ pattern_vg
- .den_out(HDMI_TX_DE),
+ .den_out(hdmi_de),
- .total_active_pix(H_TOTAL - (H_FP + H_BP + H_SYNC)),
- .total_active_lines(INTERLACED ? (V_TOTAL_0 - (V_FP_0 + V_BP_0 + V_SYNC_0)) + (V_TOTAL_1 - (V_FP_1 + V_BP_1 + V_SYNC_1)) : (V_TOTAL_0 - (V_FP_0 + V_BP_0 + V_SYNC_0))), // originally: 13'd480
+ .total_active_pix(WIDTH),
+ .total_active_lines(HEIGHT),
wire reset;
sysmem_lite sysmem
- .ctl_clock(ctl_clk),
+ .ctl_clock(clk_ctl),
//DE10-nano has no reset signal on GPIO, so core has to emulate cold reset button.
@@ -452,9 +504,69 @@ sysmem_lite sysmem
- .ram2_write(0)
+ .ram2_write(0),
+ // HDMI frame buffer
+ .vbuf_clk(clk_ctl),
+ .vbuf_address(vbuf_address),
+ .vbuf_burstcount(vbuf_burstcount),
+ .vbuf_waitrequest(vbuf_waitrequest),
+ .vbuf_writedata(vbuf_writedata),
+ .vbuf_byteenable(vbuf_byteenable),
+ .vbuf_write(vbuf_write),
+ .vbuf_readdata(vbuf_readdata),
+ .vbuf_readdatavalid(vbuf_readdatavalid),
+ .vbuf_read(vbuf_read)
+wire [27:0] vbuf_address;
+wire [7:0] vbuf_burstcount;
+wire vbuf_waitrequest;
+wire [127:0] vbuf_readdata;
+wire vbuf_readdatavalid;
+wire vbuf_read;
+wire [127:0] vbuf_writedata;
+wire [15:0] vbuf_byteenable;
+wire vbuf_write;
+assign HDMI_TX_VS = vs_hdmi;
+assign HDMI_TX_HS = hs_hdmi;
+hdmi_lite hdmi_lite
+ .reset(reset),
+ .clk_video(clk_vid),
+ .ce_pixel(ce_pix),
+ .video_vs(vs),
+ .video_de(de),
+ .video_d({r_out,g_out,b_out}),
+ .clk_hdmi(HDMI_TX_CLK),
+ .hdmi_hde(hde),
+ .hdmi_vde(vde),
+ .hdmi_d(hdmi_data),
+ .hdmi_de(hdmi_de),
+ .screen_w(WIDTH),
+ .screen_h(HEIGHT),
+ .quadbuf(1),
+ .scale_x(0),
+ .scale_y(0),
+ .scale_auto(1),
+ .clk_vbuf(clk_ctl),
+ .vbuf_address(vbuf_address),
+ .vbuf_burstcount(vbuf_burstcount),
+ .vbuf_waitrequest(vbuf_waitrequest),
+ .vbuf_writedata(vbuf_writedata),
+ .vbuf_byteenable(vbuf_byteenable),
+ .vbuf_write(vbuf_write),
+ .vbuf_readdata(vbuf_readdata),
+ .vbuf_readdatavalid(vbuf_readdatavalid),
+ .vbuf_read(vbuf_read)
@@ -463,42 +575,109 @@ sysmem_lite sysmem
pll_hdmi pll_hdmi
- .rst(reset),
+ .rst(reset_req),
+ .reconfig_to_pll(reconfig_to_pll),
+ .reconfig_from_pll(reconfig_from_pll),
+//1920x1080@60 PCLK=148.5MHz CEA
+reg [11:0] WIDTH = 1920;
+reg [11:0] HFP = 88;
+reg [11:0] HS = 48;
+reg [11:0] HBP = 148;
+reg [11:0] HEIGHT = 1080;
+reg [11:0] VFP = 4;
+reg [11:0] VS = 5;
+reg [11:0] VBP = 36;
+reg [11:0] VSET = 0;
+wire [63:0] reconfig_to_pll;
+wire [63:0] reconfig_from_pll;
+wire cfg_waitrequest;
+reg cfg_write;
+reg [5:0] cfg_address;
+reg [31:0] cfg_data;
+pll_hdmi_cfg pll_hdmi_cfg
+ .mgmt_clk(FPGA_CLK1_50),
+ .mgmt_reset(reset_req),
+ .mgmt_waitrequest(cfg_waitrequest),
+ .mgmt_read(0),
+ .mgmt_readdata(),
+ .mgmt_write(cfg_write),
+ .mgmt_address(cfg_address),
+ .mgmt_writedata(cfg_data),
+ .reconfig_to_pll(reconfig_to_pll),
+ .reconfig_from_pll(reconfig_from_pll)
+reg cfg_ready = 0;
+always @(posedge FPGA_CLK1_50) begin
+ reg gotd = 0, gotd2 = 0;
+ reg custd = 0, custd2 = 0;
+ reg old_wait = 0;
+ gotd <= cfg_got;
+ gotd2 <= gotd;
+ cfg_write <= 0;
+ custd <= cfg_custom_t;
+ custd2 <= custd;
+ if(custd2 != custd & ~gotd) begin
+ cfg_address <= cfg_custom_p1;
+ cfg_data <= cfg_custom_p2;
+ cfg_write <= 1;
+ end
+ if(~gotd2 & gotd) begin
+ cfg_address <= 2;
+ cfg_data <= 0;
+ cfg_write <= 1;
+ end
+ old_wait <= cfg_waitrequest;
+ if(old_wait & ~cfg_waitrequest & gotd) cfg_ready <= 1;
hdmi_config hdmi_config
- .iRST_N(cfg_ready),
+ .iRST_N(cfg_ready & ~HDMI_TX_INT),
- .audio_48k(~audio_96k),
- .iRES(4), // 720p
- .iAR(1) // Aspect Ratio
+ .dvi_mode(dvi_mode),
+ .audio_96k(audio_96k)
wire [23:0] hdmi_data;
+wire hdmi_de;
osd hdmi_osd
- .io_din(io_din[7:0]),
+ .io_din(io_din),
- .clk_video(HDMI_TX_CLK),
+ .clk_video(iHdmiClk),
- .de(HDMI_TX_DE)
+ .de_in(hdmi_de),
+ .de_out(HDMI_TX_DE)
assign HDMI_MCLK = 0;
i2s i2s
- .clk_sys(FPGA_CLK1_50),
+ .clk_sys(FPGA_CLK3_50),
@@ -520,12 +699,12 @@ osd vga_osd
- .io_din(io_din[7:0]),
+ .io_din(io_din),
.din(de ? {r_out, g_out, b_out} : 24'd0),
- .de(de)
+ .de_in(de)
wire [23:0] vga_o;
@@ -559,12 +738,14 @@ assign VGA_B = VGA_EN ? 6'bZZZZZZ : vga_o[7:2];
///////////////////////// Audio output ////////////////////////////////
+wire al, ar, aspdif;
sigma_delta_dac #(15) dac_l
.DACin({audio_l[15] ^ audio_s, audio_l[14:0]}),
- .DACout(AUDIO_L)
+ .DACout(al)
sigma_delta_dac #(15) dac_r
@@ -572,7 +753,7 @@ sigma_delta_dac #(15) dac_r
.DACin({audio_r[15] ^ audio_s, audio_r[14:0]}),
- .DACout(AUDIO_R)
+ .DACout(ar)
spdif toslink
@@ -585,14 +766,63 @@ spdif toslink
.audio_l(audio_l >> !audio_s),
.audio_r(audio_r >> !audio_s),
- .spdif_o(AUDIO_SPDIF)
+ .spdif_o(aspdif)
+assign AUDIO_SPDIF = SW[0] ? HDMI_LRCLK : aspdif;
+assign AUDIO_R = SW[0] ? HDMI_I2S : ar;
+assign AUDIO_L = SW[0] ? HDMI_SCLK : al;
+reg [15:0] audio_l;
+reg [15:0] audio_r;
+always @(posedge FPGA_CLK3_50) begin
+ reg signed [15:0] al;
+ reg signed [15:0] ar;
+ case({audio_s,audio_mix})
+ 'b000: al <= audio_ls;
+ 'b001: al <= audio_ls - (audio_ls >> 3) + (audio_rs >> 3);
+ 'b010: al <= audio_ls - (audio_ls >> 2) + (audio_rs >> 2);
+ 'b011: al <= (audio_ls >> 1) + (audio_rs >> 1);
+ 'b100: al <= audio_ls;
+ 'b101: al <= audio_ls - (audio_ls >>> 3) + (audio_rs >>> 3);
+ 'b110: al <= audio_ls - (audio_ls >>> 2) + (audio_rs >>> 2);
+ 'b111: al <= (audio_ls >>> 1) + (audio_rs >>> 1);
+ endcase
+ case({audio_s,audio_mix})
+ 'b000: ar <= audio_rs;
+ 'b001: ar <= audio_rs - (audio_rs >> 3) + (audio_ls >> 3);
+ 'b010: ar <= audio_rs - (audio_rs >> 2) + (audio_ls >> 2);
+ 'b011: ar <= (audio_rs >> 1) + (audio_ls >> 1);
+ 'b100: ar <= audio_rs;
+ 'b101: ar <= audio_rs - (audio_rs >>> 3) + (audio_ls >>> 3);
+ 'b110: ar <= audio_rs - (audio_rs >>> 2) + (audio_ls >>> 2);
+ 'b111: ar <= (audio_rs >>> 1) + (audio_ls >>> 1);
+ endcase
+ if(vol_att[4]) begin
+ audio_l <= 0;
+ audio_r <= 0;
+ end
+ else
+ if(audio_s) begin
+ audio_l <= al >>> vol_att[3:0];
+ audio_r <= ar >>> vol_att[3:0];
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ audio_l <= al >> vol_att[3:0];
+ audio_r <= ar >> vol_att[3:0];
+ end
/////////////////// User module connection ////////////////////////////
-wire [15:0] audio_l, audio_r;
+wire signed [15:0] audio_ls, audio_rs;
wire audio_s;
+wire [1:0] audio_mix;
wire [7:0] r_out, g_out, b_out;
wire vs, hs, de;
wire clk_sys, clk_vid, ce_pix;
@@ -620,7 +850,7 @@ emu emu
- .HPS_BUS({ctl_clk, clk_vid, ce_pix, de, hs, vs, io_wait, clk_sys, io_fpga, io_uio, io_strobe, io_wide, io_din, io_dout}),
+ .HPS_BUS({HDMI_TX_VS, clk_ctl, clk_vid, ce_pix, de, hs, vs, io_wait, clk_sys, io_fpga, io_uio, io_strobe, io_wide, io_din, io_dout}),
@@ -641,9 +871,10 @@ emu emu
- .AUDIO_L(audio_l),
- .AUDIO_R(audio_r),
+ .AUDIO_L(audio_ls),
+ .AUDIO_R(audio_rs),
+ .AUDIO_MIX(audio_mix),
// SCK -> CLK
@@ -651,12 +882,12 @@ emu emu
// MISO <- DAT0
// Z -> DAT1
// Z -> DAT2
- // CS -> DAT3
+ // CS -> DAT3
diff --git a/sys/sysmem.qip b/sys/sysmem.qip
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f27d09..0000000
--- a/sys/sysmem.qip
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE sys/sysmem.sv
-set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE sys/ip/reset_source.v
diff --git a/sys/sysmem.sv b/sys/sysmem.sv
index 4f38ca0..0f60f65 100644
--- a/sys/sysmem.sv
+++ b/sys/sysmem.sv
@@ -27,7 +27,18 @@ module sysmem_lite
input reset_cold_req, // reset.cold_req
output reset_reset, // .reset
input reset_reset_req, // .reset_req
- input reset_warm_req // .warm_req
+ input reset_warm_req, // .warm_req
+ input vbuf_clk, // vbuf.clk
+ input [27:0] vbuf_address, // vbuf.address
+ input [7:0] vbuf_burstcount, // .burstcount
+ output vbuf_waitrequest, // .waitrequest
+ output [127:0] vbuf_readdata, // .readdata
+ output vbuf_readdatavalid, // .readdatavalid
+ input vbuf_read, // .read
+ input [127:0] vbuf_writedata, // .writedata
+ input [15:0] vbuf_byteenable, // .byteenable
+ input vbuf_write // .write
assign ctl_clock = clk_vip_clk;
@@ -42,16 +53,16 @@ sysmem_HPS_fpga_interfaces fpga_interfaces (
.f2h_warm_rst_req_n (~reset_source_reset_warm_reset), // f2h_warm_reset_req.reset_n
.h2f_user0_clk (clk_vip_clk), // h2f_user0_clock.clk
.h2f_rst_n (hps_h2f_reset_reset), // h2f_reset.reset_n
- .f2h_sdram0_clk (clk_vip_clk), // f2h_sdram0_clock.clk
- .f2h_sdram0_ADDRESS (0), // f2h_sdram0_data.address
- .f2h_sdram0_BURSTCOUNT (0), // .burstcount
- .f2h_sdram0_WAITREQUEST (), // .waitrequest
- .f2h_sdram0_READDATA (), // .readdata
- .f2h_sdram0_READDATAVALID (), // .readdatavalid
- .f2h_sdram0_READ (0), // .read
- .f2h_sdram0_WRITEDATA (0), // .writedata
- .f2h_sdram0_BYTEENABLE (0), // .byteenable
- .f2h_sdram0_WRITE (0), // .write
+ .f2h_sdram0_clk (vbuf_clk), // f2h_sdram0_clock.clk
+ .f2h_sdram0_ADDRESS (vbuf_address), // f2h_sdram0_data.address
+ .f2h_sdram0_BURSTCOUNT (vbuf_burstcount), // .burstcount
+ .f2h_sdram0_WAITREQUEST (vbuf_waitrequest), // .waitrequest
+ .f2h_sdram0_READDATA (vbuf_readdata), // .readdata
+ .f2h_sdram0_READDATAVALID (vbuf_readdatavalid), // .readdatavalid
+ .f2h_sdram0_READ (vbuf_read), // .read
+ .f2h_sdram0_WRITEDATA (vbuf_writedata), // .writedata
+ .f2h_sdram0_BYTEENABLE (vbuf_byteenable), // .byteenable
+ .f2h_sdram0_WRITE (vbuf_write), // .write
.f2h_sdram1_clk (ramclk1_clk), // f2h_sdram1_clock.clk
.f2h_sdram1_ADDRESS (ram1_address), // f2h_sdram1_data.address
.f2h_sdram1_BURSTCOUNT (ram1_burstcount), // .burstcount
@@ -81,6 +92,7 @@ reset_source reset_source (
.cold_req (reset_cold_req), // reset_ctl.cold_req
.reset (reset_reset), // .reset
.reset_req (reset_reset_req), // .reset_req
+ .reset_vip (0), // .reset_vip
.warm_req (reset_warm_req), // .warm_req
.reset_warm (reset_source_reset_warm_reset), // reset_warm.reset
.reset_cold (reset_source_reset_cold_reset) // reset_cold.reset
diff --git a/sys/vip.qip b/sys/vip.qip
deleted file mode 100644
index abbb0dc..0000000
--- a/sys/vip.qip
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE sys/vip_config.sv
-set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE sys/vip/synthesis/vip.qip
diff --git a/sys/vip.qsys b/sys/vip.qsys
index 4a96e70..47306be 100644
--- a/sys/vip.qsys
+++ b/sys/vip.qsys
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
datum _sortIndex
- value = "7";
+ value = "9";
type = "int";
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
datum _sortIndex
- value = "3";
+ value = "4";
type = "int";
@@ -33,11 +33,27 @@
type = "int";
+ element Input
+ {
+ datum _sortIndex
+ {
+ value = "2";
+ type = "int";
+ }
+ }
element Mixer
datum _sortIndex
- value = "5";
+ value = "6";
+ type = "int";
+ }
+ }
+ element Output
+ {
+ datum _sortIndex
+ {
+ value = "8";
type = "int";
@@ -53,7 +69,7 @@
datum _sortIndex
- value = "4";
+ value = "5";
type = "int";
@@ -61,7 +77,7 @@
datum _sortIndex
- value = "2";
+ value = "3";
type = "int";
@@ -69,7 +85,7 @@
datum _sortIndex
- value = "6";
+ value = "7";
type = "int";
@@ -489,6 +505,62 @@
type = "String";
+ element vip
+ {
+ datum _originalDeviceFamily
+ {
+ value = "Cyclone V";
+ type = "String";
+ }
+ }
+ element vip
+ {
+ datum _originalDeviceFamily
+ {
+ value = "Cyclone V";
+ type = "String";
+ }
+ }
+ element vip
+ {
+ datum _originalDeviceFamily
+ {
+ value = "Cyclone V";
+ type = "String";
+ }
+ }
+ element vip
+ {
+ datum _originalDeviceFamily
+ {
+ value = "Cyclone V";
+ type = "String";
+ }
+ }
+ element vip
+ {
+ datum _originalDeviceFamily
+ {
+ value = "Cyclone V";
+ type = "String";
+ }
+ }
+ element vip
+ {
+ datum _originalDeviceFamily
+ {
+ value = "Cyclone V";
+ type = "String";
+ }
+ }
+ element vip
+ {
+ datum _originalDeviceFamily
+ {
+ value = "Cyclone V";
+ type = "String";
+ }
+ }
@@ -512,16 +584,10 @@
@@ -531,13 +597,13 @@
dir="end" />
@@ -557,20 +623,20 @@
@@ -784,6 +850,7 @@
@@ -801,18 +868,19 @@
@@ -820,7 +888,7 @@
@@ -840,7 +908,7 @@
@@ -850,9 +918,9 @@
@@ -877,7 +945,7 @@
@@ -909,27 +977,27 @@
+ start="Mixer.dout"
+ end="Video_Output.din" />
+ start="Frame_Buffer.dout"
+ end="Scaler.din" />
+ start="Video_Input.clocked_video"
+ end="Input.Output">
+ start="Video_Output.clocked_video"
+ end="Output.input">
WIDTH) ? WIDTH : wcalc;
-wire [31:0] videoh = (hcalc > HEIGHT) ? HEIGHT : hcalc;
+ //scaler
+ { 1'd1, 2'd0, 7'd03, videow }, //Output Width
+ { 1'd1, 2'd0, 7'd04, videoh }, //Output Height
+ { 1'd1, 2'd0, 7'd00, 12'd1 }, //Go
-wire [31:0] posx = (WIDTH - videow)>>1;
-wire [31:0] posy = (HEIGHT- videoh)>>1;
+ 22'h3FFFFF
+reg [11:0] w;
+reg [11:0] hfp;
+reg [11:0] hbp;
+reg [11:0] hs;
+reg [11:0] hb;
+reg [11:0] h;
+reg [11:0] vfp;
+reg [11:0] vbp;
+reg [11:0] vs;
+reg [11:0] vb;
+reg [11:0] videow;
+reg [11:0] videoh;
+reg [11:0] posx;
+reg [11:0] posy;
always @(posedge clk) begin
- reg [7:0] state = 0;
- reg [7:0] arx, ary;
- integer timeout = 0;
+ reg [7:0] state = 0;
+ reg [7:0] arx, ary;
+ reg [7:0] arxd, aryd;
+ reg [11:0] vset, vsetd;
+ reg cfg, cfgd;
+ reg [31:0] wcalc;
+ reg [31:0] hcalc;
+ reg [12:0] timeout = 0;
- if(reset || (!state && ((arx != ARX) || (ary != ARY)))) begin
- arx <= ARX;
- ary <= ARY;
- timeout <= 0;
- write <= 0;
+ arxd <= ARX;
+ aryd <= ARY;
+ vsetd <= VSET;
+ cfg <= CFG_SET;
+ cfgd <= cfg;
+ write <= 0;
+ if(reset || (arx != arxd) || (ary != aryd) || (vset != vsetd) || (~cfgd && cfg)) begin
+ arx <= arxd;
+ ary <= aryd;
+ vset <= vsetd;
+ timeout <= '1;
+ state <= 0;
+ if(reset || (~cfgd && cfg)) newres <= 1;
- if(timeout < 1000000)
+ if(timeout > 0)
- timeout <= timeout + 1;
- write <= 0;
+ timeout <= timeout - 1'd1;
state <= 1;
+ if(!(timeout & 'h1f)) case(timeout>>5)
+ 5: begin
+ w <= WIDTH;
+ hfp <= HFP;
+ hbp <= HBP;
+ hs <= HS;
+ h <= HEIGHT;
+ vfp <= VFP;
+ vbp <= VBP;
+ vs <= VS;
+ end
+ 4: begin
+ hb <= hfp+hbp+hs;
+ vb <= vfp+vbp+vs;
+ end
+ 3: begin
+ wcalc <= vset ? (vset*arx)/ary : (h*arx)/ary;
+ hcalc <= (w*ary)/arx;
+ end
+ 2: begin
+ videow <= (!vset && (wcalc > w)) ? w : wcalc[11:0];
+ videoh <= vset ? vset : (hcalc > h) ? h : hcalc[11:0];
+ end
+ 1: begin
+ posx <= (w - videow)>>1;
+ posy <= (h - videoh)>>1;
+ end
+ endcase
if(~waitrequest && state)
state <= state + 1'd1;
- write <= 1;
- case(state)
- 01: begin
- wcalc <= (HEIGHT*arx)/ary;
- hcalc <= (WIDTH*ary)/arx;
- end
- endcase
- if(state&3) write <= 0;
- else
- case(state>>2)
- //scaler
- 01: begin
- address <= 'h003; //Output Width
- writedata <= videow;
- end
- 02: begin
- address <= 'h004; //Output Height
- writedata <= videoh;
- end
- 03: begin
- address <= 'h000; //Go
- writedata <= 1;
- end
- //mixer
- 10: begin
- address <= 'h083; //Bkg Width
- writedata <= WIDTH;
- end
- 11: begin
- address <= 'h084; //Bkg Height
- writedata <= HEIGHT;
- end
- 12: begin
- address <= 'h088; //Pos X
- writedata <= posx;
- end
- 13: begin
- address <= 'h089; //Pos Y
- writedata <= posy;
- end
- 14: begin
- address <= 'h08A; //Enable Video 0
- writedata <= 1;
- end
- 15: begin
- address <= 'h080; //Go
- writedata <= 1;
- end
- //video mode
- 20: begin
- address <= 'h104; //Bank
- writedata <= 0;
- end
- 21: begin
- address <= 'h105; //Progressive/Interlaced
- writedata <= 0;
- end
- 22: begin
- address <= 'h106; //Active pixel count
- writedata <= WIDTH;
- end
- 23: begin
- address <= 'h107; //Active line count
- writedata <= HEIGHT;
- end
- 24: begin
- address <= 'h109; //Horizontal Front Porch
- writedata <= HFP;
- end
- 25: begin
- address <= 'h10A; //Horizontal Sync Length
- writedata <= HS;
- end
- 26: begin
- address <= 'h10B; //Horizontal Blanking (HFP+HBP+HSync)
- writedata <= HFP+HBP+HS;
- end
- 27: begin
- address <= 'h10C; //Vertical Front Porch
- writedata <= VFP;
- end
- 28: begin
- address <= 'h10D; //Vertical Sync Length
- writedata <= VS;
- end
- 29: begin
- address <= 'h10E; //Vertical blanking (VFP+VBP+VSync)
- writedata <= VFP+VBP+VS;
- end
- 30: begin
- address <= 'h11E; //Valid
- writedata <= 1;
- end
- 31: begin
- address <= 'h100; //Go
- writedata <= 1;
- end
- default: write <= 0;
- endcase
+ write <= 0;
+ if((state&3)==3) begin
+ if(init[state>>2] == 22'h3FFFFF) begin
+ state <= 0;
+ newres <= 0;
+ end
+ else begin
+ writedata <= 0;
+ {write, address, writedata[11:0]} <= init[state>>2];
+ end
+ end