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-- PS2_Ctrl.vhd
-- ------------------------------------------------
-- Simplified PS/2 Controller (kbd, mouse...)
-- ------------------------------------------------
-- Only the Receive function is implemented !
-- (c) ALSE. http://www.alse-fr.com
library IEEE;
use IEEE.Std_Logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.Numeric_Std.all;
-- --------------------------------------
Entity PS2_Ctrl is
-- --------------------------------------
generic (FilterSize : positive := 8);
port( Clk : in std_logic; -- System Clock
Reset : in std_logic; -- System Reset
PS2_Clk : in std_logic; -- Keyboard Clock Line
PS2_Data : in std_logic; -- Keyboard Data Line
DoRead : in std_logic; -- From outside when reading the scan code
Scan_Err : out std_logic; -- To outside : Parity or Overflow error
Scan_DAV : out std_logic; -- To outside when a scan code has arrived
Scan_Code : out unsigned(7 downto 0) -- Eight bits Data Out
end PS2_Ctrl;
-- --------------------------------------
Architecture ALSE_RTL of PS2_Ctrl is
-- --------------------------------------
-- (c) ALSE. http://www.alse-fr.com
-- Author : Bert Cuzeau.
-- Fully synchronous solution, same Filter on PS2_Clk.
-- Still as compact as "Plain_wrong"...
-- Possible improvement : add TIMEOUT on PS2_Clk while shifting
-- Note: PS2_Data is resynchronized though this should not be
-- necessary (qualified by Fall_Clk and does not change at that time).
-- Note the tricks to correctly interpret 'H' as '1' in RTL simulation.
signal PS2_Datr : std_logic;
subtype Filter_t is std_logic_vector(FilterSize-1 downto 0);
signal Filter : Filter_t;
signal Fall_Clk : std_logic;
signal Bit_Cnt : unsigned(3 downto 0);
signal Parity : std_logic;
signal Scan_DAVi : std_logic;
signal S_Reg : unsigned(8 downto 0);
signal PS2_Clk_f : std_logic;
Type State_t is (Idle, Shifting);
signal State : State_t;
Scan_DAV <= Scan_DAVi;
-- This filters digitally the raw clock signal coming from the keyboard :
-- * Eight consecutive PS2_Clk=1 makes the filtered_clock go high
-- * Eight consecutive PS2_Clk=0 makes the filtered_clock go low
-- Implies a (FilterSize+1) x Tsys_clock delay on Fall_Clk wrt Data
-- Also in charge of the re-synchronization of PS2_Data
process (Clk,Reset)
if Reset='1' then
PS2_Datr <= '0';
PS2_Clk_f <= '0';
Filter <= (others=>'0');
Fall_Clk <= '0';
elsif rising_edge (Clk) then
PS2_Datr <= PS2_Data and PS2_Data; -- also turns 'H' into '1'
Fall_Clk <= '0';
Filter <= (PS2_Clk and PS2_CLK) & Filter(Filter'high downto 1);
if Filter = Filter_t'(others=>'1') then
PS2_Clk_f <= '1';
elsif Filter = Filter_t'(others=>'0') then
PS2_Clk_f <= '0';
if PS2_Clk_f = '1' then
Fall_Clk <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- This simple State Machine reads in the Serial Data
-- coming from the PS/2 peripheral.
if Reset='1' then
State <= Idle;
Bit_Cnt <= (others => '0');
S_Reg <= (others => '0');
Scan_Code <= (others => '0');
Parity <= '0';
Scan_Davi <= '0';
Scan_Err <= '0';
elsif rising_edge (Clk) then
if DoRead='1' then
Scan_Davi <= '0'; -- note: this assgnmnt can be overriden
end if;
case State is
when Idle =>
Parity <= '0';
Bit_Cnt <= (others => '0');
-- note that we dont need to clear the Shift Register
if Fall_Clk='1' and PS2_Datr='0' then -- Start bit
Scan_Err <= '0';
State <= Shifting;
end if;
when Shifting =>
if Bit_Cnt >= 9 then
if Fall_Clk='1' then -- Stop Bit
-- Error is (wrong Parity) or (Stop='0') or Overflow
Scan_Err <= (not Parity) or (not PS2_Datr) or Scan_DAVi;
Scan_Davi <= '1';
Scan_Code <= S_Reg(7 downto 0);
State <= Idle;
end if;
elsif Fall_Clk='1' then
Bit_Cnt <= Bit_Cnt + 1;
S_Reg <= PS2_Datr & S_Reg (S_Reg'high downto 1); -- Shift right
Parity <= Parity xor PS2_Datr;
end if;
when others => -- never reached
State <= Idle;
end case;
--Scan_Err <= '0'; -- to create an on-purpose error on Scan_Err !
end if;
end process;