2017-11-04 21:21:27 +08:00

151 lines
4.7 KiB

-- Apple ][ Timing logic
-- Stephen A. Edwards,
-- Taken more-or-less verbatim from the schematics in the
-- Apple ][ reference manual
-- This takes a 14.31818 MHz master clock and divides it down to generate
-- the various lower-frequency signals (e.g., 7M, phase 0, colorburst)
-- as well as horizontal and vertical blanking and sync signals for the video
-- and the video addresses.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity timing_generator is
port (
CLK_14M : in std_logic; -- 14.31818 MHz master clock
CLK_7M : buffer std_logic := '0';
Q3 : buffer std_logic := '0'; -- 2 MHz signal in phase with PHI0
RAS_N : buffer std_logic := '0';
CAS_N : buffer std_logic := '0';
AX : buffer std_logic := '0';
PHI0 : buffer std_logic := '0'; -- 1.0 MHz processor clock
PRE_PHI0 : buffer std_logic := '0'; -- One 14M cycle before
COLOR_REF : buffer std_logic := '0'; -- 3.579545 MHz colorburst
TEXT_MODE : in std_logic;
PAGE2 : in std_logic;
HIRES : in std_logic;
VIDEO_ADDRESS : out unsigned(15 downto 0);
H0 : out std_logic;
VA : out std_logic; -- Character row address
VB : out std_logic;
VC : out std_logic;
V2 : out std_logic;
V4 : out std_logic;
HBL : buffer std_logic; -- Horizontal blanking
VBL : buffer std_logic; -- Vertical blanking
BLANK : out std_logic; -- Composite blanking
LDPS_N : out std_logic;
LD194 : out std_logic
end timing_generator;
architecture rtl of timing_generator is
signal H : unsigned(6 downto 0) := "0000000";
signal V : unsigned(8 downto 0) := "011111010";
signal COLOR_DELAY_N : std_logic;
-- To generate the once-a-line hiccup: D1 pin 6
not (not COLOR_REF and (not AX and not CAS_N) and PHI0 and not H(6));
-- The DRAM signal generator
C2_74S195: process (CLK_14M)
if rising_edge(CLK_14M) then
if Q3 = '1' then -- shift
(Q3, CAS_N, AX, RAS_N) <=
unsigned'(CAS_N, AX, RAS_N, '0');
else -- load
(Q3, CAS_N, AX, RAS_N) <=
unsigned'(RAS_N, AX, COLOR_DELAY_N, AX);
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- The main clock signal generator
B1_74S175 : process (CLK_14M)
if rising_edge(CLK_14M) then
CLK_7M <= not CLK_7M;
if AX = '1' then
PRE_PHI0 <= not (Q3 xor PHI0); -- B1 pin 10
end if;
end if;
end process;
LDPS_N <= not (PHI0 and not AX and not CAS_N);
LD194 <= not (PHI0 and not AX and not CAS_N and not CLK_7M);
-- Four four-bit presettable binary counters
-- Seven-bit horizontal counter counts 0, 40, 41, ..., 7F (65 states)
-- Nine-bit vertical counter counts $FA .. $1FF (262 states)
D11D12D13D14_74LS161 : process (CLK_14M)
if rising_edge(CLK_14M) then
-- True the cycle before the rising edge of LDPS_N: emulates
-- the effects of using LDPS_N as the clock for the video counters
if (PHI0 and not AX and ((Q3 and RAS_N) or
(not Q3 and COLOR_DELAY_N))) = '1' then
if H(6) = '0' then H <= "1000000";
H <= H + 1;
if H = "1111111" then
V <= V + 1;
if V = "111111111" then V <= "011111010"; end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
H0 <= H(0);
VA <= V(0);
VB <= V(1);
VC <= V(2);
V2 <= V(5);
V4 <= V(7);
HBL <= not (H(5) or (H(3) and H(4)));
VBL <= V(6) and V(7);
-- V_SYNC <= VBL and V(5) and not V(4) and not V(3) and
-- not V(2) and (H(4) or H(3) or H(5));
-- H_SYNC <= HBL and H(3) and not H(2);
-- SYNC <= not (V_SYNC or H_SYNC);
-- COLOR_BURST <= HBL and H(2) and H(3) and (COLOR_REF or TEXT_MODE);
-- Video address calculation
VIDEO_ADDRESS(2 downto 0) <= H(2 downto 0);
VIDEO_ADDRESS(6 downto 3) <= (not H(5) & V(6) & H(4) & H(3)) +
( V(7) & not H(5) & V(7) & '1') +
( "000" & V(6));
VIDEO_ADDRESS(9 downto 7) <= V(5 downto 3);
VIDEO_ADDRESS(14 downto 10) <=
( "00" & HBL & PAGE2 & not PAGE2) when HIRES = '0' else
(PAGE2 & not PAGE2 & V(2 downto 0));
VIDEO_ADDRESS(15) <= '0';
end rtl;