
1344 lines
35 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

2018-07-21 19:39:32 +00:00
DEBUG EQU 1 ;0 or 1 to control "DEBUG" option, Diagnostic output, etc
OPT P=68020,USER
include system
include libraries/dos_lib.i
include libraries/dos.i
include exec/exec_lib.i
include exec/interrupts.i
include exec/execbase.i
include graphics/graphics_lib.i
include graphics/gfxbase.i
include intuition/intuition_lib.i
include hardware/custom.i
include hardware/intbits.i
include hardware/dmabits.i
include devices/console.i ;just for "RawKeyConvert" fnctn
include devices/console_lib.i
include devices/inputevent.i
include resources/potgo.i ;for PotBits stuff...
include resources/potgo_lib.i
include hardware/cia.i ;all for CIA stuff
include resources/cia.i
include resources/cia_lib.i
include ReqTools/reqtools_lib.i ;for reqTools!!!!
include ReqTools/reqtools.i
move.l _REQBase,a6
jsr _LVO\1(a6)
jmp OpenAll ;returns to "Main"
include "OpenClose.s" ;opens all, Exits too!
include "Decompress.s" ;does DDD & Plain disk loading
include "Compress.s" ;does DDD & Plain disk saving
include "AppleII.s" ;does 6502/hardware/etc !
include "Debug.s" ;Debugging/Diagnostic help
include "NoDebug.s"
include "CharSets.s" ;has bitmap character sets
_SysBase equ 4
Hardware equ $dff000
CNOP 0,4
Wait move.l ([MyWindow.l],wd_UserPort),a0
move.l ([MyWindow.l],wd_UserPort),a0
CALLEXEC GetMsg ;get Intui-Message
tst.l d0 ;message arrive?
beq Wait ;nope, wait some more!
move.l d0,a1
move.l im_Class(a1),d2
move.w im_Code(a1),d3
move.w im_Qualifier(a1),d4
move.l im_IAddress(a1),d5
;d2.l= im_Class
;d3.w= im_Code
;d4.w= qualifier
;d5.l = IAddress
cmp.l #RAWKEY,d2
beq key
beq button
cmp.l #INTUITICKS,d2
bne.b Wait
tst.l NewStatusMsgPtr ;Handle StatusMsg's.. New one present?
beq.b .NoNew
jsr DrawNewStatusMsg
.NoNew tst.b StatusCountdown ;and remove msg in timely manner...
beq.b .NewVid
subq.b #1,StatusCountdown
bne.b .NewVid
jsr ClearStatusMsg
.NewVid move.l DoVideoFlag,d2
beq.b .skip
clr.l DoVideoFlag
move.l #0,d0
move.l d0,d5
move.l MyScreen,a0 ;Rebuild local VPort copper list (but not display)
CALLINT MakeScreen
CALLINT RethinkDisplay ;and update screen!
cmp.l LastColorTable,d2
beq.b .sameColor
move.l d2,a1
move.l MyScreen,a0 ;Set Colors... (IF NEEDED!)
move.l a1,LastColorTable
lea sc_ViewPort(a0),a0 ;a0 -> Screen ViewPort
move.w (a1)+,d0 ;d0 = # of colors, a1 -> ColorList
CALLGRAF LoadRGB4 ;(takes effect immed, but doesn't ReThink display)
move.l d5,a0
CALLINT UnlockIBase ;(is locking really needed?)
.skip tst.b FlashEnableB ;see if flashing is even enabled 1st...
beq Wait
addq.l #1,TickCount
cmp.l #3,TickCount
bne Wait
move.l #0,TickCount
lea Flash1ColorTbl,a1
eor.b #1,Toggle
beq .alt
lea Flash2ColorTbl,a1
.alt move.l #0,d0
move.l d0,d5
move.l MyScreen,a0 ;SET COLORS...
lea sc_ViewPort(a0),a0 ;a0 -> Screen ViewPort
move.w (a1)+,d0 ;d0 = # of colors, a1 -> ColorList
CALLGRAF LoadRGB4 ;(takes effect immed, but doesn't ReThink display)
move.l d5,a0
CALLINT UnlockIBase ;(is locking really needed?)
bra Wait
CNOP 0,4
TickCount dc.l 0
FlashEnableB dc.b 1
Toggle dc.b 0
CNOP 0,4
.flush move.l ([MyWindow.l],wd_UserPort),a0
CALLEXEC GetMsg ;get any Intui-Message
tst.l d0 ;message arrive?
beq .done ;nope, wait some more!
move.l d0,a1
CALLEXEC ReplyMsg ;we dont care what it is, just reply...
bra.b .flush
.done rts
CNOP 0,4
KillApple: ;***** QUIT PROGRAM!!!! *****
bsr PauseCPU ;stop 6502 task, clear & show MyScreen
bsr ShowMainScreen
moveq.l #0,d0 ;check & warn if drive #1 changed
bsr CheckDiskAndWarn
tst.w d0
beq.b .NoKill
moveq.l #1,d0 ;check & warn if drive #2 changed (if present)
tst.l disk_Buffer2
beq.b .NoD2
bsr CheckDiskAndWarn
tst.w d0
beq.b .NoKill
.NoD2 move.l MyWindow,.win
lea .QuitMsg,a1
lea .QuitAns,a2 ; "are you sure?" req
move.l EasyReq,a3
move.l #0,a4
lea .QuitTag,a0
tst.l d0
beq .NoKill ; nope! don't quit!
.Kill move.l MySubTask,a1 ;6502 paused- Don't respond, Remove it!
jsr FadeEffect
jmp exit ;instead of NiceExit!!!!!
.NoKill jsr FlushMsgs
bsr ResumeCPU ;resume 6502 task, restore pointer & video...
bra Wait
.QuitMsg dc.b "Really Quit?",0
.QuitAns dc.b "_Yes|_No",0
.QuitTag dc.l RT_Underscore,'_',RT_ReqPos,REQPOS_TOPLEFTSCR
.win dc.l 0 ;<-- patch in window before using taglist...
dc.l RT_LockWindow,1,RTEZ_ReqTitle,.QuitTtl,TAG_DONE
.QuitTtl dc.b "Quit?",0
CNOP 0,4
;----Here for RAWKEY event only!!!------
key: btst.l #IEQUALIFIERB_LCOMMAND,d4 ;LeftAmiga pressed? Ignore...
bne Wait
lea .KyTbl,a0 ;Look up key, jump to handler
move.l (a0,d3.l*4),d0
beq .NotHardKey
move.l d0,a0
jmp (a0)
;*** These Raw keycodes are from page 661, RKM Libs&Devs ***
;* Only handle special 'hard' keys here. Others get parsed by con dev
.KyTbl dc.l $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;$00-$0f
dc.l $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;$10
dc.l $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,.Num2,$00 ;$18-$1f
dc.l $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;$20
dc.l $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,.Num4,.Num5,.Num6 ;$28
dc.l $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;$30
dc.l $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,.Num8,$00 ;$38
dc.l $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;$40
dc.l $00,$00,$00,$00,.Up,.Down,.Right,.Left ;$48
dc.l .F1,.F2,.F3,.F4,.F5,$00,$00,.F8 ;$50
dc.l .F9,.F10,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,.Help ;$58
dc.l $00,$00,$00,$00,.LAltDn,.RAltDn,$00,$00 ;$60-$67
dc.l $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;$68-$6f
dc.l $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;$70
dc.l $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;$80
dc.l $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;$90
dc.l $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;$a0
dc.l $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;$b0
dc.l $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;$c0
dc.l $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;$d0
dc.l $00,$00,$00,$00,.LAltUp,.RAltUp,$00,$00 ;$e0-$e7
dc.l $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;$e8-$ef
dc.l $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;$f0
.LAltDn ;Left-Alt down: set button 0
move.b #$ff,([Mem_PtrVar.l],$c061.l)
bra Wait
.LAltUp ;L-Alt up: clear button 0
move.b #$00,([Mem_PtrVar.l],$c061.l)
bra Wait
.RAltDn ;R-Alt down: set button 1
move.b #$ff,([Mem_PtrVar.l],$c062.l)
bra Wait
.RAltUp ;R-Alt up: clear button 1
move.b #$00,([Mem_PtrVar.l],$c062.l)
bra Wait
.Left ;Left Arrow: store as ctrl-h
move.b #8+128,([Mem_PtrVar.l],$c000.l)
bra Wait
.Right ;Right Arrow: store as ctrl-u
move.b #21+128,([Mem_PtrVar.l],$c000.l)
bra Wait
.Up ;Up Arrow: store as ctrl-k
move.b #11+128,([Mem_PtrVar.l],$c000.l)
bra Wait
.Down ;Down Arrow: store as ctrl-j
move.b #10+128,([Mem_PtrVar.l],$c000.l)
bra Wait
;*** Joystick Trimming controls ***
.Num4 sub.w #11,Pdl0CenterW ;NumPad 4 <--
bpl.b .Num4ok
move.w #2805,Pdl0CenterW
.Num4ok bra Wait
.Num6 add.w #11,Pdl0CenterW ;NumPad 6 -->
cmp.w #2805,Pdl0CenterW
bls.b .Num6ok
move.w #0,Pdl0CenterW
.Num6ok bra Wait
.Num8 sub.w #11,Pdl1CenterW ;NumPad 8 ^
bpl.b .Num8ok
move.w #2805,Pdl1CenterW
.Num8ok bra Wait
.Num2 add.w #11,Pdl1CenterW ;NumPad 2 V
cmp.w #2805,Pdl1CenterW
bls.b .Num2ok
move.w #0,Pdl1CenterW
.Num2ok bra Wait
.Num5 move.w #127*11,Pdl0CenterW ;NumPad 5 (Center)
move.w #127*11,Pdl1CenterW
bra Wait
;*** Set regulation speed ***
.F1 move.l #50,d3 ;F1 key: Set speed regulation to 50%
lea .Speed50Msg,a3
bra .F1to5
.F2 move.l #100,d3 ;F2 key: Set speed regulation to 100%
lea .Speed100Msg,a3
bra .F1to5
.F3 move.l #150,d3 ;F3 key: Set speed regulation to 150%
lea .Speed150Msg,a3
bra .F1to5
.F4 move.l #200,d3 ;F4 key: Set to 200%
lea .Speed200Msg,a3
bra .F1to5
.F5 move.l #-1,d3 ;F5 key: Turn off speed regulation
lea .SpeedNoneMsg,a3
bra .F1to5
.F1to5 bsr PauseCPU ;enter w/ d3=new speed, a3->NewMsg
move.l d3,ResumeWithNewSpeed
bsr ResumeCPU
bsr FlushMsgs
move.l a3,NewStatusMsgPtr
bra Wait
.Speed50Msg dc.b " SPEED LIMIT: 50% (0.5 MHZ)",0,25
.Speed100Msg dc.b " SPEED LIMIT: 100% (1.0 MHZ)",0,25
.Speed150Msg dc.b " SPEED LIMIT: 150% (1.5 MHZ)",0,25
.Speed200Msg dc.b " SPEED LIMIT: 200% (2.0 MHZ)",0,25
.SpeedNoneMsg dc.b " LUDICROUS SPEED! (NO LIMIT)",0,25
; dc.b "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
CNOP 0,4
.F10 ;F10 key: Do Diagnostic print!
jsr PauseCPU ;sometime, make Pause w/o screen changes
move.l #1,ResumeWithDiagnostic
jsr ResumeCPU
jsr FlushMsgs
bra Wait
.F9 ;F9 key: Toggle Joystk/Mouse controls!
move.l PotBits,d0 ;free any previously allocated PotBits...
clr.l PotBits
lea HardwareWriteTbl,a0 ;Cycle through Joy/Mouse/Analog
move.l $70*4(a0),a1
cmpa.l #HW_C070_Joystick,a1
beq.b .wasJoy
cmpa.l #HW_C070_Mouse,a1
beq.b .wasMouse
cmpa.l #HW_C070_AtariPdl,a1
beq .wasAtariPdl
bra .wasAnalog
.wasJoy ;Was Joystick, now make it mouse!
move.l #HW_C070_Mouse,$70*4(a0) ;set to mouse control...
lea HardwareReadTbl,a0
move.l #HW_C070_Mouse,$70*4(a0)
move.l #.MouseMsg,NewStatusMsgPtr
bra Wait
move.l #HW_C070_Analog,$70*4(a0) ;set to Analog control...
lea HardwareReadTbl,a0
move.l #HW_C070_Analog,$70*4(a0)
move.l #HWr_C061_Analog,$61*4(a0) ;and buttons...
move.l #HWr_C062_Analog,$62*4(a0)
move.l #%1111000000000001,d0 ;allocate 2 prop bits & Start bit...
move.l d0,PotBits
move.l #%0101000000000000,d0 ;bits to set
move.l PotBits,d1 ;mask
CALLPOTGO WritePotgo ;set output lines hi to read joy 2nd btn...
move.w #$01fe,PotPosition
.10 cmp.w #$01fe,PotPosition ;wait until intrpt server is running
beq.b .10
move.w #$01fe,PotPosition
.20 cmp.w #$01fe,PotPosition
beq.b .20
move.w PotPosition,d0
and.w #%1111111011111110,d0 ;Ensure each val is even and <= $FE
move.b d0,PotMinY
addq.b #1,d0
move.b d0,PotMaxY
lsr.w #8,d0
move.b d0,PotMinX
addq.b #1,d0
move.b d0,PotMaxX
move.b #0,PdlMode
move.l #.AnalogMsg,NewStatusMsgPtr
bra Wait
.wasAnalog ;set to Atari Paddles... Only change
;from Analog Joystick is a flag setting.
move.l #HW_C070_AtariPdl,$70*4(a0) ;set to Atari Pdl control...
lea HardwareReadTbl,a0
move.l #HW_C070_AtariPdl,$70*4(a0)
move.l #HWr_C061_Analog,$61*4(a0) ;and buttons...
move.l #HWr_C062_Analog,$62*4(a0)
move.l #%1111000000000001,d0 ;allocate 2 prop bits & Start bit...
move.l d0,PotBits
move.l #%0101000000000000,d0 ;bits to set
move.l PotBits,d1 ;mask
CALLPOTGO WritePotgo ;set output lines hi to read joy 2nd btn...
move.w #$01fe,PotPosition
.51 cmp.w #$01fe,PotPosition ;wait until intrpt server is running
beq.b .51
move.w #$01fe,PotPosition
.52 cmp.w #$01fe,PotPosition
beq.b .52
move.w PotPosition,d0
and.w #%1111111011111110,d0 ;Ensure each val is even and <= $FE
move.b d0,PotMinY
addq.b #1,d0
move.b d0,PotMaxY
lsr.w #8,d0
move.b d0,PotMinX
addq.b #1,d0
move.b d0,PotMaxX
move.b #1,PdlMode
move.l #.AtariPdlMsg,NewStatusMsgPtr
bra Wait
move.l #HW_C070_Joystick,$70*4(a0) ;set to joystick control...
lea HardwareReadTbl,a0
move.l #HW_C070_Joystick,$70*4(a0)
move.l #HWr_C061,$61*4(a0) ;and buttons...
move.l #HWr_C062,$62*4(a0)
move.l #$c000,d0 ;we want bits #14 & bit #15... (DATRY & OUTRY)
move.l d0,PotBits
move.l #$c000,d0 ;bits to set
move.l PotBits,d1 ;mask
CALLPOTGO WritePotgo ;set output lines hi to read joy 2nd btn...
move.l #.JoyMsg,NewStatusMsgPtr
bra Wait
.JoyMsg dc.b " ---==== JOYSTICK ====--- ",0,25
.MouseMsg dc.b " ---==== MOUSE ====--- ",0,25
.AnalogMsg dc.b " ---==== ANALOG JOYSTICK ====--- ",0,25
.AtariPdlMsg dc.b " ---==== ATARI PADDLES ====--- ",0,25
dc.b "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
CNOP 0,4
bra Wait
.F8 ;F8 key? Print Contents of 0 page...
; jsr PauseCPU ;sometime, make Pause w/o screen changes
; move.l Mem_PtrVar,a0 ;Print memory...
; move.l #$c600,d1
;.pg0lp move.b (a0,d1.l),d0
; jsr DB_HexB
; addq.l #1,d1
; cmp.l #$c700,d1
; blo .pg0lp
; move.l Mem_PtrVar,a0 ;Search memory & print finds...
; move.l #$0300,d1
;.srchlp cmp.w #$d0fd,(a0,d1.l)
; bne .nope
; move.w d1,d0
; jsr DB_HexW
;.nope addq.w #1,d1
; bne .srchlp
; move.b #$ff,([Mem_PtrVar.l],$fca8.l) ;patch rom for experiment...
; jsr ResumeCPU
; jsr Hgr1Refresh
jsr FlushMsgs
bra Wait
.Help ;<Help> key: Toggle through msgs...
move.l .NextHelpMsg,a0
move.l (a0)+,.NextHelpMsg ;setup next message for next time...
move.l a0,NewStatusMsgPtr ;and load status message...
bra Wait
.NextHelpMsg dc.l .Help1 ;index to help message...
;Help_ has ptr to next sequential message & message...
.Help1 dc.l .Help2
dc.b "HELP: @L- LOAD, @S- SAVE, @Q- QUIT...",0,40
.Help2 dc.l .Help3
dc.b "HELP: DEL = RESET, F9 = SET CONTROLS...",0,40
.Help3 dc.l .Help4
dc.b "HELP: F1 -> F5 = SPEED REGULATION...",0,40
.Help4 dc.l .Help1
dc.b "HELP: HELP = HELP (READ THE DOCS! -KK)",0,40
; dc.b "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
CNOP 0,4
;d2.l= im_Class
;d3.w= im_Code
;d4.w= qualifier
;d5.l = IAddress
lea InputStrct,a0
move.w d3,ie_Code(a0)
tst.b d3
bmi Wait ;key release? ignore!
move.w d4,ie_Qualifier(a0)
move.l d5,ie_EventAddress(a0)
lea KeyBuffer,a1
move.l #80,d1 ;buffer len
move.l #0,a2 ;keymap (0=default)
move.l _ConBase,a6
jsr _LVORawKeyConvert(a6)
cmp.l #1,d0
bne Wait ;not a 1 byte simple answer? Ignore it!
move.b KeyBuffer,d3 ;new plain ascii keycode in d3!
btst.l #IEQUALIFIERB_RCOMMAND,d4 ;right amiga?
bne .ComKey ;yes!
cmp.b #$7f,d3 ;KEYBOARD! is it "DEL"?
beq .reset
cmp.b #'a',d3
blo.b .notLo
cmp.b #'z',d3
bhi.b .notLo
eor.b #'a'^'A',d3 ;FORCE TO UPPER CASE... (1 bit change)
.notLo add.b #$80,d3 ;no, put it in $c000 to read later
move.b d3,([Mem_PtrVar.l],$c000.l) ;place key...
bra Wait
.ComKey bclr #5,d3 ;force all keys to lower case
cmp.b #'Q',d3 ;R-Amiga q ?
beq KillApple ;Yes, go Quit!
cmp.b #'L',d3
beq LoadReq
cmp.b #'S',d3
beq SaveReq
bra Wait
.reset btst.l #IEQUALIFIERB_CONTROL,d4 ;is it CTRL-HELP?
beq .CauseReset
move.w #00,([Mem_PtrVar.l],$3f2.w) ;blank out soft reset vector...
move.b #00,([Mem_PtrVar.l],$3f4.w) ;and checksum byte... WILL REBOOT!
move.l #RESET_INST,a0 ;Next 6502 inst will be RESET_INST
move.l InstTbl_Var,a1 ;array of 65536 longs...
move.w #65535,d1
.lp move.l a0,(a1)+
dbf d1,.lp
CALLEXEC Permit ;done! Will continue at Reset_Vector!!!
bra Wait
CNOP 0,4
button: cmp.w #SELECTDOWN,d3 ;Left mousebutton down? UPDATE button 0 status...
bne.b 2$
move.b #$ff,([Mem_PtrVar.l],$c061.l) ;set button 0
bra Wait
2$ cmp.w #SELECTUP,d3 ;Left MB up?
bne.b 3$
move.b #$00,([Mem_PtrVar.l],$c061.l)
bra Wait
3$ cmp.w #MENUDOWN,d3 ;Right MB down?
bne.b 4$
move.b #$ff,([Mem_PtrVar.l],$c062.l)
bra Wait
4$ cmp.w #MENUUP,d3 ;Right MB up?
bne.b 5$
move.b #$00,([Mem_PtrVar.l],$c062.l)
5$ bra Wait
* LOADREQ is the entire function to put up a File Requester, attempt to load
* the file, identify the type of file (or report the error), & jump to the
* beginning of it (run it) if its an executable/snapshot...
bsr PauseCPU ;stop 6502 task, clear & show MyScreen
bsr ShowMainScreen
move.l MyWindow,.win
move.l MyWindow,.win4
move.l MyWindow,.win12
lea .LoadTag,a0
move.l FileReq,a1
lea .TempLoadFileNm,a2
lea .LoadTtl,a3 ; "Load A File" req
CALLREQ rtFileRequestA
tst.l d0
beq .DoneLd ;cancel
.build move.l FileReq,a0 ;Build string w/ full DOS path * filename
move.l rtfi_Dir(a0),a0 ;* path string
lea .FullPath,a1 ;dest buffer
tst.b (a0)
beq.b .bldFl ;No path info, use current dir...
.lp1 move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bne .lp1
lea -1(a1),a1 ;back over NULL (pts at that byte now)
cmp.b #':',-1(a1) ;end with a : ?
beq.b .bldFl
move.b #'/',(a1)+ ;No, tag a trailing / in dest...
.bldFl lea .TempLoadFileNm,a0
.lp2 move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bne .lp2
move.b -2(a0),.LastChar ;Keep last char (to check for ddd type)
lea .FullPath,a0
jsr DB_String
.load move.l #.FullPath,d1 ;Load parsed File [arg] name
move.l #MODE_OLDFILE,d2
move.l d0,d4 ;temp
beq .Err
move.l d4,d1 ;Read entire file specified... (up to 64k)
move.l InstTbl_Var,d2 ;read temporarily into 256k area "InstTbl"
move.l #262140,d3 ;256k max read! (should never be that big!)
CALLDOS Read ;d0 = # of bytes read
move.l d0,d6 ;d6 = # of bytes read
move.l d4,d1 ;Close file
.PlnImg cmp.l #143360,d6 ;Check if = # of bytes in "plain" disk image
beq.b .IsDisk
cmp.b #'>',.LastChar ;Is it a DDD filename (ends in '>' char?)
bne .CheckProDosExe
.IsDisk ;Is a disk image! Determine type by D6 (size)
moveq.l #0,d0 ;default to drive 1
tst.l disk_Buffer2 ;unless 2 drives present...
beq.b .DriveSelected
lea .Load12Msg,a1 ; "Which drive?" req
lea .Load12Ans,a2
move.l EasyReq,a3
move.l #0,a4
lea .Load12Tag,a0
tst.l d0
beq .DoneLd ;Cancel
subq.l #1,d0 ;Else d0 = drive # (0 or 1)
.DriveSelected ;d0 = drive # (0 or 1) !!!
move.l (disk_Buffer.l,d0.w*4),Dest_Disk_Buffer ;Set proper destination...
move.l d0,d2
bsr CheckDiskAndWarn ;check & warn if old drive data changed
tst.w d0
beq .DoneLd
clr.b (disk_Changed.l,d2.w) ;and mark new drive as being UNchanged
lea .TempLoadFileNm,a0 ;And Keep filename for proper drive...
move.l (LoadSaveNmPtrs.l,d2.w*4),a1
move.w #120/4-1,d0
.KeepNm move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
dbf d0,.KeepNm
cmp.l #143360,d6 ;Check if = # of bytes in "plain" disk image
bne.b .DDD
.Plain jsr PlainDiskImage_Load
bra .boot
.DDD jsr DecompressDisk ;THEN Decompress DDD disk...
bra .boot
.boot move.l disk_Buffer,d0
cmp.l Dest_Disk_Buffer,d0 ;did we load drive #1?
bne .DoneLd
lea .BootMsg,a1 ;Yes- "Want to Boot disk?" req
lea .BootAns,a2
move.l EasyReq,a3
move.l #0,a4
lea .BootTag,a0
move.l d0,RebootApple ;Set flag in "STOP_INST" to reboot...
bra .DoneLd
move.l InstTbl_Var,a3 ;IS THIS A PRODOS FILE?
cmp.w #$0a47,(a3) ;first 2 bytes in ProDos header...
bne .CheckDosExe ;No??? Maybe DOS 3.3?
cmp.b #$4c,2(a3) ;Third byte in ProDos header...
bne .CheckDosExe
bra .ProDos
moveq.l #0,d4 ;Dos 3.3 test...
moveq.l #0,d5 ;assume dos 3.3 unless out of range err...
move.w (a3),d4
ror.w #8,d4
move.w 2(a3),d5
ror.w #8,d5
move.l d4,d0
cmp.l #$c000,d0
bhs .Err
jsr DB_HexL
move.l d5,d0
jsr DB_HexL
move.l d4,d0
add.l d5,d0
cmp.l #$c000,d0
bhs .Err
move.l d4,ResumePCount ;<------ to immediately execute!!!
lea FreshBootMemory,a0 ;1st reset memory as a "fresh" powerup
move.l Mem_PtrVar,a1
move.w #$07ff,d0
.frsh move.b (a0,d0.w),(a1,d0.w)
dbf d0,.frsh
move.l InstTbl_Var,a0
add.l #$4,a0 ;data source...
move.l Mem_PtrVar,a1
add.l d4,a1 ;data dest...
subq.w #1,d5
.mlp2 move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
dbf d5,.mlp2 ;Now in Apple Memory!!!
bra .DoneLd
.ProDos moveq.l #0,d4
moveq.l #0,d5
move.w $5(a3),d4
ror.w #8,d4 ;starting addr in d4...
move.w $14(a3),d5
ror.w #8,d5 ;length in d5
move.l d4,d0
cmp.l #$c000,d0
bhs .Err
jsr DB_HexL
move.l d5,d0
jsr DB_HexL
move.l d4,d0
add.l d5,d0
cmp.l #$c000,d0
bhs .Err
move.l d4,ResumePCount ;<------ to immediately execute!!!
lea FreshBootMemory,a0 ;1st reset memory as a "fresh" powerup
move.l Mem_PtrVar,a1
move.w #$07ff,d0
.fresh move.b (a0,d0.w),(a1,d0.w)
dbf d0,.fresh
.MemMv move.l InstTbl_Var,a0
add.l #$80,a0 ;data source...
move.l Mem_PtrVar,a1
add.l d4,a1 ;data dest...
subq.w #1,d5
.mlp move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
dbf d5,.mlp ;Now in Apple Memory!!!
.DoneLd jsr FlushMsgs
bsr ResumeCPU ;resume 6502 task, restore pointer, restore video...
bra Wait
.Err move.l MyWindow,.winErr ;say error happened, then go to ".NoLoad"
lea .ErrMsg,a1
lea .ErrAns,a2 ; "Hey, error loading" req
move.l EasyReq,a3
move.l #0,a4
lea .ErrTag,a0
bra .DoneLd
.ErrMsg dc.b "An Error Occured",10
dc.b "With That File.",0
.ErrAns dc.b "_OK",0
.ErrTag dc.l RT_Underscore,'_',RT_ReqPos,REQPOS_TOPLEFTSCR
dc.l RT_Window
.winErr dc.l 0 ;<-- patch in window before using taglist...
dc.l RT_LockWindow,1,RTEZ_ReqTitle,.ErrTtl,TAG_DONE
.ErrTtl dc.b "Error",0
.LoadTtl dc.b "File to Load:",0
.LoadTag dc.l RT_Underscore,'_',RTFI_Flags,FREQF_PATGAD ;RT_ReqPos,REQPOS_TOPLEFTSCR
dc.l RT_Window
.win dc.l 0 ;<-- patch in window before using taglist...
dc.l RT_LockWindow,1,TAG_DONE
.FullPath ds.b 255
.BootMsg dc.b "Disk Loaded.",10,"Boot Disk?",0
.BootAns dc.b "_Yes|_No",0
.BootTag dc.l RT_Underscore,'_',RT_ReqPos,REQPOS_TOPLEFTSCR
.win4 dc.l 0 ;<-- patch in window before using taglist...
dc.l RT_LockWindow,1,RTEZ_ReqTitle,.BootTtl,TAG_DONE
.BootTtl dc.b "Boot?",0
.Load12Msg dc.b "Load disk into",10,"drive 1 or 2 ?",0
.Load12Ans dc.b "_1|_2|Abort",0
.Load12Tag dc.l RT_Underscore,'_',RT_ReqPos,REQPOS_TOPLEFTSCR
.win12 dc.l 0 ;<-- patch in window before using taglist...
dc.l RT_LockWindow,1,RTEZ_ReqTitle,.Load12Ttl,TAG_DONE
.Load12Ttl dc.b "Which Drive?",0
.LastChar dc.b 0 ;last char of filename(to check for ddd type)
.TempLoadFileNm ds.b 120 ;temporary "load" name (until drive # known)
LoadSaveNmPtrs dc.l .LoadSaveNm1,.LoadSaveNm2
.LoadSaveNm1 ds.b 120 ;drive 1 filename....
.LoadSaveNm2 ds.b 120 ;drive 2 filename...
SaveReq bsr PauseCPU ;stop 6502 task, clear & show MyScreen
bsr ShowMainScreen
move.l MyWindow,.win1
move.l MyWindow,.win2
move.l MyWindow,.win3
move.l MyWindow,.win12
; lea .SaveMsg1,a1
; lea .SaveAns1,a2 ; "Save as Disk, Mem, or Cancel?" req
; move.l EasyReq,a3 ; type= 1 2
; move.l #0,a4
; lea .SaveTag1,a0
; CALLREQ rtEZRequestA
; move.b d0,.SaveType
; beq .Done ; nope! don't quit!
moveq.l #0,d0 ;default to drive 1
tst.l disk_Buffer2 ;unless 2 drives present...
beq.b .DriveSelected
lea .Save12Msg,a1 ; "Save Which drive?" req
lea .Save12Ans,a2
move.l EasyReq,a3
move.l #0,a4
lea .Save12Tag,a0
tst.l d0
beq .Done ;Cancel
subq.l #1,d0 ;Else d0 = drive # (0 or 1)
.DriveSelected ;d0 = drive # (0 or 1) !!!
move.l (disk_Buffer.l,d0.w*4),Src_Disk_Buffer ;Set proper destination...
move.l (LoadSaveNmPtrs.l,d0.w*4),a5 ;a5-> Proper Filename for drive
move.w d0,.DriveNumW ;keep drive #
lea .SaveTag2,a0 ;*** "Save A File" req ***
move.l FileReq,a1
move.l a5,a2 ;filename for this drive
lea .SaveTtl2,a3
CALLREQ rtFileRequestA
tst.l d0
beq .Done
.build move.l FileReq,a0 ;*** Build string with path + filename ***
move.l rtfi_Dir(a0),a0 ;path string
lea .FullPath,a1 ;dest buffer
tst.b (a0)
beq .bldFl ;No path info, use current dir...
.lp1 move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bne .lp1
lea -1(a1),a1 ;back over NULL (pts at that byte now)
cmp.b #':',-1(a1) ;end with a : ?
beq.s .bldFl
move.b #'/',(a1)+ ;No, tag a trailing / in dest...
.bldFl move.l a5,a0
.lp2 move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bne .lp2
move.b -2(a0),.LastChar ;Keep last char (to check for ddd type)
.verify move.l #.FullPath,d1 ;CHECK Pre-Existance of file!
move.l #ACCESS_READ,d2
move.l d0,d1
beq .DoSave ;file does not exist, so go ahead & save
.SaveV lea .VerMsg,a1 ;*** "are you sure?" req ***
lea .VerAns,a2
move.l EasyReq,a3
move.l a5,.FilenamePtr ;filename
lea .FilenamePtr,a4
lea .VerTag,a0
tst.l d0
beq .Done ; nope! don't quit!
.DoSave ;cmp.b #1,.SaveType
;bne .SvMem
.SvDsk move.l #.FullPath,d1 ;*** And save the image! ***
move.l #MODE_NEWFILE,d2 ;were saving
move.l d0,.FileHandle ;file handle
beq .SaveErr
cmp.b #'>',.LastChar
bne.b .Plain
.DDD move.l InstTbl_Var,a0 ;256k dest (will be restored by resumeCpu)
jsr CompressDisk ;Save it! Use DDD compression
bra .DnSv
.Plain move.l InstTbl_Var,a0 ;256k dest (will be restored by resumeCpu)
jsr PlainDiskImage_Save ;Save it as a plain 143,360 byte image
.DnSv move.l .FileHandle,d1
move.l InstTbl_Var,d2
move.l d0,d3 ;Length of file...
move.l .FileHandle,d1
move.w .DriveNumW,d0
clr.b (disk_Changed.l,d0.w) ;mark drive as having no active changes
bra .Done
.SvMem nop
.Done jsr FlushMsgs
bsr ResumeCPU ;resume 6502 task, restore pointer, restore video...
bra Wait
.DriveNumW dc.w 0 ;Drive we are saving (0 or 1)
.LastChar dc.b 0 ;Last char in filename (is it a '>' ?)
.SaveMsg1 dc.b "Save Disk Image or",10
dc.b "Memory Snapshot?",0
.SaveAns1 dc.b "_Disk|_Memory|_Cancel",0
.SaveTag1 dc.l RT_Underscore,'_',RT_ReqPos,REQPOS_TOPLEFTSCR
.win1 dc.l 0 ;<-- patch in window before using taglist...
dc.l RT_LockWindow,1,RTEZ_ReqTitle,.SaveTtl1,TAG_DONE
.SaveTtl1 dc.b "Save Type:",0
.SaveType dc.b 0 ;<-- 1 for Disk Image, 2 for Mem Snapshot
.FileHandle dc.l 0
.SaveTtl2 dc.b "File to Save:",0
.SaveTag2 dc.l RT_Underscore,'_',RTFI_Flags,FREQF_SAVE!FREQF_PATGAD
dc.l RT_Window
.win2 dc.l 0 ;<-- patch in window before using taglist...
dc.l RT_LockWindow,1,TAG_DONE
.FullPath ds.b 255
.FilenamePtr dc.l 00
.VerMsg dc.b "Replace File",10,'"%s" ?',0
.VerAns dc.b "_Yes|_Cancel",0
.VerTag dc.l RT_Underscore,'_',RT_ReqPos,REQPOS_TOPLEFTSCR
dc.l RT_Window
.win3 dc.l 0 ;<-- patch in window before using taglist...
dc.l RT_LockWindow,1,RTEZ_ReqTitle,.VerTtl,TAG_DONE
.VerTtl dc.b "Sure?",0
.Save12Msg dc.b "Save disk from",10,"drive 1 or 2 ?",0
.Save12Ans dc.b "_1|_2|Abort",0
.Save12Tag dc.l RT_Underscore,'_',RT_ReqPos,REQPOS_TOPLEFTSCR
.win12 dc.l 0 ;<-- patch in window before using taglist...
dc.l RT_LockWindow,1,RTEZ_ReqTitle,.Save12Ttl,TAG_DONE
.Save12Ttl dc.b "Save Which Drive?",0
CNOP 0,4
* This routine will cause the 6502 emulation sub-task to stop running.
* It works by setting a global "stop6502" variable, signals that it's stopped,
* and waits to be signaled to restart. When this function returns,
* the sub-task is stopped! (Can remove or resume subtask at this time)
* Does not need 6502 task context!
move.l #STOP_INST,a0 ;Next 6502 inst will be STOP_INST !
move.l InstTbl_Var,a1 ;array of 65536 longs...
move.w #65535,d1
.lp move.l a0,(a1)+
dbf d1,.lp
move.l ParentSigMask,d0
CALLEXEC Wait ;Wait for 6502 emulation to stop...
* This function turns sets up, shows, and clears the main screen in
* preparation for a requester or graphics.
* This function is usually called AFTER Pausing the Cpu.
movem.l d2-d4,-(sp)
move.l #0,d0
move.l d0,IBaseLock
move.l MyScreen,a1
lea sc_BitMap(a1),a1 ;a1 -> Screen.BitMap
move.l OrigPlane1,bm_Planes(a1) ;plug in BitMap Plane Ptrs
move.l OrigPlane2,bm_Planes+4(a1) ;plug in BitMap Plane Ptrs
move.l OrigPlane3,bm_Planes+8(a1) ;plug in BitMap Plane Ptrs
move.l OrigPlane4,bm_Planes+12(a1) ;plug in BitMap Plane Ptrs
move.l OrigPlane5,bm_Planes+14(a1) ;plug in BitMap Plane Ptrs
move.w OrigRows,bm_Rows(a1)
move.b OrigDepth,bm_Depth(a1)
move.l MyScreen,a0
lea sc_ViewPort(a0),a0 ;a1 -> Screen ViewPort
lea MainColorTable,a1
move.w (a1)+,d0
move.l MainColorTable,LastColorTable
move.l MyScreen,a0
CALLINT MakeScreen
move.l IBaseLock,a0
CALLINT RethinkDisplay
move.l MyWindow,a0
move.l wd_RPort(a0),a1 ;rastport
move.b #0,d0
move.l MyWindow,a0 ;blank text screen to black...
move.l wd_RPort(a0),a1
move.w #0,d0
move.w #12,d1
move.w #330,d2
move.w #210,d3
;------- Show screen w/ no copper magic
; CALLEXEC Forbid ;Change to default blank screen...
; move.l MyScreen,a0 ;screen
; lea sc_ViewPort(a0),a0 ;screen.viewport
; move.l #0,vp_UCopIns(a0) ;screen.viewport.UCopIns = 0
; CALLINT RethinkDisplay
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d4
* This routine will resume the 6502 emulation sub-task. It restores the
* instruction opcode jump-table and signals the emulation to continue.
* These actions also refresh all graphics memory, restore the window pointer,
* and show the proper video mode. And activates our window! When this routine
* returns, the emulation sub-task is running. Does not need 6502 task context!
.sprite move.l MyWindow,a0 ;setup an invisible sprite!
lea SpriteImage,a1
move.l #4,d0 ;height
move.l #16,d1 ;width
moveq.l #0,d2
moveq.l #0,d3
CALLINT SetPointer
move.l MySubTask,a1
move.l ChildSigMask,d0
CALLEXEC Signal ;Tell 6502 to continue running!
move.l ParentSigMask,d0
CALLEXEC Wait ;Wait for 6502 to respond (list restored)...
move.l MyWindow,a0
CALLINT ActivateWindow
* DrawNewStatusMsg- Takes PTR from StatusNewMsgPtr (Null term string + duration) so there
* won't be a conflict between multiple-resettings at any time. Copies string to local buffer,
* prints it on screen, and sets StatusCountdown with duration.
* Enter: NewStatusMsgPtr -> String + Null + Duration byte (in intuiticks)
* Return: Sets "StatusCountdown"
* Draws status msg on screen...
tst.l NewStatusMsgPtr ;Handle StatusMsg's.. New one present?
beq .done
move.l NewStatusMsgPtr,a0 ;Copy string...
clr.l NewStatusMsgPtr
lea .StatusTxt,a1
.copy move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bne.b .copy
move.b (a0),StatusCountdown ;and set countdown variable...
move.l #$ffffffff,d0
.draw move.l Hgr1_Planes,a1
add.l #193*40,a1 ;a1 - a4 -> Bplane(s)1 line #193
move.l Hgr2_Planes,a2
add.l #193*40,a2
move.l Gr1_Planes,a3
add.l #193*40,a3
move.l Gr2_Planes,a4
add.l #193*40,a4
move.w #7*40/4-1,d1 ;clear 32 lines in text window...
.fill move.l d0,(a1)+
move.l d0,(a2)+
move.l d0,(a3)+
move.l d0,(a4)+
dbf d1,.fill
.DoTxt move.l Hgr1_Planes,a1
add.l #194*40,a1 ;a1 -> Top line to draw into, left side
move.l Hgr2_Planes,a2 ;a2,a3,a4 -> Other BPlanes to write to...
add.l #194*40,a2
move.l Gr1_Planes,a3
add.l #194*40,a3
move.l Gr2_Planes,a4
add.l #194*40,a4
lea .StatusTxt,a0
.TxtLp clr.w d0
move.b (a0)+,d0
beq .done
lea StatusCharSet8X5,a5
sub.b #' ',d0 ;space is 1st char in table...
mulu.w #5,d0
lea (a5,d0.w),a5
move.b (a5),(a1)+ ;top rasterline of text to all 4 bplanes...
move.b (a5),(a2)+
move.b (a5),(a3)+
move.b (a5)+,(a4)+
move.b (a5),40-1(a1)
move.b (a5),40-1(a2)
move.b (a5),40-1(a3)
move.b (a5)+,40-1(a4)
move.b (a5),40*2-1(a1)
move.b (a5),40*2-1(a2)
move.b (a5),40*2-1(a3)
move.b (a5)+,40*2-1(a4)
move.b (a5),40*3-1(a1)
move.b (a5),40*3-1(a2)
move.b (a5),40*3-1(a3)
move.b (a5)+,40*3-1(a4)
move.b (a5),40*4-1(a1) ;bottom rasterline to all 4 bplanes...
move.b (a5),40*4-1(a2)
move.b (a5),40*4-1(a3)
move.b (a5)+,40*4-1(a4)
bra.b .TxtLp
.done rts
.StatusTxt ds.b 40
dc.l 0,0 ;extra NULL's just in case...
* ClearStatusMsg -
* This function is called to erase all status bars from the Apple2000 display.
* Enter: None Return: None (Status Bar erased)
moveq.l #$0,d0
.draw move.l Hgr1_Planes,a1
add.l #193*40,a1 ;a1 - a4 -> Bplane(s)1 line #193
move.l Hgr2_Planes,a2
add.l #193*40,a2
move.l Gr1_Planes,a3
add.l #193*40,a3
move.l Gr2_Planes,a4
add.l #193*40,a4
move.w #7*40/4-1,d1 ;clear 32 lines in text window...
.fill move.l d0,(a1)+
move.l d0,(a2)+
move.l d0,(a3)+
move.l d0,(a4)+
dbf d1,.fill
NewStatusMsgPtr dc.l 0 ;any new msg ptr's appear here!
StatusCountdown dc.b 0 ;Byte counter... (set in DrawNewStatusMsg)
* CheckDiskAndWarn -
* This function takes a drive # (0 or 1) and checks if the contents of that drive have
* been changed. If so, it places up a "Data has changed. It will be lost. Ok?" requester.
* Usefull during loading new disks and when quiting emulation.
* Note: Only call from "Paused" cpu state
* Enter: d0.w = Drive # (0 or 1)
* Return: d0 = "OK" boolean response (1="Ok" or disk not changed, 0=Cancel, No Way!)
move.l MyWindow,.win1
tst.b (disk_Changed.l,d0.w) ;has drive data been changed?
bne.b .chngd
moveq.l #1,d0 ;no, let program proceed
.chngd move.b d0,d1 ;patch in drive # '1' or '2' into msg
add.b #'1',d1
move.b d1,.WarnMsgDrvNum
move.l (LoadSaveNmPtrs.l,d0.w*4),.FilenamePtr ;a5-> Proper Filename for drive
lea .WarnMsg,a1 ;*** "It will be lost. Ok?" req ***
lea .WarnAns,a2
move.l EasyReq,a3
lea .FilenamePtr,a4 ;filename
lea .WarnTag,a0
.WarnMsg dc.b "Disk Image in drive "
.WarnMsgDrvNum dc.b "1",10,'"%s"',10,"was changed & will be lost!",0
.WarnAns dc.b "_Ok|_Cancel",0
.WarnTag dc.l RT_Underscore,'_',RT_ReqPos,REQPOS_TOPLEFTSCR
dc.l RT_Window
.win1 dc.l 0 ;<-- patch in window before using taglist...
dc.l RT_LockWindow,1,RTEZ_ReqTitle,.WarnTtl,TAG_DONE
.WarnTtl dc.b "Pardon Me, but...",0
.FilenamePtr dc.l 0