# # Makefile # Apple2BuildPipelineSample # # Part of a sample build pipeline for Apple II software development # # Created by Quinn Dunki on 8/15/14. # One Girl, One Laptop Productions # http://www.quinndunki.com # http://www.quinndunki.com/blondihacks # include make/head.mk # Customize this file to control what gets built, what machines to # target, where in memory to put it, etc. # The name of your system or binary file to build goes here: PGM=___PACKAGENAME___ # These are special machine definitions beyond those defined in cc65 # which are used for BASIC projects: MACHINE = apple2-basic # MACHINE = apple2-dos33-basic # Add any other directories where you are putting other BASIC files # to this list: SRCDIRS+= # If you want to add arguments to the BASIC tokenizer commandline, # add them to this valiable: # BASICFLAGS += --optimize # If you have java installed in a non-standard location, you can set # the path to it by uncommenting the following line: # export JAVA=/usr/bin/java # If you want to copy one or more files or directories to the target disk # image, add the root directory to this variable. All files will be # copied from the source to the target using the same path from the source. # # For example, if you set COPYDIRS to dir and in your project you have # the following files: # dir/mySystemFile # dir/newDir/anotherFile # # Then, during the copy phase, mySystemFile will be copied into the root # of the disk and anotherFile will be copied into a directory named # newDir. The newDir directory will be created if it does not already # exist. # # The name of the file to copy is checked and if it ends in: # .as - It assumes the file is in AppleSingle format. The .as # suffix is stripped from the name when copied to the # disk image. # . - If the file ends with a single character which matches # a DOS 3.3 file type (A, B, T, etc) it uses that value as # the file type of the file copied to the disk image. The # single character is removed from the file name. # . - If the file ends with a three letter alpha extension, it # uses that TLA as the file type of the file copied to the # disk image. The TLA is removed from the file name. # # If you do not provide any type information for your filenames, # it will be copied as a binary. # COPYDIRS= # Add any rules you want to execute before any compiles or assembly # commands are called here, if any. You can generate .c, .s or .h # files for example. You can generate data files. Whatever you # might need. gen: # For any files you generated in the gen target above, you should # add rules in genclean to remove those generated files when you # clean your build. genclean: # Do not change anything else below here... include make/tail.mk