Nodes main.c main.h main.rez Makefile make/config.txt make/createDiskImage make/ make/launchEmulator make/orca-asm make/orca-cc make/orca-macgen make/orca-rez make/system601.2mg make/ ../___PACKAGENAME___.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/___PACKAGENAME___.xcscheme Definitions main.c Path main.c main.h Path main.h main.rez Path main.rez make/config.txt Group make Path make/config.txt make/createDiskImage Group make Path make/createDiskImage make/ Group make Path make/ make/launchEmulator Group make Path make/launchEmulator make/orca-asm Group make Path make/orca-asm make/orca-cc Group make Path make/orca-cc make/orca-macgen Group make Path make/orca-macgen make/orca-rez Group make Path make/orca-rez make/system601.2mg Group make Path make/system601.2mg make/ Group make Path make/ Makefile Path Makefile ../___PACKAGENAME___.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/___PACKAGENAME___.xcscheme Group Supporting Files Path ___PACKAGENAME___.xcscheme Kind Xcode.Xcode3.ProjectTemplateUnitKind Identifier com.halcyontouch.apple2gsCDesktopApp Ancestors Concrete Description This template creates an Apple IIgs C code project to build desktop application. The project starts with a single C file which you can modify. You can also add more assembly or C files as you may like. Options Identifier RESOLUTIONMODE Name Desktop Resolution Description Specify 640 or 320 pixel desktop enviroment. Type popup Default 640 Values 640 320 Targets TargetType Legacy TargetIdentifier BuildToolPath ___VARIABLE_buildToolPath___ BuildToolArgsString -C ___PACKAGENAME___ $(ACTION) SharedSettings OTHER_CFLAGS OTHER_LDFLAGS Configurations Debug DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS YES GCC_GENERATE_DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS YES GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL 0 Release ProductType TargetIdentifier Name doNotBuild SharedSettings PRODUCT_NAME doNotBuild GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS inline(X,Y)="" extended=double pascal="" HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS $GOLDEN_GATE/Libraries/ORCACDefs ~/Library/GoldenGate/Libraries/ORCACDefs /Library/GoldenGate/Libraries/ORCACDefs ~/GoldenGate/Libraries/ORCACDefs BuildPhases Class Sources Class Frameworks Class CopyFiles DstPath /usr/share/man/man1/ DstSubfolderSpec 0 RunOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing YES