Updated notes.

This commit is contained in:
Robert Greene 2004-06-10 02:55:17 +00:00
parent 7c7704d213
commit 4fb79dd70d

View File

@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ This is the internal list of items that need to be done.
(dos33, prodos, cpm, rdos, pascal);
- Filters are now in the filters package.
- General storage classes remain under storage (Disk, FormattedDisk, etc).
* Added formatted assembly FileFilter. Understands Merlin format source files.
Need to recognize various formats - T.*, *.S, etc. Need examples for other
formats (Orca, APW, etc).
--- FUTURE 1.3.x ---
o Create reusable show dialog messages (they're scattered all over right now) to clean
@ -26,13 +29,12 @@ o Create subdirectories as appropriate (ProDOS).
o Improve file preview for Integer BASIC files.
o Improve file preview for AppleWorks Word Processor files (make implementation
generic to a Word Processor).
o Add formatted assembly FileFilter. Needs to understand multiple assembly programs.
Need to recognize various formats - T.*, *.S, etc. (Merlin, Orca, APW, etc).
o SWT image handlers do not appear to work correctly. BMP works - but color seems
off. GIF/PNG/JPEG give errors or a black image.
o It has been reported that Apple Pascal includes extra information at the beginning
and/or the end of a line - need to resolve this for the preview and export function.
o Resolve OS X issues where window cannot come to the foreground.
o Windows do not scroll an appropriate amount: PgUp/PgDn, arrows, mousewheel.
--- FUTURE 1.4.x (or later) ---
o Add RDOS writing capability.