``` AppleCommander - An Apple ][ image utility. Copyright (c) 2002-2022 by Robert Greene and others robgreene at users.sourceforge.net (should still be functional) ``` Note that user history was lost in the transition from CVS at SourceForge to Git at GitHub. Entirely my fault. :-/ If you are missing from the list, please submit a PR to correct the error! Code contributed from: * **[John B. Matthews M.D.](https://github.com/trashgod)**: many bug fixes, enhancements, and brought us the `ac` goodness! * Chris Sebrell * [Hans Otten](http://pascal.hansotten.com/): information regarding Pascal text file format * [David Schmidt](https://github.com/david-schmidt) * [iKarith](https://github.com/iKarith) * [Lisias](https://github.com/Lisias): Infinite loop detection * [@DevoKun](https://github.com/DevoKun): Image updates