/* * AppleCommander - An Apple ][ image utility. * Copyright (C) 2002-2003 by Robert Greene * robgreene at users.sourceforge.net * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package com.webcodepro.applecommander.storage; import com.webcodepro.applecommander.util.AppleUtil; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.PrintWriter; /** * Export an AppleWorks database file to a text file. * Current export is limited to a standard comma-separated file (CSV) * file format which should be suitable to load into a database or a * spreadsheet. *

* Data base files start with a variable length header, followed by * 600 bytes for each report format (if any), the standard values * record, then variable length information for each record. Note that * the first data record contains the standard (presumably default) * values. The category entries are in the same order that the category * names appear in the header record. *

* See: http://www.gno.org/pub/apple2/doc/apple/filetypes/ftn.19.xxxx *

* Date Created: February 15, 2003 * @author Rob Greene */ public class AppleWorksDataBaseFileFilter implements FileFilter { /** * The number of bytes in the remainder of the header record. */ private static final int HEADER_LENGTH_WORD = 0; /** * Number of categories per record. Values from $01 to $1E. */ private static final int HEADER_CATEGORIES_BYTE = 35; /** * Number of records in file. If DBMinVers is non-zero, * the high bit of this word may be set. If it is, * there are more than eight reports and the remaining * 15 bits contain the true number of records defined. */ private static final int HEADER_RECORDS_WORD = 36; /** * Number of reports in a file, maximum of 8 (20 for AW 3.0). */ private static final int HEADER_REPORTS_BYTE = 38; /** * DBMinVers. Ths minimum version of AppleWorks needed * to read this file. This will be $0 unless there are * more than 8 report formats; it will then contain the * version number 30 ($1E) or greater. */ private static final int HEADER_DBMINVERS_BYTE = 218; /** * Name of category. Maximum length of 20 bytes. If this * is the last category in the file, the header record will * end here. This record is 22 bytes in length and will * be repeated up to $1E times. */ private static final int HEADER_CATEGORY_STRING = 357; /** * Each category name takes up a maximum of 22 bytes. */ private static final int HEADER_CATEGORY_LENGTH = 22; /** * Each report is defined in 600 bytes. The current file * filter does not deal with reports. */ private static final int REPORT_LENGTH = 600; /** * Count of the number of bytes in the remainder of the * data record. */ private static final int DATA_LENGTH_WORD = 0; /** * Data control record indicating that a number of * categories need to be skipped. This (minus $80) * is a count of the number of categories to be skipped. * For example, $82 means skip two categories. */ private static final int DATA_CONTROL_SKIP = 0x80; /** * Indicates the end of a record. */ private static final int DATA_CONTROL_END = 0xff; /** * Indicates a date entry. */ private static final int SPECIAL_CONTROL_DATE = 0xc0; /** * ASCII year code, like "84" ($38 $34). */ private static final int DATE_YEAR_OFFSET = 1; /** * ASCII month code. "A" means January, "L" means * December. */ private static final int DATE_MONTH_OFFSET = 3; /** * List of months used for date conversion. */ private static final String[] months = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" }; /** * ASCII day of the month, like "31" ($33 $31). */ private static final int DATE_DAY_OFFSET = 4; /** * The length of a date is 6 bytes. */ private static final int DATE_LENGTH = 6; /** * Indicates a time entry. */ private static final int SPECIAL_CONTROL_TIME = 0xd4; /** * ASCII hour code. "A" means 00 (the hour after * midnight). "X" means 23, the hour before midnight. */ private static final int TIME_HOUR_OFFSET = 1; /** * ASCII minute code. Values from "00" to "59". */ private static final int TIME_MINUTE_OFFSET = 2; /** * Length of a time entry is 4 bytes. */ private static final int TIME_LENGTH = 4; /** * Create an AppleWorksDataBaseFileFilter. */ public AppleWorksDataBaseFileFilter() { super(); } /** * Process the given FileEntry and return a byte array with filtered data. * @see com.webcodepro.applecommander.storage.FileFilter#filter(FileEntry) */ public byte[] filter(FileEntry fileEntry) { byte[] fileData = fileEntry.getFileData(); ByteArrayOutputStream byteArray = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(byteArray, true); // process header information: int headerLength = AppleUtil.getWordValue(fileData, HEADER_LENGTH_WORD) + 2; // does not include this word! int categoryCount = AppleUtil.getUnsignedByte( fileData[HEADER_CATEGORIES_BYTE]); int recordCount = AppleUtil.getWordValue(fileData, HEADER_RECORDS_WORD); int reportCount = AppleUtil.getUnsignedByte( fileData[HEADER_REPORTS_BYTE]); int dbMinVers = AppleUtil.getUnsignedByte( fileData[HEADER_DBMINVERS_BYTE]); if (dbMinVers > 0x00 && (recordCount & 0x8000) != 0) { recordCount &= 0x7fff; // adjust for "more than 8 reports" flag } int offset = HEADER_CATEGORY_STRING; for (int i=0; i 0) printWriter.print(","); printWriter.print('"'); printWriter.print(name); printWriter.print('"'); offset+= HEADER_CATEGORY_LENGTH; } printWriter.println(); if (offset != headerLength) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "AppleWorks Data Base file header lenth does not check. Aborting."); } // skip reports: offset+= (reportCount * REPORT_LENGTH); // process data: for (int i=0; i 0) printWriter.print(','); int controlByte = AppleUtil.getUnsignedByte(fileData[data]); if (controlByte < DATA_CONTROL_SKIP) { String string = AppleUtil.getPascalString(fileData, data); int specialChar = AppleUtil.getUnsignedByte(fileData[data+1]); data+= string.length() + 1; switch (specialChar) { case SPECIAL_CONTROL_DATE: convertDate(printWriter, string); break; case SPECIAL_CONTROL_TIME: convertTime(printWriter, string); break; default: printWriter.print('"'); printWriter.print(string); printWriter.print('"'); break; } } else { int repeats = controlByte - DATA_CONTROL_SKIP; while (repeats > 0) { printWriter.print("\",\""); repeats--; } } column++; } offset+= length; printWriter.println(); } // return CSV file: return byteArray.toByteArray(); } /** * Give suggested file name. * @see com.webcodepro.applecommander.storage.FileFilter#getSuggestedFileName(FileEntry) */ public String getSuggestedFileName(FileEntry fileEntry) { return fileEntry.getFilename() + ".csv"; } /** * Convert the date entry. */ protected void convertDate(PrintWriter printWriter, String date) { if (date.length() != DATE_LENGTH) { printWriter.print("[Invalid Date="); printWriter.print(date); printWriter.print("]"); } printWriter.print((char)('0' + (date.charAt(DATE_YEAR_OFFSET) - 0x30))); printWriter.print((char)('0' + (date.charAt(DATE_YEAR_OFFSET + 1) - 0x30))); printWriter.print('-'); printWriter.print(months[date.charAt(DATE_MONTH_OFFSET) - 'A'].substring(0,3)); printWriter.print('-'); printWriter.print((char)('0' + (date.charAt(DATE_DAY_OFFSET) - 0x30))); printWriter.print((char)('0' + (date.charAt(DATE_DAY_OFFSET + 1) - 0x30))); } /** * Convert the time entry. */ protected void convertTime(PrintWriter printWriter, String time) { if (time.length() != TIME_LENGTH) { printWriter.print("[Invalid Time="); printWriter.print(time); printWriter.print("]"); } printWriter.print(time.charAt(TIME_HOUR_OFFSET) - 'A'); printWriter.print(':'); printWriter.print((char)('0' + time.charAt(TIME_MINUTE_OFFSET) - 0x30)); printWriter.print((char)('0' + time.charAt(TIME_MINUTE_OFFSET + 1) - 0x30)); } }