# Developer Notes AppleCommander has switched to using [Gradle](https://gradle.org/) for build and build dependencies. There is still a bunch of ANT related build information around. They no longer apply and "should" get cleaned up over time. ## Tests ``` $ ./gradlew test ``` ## Building ``` $ ./gradlew assemble BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 2s 6 actionable tasks: 6 executed $ tools/retrolambda.sh build/libs/AppleCommander-ac-.jar Converting... Retrolambda 2.5.6 Repackaging to build/libs/AppleCommander-ac--java5.jar ``` This will: 1. Create the `build` directory and populate with uber-jars in `build/libs`. 2. Create a Java 5 variant of the `ac` tool in `AppleCommander-ac--java5.jar`. (Replace `` with version.) To run the command-line version of AppleCommander, use the following: * All platforms: `java -jar build/libs/AppleCommander-ac-VERSION.jar` * Java 5: `java -jar build/libs/AppleCommander-ac-VERSION-java5.jar` To launch the GUI version of AppleCommander, use the following: * Linux: `java -jar build/libs/AppleCommander-linux64-gtk-VERSION.jar` * Windows: `java -jar build/libs/AppleCommander-win64-VERSION.jar` * Mac OS X: `java -XstartOnFirstThread -jar build/libs/AppleCommander-macosx-VERSION.jar`