package; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.webcodepro.applecommander.util.AppleUtil; import com.webcodepro.applecommander.util.TextBundle; /** * Support the CP/M file entry. Note that this may actually contain references * to multiple file entries via the extent counter. *

* @author Rob Greene */ public class CpmFileEntry implements FileEntry { private TextBundle textBundle = StorageBundle.getInstance(); /** * The standard CP/M file entry length. */ public static final int ENTRY_LENGTH = 0x20; /** * The maximum number of extents per file entry record. */ public static final int MAX_EXTENTS_PER_ENTRY = 0x80; /** * The number of bytes used if all records in an extent are filled. * (MAX_EXTENTS_PER_ENTRY * CPM_SECTOR_SIZE) */ public static final int ALL_RECORDS_FILLED_SIZE = 16384; /** * The user number (UU) field is to distinguish multiple files with the * same filename. This appears to be primarily with deleted files? */ public static final int USER_NUMBER_OFFSET = 0; /** * Offset to beginning of the filename. */ public static final int FILENAME_OFFSET = 1; /** * Filename length (excluding extension). */ public static final int FILENAME_LENGTH = 8; /** * Offset to beginning of the filetype. */ public static final int FILETYPE_OFFSET = 9; /** * Filetype length. */ public static final int FILETYPE_LENGTH = 3; /** * Offset to the filetype "T1" entry. * Indicates read-only. */ public static final int FILETYPE_T1_OFFSET = FILETYPE_OFFSET; /** * Offset to the filetype "T2" entry. * Indicates system or hidden file. */ public static final int FILETYPE_T2_OFFSET = FILETYPE_OFFSET+1; /** * Offset to the filetype "T3" entry. * Backup bit (CP/M 3.1 and later). */ public static final int FILETYPE_T3_OFFSET = FILETYPE_OFFSET+2; /** * Offset to the extent counter (EX) field. */ public static final int EXTENT_COUNTER_OFFSET = 0xc; /** * Offset to the record count (RC) field. */ public static final int RECORD_COUNT_OFFSET = 0xf; /** * Beginning of block allocations. */ public static final int ALLOCATION_OFFSET = 0x10; /** * A short collection of known text-type files. */ public static final String[] TEXT_FILETYPES = { "TXT", "ASM", "MAC", "DOC", //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$ "PRN", "PAS", "ME", "INC", //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$ "HLP" //$NON-NLS-1$ }; /** * Reference to the disk this FileEntry is attached to. */ private CpmFormatDisk disk; /** * The offset(s) into the block that the FileEntry is at. */ private List offsets = new ArrayList(); /** * Construct a CP/M file entry. */ public CpmFileEntry(CpmFormatDisk disk, int offset) { this.disk = disk; addOffset(offset); } /** * Add another directory offset to this file entry. */ public void addOffset(int offset) { offsets.add(new Integer(offset)); } /** * Read the fileEntry bytes from the disk image. */ protected byte[] readFileEntry(int number) { byte[] data = new byte[2 * CpmFormatDisk.CPM_BLOCKSIZE]; System.arraycopy(disk.readCpmBlock(0), 0, data, 0, CpmFormatDisk.CPM_BLOCKSIZE); System.arraycopy(disk.readCpmBlock(1), 0, data, CpmFormatDisk.CPM_BLOCKSIZE, CpmFormatDisk.CPM_BLOCKSIZE); byte[] entry = new byte[ENTRY_LENGTH]; int offset = ((Integer)offsets.get(number)).intValue(); System.arraycopy(data, offset, entry, 0, ENTRY_LENGTH); return entry; } /** * Write the fileEntry bytes back to the disk image. */ protected void writeFileEntry(int number, byte[] data) { byte[] block = new byte[CpmFormatDisk.CPM_BLOCKSIZE]; System.arraycopy(data, 0, block, 0, CpmFormatDisk.CPM_BLOCKSIZE); disk.writeCpmBlock(0, block); System.arraycopy(data, 0, block, CpmFormatDisk.CPM_BLOCKSIZE, CpmFormatDisk.CPM_BLOCKSIZE); disk.writeCpmBlock(1, block); } /** * Answer with the name of the file. * @see */ public String getFilename() { return AppleUtil.getString(readFileEntry(0), FILENAME_OFFSET, FILENAME_LENGTH).trim(); } /** * Set the filename. Note that this assumes the file extension * is completely separate and does not validate characters that * are being set! * @see */ public void setFilename(String filename) { for (int i=0; i 127) ? 0x80 : 0x00; data[FILETYPE_OFFSET+1] |= (T2 > 127) ? 0x80 : 0x00; data[FILETYPE_OFFSET+1] |= (T3 > 127) ? 0x80 : 0x00; } } /** * Indicates if this file is locked. * @see */ public boolean isLocked() { return AppleUtil.isBitSet(getFileTypeT1(0), 7); } /** * Read the file type T1 entry. This is the 1st character of the * file type and the high bit indicates read-only. */ public byte getFileTypeT1(int entryNumber) { return readFileEntry(entryNumber)[FILETYPE_T1_OFFSET]; } /** * Write the file type T1 entry. */ public void setFileTypeT1(int entryNumber, int t1) { byte[] data = readFileEntry(entryNumber); data[FILETYPE_T1_OFFSET] = (byte) t1; writeFileEntry(entryNumber, data); } /** * Read the file type T2 entry. This is the 2nd character of the * file type and the high bit indicates a system or hidden file. */ public byte getFileTypeT2(int entryNumber) { return readFileEntry(entryNumber)[FILETYPE_T2_OFFSET]; } /** * Write the file type T2 entry. */ public void setFileTypeT2(int entryNumber, int t2) { byte[] data = readFileEntry(entryNumber); data[FILETYPE_T2_OFFSET] = (byte) t2; writeFileEntry(entryNumber, data); } /** * Read the file type T3 entry. This is the 3rd character of the * file type and the high bit is the backup bit (CP/M 3.1 and later). */ public byte getFileTypeT3(int entryNumber) { return readFileEntry(entryNumber)[FILETYPE_T3_OFFSET]; } /** * Write the file type T3 entry. */ public void setFileTypeT3(int entryNumber, int t3) { byte[] data = readFileEntry(entryNumber); data[FILETYPE_T3_OFFSET] = (byte) t3; writeFileEntry(entryNumber, data); } /** * Set the locked status. This is interpreted as read-only. * @see */ public void setLocked(boolean lock) { for (int i=0; i currentExtent) entry = i; } } return entry; } /** * Compute the number of blocks used. */ public int getBlocksUsed() { int entry = findLargestExtent(); return getExtentCounterLow(entry) * ALL_RECORDS_FILLED_SIZE + (getNumberOfRecordsUsed(entry) - 1) / CpmFormatDisk.CPM_SECTORS_PER_CPM_BLOCK + 1; } /** * Return the number of records used in this extent, low byte. * 1 record = 128 bytes. */ public int getNumberOfRecordsUsed(int entryNumber) { return AppleUtil.getUnsignedByte( readFileEntry(entryNumber)[RECORD_COUNT_OFFSET]); } /** * Apple CP/M does not support directories. * @see */ public boolean isDirectory() { return false; } /** * Indicates if this fileEntry is a deleted file. * @see */ public boolean isDeleted() { return 0xe5 == getUserNumber(0); } /** * Return the user number (UU). 0-15 on Apple CP/M (can range to 31 * on some systems). The user number allows multiple files with the * same name to coexist on the disk. Apparantly, this is used in * conjunction with deleted files. */ public int getUserNumber(int entryNumber) { return AppleUtil.getUnsignedByte(readFileEntry(entryNumber)[USER_NUMBER_OFFSET]); } /** * Write the user number (UU). */ public void setUserNumber(int entryNumber, int userNumber) { byte[] data = readFileEntry(entryNumber); data[USER_NUMBER_OFFSET] = (byte) userNumber; writeFileEntry(entryNumber, data); } /** * There appears to be no disk map involved, so deleting a file consists * of writing a 0xe5 to the user number. * @see */ public void delete() { for (int i=0; i