THINGS TO DO ============ This is the internal list of items that need to be done. --- 1.3.2 --- * Print file listing or full disk listing (including subdirectories or multiple volumes). --- FUTURE 1.3.x --- o Compile of BASIC programs o Add RDOS writing capability. o Add Apple Pascal writing capability. o Create subdirectories as appropriate (ProDOS). o Need to update preferences with import location, disk creation location. o Enhance the BASIC compiler with a few more commands... o Improve file preview for Integer BASIC files. o Improve file preview for AppleWorks Word Processor files (make implementation generic to a Word Processor). o Add formatted assembly FileFilter. Needs to understand multiple assembly programs. Need to recognize various formats - T.*, *.S, etc. (Merlin, Orca, APW, etc). o SWT image handlers do no appear to work correctly. BMP works - but color seems off. GIF/PNG/JPEG give errors or a black image. --- FUTURE 1.4.x (or later) --- o Add drag-and-drop capability. o Provide a Swing GUI so people are not "limited" to SWT. This may be tossed. o Added more information to About box including GPL, TODO, VERSIONS, etc. o Change disk format. o Sector/Block editor. o Open zip files; be able to browse disk images from the zip file. This should be a different type of window (Archive Window?) that allows disk images to be opened into a Disk Window. (Saves would have to be to the file system.) o Open SHK files? Similar operation to zip files. o Open SDK files? Opens directly into a Disk Window. o Make formatted images bootable. May need user to supply a "master" disk from which files or data is copied.