/* * AppleCommander - An Apple ][ image utility. * Copyright (C) 2019-2022 by Robert Greene and others * robgreene at users.sourceforge.net * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package io.github.applecommander.acx.command; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.logging.Logger; import com.webcodepro.applecommander.storage.Disk; import com.webcodepro.applecommander.storage.FormattedDisk; import com.webcodepro.applecommander.storage.os.dos33.DosFormatDisk; import com.webcodepro.applecommander.storage.os.dos33.OzDosFormatDisk; import com.webcodepro.applecommander.storage.os.dos33.UniDosFormatDisk; import com.webcodepro.applecommander.storage.os.pascal.PascalFormatDisk; import com.webcodepro.applecommander.storage.os.prodos.ProdosFormatDisk; import com.webcodepro.applecommander.storage.physical.ImageOrder; import io.github.applecommander.acx.OrderType; import io.github.applecommander.acx.SystemType; import io.github.applecommander.acx.base.ReusableCommandOptions; import io.github.applecommander.acx.converter.DataSizeConverter; import picocli.CommandLine.ArgGroup; import picocli.CommandLine.Command; import picocli.CommandLine.Option; @Command(name = "create", description = "Create a disk image.", aliases = { "mkdisk" }) public class CreateDiskCommand extends ReusableCommandOptions { private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(CreateDiskCommand.class.getName()); @Option(names = { "-d", "--disk" }, description = "Image to create [$ACX_DISK_NAME].", required = true, defaultValue = "${ACX_DISK_NAME}") private String imageName; @ArgGroup(multiplicity = "1", heading = "%nOperating System Selection:%n") private SystemSelection systemSelection; @ArgGroup(heading = "%nDisk Sector Ordering Selection:%n") private OrderSelection orderSelection = new OrderSelection(); @Option(names = { "-s", "--size" }, defaultValue = "140kb", converter = DataSizeConverter.class, description = "Select disk size (examples: 140K, 800K, 10M).") private int size; @Option(names = { "-f", "--format" }, description = "Disk to copy system files/tracks/boot sector from.") private String formatSource; @Option(names = { "-n", "--name" }, defaultValue = "NEW.DISK", description = "Disk Volume name (ProDOS/Pascal).") private String diskName; @Override public int handleCommand() throws Exception { SystemType systemType = systemSelection.get(); // This allows a defaulted OrderType to be adjusted based on SystemType. OrderType actualOrderType = orderSelection.get().orElse(systemType.defaultOrderType()); // Size is constrained in DOS and Pascal int correctedSize = systemType.validateSize(size); LOG.info(() -> String.format("Creating %s image of type %s (%s).", DataSizeConverter.format(correctedSize), systemType, actualOrderType)); ImageOrder order = actualOrderType.createImageOrder(correctedSize); FormattedDisk[] disks = null; switch (systemType) { case DOS: disks = DosFormatDisk.create(imageName, order); break; case OZDOS: disks = OzDosFormatDisk.create(imageName, order); break; case UNIDOS: disks = UniDosFormatDisk.create(imageName, order); break; case PRODOS: disks = ProdosFormatDisk.create(imageName, diskName, order); break; case PASCAL: disks = PascalFormatDisk.create(imageName, diskName, order); break; } if (formatSource != null) { Disk systemSource = new Disk(formatSource); systemType.copySystem(disks[0], systemSource.getFormattedDisks()[0]); } saveDisk(disks[0]); return 0; } private static class SystemSelection { private SystemType systemType; public SystemType get() { return systemType; } @Option(names = "--dos", description = "DOS formatted disk.") public void selectDos(boolean flag) { systemType = SystemType.DOS; } @Option(names = "--ozdos", description = "OzDOS 800K formatted disk.") public void selectOzdos(boolean flag) { systemType = SystemType.OZDOS; } @Option(names = "--unidos", description = "UniDOS 800K formatted disk.") public void selectUnidos(boolean flag) { systemType = SystemType.UNIDOS; } @Option(names = "--pascal", description = "Pascal formatted disk.") public void selectPascal(boolean flag) { systemType = SystemType.PASCAL; } @Option(names = "--prodos", description = "ProDOS formatted disk.") public void selectProdos(boolean flag) { systemType = SystemType.PRODOS; } } private static class OrderSelection { private Optional orderType = Optional.empty(); public Optional get() { return orderType; } @Option(names = { "--dos-order" }, description = "DOS ordered sectors.") public void selectDosOrder(boolean flag) { orderType = Optional.of(OrderType.DOS); } @Option(names = { "--nibble-order" }, description = "DOS ordered, nibble encoded sectors.") public void selectNibbleOrder(boolean flag) { orderType = Optional.of(OrderType.NIBBLE); } @Option(names = { "--prodos-order" }, description = "ProDOS ordered sectors/blocks.") public void selectProdosOrder(boolean flag) { orderType = Optional.of(OrderType.PRODOS); } } }