;********************************************************* ; * ; APPLECOMMANDER boot code. * ; Copyright (c) 2002, Rob Greene * ; * ; This code is published under the GPL license. See the * ; AppleCommander site for license information. * ; * ;********************************************************* ; Assemble this code with the cc65 toolchain: ; ; cl65 AppleCommander-boot.s -t none --start-addr $0800 ; then copy resulting AppleCommander-boot to: ; .../src/com/webcodepro/applecommander/storage/AppleCommander-boot.dump ; ; Define as ASCII string with no attributes .macro asc Arg .repeat .strlen(Arg), I .byte .strat(Arg, I) | $80 .endrep .endmacro ; Define as ASCII string with trailing CR .macro asccr Arg .repeat .strlen(Arg), I .byte .strat(Arg, I) | $80 .endrep .byte $8d .endmacro .org $0800 ; ; Zero page variables. Used by Apple ][ ROM routines ; as well as this code. ; XEND = $2C ADDR = $26 ; ; Keyboard switches ; KEYBOARD = $C000 KEYCLEAR = $C010 ; ; Disk ][ interface locations ; MOTOROFF = $C088 ; ; General Apple ][ ROM locations ; TEXT = $FB2F HOME = $FC58 GR = $FB40 COLOR = $F864 HLIN = $F819 PRINT = $FDF0 REBOOT = $FAA6 CALCADDR = $F847 DELAY = $FCA8 ; ; Image offset locations (from upper-left). ; Note that, due to space, the XOFFSET isn't ; currently used - but, because of the rotating ; image, it doesn't really matter! ; XOFFSET = 14 YOFFSET = 13 ; ; The boot rom (probably $C600) uses the first byte ; to indicate the number of sectors to load. Normally ; this is just one sector, so this program is constrained ; to 256 bytes - just in case of compatibility problems. ; This also avoids problems with sector ordering. ; Zero is always zero! ; .byte 1 ; ; General setup. ; LDA MOTOROFF,X JSR TEXT JSR HOME JSR GR ; ; Draw the AppleCommander logo (well, sorta). ; DATA1 and DATA2 contain 4 values - the color value, ; the xstart (start of line), xend (end of line), as ; well as the Y position. ; LDX #DATA2-DATA1 LOGO: LDA DATA1-1,X LSR LSR LSR LSR JSR COLOR LDA DATA2-1,X LSR LSR LSR LSR STA XEND LDA DATA1-1,X AND #$F TAY LDA DATA2-1,X AND #$F CLC ADC #YOFFSET JSR HLIN DEX BNE LOGO ; ; Display AppleCommander message. ; DISPMSG: LDA MESSAGE,X BEQ WAIT JSR PRINT INX BNE DISPMSG ; ; Check for a keypress ; WAIT: LDA KEYBOARD BPL SETUP STA KEYCLEAR JMP REBOOT ; ; Rotate the screen (isn't that retro)! ; SETUP: LDX #19 ROTATE: TXA JSR CALCADDR LDY #0 LDA (ADDR),Y PHA SHIFT: INY LDA (ADDR),Y DEY STA (ADDR),Y INY CPY #39 BNE SHIFT PLA STA (ADDR),Y DEX BPL ROTATE ; ; Introduce a pause between rotations. ; KEYLOOP: LDA #$08 JSR DELAY DEX BNE KEYLOOP BEQ WAIT ; ; The image data codes the upper nybble with one ; value and the lower nybble with the second value ; in an effort to conserve space. Thus, 17 HLINs ; are stored in 34 bytes instead of 68. ; ; DATA1 consists of color and x1 (start) position. ; DATA1: .byte $C8, $C7, $C6, $C3, $C8, $C2 ; green .byte $D1, $D1 ; yellow .byte $90, $90 ; orange .byte $10, $10 ; red .byte $31, $31 ; purple .byte $62, $63, $68 ; blue ; ; DATA2 consists of x2 (end) and y position. ; DATA2: .byte $90, $81, $72, $53, $B3, $C4 .byte $D5, $D6 .byte $C7, $B8 .byte $B9, $CA .byte $DB, $DC .byte $CD, $5E, $BE ; ; Text message to display at bottom of screen. ; MESSAGE: asccr "THIS DISK CREATED WITH APPLECOMMANDER" asccr "VISIT APPLECOMMANDER.SF.NET" .byte $8d asc "INSERT ANOTHER DISK AND PRESS ANY KEY" .byte $00