1.3.0 (2003-12-05) * HDV disks are not always created to their full capacity. AppleCommander, however, assumes that the size of the file on disk is the size of the disk. (Really!) This is an issue because the ProDOS bitmap indicates there is a certain amount of space and AppleCommander just assumes that the data exists. * Incorporated fixes from John Matthews. See: http://www.wright.edu/~john.matthews/ac.html * Early release of Applesoft BASIC compiler. This currently is limited to assembly of small programs. If a command is not compiled, you are likely to just get an error about expecting a line number. Expressions are not very complete. Supported commands are: END, FLASH, FOR, GOTO, GR, HCOLOR, HGR, HGR2, HOME, HPLOT, HTAB, INVERSE, NEXT, NORMAL, PRINT, RETURN, TEXT, VTAB Unsupported commands are: ABS, AND, ASC, AT, ATN, CALL, CHR$, CLEAR, COLOR=, CONT, COS, DATA, DEF, DEL, DIM, DRAW, EXP, FN, FRE, GET, GOSUB, GR, HIMEM:, HLIN, IF, IN#, INPUT, INT, LEFT$, LEN, LET, LIST, LOAD, LOG, LOMEM:, MID$, NEW, NOT, NOTRACE, ON, ONERR, OR, PDL, PEEK, PLOT, POKE, POP, POS, PR#, READ, RECALL, REM, RESTORE, RESUME, RIGHT$, RND, ROT=, RUN, SAVE, SCALE=, SCRN, SGN, SHLOAD, SIN, SPC, SPEED=, SQR, STEP, STOP, STORE, STR$, TAB, TAN, THEN, TO, TRACE, USR, VAL, VLIN, WAIT, XDRAW, & Note that the compiler is not very sophisticated. * Updated build notes and process. 1.2.3 (2003-04-13) * Separated image support for GraphicsFileFilter. This allows easier preparation for compiling AppleCommander as a Windows executable (and allows limited image support to boot). * Compile into native executable (Windows works now). * Work on identifying why GCJ introduces slow performance to some areas. This appears to be resolved with an early build of GCJ 3.3. 1.2.2 (2003-03-15) * ProDOS disks now re-use deleted file entries. Prior to this fix, deleted entries were never re-used. If importing many files, a "Disk Full" error would be generated rather quickly. * ProDOS file entries do not generate spurious file entries. There was no method of detecting unused entries in pre-1.2.2 code. * Import file specification should only allow address editing if the filetype requires it. * Fixed parsing of filetype definitions for ProDOS volumes. * Need to be able to import into a directory in ProDOS. This will most likely involve adding an interface indicating a (writable) directory. This interface would be applied to both disks as well as file entries, if appropriate. * ProDOS subdirectories need to allocate another block as they fill up; otherwise the directory is limited to the number of entries that fit within the allocated space. * Import now sports a progress indicator and identifies which file is being imported. * Popup dialogs are now centered above the controlling window instead of popping up randomly. * Added a Hex Dump file filter that displays offset into file, hex bytes, and the ASCII code. * AppleCommander is now being built by an ANT script instead of by the Eclipse menu pick. 1.2.1 (2003-03-01) * Now carries margin setting through, sets font to Courier New (more realistic formatting), and fixes boldface not being turned off correctly when converting AWP files to RTF format. * Import could/should choose the filetype based upon the file extension for files being imported. Mostly useful for ProDOS; unless a filetype mapping is introduced. * Export of AppleWorks Data Base files. * Export of AppleWorks Spread Sheet files. * Fixed minor issue with ProDOS disks where files at the 128K border would be grown (incorrectly) into a Tree file (instead of a Sapling). * Import of multiple files fails after multiple imports. This was an issue with ProDOS files >128K ("Tree" files). The delete code didn't handle the master index block appropriately when blocks numbered zero were present (normally indicating the end of file). * DOS 3.3 was not writing correct number of sectors if a file was more than 256 sectors long. * DOS 3.3 was not managing deleted file entries appropriately and tried to work with track $FF. * Fixed offset calculation for 800K DOS organized disks. This primarily affected UniDOS. * Import menu should be in directory pane instead of file pane. * The information tab does not get updated. Now that the disk can be modified, this page needs to be updated when shown. 1.2.0 (2003-02-11) * Can now create disk images. For the moment, these images are not bootable (including hard disk images) - they do however boot a nifty title screen... * Files can now be imported into disks. Formats that support this are DOS 3.3 and ProDOS formats. (Pascal and RDOS will come at a later point.) * The AppleWorks export now has an option for exporting to Rich-Text Format (RTF). This format can be loaded into many word-processors easily. * The graphics export option now supports Super High-Res images. Both unpacked and packed formats. These are essentially raw dumps from the IIGS memory that were saved to disk. * Files can be deleted. * Any changes to a disk image can be saved. Please be careful! It's easy enough to keep a backup copy of your work these days. * Two new DOS derivitaves are available: UniDOS and OzDOS (both are 800K formats). * Import from right-click menu needs to be enabled. 1.1.1 (2002-11-23) * Fixed AppleWorks upper/lower case filename resolution. Human memory proves to be rusty - fortunately, the folks at gno.org have a good reference. See: http://www.gno.org/pub/apple2/doc/apple/filetypes/ftn.1a.xxxx * Extract AppleWorks word processor (AWP) files. Extracts as raw text or HTML (semi formatted). See http://www.gno.org/pub/apple2/doc/apple/filetypes/ftn.1a.xxxx for a description of the AppleWorks Word Processor file type. * Expanded wizard to include AppleWorks Word Processor format/rendering options (text or html). * If a filter is chosen via the drop-down menu on the button, the button thinks it was clicked. Fixed. * Exporting a file now warns that a file exists and will as if it should be overwritten. * Reorganized the user-interface classes. In particular, segmented DiskWindow into multiple classes (each tab is a separate class now). * Added user preferences to AppleCommander. Currently only tracks the disk image directory and the export directory. * Attempt to identify file filter based on file type, size, and whatever else makes sense. * Mark all files as GPL. * Allow multiple file exports. 1.1.0 (2002-11-12) * AppleCommander still not starting in Windows 98. InputStream used in image loading was not being closed. Did not resolve issue. * Raw extract of file data. * Extract binary files (differs from raw extract by paying attention to file lengths and any additional overhead which the operating system may store. * Extract files as text. * Extract Applesoft files by converting tokens to strings. * Extract Integer Basic files by converting tokens to strings. * RDOS files are not being read correctly; maybe this is an issue with the sector skew? Resolved that RDOS images are apprantly 13 sectors. Updated accordingly. * Fixed bug in DOS Applesoft and Binary file length calculations. Deleted file entries were (a) not being detected correctly which caused (b) the read of file data to crash AppleCommander. (The initial bytes for A and B file types indicate file length.) * Updated FileFilter to suggest an appropriate file name. * Extracting black & white or color (user selected) HGR file format to PNG/JPEG (user selected). GIF is not a part of ImageIO for writing (apparantly is avilable for reading). * Fixed issue in determining DOS format disks. Originally was only checking 3 bytes of the VTOC for valid values. Extended to check for 8 valid values in the VTOC. Fixed known problem with Crisis Mountain. * Allow graphic extraction to happen with JDK 1.3 (currently limited to JDK 1.4). If not possible, disable graphics filter. Change export options appropriately. * Extract Apple double hi-res image formats (B&W, color) and convert to PNG/JPEG. Technical specs are available at - http://web.pdx.edu/~heiss/technotes/aiie/tn.aiie.03.html * Double hi-res images are extracted at 560x384 pixels to maintain appropriate aspect ratio. * Changed method of loading images. This fixed the Windows 98 startup issue. * When opening a disk image on Linux, the tab is now selected. This is done implicitly under Windows. When running under Linux (motif to be precise), there is no default tab and it must be explicitly selected. * Export wizard. Allows filter to be chosen along with any filter settings (just graphics right now) and export directory. Settings are remembered between exports. 1.0.1g (2002-10-31) * AppleCommander would not start under Windows 98. Looking at where the crash happened, it was the only PNG image in the system. Converted this PNG image to GIF format and will re-release. No other code changes. Does not resolve Windows 98 issue. Website (2002-10-28) * Make website and announce on comp.sys.apple2. 1.0.1 (2002-10-27) * Fixed a number of JDK 1.3 issues - code where JDK 1.4 is fine, but the method is not available in JDK 1.3. These were: - NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance() ==> NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(). - BitMap set(int, boolean) ==> set(int) if true and clear(int) if false. * Sort bug - if sorting a string that is null or zero length, a NumberFormatException could occur. 1.0 (2002-10-27) * Change to JDK 1.3 for compile. Needed to change entire workspace. * Show/hide deleted files. Should be available only on disks which can hold deleted files. * Support .zip or .gz compression. Added support for GZIP. Unable to find an example of a ZIP compressed archive. Deprecated DiskHelper class - seemed to make sense to merge into the Disk interface itself. * Modify Disk interface to give a list of file types - in a generic manner - which would be used by the GUI instead of trying to keep GUI in synch with the Disk interface. Added FileFilter to Disk and added getFileFilters class method. * Double-click on directory should expand that item. * Fixed ProDOS filename recognition in the case of a deleted file. * Right-click menu for directories - expand/collapse; expand all/collapse all. * Add sorting to file table. 0.92 (2002-10-24) * Fix icon transparency. Needed to change from PNG to GIF; apparantly SWT does not do PNG transparency. * Don't use large font in disk usage map; on some displays, the words are cut off and the legend doesn't fit in the window. * Remove getDirectoryString from FileEntry interface and replace with getFileColumnData. * In ProDOS view, if address is $0000, it should not be displayed. * Remember column sizing in file view. * Improved initial width guess for columns in file view. * Do not always redraw table - do it intelligently. Checking both the list of files and the format before deciding upon an action. * Need icons for delete file and save image. 0.91 (2002-10-21) * Implement changing views (standard, native, detail). 0.90 (2002-10-17) * Initial release - basic reading of disks.