2004-06-18 05:13:15 +00:00

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This is the internal list of items that need to be done.
-- 1.3.3 --
* Repackage code - packages were getting a bit large. The goal is to make class
structure/placement more logical.
- Moved the SWT wizards into their own packages;
- Separated utility classes into the util package;
- Main application windows remain in swt package.
- Moved OS formats into their respective packages in the "os" package
(dos33, prodos, cpm, rdos, pascal);
- Filters are now in the filters package.
- General storage classes remain under storage (Disk, FormattedDisk, etc).
* Added formatted assembly FileFilter. Understands Merlin format source files.
Need to recognize various formats - T.*, *.S, etc. Need examples for other
formats (Orca, APW, etc).
* File viewer window now scrolls an appropriate amount: PgUp/PgDn, arrows,
mousewheel all work (must select content area first of course).
* Wizard windows no longer show up with the title bar off the screen.
* Refactored FileViewerWindow. Created supporting FilterAdapter classes as well as
(presumably) reusable ContentAdapters. Started caching the filtered content for
a little speed improvement when switching filters (native, hex, raw) in the FileView.
* Hans Otten provided information on Apple Pascal's formatting of ".text" files - they
are now read correctly with appropriate character spacing and header section is ignored.
* Fixed error where viewing an invalid graphics file crashed AppleCommander (typically was
too short). This can be done by context menu -> View As -> Graphics.
* Further automate build (and web site) deployment.
Ant now builds source zip, GUI JAR, command-line jar, javadoc, and website. Website zip
file only needs to be extracted into the web root to be deployed. Windows executable is
scripted but not plugged into the Ant script at this time.
--- FUTURE 1.3.x ---
o Create reusable show dialog messages (they're scattered all over right now) to clean
up code a bit.
o BUG: Import of binary file does not set starting address.
o MISSING FEATURE: Unable to import a RAW binary image.
? Compile of BASIC programs
? Enhance the BASIC compiler with a few more commands...
o Create subdirectories as appropriate (ProDOS).
o Improve file preview for Integer BASIC files.
o Improve file preview for AppleWorks Word Processor files (make implementation
generic to a Word Processor).
o SWT image handlers do not appear to work correctly. BMP works - but color seems
off. GIF/PNG/JPEG give errors or a black image.
o Resolve OS X issues where window cannot come to the foreground.
o Disk recognition appears to be faulty after CP/M added. It may be that CP/M
recognition is too "loose".
o Reports of a few issues with 800K images.
--- FUTURE 1.4.x (or later) ---
o Change layout of DiskExplorer window to not be tabbed. Information could/should be
a popup window. File browsing and disk free space can be shown or hidden by toolbar
buttons (see Denis Molony's prototype for example). Can add file tracking at this
point. Possibly toggle sector/block editor?
o Add RDOS writing capability.
o Add Apple Pascal writing capability.
o Add CP/M writing capability.
o Add drag-and-drop capability.
o Provide a Swing GUI so people are not "limited" to SWT. This may be tossed.
o Add more information to About box including GPL, TODO, VERSIONS, etc.
o Change disk format.
o Sector/Block editor.
o Open zip files; be able to browse disk images from the zip file. This should be
a different type of window (Archive Window?) that allows disk images to be
opened into a Disk Window. (Saves would have to be to the file system.)
o Open SHK files? Similar operation to zip files.
o Open SDK files? Opens directly into a Disk Window.
o Make formatted images bootable. May need user to supply a "master" disk from
which files or data is copied.
o Can AppleCommander read a CF card with ProDOS volumes on it? This is an IDE device
connected either via USB or a card reader. Requires some level of OS integration...
some form of raw disk access.