/** * AppleIIGo * Speaker processing * (C) 2006 by Marc S. Ressl(mressl@gmail.com) * Released under the GPL */ import javax.sound.sampled.*; public class AppleSpeaker implements Runnable { // Instances of other classes private EmAppleII apple; // Refresh // private int refreshRate; private long refreshInterval; // Sound stuff private static final int SPEAKER_BITS = 16; private static final int SPEAKER_SAMPLERATE = 44100; private static final int SPEAKER_CHANNELS = 1; private static final int SPEAKER_SAMPLESIZE = (SPEAKER_BITS * SPEAKER_CHANNELS / 8); private static final boolean SPEAKER_SIGNED = true; private static final boolean SPEAKER_BIGENDIAN = false; private int clock, clockNextFlip, clockEnd; private boolean isFlipsBufferEmpty = true; private SourceDataLine line; private int bufferSize; private byte[] buffer; private int speakerVolume; private int speakerFlipsPointer; private int speakerFlipState; private int[] speakerFlipStateToVolume = new int[2]; private int speakerClocksPerSample; // Thread stuff private boolean isPaused = true; private Thread thread; public AppleSpeaker(EmAppleII apple) { this.apple = apple; setVolume(4); } /** * Set refresh rate * * @param value Speaker refresh rate in mHz */ private void setRefreshRate(int value) { if (value <= 0.0f) return; // this.refreshRate = value; refreshInterval = (int) (1000.0 / value); speakerClocksPerSample = (int) (apple.getCpuSpeed() * 1000.0f / SPEAKER_SAMPLERATE); } /** * Get refresh rate */ // private int getRefreshRate() { // return refreshRate; // } /** * Set speaker volume */ public void setVolume(int value) { if ((value < 0) || (value > 7)) return; speakerVolume = value; int absVolume = 1 << (value + 8); speakerFlipStateToVolume[0] = -absVolume; speakerFlipStateToVolume[1] = absVolume; } /** * Get speaker volume */ public int getVolume() { return speakerVolume; } /** * Set pause state */ public void setPaused(boolean value) { if (isPaused == value) return; isPaused = value; if (isPaused) { try { thread.join(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } if (line != null) { line.stop(); line.close(); } } else { setRefreshRate(apple.getRefreshRate()); AudioFormat audioFormat = new AudioFormat( SPEAKER_SAMPLERATE, SPEAKER_BITS, SPEAKER_CHANNELS, SPEAKER_SIGNED, SPEAKER_BIGENDIAN); DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info( SourceDataLine.class, audioFormat); try { line = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(info); bufferSize = line.getBufferSize(); buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; line.open(audioFormat); line.start(); } catch (LineUnavailableException e) { } // TODO: this thread is not created any more (nick) //thread = new Thread(this); //thread.start(); } } /** * Speaker refresh thread * TODO: this thread is not created any more (nick) */ public void run() { try { while (!isPaused) { long refreshStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); long refreshDelay; refreshSpeaker(); refreshDelay = System.currentTimeMillis() - refreshStart; if (refreshDelay < refreshInterval) Thread.sleep(refreshInterval - refreshDelay); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { }; } /** * Speaker refresh */ public void refreshSpeaker() { clockEnd = apple.clock; int bytes; if (line == null) return; while ((bytes = fillBuffer()) > 0) { line.write(buffer, 0, bytes); } } /** * Fill buffer */ private int fillBuffer() { int value = speakerFlipStateToVolume[speakerFlipState]; int clockEndSample = clockEnd - speakerClocksPerSample; int bufferPointer = 0; initNextFlip(); while (bufferPointer < bufferSize) { if (clockEndSample == clock) break; if (((clockEndSample - clock) & 0x7fffffff) > 0x3fffffff) break; // Find all flips on current sample while (((clockNextFlip - clock) & 0x7fffffff) < speakerClocksPerSample) { getNextFlip(); speakerFlipState = (speakerFlipState ^ 1); value = speakerFlipStateToVolume[speakerFlipState]; } // Write sample buffer[bufferPointer] = (byte) (value & 0xff); buffer[bufferPointer + 1] = (byte) (value >> 8); bufferPointer += SPEAKER_SAMPLESIZE; clock += speakerClocksPerSample; } return bufferPointer; } /** * Reset next flip */ private void initNextFlip() { if (isFlipsBufferEmpty) { isFlipsBufferEmpty = false; getNextFlip(); } } /** * Gets next flip */ private void getNextFlip() { if (speakerFlipsPointer == apple.speakerFlipsPointer) { clockNextFlip = clock + 0x3fffffff; isFlipsBufferEmpty = true; } else { clockNextFlip = apple.speakerFlips[speakerFlipsPointer]; speakerFlipsPointer = (speakerFlipsPointer + 1) & EmAppleII.SPEAKER_FLIPS_MASK; } } }