
256 lines
6.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#pragma once
#include "..\Structs.h"
#include "..\Common.h"
#include "Debugger_Types.h"
#include "Debugger_DisassemblerData.h"
#include "Debugger_Range.h"
#include "Debugger_Parser.h"
#include "Debugger_Console.h"
#include "Debugger_Assembler.h"
#include "Debugger_Help.h"
#include "Debugger_Display.h"
#include "Debugger_Symbols.h"
#include "Util_MemoryTextFile.h"
// Globals __________________________________________________________________
// All (Global)
extern bool g_bDebuggerEatKey;
// Benchmarking
extern DWORD extbench;
// Bookmarks
extern int g_nBookmarks;
extern Bookmark_t g_aBookmarks[ MAX_BOOKMARKS ];
// Breakpoints
enum BreakpointHit_t
,BP_HIT_INVALID = (1 << 0)
,BP_HIT_OPCODE = (1 << 1)
,BP_HIT_REG = (1 << 2)
,BP_HIT_MEM = (1 << 3)
extern int g_nBreakpoints;
extern Breakpoint_t g_aBreakpoints[ MAX_BREAKPOINTS ];
extern const char *g_aBreakpointSource [ NUM_BREAKPOINT_SOURCES ];
extern const TCHAR *g_aBreakpointSymbols[ NUM_BREAKPOINT_OPERATORS ];
// MODE_RUNNING // Normal Speed Breakpoints
extern bool g_bDebugNormalSpeedBreakpoints;
// MODE_STEPPING // Full Speed Breakpoints
// Any Speed Breakpoints
extern int g_nDebugBreakOnInvalid ;
extern int g_iDebugBreakOnOpcode ;
// Breakpoint Status
extern bool g_bDebugBreakDelayCheck;
extern int g_bDebugBreakpointHit ;
// Commands
void VerifyDebuggerCommandTable();
extern const int NUM_COMMANDS_WITH_ALIASES; // = sizeof(g_aCommands) / sizeof (Command_t); // Determined at compile-time ;-)
extern int g_iCommand; // last command
extern Command_t g_aCommands[];
extern Command_t g_aParameters[];
class commands_functor_compare
bool operator() ( const Command_t & rLHS, const Command_t & rRHS ) const
// return true if lhs<rhs
return (_tcscmp( rLHS.m_sName, rRHS.m_sName ) <= 0) ? true : false;
// Config - FileName
extern char g_sFileNameConfig[];
// Cursor
extern WORD g_nDisasmTopAddress ;
extern WORD g_nDisasmBotAddress ;
extern WORD g_nDisasmCurAddress ;
extern bool g_bDisasmCurBad ;
extern int g_nDisasmCurLine ; // Aligned to Top or Center
extern int g_iDisasmCurState ;
extern int g_nDisasmWinHeight;
extern const int WINDOW_DATA_BYTES_PER_LINE;
// Config - Disassembly
extern bool g_bConfigDisasmAddressView ;
extern bool g_bConfigDisasmAddressColon ;
extern bool g_bConfigDisasmOpcodesView ;
extern bool g_bConfigDisasmOpcodeSpaces ;
extern int g_iConfigDisasmTargets ;
extern int g_iConfigDisasmBranchType ;
extern int g_bConfigDisasmImmediateChar;
// Config - Info
extern bool g_bConfigInfoTargetPointer ;
// Disassembly
extern int g_aDisasmTargets[ MAX_DISPLAY_LINES ];
// Display
extern int g_bDebuggerViewingAppleOutput;
// Font
extern int g_nFontHeight;
extern int g_iFontSpacing;
// Memory
extern MemoryDump_t g_aMemDump[ NUM_MEM_DUMPS ];
// extern MemorySearchArray_t g_vMemSearchMatches;
extern std::vector<int> g_vMemorySearchResults;
// Source Level Debugging
extern TCHAR g_aSourceFileName[ MAX_PATH ];
extern MemoryTextFile_t g_AssemblerSourceBuffer;
extern int g_iSourceDisplayStart ;
extern int g_nSourceAssembleBytes ;
extern int g_nSourceAssemblySymbols;
// Version
extern const int DEBUGGER_VERSION;
// Watches
extern int g_nWatches;
extern Watches_t g_aWatches[ MAX_WATCHES ];
// Window
extern int g_iWindowLast;
extern int g_iWindowThis;
extern WindowSplit_t g_aWindowConfig[ NUM_WINDOWS ];
// Zero Page
extern int g_nZeroPagePointers;
extern ZeroPagePointers_t g_aZeroPagePointers[ MAX_ZEROPAGE_POINTERS ]; // TODO: use vector<> ?
// Prototypes _______________________________________________________________
// Bookmarks
bool Bookmark_Find( const WORD nAddress );
// Breakpoints
int CheckBreakpointsIO ();
int CheckBreakpointsReg ();
bool GetBreakpointInfo ( WORD nOffset, bool & bBreakpointActive_, bool & bBreakpointEnable_ );
inline int _IsDebugBreakpointHit()
g_bDebugBreakpointHit |= CheckBreakpointsIO() || CheckBreakpointsReg();
return g_bDebugBreakpointHit;
inline int _IsDebugBreakOnOpcode( int iOpcode )
if (g_iDebugBreakOnOpcode == iOpcode)
g_bDebugBreakpointHit |= BP_HIT_OPCODE;
return g_bDebugBreakpointHit;
// iOpcodeType = AM_IMPLIED (BRK), AM_1, AM_2, AM_3
inline int IsDebugBreakOnInvalid( int iOpcodeType )
g_bDebugBreakpointHit |= ((g_nDebugBreakOnInvalid >> iOpcodeType) & 1) ? BP_HIT_INVALID : 0;
return g_bDebugBreakpointHit;
// iOpcodeType = AM_IMPLIED (BRK), AM_1, AM_2, AM_3
inline void SetDebugBreakOnInvalid( int iOpcodeType, int nValue )
if (iOpcodeType <= AM_3)
g_nDebugBreakOnInvalid &= ~ ( 1 << iOpcodeType);
g_nDebugBreakOnInvalid |= ((nValue & 1) << iOpcodeType);
// CPU checks the Debugger breakpoints
// a) at opcode fetch
// b) after opcode execution
inline int IsDebugBreakOpcode( int iOpcode )
if (g_bDebugBreakDelayCheck)
g_bDebugBreakDelayCheck = false;
return false;
if (! iOpcode )
IsDebugBreakOnInvalid( AM_IMPLIED );
if (g_iDebugBreakOnOpcode ) // User wants to enter debugger on specific opcode?
return g_bDebugBreakpointHit;
inline int IsDebugBreakpointHit()
if ( !g_bDebugNormalSpeedBreakpoints )
return false;
return _IsDebugBreakpointHit();
// Source Level Debugging
int FindSourceLine( WORD nAddress );
const char* FormatAddress( WORD nAddress, int nBytes );
// Symbol Table / Memory
bool FindAddressFromSymbol( const char* pSymbol, WORD * pAddress_ = NULL, int * iTable_ = NULL );
WORD GetAddressFromSymbol( const char* symbol); // HACK: returns 0 if symbol not found
void SymbolUpdate( SymbolTable_Index_e eSymbolTable, char *pSymbolName, WORD nAddrss, bool bRemoveSymbol, bool bUpdateSymbol );
const char* FindSymbolFromAddress( WORD nAdress, int * iTable_ = NULL );
const char* GetSymbol( WORD nAddress, int nBytes);
// Memory
size_t Util_GetTextScreen( char* &pText_ );
void Util_CopyTextToClipboard( const size_t nSize, const char *pText );
// Main
Update_t DebuggerProcessCommand( const bool bEchoConsoleInput );
// Prototypes _______________________________________________________________
DEBUG_EXIT_KEY = 0x1B, // Escape
void DebugBegin ();
void DebugContinueStepping ();
void DebugDestroy ();
void DebugDisplay (BOOL);
void DebugEnd ();
void DebugInitialize ();
// void DebugProcessChar (TCHAR);
void DebuggerInputConsoleChar( TCHAR ch );
// void DebugProcessCommand (int);
void DebuggerProcessKey( int keycode );
void DebuggerUpdate();
void DebuggerCursorNext();
void DebuggerMouseClick( int x, int y );