<li>This dual function for AltGr (to both type a key and emulate Solid Apple) can cause problems such that the key (eg. '@') can never be typed.</li>
<li>The workaround is to use the `-no-hook-alt` command line switch and configure Joystick 1 = "Keyboard (numpad)"; and then use the '0' and '.' keys for Open/Solid Apple.</li>
No Apple II speaker sound, but Mockingboard sound is working!
<li>Check the Volume Control for the Speaker, under the <ahref="cfg-sound.html">Configuration->Sound tab</a>.</li>
<li>Try installing the Realtek-specific audio driver supplied by ASUS (as opposed to the default Win10 driver).</li>
<li>Renegade: switches to 160x192 mode at the title screen and then B&W (at the title screen) after game play.</li>
<li>Apple's AppleColor card or Video7's RGB-SL7 card: corruption for titles/demos that accidentally switch to foreground/background hi-res mode, eg. French Touch DIGIDREAM demo.</li>