diff --git a/help/CommandLine.html b/help/CommandLine.html index 700a528e..106d71c6 100644 --- a/help/CommandLine.html +++ b/help/CommandLine.html @@ -63,15 +63,11 @@ i.e. 00:20 20 20 20 ... for page $20 -modem
- Shorthand for passing -dtr -dcd -dsr
+ Shorthand for passing -dcd
Use with GBBS Pro (or any other BBS package). See the GBBS Pro 2.2 book from Call-A.P.P.L.E.

- -dtr
- Support SSC's DTR (Data Terminal Ready) control bit

- Support SSC's DCD (Data Carrier Detect) status bit

- -dtr
- Support SSC's DSR (Data Set Ready) status bit

+ For the SSC's 6551's Status register's DCD bit, use this switch to force AppleWin to use the state of the MS_RLSD_ON bit from GetCommModemStatus().