mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 00:29:26 +00:00
Replace some char * with std::string.
This commit is contained in:
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ HINSTANCE g_hInstance = (HINSTANCE)0;
AppMode_e g_nAppMode = MODE_LOGO;
static bool g_bLoadedSaveState = false;
TCHAR g_sProgramDir[MAX_PATH] = TEXT(""); // Directory of where AppleWin executable resides
std::string g_sProgramDir; // Directory of where AppleWin executable resides
TCHAR g_sDebugDir [MAX_PATH] = TEXT(""); // TODO: Not currently used
TCHAR g_sScreenShotDir[MAX_PATH] = TEXT(""); // TODO: Not currently used
bool g_bCapturePrintScreenKey = true;
@ -472,15 +472,18 @@ void EnterMessageLoop(void)
void GetProgramDirectory(void)
GetModuleFileName((HINSTANCE)0, g_sProgramDir, MAX_PATH);
g_sProgramDir[MAX_PATH-1] = 0;
TCHAR programDir[MAX_PATH];
GetModuleFileName((HINSTANCE)0, programDir, MAX_PATH);
programDir[MAX_PATH-1] = 0;
int loop = _tcslen(g_sProgramDir);
g_sProgramDir = programDir;
int loop = g_sProgramDir.size();
while (loop--)
if ((g_sProgramDir[loop] == TEXT('\\')) || (g_sProgramDir[loop] == TEXT(':')))
g_sProgramDir[loop+1] = 0;
g_sProgramDir.resize(loop); // this reduces the size
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ bool GetLoadedSaveStateFlag(void);
void SetLoadedSaveStateFlag(const bool bFlag);
bool GetHookAltGrControl(void);
extern TCHAR g_sProgramDir[MAX_PATH];
extern std::string g_sProgramDir;
extern TCHAR g_sCurrentDir[MAX_PATH];
extern bool g_bRestart;
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ BOOL CPageAdvanced::DlgProcInternal(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPAR
CheckDlgButton(hWnd, IDC_PRINTER_APPEND, g_bPrinterAppend ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED);
SendDlgItemMessage(hWnd, IDC_SPIN_PRINTER_IDLE, UDM_SETPOS, 0, MAKELONG(Printer_GetIdleLimit (),0));
SendDlgItemMessage(hWnd, IDC_PRINTER_DUMP_FILENAME, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)Printer_GetFilename());
SendDlgItemMessage(hWnd, IDC_PRINTER_DUMP_FILENAME, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)Printer_GetFilename().c_str());
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ void CPageAdvanced::DlgOK(HWND hWnd)
szFilename[nLineLength] = 0x00;
RegSaveString(TEXT(REG_CONFIG), REGVALUE_PRINTER_FILENAME, 1, Printer_GetFilename());
RegSaveString(TEXT(REG_CONFIG), REGVALUE_PRINTER_FILENAME, 1, Printer_GetFilename().c_str());
g_bSaveStateOnExit = IsDlgButtonChecked(hWnd, IDC_SAVESTATE_ON_EXIT) ? true : false;
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
ProfileOpmode_t g_aProfileOpmodes[ NUM_OPMODES ];
unsigned __int64 g_nProfileBeginCycles = 0; // g_nCumulativeCycles // PROFILE RESET
TCHAR g_FileNameProfile[] = TEXT("Profile.txt"); // changed from .csv to .txt since Excel doesn't give import options.
const std::string g_FileNameProfile = TEXT("Profile.txt"); // changed from .csv to .txt since Excel doesn't give import options.
int g_nProfileLine = 0;
char g_aProfileLine[ NUM_PROFILE_LINES ][ CONSOLE_WIDTH ];
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
bool g_bSourceAddSymbols = false;
bool g_bSourceAddMemory = false;
char g_aSourceFileName[ MAX_PATH ] = "";
std::string g_aSourceFileName;
MemoryTextFile_t g_AssemblerSourceBuffer;
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Misc. __________________________________________________________________________________________
char g_sFileNameConfig [] =
std::string g_sFileNameConfig =
#ifdef MSDOS
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
static void _UpdateWindowFontHeights (int nFontHeight);
// Source Level Debugging
static bool BufferAssemblyListing ( char * pFileName );
static bool BufferAssemblyListing ( const std::string & pFileName );
static bool ParseAssemblyListing ( bool bBytesToMemory, bool bAddSymbols );
@ -2394,9 +2394,7 @@ void ConfigSave_PrepareHeader ( const Parameters_e eCategory, const Commands_e e
Update_t CmdConfigSave (int nArgs)
TCHAR sFilename[ MAX_PATH ];
_tcscpy( sFilename, g_sProgramDir ); // TODO: g_sDebugDir
_tcscat( sFilename, g_sFileNameConfig );
const std::string sFilename = g_sProgramDir + g_sFileNameConfig;
HANDLE hFile = CreateFile( sfilename,
@ -4768,8 +4766,7 @@ Update_t CmdMemorySave (int nArgs)
// (g_aArgs[ iArgComma2 ].eToken != TOKEN_COLON))
// return Help_Arg_1( CMD_MEMORY_SAVE );
TCHAR sLoadSaveFilePath[ MAX_PATH ];
_tcscpy( sLoadSaveFilePath, g_sCurrentDir ); // g_sProgramDir
std::string sLoadSaveFilePath = g_sCurrentDir; // g_sProgramDir
RangeType_t eRange;
eRange = Range_Get( nAddressStart, nAddress2, iArgAddress );
@ -4791,7 +4788,7 @@ Update_t CmdMemorySave (int nArgs)
_tcscpy( g_sMemoryLoadSaveFileName, g_aArgs[ 1 ].sArg );
_tcscat( sLoadSaveFilePath, g_sMemoryLoadSaveFileName );
sLoadSaveFilePath += g_sMemoryLoadSaveFileName;
const BYTE * const pMemBankBase = bBankSpecified ? MemGetBankPtr(nBank) : mem;
if (!pMemBankBase)
@ -4800,7 +4797,7 @@ Update_t CmdMemorySave (int nArgs)
return ConsoleUpdate();
FILE *hFile = fopen( sLoadSaveFilePath, "rb" );
FILE *hFile = fopen( sLoadSaveFilePath.c_str(), "rb" );
if (hFile)
ConsoleBufferPush( TEXT( "Warning: File already exists. Overwriting." ) );
@ -4808,7 +4805,7 @@ Update_t CmdMemorySave (int nArgs)
// TODO: BUG: Is this a bug/feature that we can over-write files and the user has no control over that?
hFile = fopen( sLoadSaveFilePath, "wb" );
hFile = fopen( sLoadSaveFilePath.c_str(), "wb" );
if (hFile)
size_t nWrote = fwrite( pMemBankBase+nAddressStart, nAddressLen, 1, hFile );
@ -5631,8 +5628,7 @@ int CmdTextSave (int nArgs)
char *pText;
size_t nSize = Util_GetTextScreen( pText );
TCHAR sLoadSaveFilePath[ MAX_PATH ];
_tcscpy( sLoadSaveFilePath, g_sCurrentDir ); // g_sProgramDir
std::string sLoadSaveFilePath = g_sCurrentDir; // g_sProgramDir
if( bHaveFileName )
_tcscpy( g_sMemoryLoadSaveFileName, g_aArgs[ 1 ].sArg );
@ -5644,16 +5640,16 @@ int CmdTextSave (int nArgs)
sprintf( g_sMemoryLoadSaveFileName, "AppleWin_Text40.txt" );
_tcscat( sLoadSaveFilePath, g_sMemoryLoadSaveFileName );
sLoadSaveFilePath += g_sMemoryLoadSaveFileName;
FILE *hFile = fopen( sLoadSaveFilePath, "rb" );
FILE *hFile = fopen( sLoadSaveFilePath.c_str(), "rb" );
if (hFile)
ConsoleBufferPush( TEXT( "Warning: File already exists. Overwriting." ) );
fclose( hFile );
hFile = fopen( sLoadSaveFilePath, "wb" );
hFile = fopen( sLoadSaveFilePath.c_str(), "wb" );
if (hFile)
size_t nWrote = fwrite( pText, nSize, 1, hFile );
@ -6518,11 +6514,11 @@ Update_t CmdOutputRun (int nArgs)
// Source Level Debugging _________________________________________________________________________
bool BufferAssemblyListing( char *pFileName )
bool BufferAssemblyListing( const std::string & pFileName )
bool bStatus = false; // true = loaded
if (! pFileName)
if (pFileName.empty())
return bStatus;
@ -6740,10 +6736,10 @@ Update_t CmdSource (int nArgs)
for( int iArg = 1; iArg <= nArgs; iArg++ )
TCHAR *pFileName = g_aArgs[ iArg ].sArg;
const std::string pFileName = g_aArgs[ iArg ].sArg;
int iParam;
bool bFound = FindParam( pFileName, MATCH_EXACT, iParam, _PARAM_SOURCE_BEGIN, _PARAM_SOURCE_END ) > 0 ? true : false;
bool bFound = FindParam( pFileName.c_str(), MATCH_EXACT, iParam, _PARAM_SOURCE_BEGIN, _PARAM_SOURCE_END ) > 0 ? true : false;
if (bFound && (iParam == PARAM_SRC_SYMBOLS))
g_bSourceAddSymbols = true;
@ -6755,35 +6751,32 @@ Update_t CmdSource (int nArgs)
_tcscat(sFileName, pFileName);
const std::string sFileName = g_sProgramDir + pFileName;
const int MAX_MINI_FILENAME = 20;
_tcsncpy( sMiniFileName, pFileName, MAX_MINI_FILENAME - 1 );
sMiniFileName[ MAX_MINI_FILENAME ] = 0;
const int MAX_MINI_FILENAME = 20;
const std::string sMiniFileName = sFileName.substr(0, min(MAX_MINI_FILENAME, sFileName.size()));
TCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
if (BufferAssemblyListing( sFileName ))
_tcscpy( g_aSourceFileName, pFileName );
g_aSourceFileName = pFileName;
if (! ParseAssemblyListing( g_bSourceAddMemory, g_bSourceAddSymbols ))
ConsoleBufferPushFormat( sFileName, "Couldn't load filename: %s", sMiniFileName );
ConsoleBufferPushFormat( buffer, "Couldn't load filename: %s", sMiniFileName.c_str() );
if (g_nSourceAssembleBytes)
ConsoleBufferPushFormat( sFileName, " Read: %d lines, %d symbols, %d bytes"
ConsoleBufferPushFormat( buffer, " Read: %d lines, %d symbols, %d bytes"
, g_AssemblerSourceBuffer.GetNumLines() // g_nSourceAssemblyLines
, g_nSourceAssemblySymbols, g_nSourceAssembleBytes );
ConsoleBufferPushFormat( sFileName, " Read: %d lines, %d symbols"
ConsoleBufferPushFormat( buffer, " Read: %d lines, %d symbols"
, g_AssemblerSourceBuffer.GetNumLines() // g_nSourceAssemblyLines
, g_nSourceAssemblySymbols );
@ -6791,7 +6784,7 @@ Update_t CmdSource (int nArgs)
ConsoleBufferPushFormat( sFileName, "Error reading: %s", sMiniFileName );
ConsoleBufferPushFormat( buffer, "Error reading: %s", sMiniFileName.c_str() );
@ -7659,7 +7652,7 @@ Update_t CmdZeroPagePointer (int nArgs)
// Note: Range is [iParamBegin,iParamEnd], not the usually (STL) expected [iParamBegin,iParamEnd)
int FindParam( LPTSTR pLookupName, Match_e eMatch, int & iParam_, int iParamBegin, int iParamEnd )
int FindParam(LPCTSTR pLookupName, Match_e eMatch, int & iParam_, int iParamBegin, int iParamEnd )
int nFound = 0;
int nLen = _tcslen( pLookupName );
@ -7723,7 +7716,7 @@ int FindParam( LPTSTR pLookupName, Match_e eMatch, int & iParam_, int iParamBegi
int FindCommand( LPTSTR pName, CmdFuncPtr_t & pFunction_, int * iCommand_ )
int FindCommand( LPCTSTR pName, CmdFuncPtr_t & pFunction_, int * iCommand_ )
g_vPotentialCommands.erase( g_vPotentialCommands.begin(), g_vPotentialCommands.end() );
@ -8446,11 +8439,9 @@ bool ProfileSave()
bool bStatus = false;
char sFilename[MAX_PATH];
strcpy( sFilename, g_sProgramDir ); // TODO: Allow user to decide?
strcat( sFilename, g_FileNameProfile );
const std::string sFilename = g_sProgramDir + g_FileNameProfile; // TODO: Allow user to decide?
FILE *hFile = fopen( sFilename, "wt" );
FILE *hFile = fopen( sFilename.c_str(), "wt" );
if (hFile)
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
// Config - FileName
extern char g_sFileNameConfig[];
extern std::string g_sFileNameConfig;
// Cursor
extern WORD g_nDisasmTopAddress ;
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
extern std::vector<int> g_vMemorySearchResults;
// Source Level Debugging
extern TCHAR g_aSourceFileName[ MAX_PATH ];
extern std::string g_aSourceFileName;
extern MemoryTextFile_t g_AssemblerSourceBuffer;
extern int g_iSourceDisplayStart ;
@ -3767,17 +3767,12 @@ void DrawSubWindow_Source2 (Update_t bUpdate)
rect.right = DISPLAY_DISASM_RIGHT; // HACK: MAGIC #: 7
// Draw Title
char sTitle[ CONSOLE_WIDTH ];
char sText [ CONSOLE_WIDTH ];
strcpy ( sTitle, " Source: " );
int maxSizeToCopy = g_nConsoleDisplayWidth - strlen(sTitle) - 1;
strncpy( sText , g_aSourceFileName, maxSizeToCopy );
sText[ maxSizeToCopy - 1 ] = 0;
strcat ( sTitle, sText );
std::string sTitle = " Source: " + g_aSourceFileName;
sTitle.resize(min(sTitle.size(), size_t(g_nConsoleDisplayWidth)));
DebuggerSetColorBG( DebuggerGetColor( BG_SOURCE_TITLE ));
DebuggerSetColorFG( DebuggerGetColor( FG_SOURCE_TITLE ));
PrintText( sTitle, rect );
PrintText( sTitle.c_str(), rect );
rect.top += g_nFontHeight;
// Draw Source Lines
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
void DisplayAmbigiousCommands ( int nFound );
int FindParam( LPTSTR pLookupName, Match_e eMatch, int & iParam_, const int iParamBegin = 0, const int iParamEnd = NUM_PARAMS - 1 );
int FindCommand( LPTSTR pName, CmdFuncPtr_t & pFunction_, int * iCommand_ = NULL );
int FindParam( LPCTSTR pLookupName, Match_e eMatch, int & iParam_, const int iParamBegin = 0, const int iParamEnd = NUM_PARAMS - 1 );
int FindCommand( LPCTSTR pName, CmdFuncPtr_t & pFunction_, int * iCommand_ = NULL );
inline void UnpackVersion( const unsigned int nVersion,
int & nMajor_, int & nMinor_, int & nFixMajor_ , int & nFixMinor_ )
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
char g_sFileNameSymbolsUser [ MAX_PATH ] = "";
std::string g_sFileNameSymbolsUser;
char * g_aSymbolTableNames[ NUM_SYMBOL_TABLES ] =
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
void _PrintCurrentPath()
ConsoleDisplayError( g_sProgramDir );
ConsoleDisplayError( g_sProgramDir.c_str() );
Update_t _PrintSymbolInvalidTable()
@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ Update_t _CmdSymbolsListTables (int nArgs, int bSymbolTables )
int ParseSymbolTable( TCHAR *pPathFileName, SymbolTable_Index_e eSymbolTableWrite, int nSymbolOffset )
int ParseSymbolTable(const std::string & pPathFileName, SymbolTable_Index_e eSymbolTableWrite, int nSymbolOffset )
char sText[ CONSOLE_WIDTH * 3 ];
bool bFileDisplayed = false;
@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ int ParseSymbolTable( TCHAR *pPathFileName, SymbolTable_Index_e eSymbolTableWrit
int nSymbolsLoaded = 0;
if (! pPathFileName)
if (pPathFileName.empty())
return nSymbolsLoaded;
//#if _UNICODE
@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ int ParseSymbolTable( TCHAR *pPathFileName, SymbolTable_Index_e eSymbolTableWrit
sprintf( sFormat1, "%%x %%%ds", MAX_SYMBOLS_LEN ); // i.e. "%x %13s"
sprintf( sFormat2, "%%%ds %%x", MAX_SYMBOLS_LEN ); // i.e. "%13s %x"
FILE *hFile = fopen( pPathFileName, "rt" );
FILE *hFile = fopen( pPathFileName.c_str(), "rt" );
if( !hFile && g_bSymbolsDisplayMissingFile )
@ -749,8 +749,7 @@ int ParseSymbolTable( TCHAR *pPathFileName, SymbolTable_Index_e eSymbolTableWrit
Update_t CmdSymbolsLoad (int nArgs)
std::string sFileName = g_sProgramDir;
int iSymbolTable = GetSymbolTableFromCommand();
if ((iSymbolTable < 0) || (iSymbolTable >= NUM_SYMBOL_TABLES))
@ -763,24 +762,23 @@ Update_t CmdSymbolsLoad (int nArgs)
// Debugger will call us with 0 args on startup as a way to pre-load symbol tables
if (! nArgs)
_tcscat(sFileName, g_sFileNameSymbols[ iSymbolTable ]);
sFileName += g_sFileNameSymbols[ iSymbolTable ];
nSymbols = ParseSymbolTable( sFileName, (SymbolTable_Index_e) iSymbolTable );
int iArg = 1;
if (iArg <= nArgs)
TCHAR *pFileName = NULL;
std::string pFileName;
if( g_aArgs[ iArg ].bType & TYPE_QUOTED_2 )
pFileName = g_aArgs[ iArg ].sArg;
_tcscat(sFileName, pFileName);
sFileName = g_sProgramDir + pFileName;
// Remember File Name of last symbols loaded
_tcscpy( g_sFileNameSymbolsUser, pFileName );
g_sFileNameSymbolsUser = pFileName;
// SymbolOffset
@ -804,7 +802,7 @@ Update_t CmdSymbolsLoad (int nArgs)
if( pFileName )
if( !pFileName.empty() )
nSymbols = ParseSymbolTable( sFileName, (SymbolTable_Index_e) iSymbolTable, nOffsetAddr );
@ -13,5 +13,5 @@
bool _CmdSymbolList_Symbol2Address ( LPCTSTR pSymbol, int bSymbolTables );
// SymbolOffset
int ParseSymbolTable ( TCHAR *pFileName, SymbolTable_Index_e eWhichTableToLoad, int nSymbolOffset = 0 );
int ParseSymbolTable ( const std::string & pFileName, SymbolTable_Index_e eWhichTableToLoad, int nSymbolOffset = 0 );
@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
const int EOL_NULL = 0;
bool MemoryTextFile_t::Read( char *pFileName )
bool MemoryTextFile_t::Read( const std::string & pFileName )
bool bStatus = false;
FILE *hFile = fopen( pFileName, "rb" );
FILE *hFile = fopen( pFileName.c_str(), "rb" );
if (hFile)
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
m_vLines.reserve( 128 );
bool Read( TCHAR *pFileName );
bool Read( const std::string & pFileName );
void Reset()
m_vBuffer.erase( m_vBuffer.begin(), m_vBuffer.end() );
@ -1969,20 +1969,16 @@ static void ProcessButtonClick(int button, bool bFromButtonUI /*=false*/)
case BTN_HELP:
TCHAR filename[MAX_PATH];
const std::string filename = g_sProgramDir + TEXT("APPLEWIN.CHM");
// (GH#437) For any internet downloaded AppleWin.chm files (stored on an NTFS drive) there may be an Alt Data Stream containing a Zone Identifier
// - try to delete it, otherwise the content won't be displayed unless it's unblock (via File Properties)
TCHAR filename_with_zone_identifier[MAX_PATH];
const std::string filename_with_zone_identifier = filename + TEXT(":Zone.Identifier");
helpquit = 1;
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ static unsigned int g_PrinterIdleLimit = 10;
static FILE* file = NULL;
#define DEFAULT_PRINT_FILENAME "Printer.txt"
static char g_szPrintFilename[MAX_PATH] = {0};
static std::string g_szPrintFilename;
bool g_bDumpToPrinter = false;
bool g_bConvertEncoding = true;
bool g_bFilterUnprintable = true;
@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ static BOOL CheckPrint()
//_tcsncat(filepath, _T("Printer.txt"), MAX_PATH);
//file = fopen(filepath, "wb");
if (g_bPrinterAppend )
file = fopen(Printer_GetFilename(), "ab");
file = fopen(Printer_GetFilename().c_str(), "ab");
file = fopen(Printer_GetFilename(), "wb");
file = fopen(Printer_GetFilename().c_str(), "wb");
return (file != NULL);
@ -228,33 +228,21 @@ static BYTE __stdcall PrintTransmit(WORD, WORD, BYTE, BYTE value, ULONG)
char* Printer_GetFilename()
const std::string & Printer_GetFilename()
return g_szPrintFilename;
void Printer_SetFilename(char* prtFilename)
void Printer_SetFilename(const std::string & prtFilename)
if (*prtFilename)
if (!prtFilename.empty())
strcpy(g_szPrintFilename, (const char *) prtFilename);
g_szPrintFilename = prtFilename;
else //No registry entry is available
_tcsncpy(g_szPrintFilename, g_sProgramDir, MAX_PATH);
g_szPrintFilename[MAX_PATH - 1] = 0;
// NB. _tcsncat_s() terminates program if buffer is too small! So continue to use manual buffer check & _tcsncat()
int nLen = sizeof(g_szPrintFilename) - strlen(g_szPrintFilename) - (sizeof(DEFAULT_PRINT_FILENAME)-1) - 1;
if (nLen < 0)
MessageBox(g_hFrameWindow, "Printer - SetFilename(): folder too deep", "Warning", MB_ICONWARNING | MB_OK);
_tcsncat(g_szPrintFilename, DEFAULT_PRINT_FILENAME, sizeof(DEFAULT_PRINT_FILENAME)-1);
RegSaveString(REG_CONFIG, REGVALUE_PRINTER_FILENAME, 1, g_szPrintFilename);
g_szPrintFilename = g_sProgramDir + DEFAULT_PRINT_FILENAME;
RegSaveString(REG_CONFIG, REGVALUE_PRINTER_FILENAME, 1, g_szPrintFilename.c_str());
@ -314,8 +302,7 @@ bool Printer_LoadSnapshot(class YamlLoadHelper& yamlLoadHelper, UINT slot, UINT
inactivity = yamlLoadHelper.LoadUint(SS_YAML_KEY_INACTIVITY);
g_PrinterIdleLimit = yamlLoadHelper.LoadUint(SS_YAML_KEY_IDLELIMIT);
strncpy(g_szPrintFilename, yamlLoadHelper.LoadString(SS_YAML_KEY_FILENAME).c_str(), sizeof(g_szPrintFilename));
g_szPrintFilename[sizeof(g_szPrintFilename)-1] = 0;
g_szPrintFilename = yamlLoadHelper.LoadString(SS_YAML_KEY_FILENAME);
if (yamlLoadHelper.LoadBool(SS_YAML_KEY_FILEOPEN))
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ void PrintDestroy();
void PrintLoadRom(LPBYTE pCxRomPeripheral, UINT uSlot);
void PrintReset();
void PrintUpdate(DWORD);
void Printer_SetFilename(char* pszFilename);
char* Printer_GetFilename();
void Printer_SetFilename(const std::string & pszFilename);
const std::string & Printer_GetFilename();
void Printer_SetIdleLimit(unsigned int Duration);
unsigned int Printer_GetIdleLimit();
@ -442,6 +442,11 @@ void YamlSaveHelper::SaveString(const char* key, const char* value)
Save("%s: %s\n", key, (value[0] != 0) ? value : "\"\"");
void YamlSaveHelper::SaveString(const char* key, const std::string & value)
SaveString(key, value.c_str());
void YamlSaveHelper::SaveFloat(const char* key, float value)
Save("%s: %f\n", key, value);
@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ public:
void SaveHexUint64(const char* key, UINT64 value);
void SaveBool(const char* key, bool value);
void SaveString(const char* key, const char* value);
void SaveString(const char* key, const std::string & value);
void SaveFloat(const char* key, float value);
void SaveDouble(const char* key, double value);
void SaveMemory(const LPBYTE pMemBase, const UINT uMemSize);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user